
293.3 Just Asking silverscript

Aug 10th, 2017
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  1. 293.3 Just Asking silverscript
  3. Just Asking For Retractions Aug 19 2017
  7. Transcript
  8. 0:00
  9. so day/night 292 hey everybody here in
  10. 0:04
  11. front of the Upright Citizens Brigade
  12. 0:06
  13. theater who wouldn't want to be an
  14. 0:09
  15. upright citizen right Upright Citizens
  16. 0:11
  17. Brigade theater this is where it all
  18. 0:14
  19. happens
  20. 0:14
  21. so all there's a lot of good
  22. 0:17
  23. developments occurring with this kind of
  24. 0:19
  25. crowdsource lawsuit basically all I'm
  26. 0:22
  27. asking is for an apology from the FBI
  28. 0:25
  29. and I'll drop the case written apology
  30. 0:28
  31. from mr. McCabe personally and then
  32. 0:30
  33. sorry and then also I would like a
  34. 0:33
  35. retraction from CNN and a correction
  36. 0:37
  37. from Donnie at or from Kevin Mele at the
  38. 0:41
  39. New York Times I was falsely imprisoned
  40. 0:44
  41. I was geo-located by the painting of the
  42. 0:46
  43. phone I was tracked for just doing my
  44. 0:50
  45. duty as a citizen because misprision of
  46. 0:53
  47. treason if I didn't present information
  48. 0:55
  49. I never I never called the court and
  50. 0:59
  51. then they called me three times very
  52. 1:01
  53. calmly in the presence of a police
  54. 1:02
  55. officer I explained just check the
  56. 1:05
  57. diplomatic containers for radiation
  58. 1:06
  59. never received the radiation readings
  60. 1:09
  61. back we're going to be asking for
  62. 1:10
  63. discovery they're never received the
  64. 1:13
  65. phone call the tapes of the phone calls
  66. 1:15
  67. to the port the three different phone
  68. 1:17
  69. calls we are going to ask for that that
  70. 1:19
  71. discovery never received the calls
  72. 1:22
  73. between of JTTF officer Whitaker and
  74. 1:26
  75. then the officer Comstock the duty
  76. 1:28
  77. officer in Ohio we're going to be asking
  78. 1:30
  79. for those
  80. 1:32
  81. as well and then we're going to ask also
  82. 1:34
  83. for the procedure that went was employed
  84. 1:38
  85. to make the decision to shut down the
  86. 1:41
  87. port after I had said very calmly three
  88. 1:43
  89. times please just do standard testing on
  90. 1:45
  91. for diplomatic containers if they are
  92. 1:47
  93. the Awad brothers so from there there's
  94. 1:51
  95. a very good case in Boston it's called a
  96. 1:54
  97. geo tracking case and this is really the
  98. 1:57
  99. first lawsuit where a judge had wasn't
  100. 2:01
  101. intimidated by JTTF and the FBI and
  102. 2:05
  103. she's a incredibly brave woman judge
  104. 2:07
  105. burrows up there and she just bound for
  106. 2:10
  107. the defense for the ACLU of
  108. 2:12
  109. Massachusetts in the geo-tracking case
  110. 2:15
  111. this is the first time in case law
  112. 2:18
  113. history that I've seen where a judge is
  114. 2:21
  115. stood up a federal judge has stood up to
  116. 2:23
  117. the FBI at JTTF the overwhelming power
  118. 2:25
  119. remember you got ten defense agencies 25
  120. 2:28
  121. federal agencies with all their
  122. 2:30
  123. investigative power that they've added
  124. 2:31
  125. recently in the last 10 years 12 12
  126. 2:34
  127. years plus then you have state local
  128. 2:37
  129. added on to that and there's a lot of
  130. 2:39
  131. pressure on state local to jump on pile
  132. 2:41
  133. on no matter what the consequences from
  134. 2:44
  135. a constitutional point of view so this
  136. 2:46
  137. is an incredibly positive legal search
  138. 2:50
  139. that's already occurred on this 2014 geo
  140. 2:53
  141. tracking case the only thing we really
  142. 2:55
  143. need to do is just modify it slightly
  144. 2:56
  145. that's going to be a Fourth Amendment
  146. 2:58
  147. case in a Fifth Amendment case they had
  148. 3:01
  149. talked in geo-tracking about the only
  150. 3:04
  151. pinging and then corralling
  152. 3:05
  153. law-enforcement towards you when they
  154. 3:08
  155. wanted to target you and then the Fifth
  156. 3:10
  157. Amendment of course due process of law
  158. 3:13
  159. justifying blah blah blah that all that
  160. 3:15
  161. stuff but then we're also going to add a
  162. 3:17
  163. First Amendment raincoat to this because
  164. 3:19
  165. this is targeting journalists so that
  166. 3:22
  167. there's a First Amendment wrinkle to
  168. 3:23
  169. this so people have case law federal
  170. 3:26
  171. case law that regarding harassment
  172. 3:29
  173. imprisonment false imprisonment and then
  174. 3:31
  175. destruction of someone's reputation
  176. 3:34
  177. defamation I'd appreciate any First
  178. 3:37
  179. Amendment we also probably have to go
  180. 3:39
  181. for the sixth amendment as well and the
  182. 3:42
  183. third amendment third amendment is
  184. 3:43
  185. quartering of troops and people might
  186. 3:45
  187. say what how what quartering of troops
  188. 3:47
  189. well it's it's the supply of a third
  190. 3:51
  191. party federal force private federal
  192. 3:55
  193. force the g4s you know gangs for
  194. 3:58
  195. security that g4s set of private
  196. 4:00
  197. contractors that is not federally sworn
  198. 4:03
  199. they're not sworn officers they've never
  200. 4:04
  201. been trained in in the Constitution
  202. 4:07
  203. they're just people that we put out in
  204. 4:09
  205. the field giving them all these
  206. 4:11
  207. incredible technology powers to harass
  208. 4:13
  209. and to surveil but with really no check
  210. 4:16
  211. nope no congressional checks no records
  212. 4:18
  213. no records whatsoever so all the things
  214. 4:20
  215. that you would never find in a real FBI
  216. 4:23
  217. operation so that has to be brought into
  218. 4:26
  219. play the third amendment has to be
  220. 4:28
  221. brought in place so so far on our tick
  222. 4:30
  223. boxes here we've got first amendment
  224. 4:31
  225. targeting journalists third amendment of
  226. 4:34
  227. standing army fourth amendment the
  228. 4:36
  229. illegal search and seizure fifth
  230. 4:38
  231. amendment we've got four right to due
  232. 4:40
  233. process Sixth Amendment right to Speedy
  234. 4:43
  235. Trial really isn't it hasn't come into
  236. 4:45
  237. play here it may and then we're gonna
  238. 4:47
  239. apply for discovery now remember and so
  240. 4:51
  241. and there are those there's this
  242. 4:52
  243. argument going back and forth on on
  244. 4:53
  245. Twitter and
  246. 4:54
  247. and Facebook and other places should the
  248. 4:58
  249. tenth amendment be brought in because
  250. 4:59
  251. does the state have a right through it
  252. 5:03
  253. does the state have a right through its
  254. 5:05
  255. own enforcement mechanisms through its
  256. 5:06
  257. governor through its governor's all have
  258. 5:09
  259. their own militia and so forth to defend
  260. 5:12
  261. their state there's this Posse Comitatus
  262. 5:15
  263. principle that the governor needs to
  264. 5:17
  265. invite federal forces so we're gonna be
  266. 5:20
  267. testing the idea is JT Tia yeah which is
  268. 5:23
  269. really driven by those ten major
  270. 5:26
  271. branches of the military and really the
  272. 5:28
  273. brass at the top really the David
  274. 5:29
  275. Petraeus is and the CIA level folks and
  276. 5:32
  277. above really it's driven there is the
  278. 5:34
  279. invasion of a state by g4s type gangs
  280. 5:38
  281. for these private gangs for security
  282. 5:40
  283. which they believe is you know somehow
  284. 5:42
  285. creates World Order is that constitute a
  286. 5:45
  287. federal invasion and so the Tenth
  288. 5:47
  289. Amendment may come into play here we
  290. 5:49
  291. don't know there's there's arguments
  292. 5:50
  293. both directions
  294. 5:51
  295. the key is we're going to file probably
  296. 5:53
  297. as far as venue goes from probably gonna
  298. 5:55
  299. file in Ohio for no other reason that's
  300. 5:59
  301. where the state was that it occurred and
  302. 6:02
  303. that's where the grounds were most of
  304. 6:05
  305. this illegal activity took place so why
  306. 6:08
  307. wouldn't you file in that place I hate
  308. 6:11
  309. to turn right around and go back to Ohio
  310. 6:13
  311. but I didn't want to give the folks at
  312. 6:14
  313. CNN where I went this morning I wanted
  314. 6:17
  315. to give the folks at New York Times a
  316. 6:19
  317. chance to apologize a second time I
  318. 6:22
  319. wanted to give Fox News if they wanted
  320. 6:25
  321. to come out and see me in the plaza
  322. 6:27
  323. there I wanted to give them a chance so
  324. 6:28
  325. so that's why I came back to New York as
  326. 6:30
  327. it was an opportunity for all of those
  328. 6:32
  329. folks to just make amends I'm not here
  330. 6:35
  331. in any way this is in no way a malicious
  332. 6:38
  333. or or
  334. 6:40
  335. has any malice whatsoever I just want
  336. 6:41
  337. the right thing to be done they arranged
  338. 6:44
  339. it so that I was imprisoned falsely and
  340. 6:47
  341. you know splashed my name in the paper
  342. 6:49
  343. immediately a leaked information false
  344. 6:52
  345. information to the CNN and and the New
  346. 6:56
  347. York Times that I was a right wing first
  348. 6:58
  349. of all at book gave Bernie five
  350. 7:00
  351. contributions I can show that in court I
  352. 7:02
  353. voted for Obama twice I can show that in
  354. 7:04
  355. court
  356. 7:05
  357. so no effort was made Kevin Mele tried
  358. 7:08
  359. to call me after they had false
  360. 7:10
  361. imprisoned me I guess that's the
  362. 7:11
  363. catch-22 isn't it
  364. 7:13
  365. so I and again I can understand not
  366. 7:16
  367. having of having an ability to report
  368. 7:18
  369. that but I don't understand the ability
  370. 7:21
  371. once you know the facts to not check
  372. 7:23
  373. your facts so this I'm sorry about the
  374. 7:26
  375. New York Times is going to be named in
  376. 7:27
  377. this if they are acting as a state actor
  378. 7:30
  379. when you throw away your journalistic
  380. 7:33
  381. responsibility you're warned about it
  382. 7:35
  383. you're given the opportunity to make
  384. 7:37
  385. amends and then you decide to go ahead
  386. 7:39
  387. and be a state actor on behalf of a
  388. 7:41
  389. illegal and unconstitutional federal
  390. 7:44
  391. government structure then you become a
  392. 7:46
  393. part of the lawsuit new attach yourself
  394. 7:50
  395. as if almost like hand to glove you
  396. 7:53
  397. attach yourself to the federal lawsuit
  398. 7:54
  399. and CNN if CNN doesn't print a
  400. 7:57
  401. retraction as well and they do the same
  402. 7:59
  403. remember we've recorded the conversation
  404. 8:02
  405. with CNN we've shown that none of the
  406. 8:06
  407. Awan brothers were mentioned which later
  408. 8:07
  409. turned out to be fundamental to the
  410. 8:11
  411. safety of the nation turned out it was a
  412. 8:13
  413. spy ring turned out it was correct so
  414. 8:16
  415. they were absolutely incorrect that it
  416. 8:18
  417. was a conspiracy theory when it was not
  418. 8:19
  419. it turned out to be absolutely true
  420. 8:21
  421. every day we found out more truth on the
  422. 8:24
  423. same side on the other side of the river
  424. 8:26
  425. where I exposed the what was going on at
  426. 8:29
  427. the National Harbor and at the
  428. 8:31
  429. Navy Yard right across the Alexandria
  430. 8:34
  431. bridge was where the kangaroo court
  432. 8:36
  433. mueller's kangaroo court decided to do a
  434. 8:38
  435. raid in the middle of the night against
  436. 8:40
  437. the private citizen who had done nothing
  438. 8:42
  439. wrong
  440. 8:42
  441. Paul Manafort had done nothing wrong so
  442. 8:44
  443. using Gestapo type tactics to do a raid
  444. 8:47
  445. to put through his kangaroo court when
  446. 8:51
  447. Hillary has been running around New York
  448. 8:53
  449. for a year she went off to Canada for 11
  450. 8:55
  451. days during her little negotiation again
  452. 8:57
  453. no malice for Hillary but I just want to
  454. 8:59
  455. see some semblance of when you run a
  456. 9:01
  457. drugs for you you know you run a drugs
  458. 9:05
  459. for arms operation in Washington DC like
  460. 9:08
  461. you ran in Arkansas and somebody calls
  462. 9:12
  463. you on it then you don't immediately go
  464. 9:13
  465. arrest the guy across the bridge who was
  466. 9:17
  467. potentially gonna be a part of exposing
  468. 9:19
  469. that so you see this again and again
  470. 9:22
  471. where this chalupa now is a DNC
  472. 9:25
  473. operatives trying to find dirt on Donald
  474. 9:28
  475. Trump ask giving making pay-to-play
  476. 9:30
  477. promises to the government of Ukraine if
  478. 9:32
  479. he can get any kind of dirt on Donald
  480. 9:34
  481. Trump so that so now we've got to pick
  482. 9:36
  483. up the chili pus
  484. 9:37
  485. you know we had dropped the chill it was
  486. 9:38
  487. before now we're gonna have to pick up
  488. 9:40
  489. the stupid chalupas if she lupus have
  490. 9:42
  491. finally made it into this story
  492. 9:45
  493. so this is this is just the practice of
  494. 9:50
  495. exercising your right as a US citizen
  496. 9:53
  497. again the this is far larger than myself
  498. 9:57
  499. much like you know you can say well you
  500. 10:00
  501. know let it go
  502. 10:01
  503. well Brown versus Board of Education was
  504. 10:03
  505. about letting a little girl go through a
  506. 10:05
  507. door you know you could you could boil
  508. 10:07
  509. down Brown versus Board of Education to
  510. 10:09
  511. hey a little girl didn't go through a
  512. 10:11
  513. door so what's your big deal what's the
  514. 10:13
  515. problem okay school busing was the same
  516. 10:16
  517. thing a little kid couldn't get on a bus
  518. 10:17
  519. so you know I'm not I didn't go down an
  520. 10:22
  521. interview Jared and Elizabeth back and
  522. 10:24
  523. go and you know as the greatest civil
  524. 10:26
  525. rights attorneys they are and I didn't
  526. 10:27
  527. go to
  528. 10:29
  529. interview cliff Arabic and about
  530. 10:32
  531. Petraeus and or have a take a call from
  532. 10:35
  533. Dennis Kucinich - all of a sudden now or
  534. 10:38
  535. having interviews with people like
  536. 10:40
  537. Charles or tel and Thomas Payne it's all
  538. 10:43
  539. of a sudden say okay now forget it now I
  540. 10:45
  541. don't care anymore let's take the
  542. 10:47
  543. Constitution just throw it out I you
  544. 10:49
  545. know I got what I needed for me I'm off
  546. 10:51
  547. you know let's let's forget it no I'm
  548. 10:53
  549. not gonna forget it I don't want any
  550. 10:54
  551. financial renumeration all my money will
  552. 10:57
  553. go to just recouping the damages in
  554. 11:00
  555. salary and so forth for me and then the
  556. 11:02
  557. rest will go toward a news organization
  558. 11:04
  559. that is dedicated to giving money to
  560. 11:08
  561. honest reporting that's all I ask
  562. 11:11
  563. I want it to be Columbia Journalism if
  564. 11:14
  565. somebody will Columbia journalism would
  566. 11:15
  567. contact me I would love to talk to the
  568. 11:17
  569. Pulitzer committee and see if we can't
  570. 11:20
  571. enter in negotiations while I'm here in
  572. 11:22
  573. New York I do want to personally file I
  574. 11:25
  575. think in Ohio I think maybe I'm I'm
  576. 11:31
  577. thinking out loud here but maybe you
  578. 11:34
  579. know kind of a trip across America and
  580. 11:37
  581. meeting people all the people that
  582. 11:38
  583. supported me before before filing I'd
  584. 11:41
  585. like to file by Monday or Tuesday again
  586. 11:43
  587. it's not doesn't have to be a perfect
  588. 11:44
  589. document neither was our Constitution
  590. 11:46
  591. right we can always amend it later that
  592. 11:49
  593. the court will show a little bit more
  594. 11:51
  595. leniency on me if I filed pro se which I
  596. 11:53
  597. plan to do and yeah maybe I'm an
  598. 11:57
  599. incompetent attorney or a fool for
  600. 11:59
  601. representing myself but I'll take my
  602. 12:01
  603. chances I've done okay so far so that's
  604. 12:04
  605. it really I just wanted to say at this
  606. 12:07
  607. point I'm focused really on attorneys or
  608. 12:09
  609. people who study the law and want to
  610. 12:12
  611. help write the complaint I don't want to
  612. 12:15
  613. make the complaint an excessively
  614. 12:17
  615. lengthy document I do want to specify
  616. 12:19
  617. the pet
  618. 12:20
  619. Special Agent Pettit John's testimony I
  620. 12:23
  621. want the summary of the 302 interview or
  622. 12:26
  623. interrogation however you want to look
  624. 12:27
  625. at it that occurred in Zanesville I do
  626. 12:31
  627. want to I do want that data to come out
  628. 12:33
  629. because the American people have a right
  630. 12:34
  631. to know what actually happened so this
  632. 12:37
  633. is just an exposure of a process of what
  634. 12:40
  635. actually happened and maybe by exposing
  636. 12:43
  637. this process change will come of it
  638. 12:46
  639. again if the little girls that you can't
  640. 12:48
  641. the little girl can't go through the
  642. 12:50
  643. door and you just keep turning that
  644. 12:51
  645. little girl away all the time and
  646. 12:53
  647. instead of letting that person through
  648. 12:54
  649. then that's how it stays so somebody at
  650. 12:57
  651. some point has to say the little girl
  652. 12:59
  653. can go through the door
  654. 13:01
  655. the little girl can get on the bus
  656. 13:02
  657. otherwise no effective changes ever
  658. 13:04
  659. gonna happen it's only going to get
  660. 13:06
  661. worse instead of the money changing for
  662. 13:08
  663. arms and drugs like was in media Airport
  664. 13:11
  665. the the only thing that happens is the
  666. 13:13
  667. drugs get more potent and the weapons
  668. 13:15
  669. get more potent the wp and the white
  670. 13:19
  671. phosphorus sarin gas we've only gotten
  672. 13:21
  673. more potent weapons on the moneychangers
  674. 13:22
  675. scale and more potent drugs on the money
  676. 13:25
  677. from the moneychangers scale so pardon
  678. 13:29
  679. me if sometimes I like another guy got
  680. 13:34
  681. frustrated with the money changers and
  682. 13:35
  683. want to go through the den of thieves
  684. 13:37
  685. and sometimes I want to up end those
  686. 13:40
  687. scales but you know that's that's what I
  688. 13:46
  689. think our responsibility is as citizens
  690. 13:49
  691. so
  692. 13:51
  693. I can't read the comments is too bright
  694. 13:54
  695. outside
  696. 13:55
  697. my son's leaving for Oregon to play in
  698. 13:59
  699. the beach volleyball tournament I'm not
  700. 14:00
  701. gonna be able to do that with him this
  702. 14:02
  703. year unfortunately someone go up to see
  704. 14:04
  705. him now and and hopefully I can dial in
  706. 14:08
  707. I know today has been a lot of legal
  708. 14:10
  709. eagle stuff and hopefully I could dial
  710. 14:12
  711. in to crowdsource the truth if not I'm
  712. 14:15
  713. sure Jason and Trish will have a great
  714. 14:17
  715. show after last night's great show
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