

Jul 22nd, 2020
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  1. command /testin:
  2. permission: *
  3. trigger:
  4. set {eventtime} to 3 hours from now
  6. command /vote:
  7. trigger:
  8. set {event::timer} to {eventtime}
  9. remove 4 hours from {event::timer}
  10. create new gui with id "vote" with virtual chest named " &7>=&aVOTING&7=<" with 3 rows:
  11. open gui with id "vote" to player
  12. loop integers between 0 and 26:
  13. format gui slot loop-integer of player with gray glass pane named "&r"
  14. format gui slot 4 of player with end crystal named "&3&lNext event at %{event::timer}% EST"
  15. format gui slot 9 of player with coal named "&2&lLoot chest" to run:
  16. if {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} is not set:
  17. add 1 to {vote::loot}
  18. set {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} to true
  19. else:
  20. send "&aYou have already voted for the next event"
  22. format gui slot 11 of player with redstone named "&6&lEveryone gets 5 coin+" to run:
  23. if {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} is not set:
  24. add 1 to {vote::coin+}
  25. set {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} to true
  26. else:
  27. send "&aYou have already voted for the next event"
  29. format gui slot 13 of player with iron ingot named "&b&lEveryone gets $1200" to run:
  30. if {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} is not set:
  31. add 1 to {vote::1200}
  32. set {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} to true
  33. else:
  34. send "&aYou have already voted for the next event"
  36. format gui slot 15 of player with emerald named "&2&l30m Speedbooster" to run:
  37. if {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} is not set:
  38. add 1 to {vote::speed}
  39. set {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} to true
  40. else:
  41. send "&aYou have already voted for the next event"
  43. format gui slot 17 of player with diamond named "&9&l60m Strengthbooster" to run:
  44. if {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} is not set:
  45. add 1 to {vote::strength}
  46. set {%player's uuid%::hasvoted} to true
  47. else:
  48. send "&aYou have already voted for the next event"
  50. format gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&c&lClose" to close
  53. every 3 hours in world "ul_SkyEscape":
  54. set {_1} to -1
  55. set {_2} to -1
  56. set {_3} to -1
  57. set {_4} to -1
  58. set {_5} to -1
  60. set {_1} to {vote::strength}
  61. set {_1th} to "60m Strength Booster"
  63. if {vote::speed} is more than {_1}:
  64. set {_2} to {_1}
  65. set {_2th} to {_1th}
  66. set {_1} to {vote::speed}
  67. set {_1th} to "30m Speed Booster"
  68. else if {vote::speed} is more than {_2}:
  69. set {_2} to {vote::speed}
  70. set {_2th} to "30m Speed Booster"
  72. if {vote::1200} is more than {_1}:
  73. set {_3} to {_2}
  74. set {_3th} to {_2th}
  75. set {_2} to {_1}
  76. set {_2th} to {_1th}
  77. set {_1} to {vote::1200}
  78. set {_1th} to "$1200"
  79. else if {vote::1200} is more than {_2}:
  80. set {_3} to {_2}
  81. set {_3th} to {_2th}
  82. set {_2} to {vote::1200}
  83. set {_2th} to "$1200"
  84. else if {vote::1200} is more than {_3}:
  85. set {_3} to {vote::1200}
  86. set {_3th} to "$1200"
  88. if {vote::coin+} is more than {_1}:
  89. set {_4} to {_3}
  90. set {_4th} to {_3th}
  91. set {_3} to {_2}
  92. set {_3th} to {_2th}
  93. set {_2} to {_1}
  94. set {_2th} to {_1th}
  95. set {_1} to {vote::coin+}
  96. set {_1th} to "5 coin+"
  97. else if {vote::coin+} is more than {_2}:
  98. set {_4} to {_3}
  99. set {_4th} to {_3th}
  100. set {_3} to {_2}
  101. set {_3th} to {_2th}
  102. set {_2} to {vote::coin+}
  103. set {_2th} to "5 coin+"
  104. else if {vote::coin+} is more than {_3}:
  105. set {_4} to {_3}
  106. set {_4th} to {_3th}
  107. set {_3} to {vote::coin+}
  108. set {_3th} to "5 coin+"
  109. else if {vote::coin+} is more than {_4}:
  110. set {_4} to {vote::coin+}
  111. set {_4th} to "5 coin+"
  113. if {vote::loot} is more than {_1}:
  114. set {_5} to {_4}
  115. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  116. set {_4} to {_3}
  117. set {_4th} to {_3th}
  118. set {_3} to {_2}
  119. set {_3th} to {_2th}
  120. set {_2} to {_1}
  121. set {_2th} to {_1th}
  122. set {_1} to {vote::loot}
  123. set {_1th} to "Loot Chest"
  124. else if {vote::loot} is more than {_2}:
  125. set {_5} to {_4}
  126. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  127. set {_4} to {_3}
  128. set {_4th} to {_3th}
  129. set {_3} to {_2}
  130. set {_3th} to {_2th}
  131. set {_2} to {vote::loot}
  132. set {_2th} to "Loot Chest"
  133. else if {vote::loot} is more than {_3}:
  134. set {_5} to {_4}
  135. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  136. set {_4} to {_3}
  137. set {_4th} to {_3th}
  138. set {_3} to {vote::loot}
  139. set {_3th} to "Loot Chest"
  140. else if {vote::loot} is more than {_4}:
  141. set {_5} to {_4}
  142. set {_5th} to {_4th}
  143. set {_4} to {vote::loot}
  144. set {_4th} to "Loot Chest"
  145. else if {vote::loot} is more than {_5}:
  146. set {_5} to {vote::loot}
  147. set {_5th} to "Loot Chest"
  149. broadcast ""
  150. broadcast "&b&lSky&f&lEscape &b&lThe votes for the past 3 hours are:"
  151. broadcast "&7%{_1th}% &bwith %{_1}% votes"
  152. broadcast "&7%{_2th}% &bwith %{_2}% votes"
  153. broadcast "&7%{_3th}% &bwith %{_3}% votes"
  154. broadcast "&7%{_4th}% &bwith %{_4}% votes"
  155. broadcast "&7%{_5th}% &bwith %{_5}% votes"
  156. broadcast ""
  158. set {vote::loot} to 0
  159. set {vote::coin+} to 0
  160. set {vote::1200} to 0
  161. set {vote::speed} to 0
  162. set {vote::strength} to 0
  164. if {_1th} is "Loot Chest":
  165. set {_thing} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  166. if {_thing} is 1:
  167. set block at location at -608, 63, 1380 in world "ul_SkyEscape" to chest
  168. set {chest} to "-607.5, 63.5, 1380.5"
  169. broadcast "&aA loot chest has spawned! Get it fast for good loot, coords are: &4-608, 63, 1380"
  170. if {_thing} is 2:
  171. set block at location at -711, 63, 1395 in world "ul_SkyEscape" to chest
  172. set {chest} to "-710.5, 63.5, 1395.5"
  173. broadcast "&aA loot chest has spawned! Get it fast for good loot, coords are: &4-711, 63, 1395"
  174. if {_thing} is 3:
  175. set block at location at -695, 63, 1333 in world "ul_SkyEscape" to chest
  176. set {chest} to "-694.5, 63.5, 1333.5"
  177. broadcast "&aA loot chest has spawned! Get it fast for good loot, coords are: &4-695, 63, 1333"
  178. if {_thing} is 4:
  179. set block at location at -766, 59, 1380 in world "ul_SkyEscape" to chest
  180. set {chest} to "-765.5, 59.5, 1380.5"
  181. broadcast "&aA loot chest has spawned! Get it fast for good loot, coords are: &4-765, 59, 1380"
  182. if {_thing} is 5:
  183. set block at location at -766, 59, 1380 in world "ul_SkyEscape" to chest
  184. set {chest} to "-765.5, 59.5, 1380.5"
  185. broadcast "&aA loot chest has spawned! Get it fast for good loot, coords are: &4-765, 59, 1380"
  187. if {_1th} is "5 coin+":
  188. loop all players:
  189. give loop-player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin +"
  191. if {_1th} is "$1200":
  192. loop all players:
  193. add 1200 to loop-player's balance
  194. if {_1th} is "30m Speed Booster":
  195. set {speedbooster} to 3
  197. if {_1th} is "60m Strength Booster":
  198. wait 1 seconds
  199. set {strengthbooster} to 5
  200. broadcast "&b5x Strength Booster enabled for 60 minutes"
  201. wait 60 minutes
  202. delete {strengthbooster}
  205. loop {players::*}:
  206. delete {%loop-value%::hasvoted}
  208. on skript load:
  209. set {eventtime} to 3 hours from now
  211. on right click on chest:
  212. set {_coords} to event-block's location
  213. set {_coords} to "%{_coords}%"
  214. replace all "x: " with "" in {_coords}
  215. replace all "y: " with "" in {_coords}
  216. replace all "z: " with "" in {_coords}
  217. if {_coords} is the same as {chest}:
  218. cancel event
  219. if {loot::opened} is not set:
  220. create new gui with id "loot" with virtual chest named " >=LOOT CHEST=<"
  221. open gui with id "loot" to player
  222. loop all integers from 1 to 27:
  223. format gui slot loop-integer of player with air
  224. set {_test} to stone sword named "&3Prisoner Sword"
  225. enchant {_test} with sharpness 2
  226. enchant {_test} with unbreaking 1
  228. set {_helmet} to leather helmet named "&aPrisoner+ Helmet"
  229. enchant {_helmet} with protection 1
  230. enchant {_helmet} with unbreaking 1
  231. set {_chestplate} to leather chestplate named "&aPrisoner+ Chestplate"
  232. enchant {_chestplate} with protection 1
  233. enchant {_chestplate} with unbreaking 1
  234. set {_legs} to leather leggings named "&aPrisoner+ Leggings"
  235. enchant {_legs} with protection 1
  236. enchant {_legs} with unbreaking 1
  237. set {_boots} to leather boots named "&aPrisoner+ Boots"
  238. enchant {_boots} with protection 1
  239. enchant {_boots} with unbreaking 1
  241. set {_number} to a random integer between 1 and 5
  242. format gui slot {_number} of player with {_test} to run:
  243. give player {_test}
  244. format gui slot {_number} of player with air
  246. set {_number2} to a random integer between 6 and 19
  247. format gui slot {_number2} of player with {_chestplate} to run:
  248. give player {_chestplate}
  249. format gui slot {_number2} of player with air
  251. set {_number3} to {_number2} + 2
  252. format gui slot {_number3} of player with {_boots} to run:
  253. give player {_boots}
  254. format gui slot {_number3} of player with air
  256. set {_number4} to {_number3} + 3
  257. format gui slot {_number4} of player with {_legs} to run:
  258. give player {_legs}
  259. format gui slot {_number4} of player with air
  261. set {_number5} to a random integer between -2 and 3
  263. if {_number5} is 0:
  264. set {_number5} to -1
  266. set {_number6} to {_number4} + {_number5}
  268. format gui slot {_number6} of player with {_helmet} to run:
  269. give player {_helmet}
  270. format gui slot {_number6} of player with air
  272. set {_number7} to random integer between 1 and 27
  274. if {_number7} is not {_number}:
  275. if {_number7} is not {_number2}:
  276. if {_number7} is not {_number3}:
  277. if {_number7} is not {_number4}:
  278. if {_number7} is not {_number6}:
  279. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  280. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  281. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  282. else:
  283. add 1 to {_number7}
  284. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  285. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  286. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  287. else:
  288. add 1 to {_number7}
  289. if {_number7} is not {_number6}:
  290. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  291. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  292. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  293. else:
  294. add 1 to {_number6}
  295. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  296. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  297. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  298. else:
  299. add 1 to {_number7}
  300. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  301. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  302. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  303. else:
  304. add 1 to {_number7}
  305. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  306. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  307. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  308. else:
  309. add 1 to {_number7}
  310. format gui slot {_number7} of player with 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin" to run:
  311. give player 5 sunflower named "&6&lCoin"
  312. format gui slot {_number7} of player with air
  313. set {loot::opened} to true
  314. wait 30 seconds
  315. set event-block to air
  316. delete {loot::opened}
  317. else:
  318. send "This loot chest has already been opened!"
  322. on join:
  323. loop {players::*}:
  324. if loop-value is player's uuid:
  325. set {hasjoined::%player's uuid%} to true
  326. if {hasjoined::%player's uuid%} is not set:
  327. add player's uuid to {players::*}
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