

Jan 8th, 2017
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  1. they always say one person can change your life. well, in this case, one person was responsible for changing sixteen lives. take that into perspective. out of all the people you encounter in your life, sixteen of those were different and they became your closest friends or neighbors or even a relative . from childhood through adult hood, those people remained constant in your life. until the inevitable happened.
  3. lucy black was the girl everyone wanted to be around. she was peppy, fun, caring, exciting but also had a dark past. she was the IT girl everywhere she went and she moved a lot of places through her twenty five years. when her life was suddenly ended after a drunk driving accident, lucy’s friends, relatives, acquaintances all came to her hometown for a funeral. none of them really knew each other but they’d heard from the stories lucy used to tell.
  5. how will their stories mix? what kind of similiarities will they see in each other that attracted them all to this girl? will their be hatred? love? jealousy? only lucy knows all of their secrets and she’s not coming back to life any time soon.
  7. **personalityhq is an oc rp that focuses on the lives of 16 people that are coming together to celebrate the life of a woman they met throughout the years! Each person is based on a different mbti personality type and corresponding label! This is their journey to face the demons they’ve encountered through the years [possibly with the help of a new friend] and remember the old friend or relative that was once Lucy Black
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