
Sweet Apple

Sep 25th, 2017
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  1. Contains: Vore, filly pred, filly prey, willing pred, willing prey, fillydom, feeding, and foalcon, disposal, reformation
  5. “I can't take it anymore! Applejack is makin herself a pain right in the rear and if this continues I'm gonna end up shacked up in the wacko basket!” Applebloom exclaimed
  7. The little filly was pacing back and forth in the clubhouse that she shared with her friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle; who were sitting nearby listening to their friend vent about her older sister while they busied themselves with the club ledger.
  9. “Doesn't Applejack get her ovaries in a twist, like, twice a year around you?” Scootaloo asked
  11. “Yeah, I thought you'd be used to her shenanigans by now,” Sweetie Belle said.
  13. “No, I ain’t and I’m sick of her trying to protect me from everything! I’d rather go camp out in Everfree forest than deal with Applejack’s horse apples!” Applebloom screamed
  15. There was the moment of silence, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both let Applebloom seethe for a moment before speaking.
  17. “Hold on, Applebloom. There’s no need to go hide in the Everfree forest, that’s really dangerous,” Scootaloo said.
  19. “Yeah, besides, it can’t be all that bad. When Applejack gets like this, she usually bends over backwards to make sure your needs are met; it sounds like she just wants to pamper her little sister” Sweetie Belle said
  21. “Pamper? Pamper! That’s it! Sweetie Belle, you need to be me!” Applebloom said, her eyes lighting up and a smile cracking her scowl.
  23. “Okay...:” Sweetie Belle said, looking at her friend before aping Applebloom’s behaviour “Well garsh, I sure do like apples and apple accessories,”
  25. “No no dumb belle, you need to go get yourself pampered by my sister instead of me,” Applebloom said “You’re the kind of filly that loves getting the whole spa package,”
  27. “Including the happy ending?” Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes brimming with excitement.
  29. “What’s the happy ending?” Scootaloo asked
  31. “I dunno, but Rarity orders it all the time at the Spa,” Sweetie Belle answered.
  33. “I bet Applejack knows and with the tizzy she’s in she’ll do anything you ask her,” Applebloom said, nudging her friend.
  35. Images swam in Sweetie Belle’s head of what could be in store for her. Apple juice on demand, hoof rubs, back rubs, extra sheets and pillows for her bed and the mystery happy ending only added more to the deal.
  37. “Wait, so Applejack and Rarity are just gonna be cool with you two switching sisters?” Scootaloo asked.
  39. “Oh I ain’t goin to live with Rarity till all this blows over,” Applebloom said, “No offense Sweetie Belle but your sisters a little too…” Applebloom trailed off,
  41. “Stuck up? I know. It’s cool, but Scoots and I aren’t gonna let you go live in Everfree while I take your place!” Sweetie Belle said, giving her friend a stern look.
  43. “I know, and I ain’t goin to Everfree Forest. I got this, thanks to Zecora,” Applebloom said
  45. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo watched as Applebloom climbed to the cubby space at the top of the club house. Some muffled murmuring and the sounds of boxes being pushed around was heard before Applebloom descended the ladder and presented a seasoning bottle. The bottle contained flakes, greenish yellow in color and closed off with a cork. Using her teeth Applebloom pulled the cork out and gave the contents a whiff before passing the bottle around. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo smelled the contents and were pleasantly surprised by the fresh, sweet smell that greeted them.
  47. “That smells awesome! What is that stuff Applebloom?” Scootaloo said, passing the bottle back to her friend.
  49. “Why thank you, I made it myself! It’s a thing Zecora uses when she’s out and about in the Everfree. See, occasionally she’ll get snagged up by a hungry Manticore or somethin that will eat her alive, and with this stuff she just rises up out of the dirt after the beast disposes of her,” Applebloom said
  51. “That’s grim,” Sweetie Belle said
  53. “That’s metal! Scootaloo exclaimed.
  55. “All I gotta do is dust myself all over with this,” Applebloom said, tipping the bottle upside down over herself.
  57. Applebloom hummed while covering herself with the contents of the bottle, the sweet fragrance permeated the clubhouse and made the fillies mouth’s water. Applebloom stroked the last of it through her tail and then stood up, giving herself a once over look and then looked at Sweetie Belle.
  59. “Alright, Sweetie Belle, ready?” Applebloom asked, removing her large pink bow.
  61. Sweetie Belle had no time to ask for clarification before Applebloom was already stuffing herself into Sweetie Belle’s mouth. A wave of taste washed across Sweetie Belle’s mouth, the sweet fresh spice dusting, the sweat from Applebloom’s daily exertions, and the apple flavoring immediately made Sweetie Belle’s mouth water and her mind ran through a series of sweet apple treats that she thought she was tasting. Letting out a shuddering moan, Sweetie Belle sucked and tasted every inch of the filly’s head before with a strong swallow she dragged Applebloom into her mouth further and her throat distended.
  63. “Yeah, tasty huh? More where that came from, keep...swallowing Sweetie Belle,” Applebloom said
  65. Applebloom fed herself carefully to the hungry filly, timing each of her squirms into her friend’s throat so that Sweetie Belle would get the most out of her swallows. The warm drool covering her assisting her descent into Sweetie Belle’s throat, feeling the tight undulating muscles constantly at work, claiming her as if she were any other meal, another piece of meat to pass along down to her friends belly. The feeling of being squeezed on all sides while being swallowed alive but at the same time warmth and softness on her saliva soaked coat, it was all exhilarating for Applebloom .
  67. Sweetie Belle was certain her friend tasted like buttered baked apples with just a light smattering of powdered sugar on top, and hadn’t even realized she had already swallowed Applebloom past her shoulders, her fore hooves filling Sweetie Belle’s cheeks just as her head did a moment ago. Using a little bit of magic, Sweetie Belle stroked the bulges in her throat, though uncertain if it was helping with downing her tasty friend, it certainly felt nice.
  69. Scootaloo watched silently, listening to the series of soft gulps and glrks each time watching a little more of Applebloom disappear past Sweetie Belle’s hungry lips, coming up quickly on her thighs. Sweetie Belle’s belly was sagging with Applebloom’s incoming weight, her soft, normally flat coat was bulging, stretching to accommodate the sizeable meal. Unfortunately, Applebloom was a little too heavy for the filly to handle and she collapsed atop of her meal, a frustrated noise coming from her stuffed middle, while Applebloom’s rear and legs stuck out from her mouth.
  71. “Whoa, whoa. You two okay? Don’t worry, I gotcha,” Scootaloo said, rushing to Sweetie’s aid.
  73. Scootaloo helped Sweetie Belle to a sitting position and marveled how her belly touched the floor, watching in amazement as inch after inch of her friend was packed away into Sweetie Belle. Grabbing Applebloom’s legs, Scootaloo held her friend turned food steady and swallowed every time Sweetie Belle did, already Applebloom’s rear was stuffing the unicorn’s cheeks and after some strong swallows the sight of her Applebloom’s toned apple rump disappearing down Sweetie Belle’s throat and swelling her throat in one smooth motion burned itself into Scootaloo’s mind.
  74. Sweetie Belle’s tongue traveled up and down Applebloom’s hind legs, as much as possible before her incessant swallowing ferried her tasty legs into her throat and when her hooves cleared her lips and teeth she closed them and sucked some before finishing off Applebloom with a few soft swallows, her belly spreading her legs and softly shifting from side to side as the rest of her meal found a comfy spot to digest.
  76. “Whoa, that was intense. So what’s the plan now?” Scootaloo asked, placing a hoof on Sweetie Belle’s prominent gut.
  78. “Sweetie Belle digests me, goes home, gets mauled by Applejack’s overprotectiveness and in...I dunno...a week or so? She disposes of me in the orchard somewhere and I rise from the dirt like a daisy,” Applebloom called.
  80. “You sure? I mean, I don’t mind taking this bullet for you but this sounds like something that could easily backfire…” Sweetie Belle said, concern clear in her voice.
  82. “Re-lax Sweetie Belle. I got this,” Applebloom said.
  84. Surround by a tight wet, warmth, Applebloom felt a warm shiver wash over her and she let out a stale sigh, relaxing in the darkness of her friends belly; the dull thud of Sweetie Belle’s heart the soft swaying motion, all of it assured her that this was going to end well. Scootaloo had taken to rubbing Sweetie Belle’s belly, feeling the solid mass shifting just underneath.
  86. Sweetie Belle relaxed and let Scootaloo rub her belly while Applebloom digested, it took hours. Each hour Scootaloo noted how the belly got softer, the vague outline of Applebloom rounded out and the belly sloshed a little with every loving rub, grope and pat; Scootaloo was almost endlessly fascinated with the way the gurgling mass shrank in size and the seeming ease that Sweetie Belle’s body just digested her friend like any other food that went through it. When sunset came Scootaloo was still stroking a sizeable paunch that sagged from Sweetie Belle’s middle.
  88. Sweetie Belle felt mobile again. With a hefting grunt the little unicorn stood and stretched, her joints popping and her new layers of fat shivering. Scootaloo could barely keep her hooves off of Sweetie Belle’s new assets, stroking and softly patting the layers chub.
  90. “Whoa...she actually did it. That’s Applebloom…” Scootaloo said, her heart picking up in pace.
  92. “I know right? She was tasty…” Sweetie Belle said, tapping her thick pot belly before looking at a still awestruck Scootaloo “Uhhh...Scoots? You can stop rubbing,”
  94. “I kinda don’t wanna. You are all sorts of soft and squishy now. Jeez, you should have done this sooner!” Scootaloo said, taking the liberty of pressing her own cheek against Sweetie Belle’s cutie mark reveling in the softness. “How you gonna break it to Applejack that you ate her little sister?”
  96. “Don’t worry...I got this,” Sweetie Belle said.
  98. Scootaloo sat and jiggled Sweetie Belle back and forth for a little while longer but soon sunset had come and Sweetie Belle took her leaver. Walking with a grabby Scootaloo through the orchard Sweetie Belle took the path leading right to Applebloom’s house and Scootaloo couldn’t help but watch the mesmerizing sway of her rounded posterior as she went.
  100. “I gotta get some of that spice stuff,” Scootaloo muttered, only leaving when her friend was out of sight.
  102. Sweetie Belle arrived at the front door of the the Apple family house and though the smell of a farm life was strong as she approached the home the smell of hickory replaced it. Sweetie Belle didn’t even get a chance to knock on the door before Applejack had the door open.
  104. “Applebloom, welcome-” Applejack did a double take and almost let her jaw drop at the sight of Sweetie Belle “Oh! Sorry ‘bout that sugarcube, ya’ll got Applebloom in tow with ya?”
  106. “ Applejack, your sister is kinda fed up with the attention and wanted to...spend the night at...Scootaloo’s house!” Sweetie Belle said, a plain lie right there.
  108. Applejack’s eyes narrowed, her gut giving her a feeling and she looked out the door to the left and right before locking her eyes back on Sweetie Belle.
  110. “Is that right?”
  112. “If you're looking for a family member to smother, maybe I...could fill the part?” Sweetie Belle asked, not letting the subject linger too long on Applebloom.
  114. Applejack looked at the big dough eyes of the plump unicorn filly and rolled her eyes, a smile spread across her face.
  116. “Well shoot, I guess. Come on in Sweetie Belle, supper is ready! I hope you like Apple Pancakes,” Applejack exclaimed and stepped to the side, letting the filly pass.
  118. Sweetie Belle joined the Apple family for dinner and was warmly welcomed at the table. Big Macintosh ate in silence and Granny smith ate while talking about something that happened in the marketplace that day. Applejack was quick to stack Sweetie Belle’s plate with pancakes, drizzling syrup all over the warm food before topping it all off with a dollop of whipped cream and a slice of apple. Sweetie Belle licked her lips and lifted a nearby fork with her magic, eagerly digging into the stack of hot cakes. Applejack smiled warmly at Sweetie Belle’s eager hunger but couldn’t help but wonder how she gained so much weight, recalling yesterday when the Cutie Mark Crusader’s were hanging around she was at a healthy weight.
  120. “Applejack, may I have some more please?” Sweetie Belle said offering her plate.
  122. Applejack paused for a moment before smiling and remarking in her head about the fillies mighty appetite and taking the empty plate. Applejack doled out another stack of pancakes, this time buttering the surface and powdering them with cinnamon sugar before setting the plate back down in front of the filly who then began stuffing her mouth with the food stuffs. Applejack watched, first hoof, as each pancake disappeared into the fillies mouth and her throat flexed, a clear lump forming with each greedy swallow. Applejack was amazed, flattered when she asked for a third plate and a glass of juice.
  124. “Ya’ll think my pancakes are that good, huh?” Applejack asked setting a fresh, warm stack down in front of the voracious filly.
  126. “Mhm, thank you for cooking them!” Sweetie Belle said, patting her soft tummy chub before lifting the fork and digging in once more.
  128. Applejack couldn’t stop the swell of pride in her chest, sitting down and watching and tending to the needs as the filly gorged herself till finnaly she was full and her belly rounded out once more. Sweetie Belle covered her mouth when she burped, and smacked her lips getting every bit of taste of her impressive meal.
  130. “I’m full!” Sweetie Belle announced getting up from the table.
  132. “You sure? You want any dessert? I can make you some fresh Apple Pie with a scoop of ice cream,” Applejack offered.
  134. “MMm, that does sound good, maybe later though. Can you draw me a bath though?” Sweetie Belle asked
  136. “Absolutely, you go relax and I’ll get you a nice warm bath going,” Applejack said, taking care of soiled plate.
  138. “Oh! Also, I would like a juice box too,”
  140. “You got it, Sweetie,”
  142. Sweetie Belle nodded and walked through the house, stepping carefully by Granny Smith snoozing on the couch and climbing the stairs and going to Applebloom’s room. The apple motif canopy bed was comfy, the mattress squeaked and formed to cradle Sweetie Belle as she flopped onto her back, her jiggly, stuffed gut wobbling back and forth. Sweetie Belle burped again, her gut gurgling softly as it dealt with the second stuffing of the day just as it did with the first; tapping her belly softly Sweetie Belle rested.
  144. “Jeez Applebloom, I don’t know what you were complaining about,” Sweetie Belle muttered, her eyes fluttering close “Warm, soft bed. All you can eat. Warm baths and room service,”
  146. Sweetie Belle snoozed, her mind drifting as she listened to her burgeoning gut until a knock on the door roused her attention.
  148. “Hey there Sweetie Belle I’ll get your bath runnin in a few minutes. Big Macintosh is in there at the moment,” Applejack said, holding a juice box to the filly.
  150. Sweetie Belle looked at the box, still sealed, and then looked at Applejack with a stare of expectation. It took a few minutes of silence but Applejack gasped.
  152. “Oh! Sorry,” Applejack said puncturing the top of the box with the provided straw before offering it once more.
  154. Sprawled out on the bed and fully relaxed Sweetie Belle took the juice box with her magic and took a few sips.
  156. “While you wait for the bath, want me to get you something to read or-” Applejack began but was cut off when a hind hoof was held out to her.
  158. “Massage,” Sweetie Belle ordered.
  160. Applejack smiled and did as told, taking the little fillies hoof in hers she began squeezing and rubbing the muscles from the frogs of her little hooves all the way up to her ample thighs. Sweetie Belle wasn’t having it, using her magic to gently drag Applejack’s hooves higher to caress and rub over her wide hips and thighs. Applejack gulped, a sudden rush of adrenaline mixing her emotions with the forwardness of the filly, the commanding look of the fillies eyes and the way that her hooves didn’t stop moving despite being wrapped around the soft, wide hips and thighs of someone much younger than her.
  162. “Um...I..I’ve been meanin to ask Sweetie Belle,” Applejack said, her hooves smooshing and squashing the belly chub on the filly “How did you much weight?”
  164. Sweetie Belle giggled taking another sip from her juice box and with a small push with her magic she guided Applejack’s head to her belly and laid her ear flat to it. The warm paunch spread, acting like a pillow and Applejack could hear the small cacophony of activity going on inside the little filly, she could smell the french vanilla scent of her coat, and still her hooves kneaded every inch they came across.
  166. “I suppose you should know,” Sweetie Belle said “You like this?”
  168. Applejack only nodded, burying her face in the wide expanse of belly and inhaling her scent.
  170. “You should thank Applebloom then,” Sweetie Belle said “You see, she isn’t spending the night at Scootaloo’s...she’s the belly fat you’re face down loving right now.” she added petting the mare's head.
  172. Applejack looked up at Sweetie Belle and from the domineering smirk and the confident glint in her eye she knew that what the plush little unicorn said was true. Applejack’s jaw hung open in awe and horror, looking down at the gut before her, her mind blank and her emotions stalled. Sweetie Belle made the move for her, lifting her hind hoof up to Applejack’s mouth and pressing it to her lips.
  174. “Lick,” Sweetie Belle ordered, before taking another sip from her juice.
  176. Applejack’s face flushed red and with only minor hesitation she cupped the filly’s hoof in hers and began massaging the leg gently while her tongue tended to the underside of the hoof. Sweetie Belle enjoyed the lapping sensation of the mare’s warm tongue, flexing her hoof and swirling the tip of it around Applejack’s mouth before using her magic to guide the mare over to her other hind hoof for a similar treatment.
  178. Applejack tasted dirt and salt as she tongue bathed the hoof in her mouth and groaned a little in disappointment when it was withdrawn; though Sweetie Belle didn’t have to guide her with her magic Applejack would have went willingly to the other hoof. The fear of being caught doing this to someone so young rose in Applejack’s chest but washed away when Sweetie gave her a gentle pat on the head, a sure sign of the good job she was doing.
  180. “Applejack, do you happen to know what a “happy ending” is?” Sweetie Belle asked, a low purr in her voice.
  182. Applejack didn’t stop her ministrations and nodded, earning herself another pat.
  184. “Why don’t you show me what one is, you’ve earned it” Sweetie Belle said.
  186. The need to please replaced any hesitation that Applejack had and throwing her steatson to the floor next to the bed she crawled up between the plush thighs of the little unicorn and began massaging her belly chub while kissing it before showing each thigh near her head the same love and affection that she would show her sister if she had demanded it. In fact, Applejack thought, she was showing her sister the love and affection Applebloom was just a nice padding of buttery fat on her close friend and each kiss, every squeeze, rub, and gentle pinch she gave Sweetie Belle’s heavy figure was a display of love to her digested sister.
  188. “Applebloom looks...excellent on you...Did she taste good?” Applejack asked quietly, shuffling down and moving the spare tire of a tummy
  190. “Yes she did, went down smoothly too,” Sweetie Belle answered
  192. Applejack let the weight of Sweetie Belle’s gut rest on her head and she pressed her muzzle right up against the filly honey pot and immediately inhaled the excited scent and dragged her tongue over the little folds. The jerk of surprise and groan prompted Applejack to repeat the action, over and over, licking and lapping at the filly flower and getting more and more of that addicting taste of her arousal. Opening her maw wide Applejack wrapped her lips around the mound and sucked gently, letting her lips slide across the wet pussy and close around her young winking clit before finishing off her greedy taste with a smacking kiss that cause Sweetie Belle to yelp with pleasure and jolt.
  194. Applejack stayed right where she was, loving her position as toy to the little filly, her heart pounding and the suffocating weight of belly above and the tightening thighs to her sides sweat began to mix with her lapping up of Sweetie Belle’s grool. Applejack hooked her front hooves over the thighs as best she could, marveling at how much weight Applebloom had added to the filly and slightly proud that her own kin was so good at feeding other ponies.
  196. Sweetie Belle bit her hoof, moaning into it and her leg twitching with each lap against her tender spot, the wriggling tongue of the subjugated mare delving into her before tracing her folds and then feeling those lips wrap around her clit bringing her pleasure to it’s peak. With a trembling series of shivers Sweetie Belle clenched her thighs around the Applejack, holding her but not against her will. The room was filled with a series of grunts and moans for minutes while Sweetie Belle orgasmed..
  198. Sweetie Belle finally sighed with contentment, letting her legs spread and release Applejack. Applejack emerged from underneath the heaving gut and caught her breath before speaking.
  200. “How’s….how's that for...a ‘Happy Ending’?” Applejack asked her mistress.
  202. “That was amazing,” Sweetie Belle responded, to tired to do anything else but relax in her orgasmic bliss.
  204. “Amazin enough earn a one way ticket into this wonderful gut?” Applejack asked, her face flushing anew with what she was suggesting.
  206. Sweetie Belle hefted herself up and looked down at Applejack who was rubbing her belly and looking up at her with needy emerald eyes.
  208. “I will but first I need to get you covered in something that Applebloom had,” Sweetie Belle said “I don’t want Applebloom coming back to find out I sent her sister on a one way trip to my hips,”
  210. “Applebloom’s comin back?” Applejack asked, her eyes widening with shock.
  212. “Oh yeah. It’ll be a few days though,” Sweetie Belle said, rolling herself off the bed and her fat rear jiggling with the effort “I’ll explain while you wash me, come along Applejack,”
  214. Applejack smiled and leapt off the bed, following behind the filly obediently and eager to be filly filling just like her little sister.
  217. It was several days later since Applebloom was eaten. Applejack walked with Sweetie Belle through the orchard, her ears swept back, sporting a collar around her neck and a piece of paper taped over her cutie mark with the word “Snack” written in crayon on it. Applejack knew her place and though her friends were aghast with their friends willing self deprecation into mere food for a filly they did nothing after they were assured she wouldn’t be gone forever when Sweetie Belle devoured her.
  219. Sweetie Belle found a nice little clearing among the trees and pointed at the dirt. Without a word Applejack got to digging a hole, only stopping when Sweetie Belle gave her the order. Sweetie Belle marched over to the hole, hiked her tail up and relaxed her sphincter. A rippling fart erupted from the fillies ponut and then the first large log of shit crept out before breaking under it’s own weight and falling into the dirt hole with a dull thud. Applejack watched as what amounted to her little sister slide from her mistress’s asshole and filled the dirt hole, below and whether this was meant to be a final burial or a dirty welcome was irrelevant as another thick, brown rod of waste fell in she felt a grim shiver race up her spine, someday soon that would be her and she could hardly wait for her turn.
  221. Sweetie Belle grunted and pushed but eventually she was done, her colon had sent everything it had and after cleaning herself she looked back at the pile of waste that was supposedly Applebloom. With a motion of her hoof Applejack began covering the hole with dirt stomping it down and then going to Sweetie Belle’s side and laying her head on the filly’s flank where she was pet while they waited for the magic to happen.
  223. An hour passed and Applejack was certain that they only way she would ever see her sister again was by joining her on Sweetie Belle’s thighs before the dirt moved suddenly. With a explosion of activity the mound of dirt was sundered and Applebloom rose up, dirt ground into her coat and her mane a tangled mess of hair and dirt.
  225. “Applebloom! Welcome back!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed
  227. “Yeah...a little groggy long's it been?” Applebloom asked, blocking her eyes from the shining sun over head.
  229. “About 4 days,” Applejack answered.
  231. “ that enough time for you to stop smotherin me?” Applebloom asked,
  233. “You don’t know half of it,” Sweetie Belle said “Come on, I’ll have Applejack draw you a bath to clean up and I’ll tell you everything that happened,”
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