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a guest
Jan 31st, 2018
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Batch 1.17 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. goto setencpath
  3. ######################
  4. # Set Encoding Paths #
  5. ######################
  6. :setencpath
  7. set Work=%cd%
  8. set recdrive=C:
  9. set encdrive=R:
  10. set RecDir=C:\Users\PC\Desktop\__RECORDS__
  11. set ngin=C:\nginx-1.13.5\html
  12. set Apps=%Work%\_toolset_\Apps
  13. set Temp=%Work%\_toolset_\_temp
  14. goto eraseold
  15. ##################
  16. # Erase Old M3U8 #
  17. ##################
  18. :eraseold
  19. %recdrive%
  20. cd %ngin%
  21. erase /q *.ts
  22. erase master.m3u8
  23. goto inout
  24. #########################
  25. # Select Source TS File #
  26. #########################
  27. :inout
  28. cd %RecDir%
  29. cls
  30. echo What is the input filename? hit tab.
  31. set /p input=
  32. title Streaming 720p At
  33. goto indur
  34. ###########################
  35. # Work Out Input Duration #
  36. ###########################
  37. :indur
  38. for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%Apps%\mediainfo "--Inform=General;%%Duration/String3%%" %input%') do set duration=%%a
  39. -timeout 3
  40. ffmpeg -re -ss %duration:~0,-4% -i %input% -sws_flags spline -sn -vf yadif=1:0,scale=1280:-4,setsar=1/1 -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -profile:v high -level 4.1 -refs 5 -crf 24 -r 50 -x264opts force-cfr=1:colormatrix=bt709 -acodec mp3 -b:a 192k -f hls C:\nginx-1.13.5\html\master.m3u8
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