

Apr 28th, 2016
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  1. CAT RIGHT NOW opened memo on board DTGAO.
  2. CURRENT ChanServ [CCC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  3. [#DTGAO] The memo for the hit best-selling 2016 game Abyssal Oddity, by Violet Citadel.
  4. CCC made AT an OP.
  5. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAT
  6. Memo is now Secret by CAT
  7. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAT
  8. CAT made AC an OP.
  9. CAT made GG an OP.
  10. CAT ceased responding to memo.
  11. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  12. ?AO: Would you like to begin the game?
  13. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  14. CAC: >Yes
  15. ?AO: Loading game file...
  16. ?AO: Loading...
  17. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  19. CAC: >Play game
  20. ?AO: Is this your last saved game:
  21. CAC: >Yes
  22. ?AO: Loading file...
  23. ?AO: Loading...
  24. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  25. CAC: >Look around
  26. ?AO: You are in the hall just behind the door formerly sealed by the key terminal.
  27. ?AO: There's a bit more to go before you enter the next chamber.
  28. CAC: >Forward
  29. ?AO: You both go onwards.
  30. ?AO: However, just before you step into the next chamber, Cyan grabs your wrist, pulling you back a little. Something seems off.
  31. ?AO: That's likely the pillar of voidlight in the center of the room you were about to enter.
  32. ?AO: Well, some sort of voidlight.
  33. ?AO: Perhaps it is solid, even.
  34. CAC: >What is Voidlight
  35. ?AO: It isn't REALLY voidlight, presumably because that shit doesn't exist, and is a term from the hit 2015 game VOID.
  36. ?AO: It just appears akin to voidlight.
  37. CAC: >what was voidlight in the game
  38. CAC: >if it isn't realy why are we nervous
  39. CAC: real*
  40. ?AO: It was basically this substance that appeared to be a pure gateway into the pattern of stars beyond the earth. The stuff was a deadly explosive.
  41. ?AO: Why don't you ask the one who pulled you back?
  42. CAC: >"Uh... Do you know what that is?"
  43. ?AO: "That LOOKS like magetear, I think? But, whatever. The problem is that this stuff is affected by gravity. Something's in here."
  44. CAC: >Peer into room
  45. ?AO: The room is mostly dark, save for the light glow of the stars in the pillar of levitating magetear.
  46. ?AO: There is some sort of cuboid energy shield covering the top of a pedestal a bit before the pillar, though.
  47. CAC: Hmm
  48. ?AO: There is also a button on the base of the pedestal, of course.
  49. CAC: >How can you see that
  50. CAC: Wait
  51. CAC: Nevermind
  52. CAC: I thought yo usaid back
  53. ?AO: No prob.
  54. ?AO: What do you do?
  55. CAC: >"Something's keeping the magetear in a pillar?"
  56. ?AO: "It looks like it."
  57. ?AO: You can hear... something.
  58. ?AO: Nothing quite distinct.
  59. CAC: >Shine a light into the room
  60. ?AO: You shine a light into the room from you phone. Nothing really happens, though you can see the light certainly reflects off of several mirrors up in the upper parts of the high ceiling.
  61. CAC: Huh...
  62. CAC: >Shine light at other side of the room? To any exit
  63. ?AO: No exit. You get the distinct sense the exit is within the pillar.
  64. CAC: >"Should we... enter?"
  65. ?AO: The sealed key terminal door locking into place behind you serves as an adequate response, you both think.
  66. CAC: >Enter
  67. ?AO: You both walk in.
  68. CURRENT godmoddedGolem [CGG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  69. CGG: "abbysal 8 oddıty"?
  70. ?AO: The sound you were hearing grows a little more distinct. You can hear where it is coming from, at least.
  71. CAC: >Where
  72. ?AO: ((It's just to make it appear as if there is a space between the two words, GG.))
  73. CGG: ok
  74. ?AO: Why, from inside the pillar.
  75. CAC: ...why not just put a space
  76. ?AO: It is quite clearly the muttered chanting of a number of Witch-Doctors.
  77. ?AO: Because I did.
  78. CAC: Oh boy
  79. CAC: >How big is the pillar?
  80. ?AO: They don't really break their concentration, as that would presumably kill them, what with all the deadly magetear.
  81. ?AO: A quick walk-around reveals it is about eight feet in diameter.
  82. ?AO: It rises up into the ceiling.
  83. CAC: Wait so.
  84. CAC: There's a big pedestal with a shield, behind which are the witch doctors?
  85. CAC: And there's magetear floating within and above?
  86. ?AO: No, there's a big pedestal. In front of it is a massive pillar of magetear (externally), with Witch-Doctors inside.
  87. ?AO: About a meter or two in front of it, you'd say.
  88. CAC: ...ah, the magetear is hollow?
  89. ?AO: You don't know.
  90. ?AO: But likely so, given that something is exuding sound within.
  91. CAC: Hmm.
  92. CAC: >What is magetear
  93. ?AO: You've really only been given a small briefing on what it is, back when you had to deal with magetear circuits.
  94. ?AO: Essentially, it is some sort of arcane substance that appears to improve a large majority of technological devices.
  95. ?AO: Highly volatile in nature when unconfined.
  96. ?AO: Like, azidoazide azide levels of volatile, at points.
  97. CAC: >How much damage would the pillar of magetear do
  98. ?AO: To you?
  99. CAC: >Sure
  100. ?AO: Well, it depends on whether or not you consider every single atom in your body being torn to quarks damage.
  101. CAC: Welp
  102. ?AO: But that's only when it is overexcited.
  103. ?AO: This shit here shouldn't be worse that water.
  104. ?AO: *than.
  105. CAC: >Could you walk throught the pillar
  106. ?AO: From what you can gather, this stuff is some sort of physical dimensional link that expedients the speed of signals being transmitted through it.
  107. ?AO: Would you like to try>?
  108. ?AO: *?
  109. CAC: Hmm.
  110. CAC: >Throw some pocket lint into pillar.
  111. ?AO: You used most of that up when you were dealing with the Centurion Wardens' defense lasers, if I recall correctly.
  112. CAC: >Check inventory
  113. ?AO: AZURE INV: Lapotron Power Core, Medkit, Water Vial x2, Undulating Water Vial, Welding Equipment, Cthk'aryvt's Blessing/Curse x4, Gem Fragment x3.
  114. ?AO: CYAN INV: δ-ψ-φ-Bioschema, Deactivated Vitae Canister, Medkit.
  115. ?AO: GSS EXSANGUINATOR INV: Hunk of Refined Infused Arcanium x5, Hunk of Vesperium x2, Three Piles of Miscellaneous Mechanical Shit, Centurion Sojourner Circuit Core, Psioglass Tube x8, Cyanic Mechanovitae Tube, Sonic Repulsor Engine, Orchid Neon Light x3, Psionic Filter (12/14), Psiofiber x10, Starship-Class Plasma Cannon, Starship-Class Repulsor Thruster x2, Sheet of Corotite x1, Crystal Core Chassis, Centurion Warden Body x2, Centurion Venator Body, Sensor x3, Sphere Chassis, Lapis Stone Shard x3, Access Cube #8751, Access Cube #5082, Access Cube #0612, Access Cube #1011.
  116. CAC: >Why are the cubes in the ship inventory
  117. CAC: >Also, didn't you scrap the centurions
  118. ?AO: Because I don't want you carrying about nonessential shit, and I really do not feel like figuring out what you got from them, unless you just want a fourth scrap heap.
  119. ?AO: You can still access the cubes, they're just displayed somewhere else.
  120. CAC: >Throw access cube #5082 into pillar
  121. ?AO: You're throwing the cube that turned out to be the key to the door that just closed behind you into something that could potentially annihilate it.
  122. CGG: >avoıd doıng so
  123. ?AO: You avoid doing so.
  124. CAC: >Send some water into the pillar
  125. ?AO: You hydrokinetically smash a bit of water pillar-ward. Mere centimeters before it strikes the mildly glowing thing, it hits an invisible barrier, which appears for but a moment.
  126. CAC: Hmm
  127. ?AO: The barrier is similar in form to the bubbles you saw the Witch-Doctors back in the last structure create.
  128. ?AO: You have yet to even look at the pedestal with the button.
  129. CAC: >Look at the pedestal
  130. ?AO: It is around four feet in height, mostly regular in shape. A button juts off of the base of the thing, neon lights around it. You cannot see through the light blue cubic energy shield capping the pedestal.
  131. CAC: >Does the shield not cover the button
  132. ?AO: The base of the pedestal is nearly four feet below something that would cap it.
  133. CAC: >Press button
  134. ?AO: You press the button, and the energy shield is depowered. Immediately, a panel in the left side of the pedestal slides back. Moments after, a mechanical arm with a laser pointer attached to it pops out of the thing.
  135. ?AO: The top of the pedestal itself has some sort of keyboard, of a holographic nature.
  136. ?AO: There is no screen, oddly enough.
  137. CAC: >Examine arm with laser pointer
  138. ?AO: The arm is mechanical, as was aforementioned. The joints suggest you might be able to move it without even having to position it yourself.
  139. CAC: >Examine keyboard
  140. ?AO: As you examine the arm, several Rodarbi symbols appear to be projected from areas high up on the walls, above the mirrors.
  141. ?AO: Anyhow, the keyboard is entirely standard.
  142. ?AO: Nothing different about it at all to the one you used to enter this room, in fact.
  143. CAC: Hmm.
  144. CAC: >Press random keyt
  145. CAC: key*
  146. ?AO: You press the '/' key. Nothing happens.
  147. ?AO: Ah, solidus. You fail us yet again.
  148. CAC: >Press random letter
  149. ?AO: Why don't you be a little more specific.
  150. CAC: >Press random letter which is on the walls
  151. ?AO: The symbols on the walls are Rodarbi symbols indicating that you need to shine the laser pointer into them. They are not letters.
  152. CAC: Oh.
  153. CAC: >Manually move the arm to shine the laser into a symbol
  154. ?AO: The arm will not budge, no matter how much you manhandle it.
  155. CAC: >Try arrow keys on keyboard
  156. ?AO: The arrow keys glow red when you press them. Then, several letter keys light up on the board, in a specific pattern. 'Wasd is superior.'
  157. CAC: >Try WASD
  158. ?AO: The moment you press W, the arm begins to point upward slightly.
  159. ?AO: The laser does not meet any of the symbols.
  160. CAC: >Move it until it does
  161. ?AO: Of which there are three, for future reference.
  162. CAC: >Move arm until laser hits first symbol
  163. ?AO: You manage to hit a symbol, straight in the center. It glows crimson, and nothing else happens.
  164. CAC: >Test if it keeps glowing after the laser is off of it
  165. ?AO: It does not.
  166. ?AO: The mirrors below shine in the light of the magetear.
  167. ?AO: Ever so slightly.
  168. CAC: >Hit symbol again with laser, but use a mirror this time
  169. ?AO: You carefully fire the laser off a series of mirrors into the symbol. This time, it manages to reflect off of the now-glowing symbol, into a nearby wall.
  170. CAC: >Fidget with arm until laser reflects into second symbol
  171. ?AO: The second symbol glows crimson as well. A click resounds throughout the room, ominous.
  172. ?AO: Then, a scraping of metal.
  173. CAC: >Freak out
  174. CAC: >Don't do that
  175. ?AO: You fail to freak out, due to afterthoughts.
  176. CAC: >Look towards scraping
  177. ?AO: A metal plate on the wall far above anywhere you could reach yourself appears to be the source. In moments, it pops off, and falls to the ground.
  178. CAC: >Walk towards, examine
  179. ?AO: Both you and Cyan walk toward the plate. A screeching sound emanates from the open hole while you do.
  180. ?AO: Organic screeching.
  181. CAC: ...
  182. CAC: >Look up
  183. ?AO: You look up to see an oozing mass of soaking organic matter with what appears to be a combination of human and bovine limbs emerging from it tipping off of the hole in the wall.
  184. CAC: >Does it contain water
  185. ?AO: It appears so, yes.
  186. CAC: Hmm.
  187. CAC: >Push it back in the hole
  188. ?AO: You attempt to push it back into the hole with its own fluids.
  189. ?AO: What you get in return is no movement caused by your will, a searing pain in your arm, and a voice echoing throughout the chamber.
  190. ?AO: "G'nghai-pkhsh."
  191. CAC: Hmm
  192. CAC: >Watch mass, see if its hostile
  193. ?AO: It writhes and pulsates slightly, before plunging off of the hole in the wall, towards you both. Three insectoid mouths on its sides open up, revealing that they are lined with human eyes. A deafening shriek grows ever closer as it soars downward.
  194. CAC: Well.
  195. CAC: >Combat
  196. ?AO: You engage the thing in combat.
  198. CAC: >Azure: Send undulated water into one of the thing's mouths, and out the other side
  199. CAC: >Cyan: Defend, form a plasma shield between where the thing is about to land and the two of you
  200. ?AO: The water isn't undulating.
  201. ?AO: It doesn't have a mind of its own, and it is not some writhing cosmic horror, after all.
  202. CAC: ?
  203. CAC: What's the undulating water vial then
  204. ?AO: The vial itself has been vibrating since you filled it with a mix of poison and water.
  205. CAC: ...huh
  206. CAC: >Well use the poison mix
  207. Memo is now Invite-Only by CAC
  208. ?AO: Cyan defends, and you strike the thing straight in the mouth. It does not appear there is a way for the water to reach the other side without tearing through something, however, and the thing just takes blunt damage, as well as experiencing a bit of poisoning.
  209. Memo is no longer Invite-Only by CAC
  210. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  211. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  212. ?AO: Skidding across the floor from the impact of the water, the thing uses its bovine limbs to rise from the ground, leap five feet, and strike you in the chest with a hoof.
  213. ?AO: You narrowly avoid biting your tongue off.
  214. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  216. CURRENT absoluteCoolness4 [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  217. CAC: >Defend, make a shield between you and it with normal water
  218. ?AO: You do so.
  219. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  220. CAC: >Cyan: Make a plasma blade, and slice into the thing
  221. CAC: Erm
  222. ?AO: Oh, sorry.
  223. ?AO: Cyan slices the thing, from one mouth to another.
  224. ?AO: It writhes madly.
  225. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  226. ?AO: The creature lets forth an unearthly roar. The vibrations soar across the room, and the vibrations actually disrupt and destabilize your water shield, reducing it to a puddle.
  227. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  229. CAC: Whoops, forgot to
  230. CAC: >Observe
  231. ?AO: Bloodletter: █████ HP. NOTES: An unsightly beast... A great terror looms.
  232. CAC: ... How much HP is that
  233. ?AO: That is zero.
  234. CAC: Huh
  235. ?AO: The Blessing/Curses cackle a little on the revelation.
  237. CAC: Hmm
  238. CAC: >Azure: Try making a denser water shield between yourself and the beast
  239. CAC: >Cyan: Use plasma blade and stab the beast, staking it into the ground if possible
  240. ?AO: The second shield holds up to the vibratory ululations.
  241. ?AO: Similarly, the thing is staked to the ground, flesh rapidly melting under the heat, thought still yet living.
  242. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  243. ?AO: The thing raises the last undamaged mouth, and an eldritch saliva spews forth, acidic in nature, all toward Cyan.
  244. ?AO: She has a second to react, however, and leaps behind you, avoiding the spray. Lucky flip.
  245. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  247. CAC: Did she not have a shield?
  248. ?AO: Not when she uses the plasma involved afterward as a blade.
  249. CAC: Right...
  250. CAC: Is the supply limited
  251. ?AO: The perils of using finite weapons, oui.
  252. CAC: >Azure: Send poison water into the beast's good mouth
  253. CAO made AC an OP.
  254. CAC: >Cyan:... Watch the thing melt, I guess
  255. ?AO: The force of the water actually tears the beast apart, bits spraying forth everywhere. A larger chunk in particular lands near you both. Enemy defeated?
  256. CAC: >Cyan: Stab larger chunks
  257. ?AO: Cyan stabs the larger chunks. You both note that some of them were still wriggling.
  258. ?AO: The one that landed near you glows slightly.
  259. CAC: >When stabbed or
  260. ?AO: No.
  261. CAC: Hmm.
  262. CAC: >Cyan: Slice it apart carefully to find source of glowing
  263. ?AO: As Cyan lowers her plasma blade to the chunk, a foul stench briefly emerges, accompanied by a vile substance oozing from the chunk, faster than either of you can react.
  264. ?AO: The dark stuff pools about on the ground.
  265. CAC: >Back away
  266. ?AO: Then, a deep dull purple fluid of some sort soars through the air, impaling you through the chest, and passing through, though dealing no bodily damage.
  267. ?AO: You shiver as it passes through an area near your gem.
  268. CAC: Wat
  269. CAC: Was it the fluid from the beast
  270. ?AO: +3 Ylahrthuian Salt.
  271. ?AO: No.
  272. ?AO: ITEM CONDITIONAL: cannot be removed from inventory until use.
  273. CAC: Where did we get the salt???
  274. ?AO: It just sort of crystallized in your inventory when the stuff passed through you.
  275. ?AO: Also, it isn't really salt.
  276. CAC: Well, fucj
  277. ?AO: In the traditional sense.
  278. CAC: >Examine pool on ground
  279. ?AO: ((Now, /AFK. You get to ponder this for twenty minutes, yay. Sorry.))
  280. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  281. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  282. ?AO: /UNAFK.
  283. CAO made AC an OP.
  284. ?AO: You examine the pool. It appears to be mere ink. Droplets of it occasionally leap a meter or so up from the ground, glowing orchid, but it is otherwise inert.
  285. ?AO: The whole laser deal appears to have remained unchanged.
  286. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  287. ?AC: >Go back to keyboard
  288. CAC: >Fidget with laser until all three symbols are hit
  289. ?AO: You hit all three.
  290. ?AO: A dinging sound resonates throughout the chamber, and a hissing of gears is projected from the ceiling, within the pillar.
  291. ?AO: Then, the clanking of metal on metal, as if from a large metal object falling onto the floor.
  292. ?AO: Quickly enough, you hear the unmistakable sound of an augmented plasmatic sword blade slicing through some insolent motherfuckers.
  293. ?AO: The magetear pillar begins to quaver, slipping through the ground.
  294. ?AO: You have moments to react.
  295. CAC: Wait what
  296. CAC: Is Cyan the one slicing stuff?
  297. ?AO: No.
  298. CGG: >run away
  299. CGG: >put up shıeld
  300. CAC: >no
  301. ?AO: Where? The doors are all shut.
  302. CGG: ah shıt
  303. CAC: >Both: Put up shields
  304. ?AO: You both raise shields, standing close to each other.
  305. ?AO: Bubble shields, or normal shields?
  306. CAC: Hmm
  307. ?AO: Well, Azure's bubble shield, with a plasma front.
  308. ?AO: Like I said, plasma bubbles will kill you.
  309. CAC: Surr
  310. CAC: Sure
  311. ?AO: Alright.
  312. CAC: Azure's bubble shields are literally bubbles 
  313. ?AO: The magetear pillar collapses downwards, the substance flowing forth around the room, bashing against your shields.
  314. ?AO: Indeed.
  315. ?AO: The stuff seeps through the ground soon enough, and the scene is clear.
  316. CAC: >Look at damage
  317. ?AO: Everything is fine.
  318. CAC: >Examine where pillar was
  319. ?AO: In fact, that figure over in the center of the room, crouching on the ground to examine three decapitated Witch-Doctor corpses, is entirely unharmed wait what.
  320. CAC: >Approach
  321. CAC: >"... Hello?"
  322. ?AO: You put down your shields, and walk forward.
  323. ?AO: The being turns around, standing up. This guy is like a foot taller than you, which isn't saying much, but whatever. They are clad in metal armor, some sort of metallic eye-obscuring centurion helmet with holographic screens, and a forest green cloak.
  324. ?AO: They wield a baroque blade, plasma edge dripping with the blood of its three victims.
  325. ?AO: "Mhm. Hello."
  326. ?AO: A silent levitating drone circles the being, spherical in nature.
  327. CAC: >"Uh, who are you?"
  328. ?AO: "I am the Venator."
  329. ?AO: Without giving you a second glance, the being sheathes their sword, pulls up a holographic screen, taps a few things in, kicks some object from one of the corpses in your direction, and closes their eyes. They crouch to the ground once more, and a beam of pure energy erupts from the ground before them, sailing upwards, passing through the ceiling. When the beam fades, the Venator is gone.
  330. CAC: Well then...
  331. CAC: >Examine kicked object
  332. ?AO: It appears to be some sort of pentagonal prism, about one and a half inches thick. A bloodstone matrix shines on the front, surrounded with crimson neon lights.
  333. ?AO: █████
  334. ?AO: (1/5 for Fseftr.)
  335. CAC: >Remove bloodstone?
  336. ?AO: Cyan vocalizes the event quite well. "What the fuck."
  337. ?AO: Cyan vocalizes the event quite well. "What the fuck."
  338. ?AO: You can't.
  339. CAC: I actually saw that colour...
  340. CAC: Odd
  341. ?AO: Huh.
  342. CAC: >Take
  343. CAC: >Loot corpses of other stuff
  344. ?AO: You already have. That's what the 1/5 is for.
  345. CAC: Ah.
  346. ?AO: There's really nothing else on the corpses, as they are devoid of vials, and the tomes disintegrate, as always.
  347. ?AO: But, you still get some cloth wrappings, you guess.
  348. CAC: ... Could we disguise as a witch doctor?
  349. ?AO: I don't see why not.
  350. CAC: >Loot all robes and masks or whatever
  351. ?AO: You loot all of that shit. There's an access card of some sort on one of the corpses, in a robe pocket.
  352. ?AO: The storage cube in your inventory heats up a bit.
  353. CAC: Hmm
  354. CAC: >Open storage cube
  355. ?AO: ERROR: Action failed. Reason: incorrect location of unsealing.
  356. CAC: Eh?
  357. ?AO: You appear to have to use the card in the right place.
  358. ?AO: Odd.
  359. CAC: >Take laser pointer
  360. ?AO: Anyhow, there's a pressure plate in the center of where the pillar once was.
  361. ?AO: +1 Mechanical Arm and Laser Pointer.
  362. CAC: >Step on pressure plate
  363. ?AO: The door behind you unseals.
  364. ?AO: You can see the entry hatch does as well.
  365. CAC: Oh, is that the dungeon
  366. ?AO: Indeed it is. You got something out of it, certainly.
  367. CAC: >Leave
  368. ?AO: Just one more structure to go. This one has the SHARD, as well.
  369. ?AO: You enter your ship, Cyan next to you.
  370. ?AO: Would you like to save your game?
  371. CAC: Was it in that one the whole time, or just in the last one
  372. CAC: >Yes
  373. ?AO: What, the shard in the last structure?
  374. ?AO: Saving...
  375. ?AO: Saving...
  376. CAC: Ye
  377. ?AO: Game saved successfully.
  378. ?AO: The former.
  379. ?AO: And also the latter, technically.
  380. CAC: ...
  381. ?AO: I mean, the last structure was the furthest away, and I knew you would visit the other two first.
  382. CAC: Ah
  383. ?AO: Anyhow, would you like to quit?
  384. CAC: >Yes
  385. ?AO: Game quit successfully. You have ten seconds to disperse.
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