
Skyrim Character Mini-Backstories

Aug 21st, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Snakestone - Kind mercenary and loving father. Has spent many years traveling between Skyrim, High Rock, Hammerfell, Morrowind and Cyrodiil. Wanted to be a bard when he was young.
  3. Sonia Vetira - Stoic and shy Imperial who lost her family to two different tragedies. Spends her time wandering Skyrim to keep her mind off things.
  5. Tavryn Naslvi - Dwemer obsessed dunmer. Self-proclaimed dwemer expert he has been banned from countless dwemer museum through out Morrowind. His mother forced him to move to Skyrim where he continues to study the dwemer.
  7. Skelka - Dunmer barbarian who was raised by a nomadic nord couple. While barbaric in most nature she is actually very kind and can be civilized at times.
  9. Brurthor - Ex-Companion and werewolf hunter. Loves women, smoking and knitting.
  11. Agaron - Young nord wanna-be hero. Slightly clueless but determined to become like those he looks up too.
  13. Dar-Tah Deehul - Argonian mercenary who moved to Skyrim after losing the love of his life in Valenwood. Spends his time in the warmer areas of Skyrim trying to help where he can.
  15. Lurks-The-Marsh - A pretend druid who lives in the swamps of Morthal. Kind and giving he offers restoration healing to people in need. Doesn't know what a shaman really is.
  17. Greric Vulpusius - Penitus Oculatus agent who has been shipped to Skyrim to protect the Emperor on a planned visit to Skyrim. Lost his father to the Dark Brotherhood in his childhood, wants revenge.
  19. Rialas Springvale - Cocky young mercenary who was born and raised in Falkreath. Has a rivalry with Snakestone for reasons Snakestone doesn't understand.
  21. Rivadren - Wild life expert. Very shy, doesn't talk much. Also don't ask him to take off the helmet.
  23. Floven - One of Snakestone's childhood friends, when he lived in Riften at least, who grew up to become a monster hunter. Was the reason Snakestone took up monster hunting as a side job to mercenary work.
  25. Falidius - Redguard from the Imperial City. Came to Skyrim to find more inspiration for his poetry. Loves to write, read and bonk things with his hammer.
  27. Sylica Oakenbrook - Friendly and over enthusiastic Bosmer from Valenwood. Has come to Skyrim in hopes of finding a more stable life after she lost her job and was kicked out of her town in Valenwood for causing a kitchen fire that burnt down many trees.
  29. Lividus - Young Imperial who has come to Skyrim due to his father being reassigned to Dragon's Bridge. Spends a lot of time traveling and practicing combat with his halberd, wants to find a calling in life.
  31. Caceius Palladia - Powerful Imperial wizard from Summerset Isle. Old in age he has spent most of his life trying to unlock the longevity of Mer for men. Time seems to be ticking though.
  33. Uragak - Orc hailing from Orsinium. His goal in life is to start his own stronghold and find himself a true Orc wife.
  35. Vilmur Jorgenfest - The Dragonborn. Hailing from the snowy city of Windhelm he has slain Alduin and saved Tamriel. Spends most of his time now hunting down rouge dragons all the while dealing with weird cultist who have been showing up.
  37. Gunder Snow-Heart - Wanna-be paladin from the small town of Garvostead. Has sworn a vengeance on all dragons after one burnt down his town.
  39. Lilly Sajnai - Imperial raised Khajiit who joined the legion to make her adoptive parents proud. Loves to help people in need. Very skilled at restoration magic. Works under Lokir Jurgensen as her commanding officer.
  41. Colas Galalem - Young Bosmer who joined the Vigilant of Stendarr at a young age. His parents were Vigilants and he grew up, a long with many siblings, being taught the ways of Stendarr and the Divines. Very naive but means well.
  43. Darfin Fenwarin - A retired dunmer who does nothing but drink and fish. He took Snakestone under his wing in the Imperial City after Snakestone's father was executed. Is always there for Snake and see's him as a son he never had. Met the Nerevarine once.
  45. Gruk - Leader of the Monster Hunting Guild and one of many bosses of Snakestone. Started a monster hunting guild after he lost his wife and son to a rampaging Minotaur that attacked his home trying to establish itself as the new owner of the land. Is very depressed.
  47. Glaion - Thalmor, not much else to say. Is in Skyrim to root out Talos worshiping. Likes to be pampered and is really proud of his hair.
  49. Carola - The daughter of a Redguard father and Imperial mother living in Hammerfell. Has always wanted to travel to Skyrim to see what snow is like, and maybe see a dragon. Loves to belly dance.
  51. Juideian Loris - Young Breton who fled to Skyrim from High Rock after he slaughtered his wealthy parents. It wasn't really his fault, he's a Wereboar, but unlike most were-beasts he only triggers the beast when he is very stressed or hurt. His parents were pressuring him as to why he was spending so much money traveling High Rock, he was trying to find a working cure for his Wereboar curse.
  53. Rumril - Young altmer who has moved to Whiterun with his wealthy father to set up shop and sell fancy imported clothing. Has a dream to become an adventurer like those in books he always reads. Favorite spot in Skyrim is the Rift, but he hates Riften. It's dirty and the Thieves Guild always cons him out of money.
  55. Sarvis - Dunmer on the run from the Morag Tong for killing a noble. Kind of a bastard he is quick to a fight and last to admit he was wrong. Has taken refuge in Windhelm.
  57. Girnar Soraldssen - Cocky nord who joined the Companions in order to bring honor to himself. Sadly for him he's the butt of the jokes in Jorrvaskr, due to his short height, as well he's a lazy layabout. A popular joke around Jorrvaskr is "When Girnar asked for a sword, they gave him a dagger." He doesn't like that joke.
  59. Oleed-Ja - Was once a dock worker in Windhelm he took up the calling of hunting dragons in hope to prove an Argonian's worth to the Nords of Windhelm. Has set out to travel and hunt down as many dragons as it takes.
  61. Robickin - Another childhood friend of Snakestone he is the leader of the Thieves Guild and is always there for Snakestone. Kinda of an asshole he likes to flaunt that he's in the guild to merchants in Riften to get better deals on purchases.
  63. Hulggar - Stormcloak supporting nomadic nord who loves to fight, sing and drink. He'd join the Stormcloaks if it wasn't for the fact that he is getting old and doesn't think himself fit to join the fight. Really hates Elves and loves Talos.
  65. T'zaro - Ruthless pirate captain who also owns an airship. Is the sworn enemy of Darfin as he likes to pick on the fishing dunmer the most. Has many hide-outs across Tamriel and the Sea of Ghosts. Currently in Skyrim hunting down a thief who stole his family amulet.
  67. Hrotskar - Another member of the Companions, this one isn't the butt of all the jokes, he's a very serious nord who finds that only in battle can a man truly prove himself. Unlike Girnar he actually does jobs for the Companions.
  69. Azala - Ex-Alik'r mercenary who has fled to Skyrim to hide from his former co-workers. Is currently hiding in Solitude as a dock worker.
  71. Vanito Merclia - A master swordsman and duelist. None better with a rapier than him, but he's getting old and mid-life crisis has hit him hard. Spends most of his time drunk in Solitude or Dragon Bridge.
  73. Kuvsgar - Thane of Morthal he has dedicated his life to protecting the small towns from any and all threats. Doesn't trust Lurks-The-Marsh, he thinks the Argonian is a tad too friendly.
  75. Baleer - Solstheim born and raised dunmer who has come to Skyrim in hopes to find his half-brother Tavryn and deliver the news that their father has died.
  77. Surero - Imperial in the employment of the Silver Hand. Has sworn revenge on were-beasts after his wife was taken from him by a werewolf. Taken as in she ran off with a man who claims to be a werewolf.
  79. Blushes-In-Shadows - A VERY empty headed Argonian who was adopted into the Dark Brotherhood. She has an uncanny amount of good luck for herself, and bad for others. Has been nicknamed "Bad Luck Lizard" by the people of Riften. Oh, the Dark Brotherhood thinks she's dead and she's now living homeless in Riften.
  81. Augustus - Listener of the Dark Brotherhood. Through-out this life he was good at two things, thievery and violence. As he got older he was contacted by the Dark Brotherhood and joined them. He quickly rose through the ranks. He adopted Blushes-In-Shadows, though he believes her to be dead. He also really loves tea.
  83. Harek - To call Harek an outlaw is an understatement. He has lead countless bandit gangs and has pillaged many small towns. He also has taken many women, causing many bastard children to be born. Father of Sonia and Skelka, though he doesn't care for them at all. The only child he cared for was his first, and only, born son Vun. Vun was killed by Snakestone and since then he has sworn revenge on him. Though granted Harek has since forgotten what Snakestone looks like.
  85. Rulf Alrikson - Son of a rich noble from High Rock. Has spent his entire life pampered and raised as a Breton rather than a Nord. Has no sense of honor and finds this trip to Skyrim boring, despite his father sending him in hopes that he learns a little about the Nord way of life.
  87. Caloor - Master bard who graduated first of his class from the Bards College. Spends his time traveling Skyrim playing at various Inns. Hopes to go down in history as the greatest bard. Has a nice singing voice too.
  89. Juilar Brince - Ex-pirate living on the border between Skyrim and Hammerfell. Trying to make amends for his way of life by helping those in need for no money at all, though he won't turn down if they offer the coin.
  91. Foraer - Just another bosmer hunter living in Skyrim. Not much to him or his life, just wants to hunt.
  93. Lokir Jurgensen - Commanding office of a small group of Imperial Soldiers in Skyrim. Is dedicated to his friends and would follow them through the depths of Oblivion if he had too.
  95. Guilnean - Dishonored knight from High Rock. He has traveled to Skyrim to escape the shame of his failure of keeping a nobles daughter safe in High Rock. Thinks he might be cursed.
  97. Ylgvaul - Ex-bandit mercenary who has a thing for women. Spent his childhood in Markarth, until he turned 15 and ran off with a group of bandits. A wandering knight passing through the Reach made quick work of his gang and he was left for dead. It was only through a wandering priestess that he survived. Has a whole new outlook on life.
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