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Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report}
  2. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  3. \usepackage{wrapfig,lipsum,booktabs}
  5. % Title Page
  6. \title{Lab Report 2}
  7. \author{Julia Hayden}
  10. \begin{document}
  12. \section{Determination of Enzymatic Activity of Horseradish Peroxidase through Spectrophotometry}
  13. 0.12M pyrogallol was prepared by adding 0.076 grams of pyrogallol to 5 mL of water and a 6mM H2O2 solution was prepared. Both solutions were covered with tin foil to prevent exposure to light. A peroxidase enzyme solution was obtained and diluted to 100x, 500x, and 1000x. Five spectrophotometry samples were prepared according to the proportions in table 1. The first four components of the peroxidase reaction solution were added to the cuvette first while the peroxidase was added immediately before measuring in the spectrophotometer at wavelength = 420 nm. Water was used as a blank. The absorbance change was measured for one minute and the slope (reaction velocity) was recorded for each of the three samples. A baseline absorbance was determined by recording the reaction velocity of a sample with 200 uL water in place of enzyme.
  14. \begin{wraptable}{r}{5.5cm}
  15. \caption{Volumes of Each Additive to Prepare Each Peroxidase Reaction}\label{wrap-tab:1}
  16. \begin{tabular}{| l | c | r |}
  17. \hline
  18. 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 & 400 uL\\
  19. 0.12 M pyrogallol & 200 uL\\
  20. 6 mM $H_2O_2$ & 200 uL \\
  21. peroxide preparation & 200 uL\\
  22. total & 1000 uL\\
  23. \hline
  24. \end{tabular}
  25. \end{wraptable}
  28. \section{Determination of Protein Cencentration Through a Bio-Rad Microassay}
  29. BSA protein standards were created based on the values in table 2. Protein samples were diluted 10x, 40x and 100x. 160 uL of each standard and protein sample solution was pipetted into a microassay plate (table 3) and 40 uL of dye reagent concentrate was added and mixed well. The plate was incubated for between 5 and 60 minutes. The plate was measured at wavelength 595 nm with a plate reader and the values were recorded.
  30. \begin{wraptable}{r}{5.5cm}
  31. \caption{Volumes of Each Additive to Prepare BSA Protein Standards}\label{wrap-tab:1}
  32. \begin{tabular}{| l | c | r |}
  33. \hline
  34. BSA ug/mL & Vol of 2 mg/mL Stock (uL) & Vol of $H_2O$ (uL)\\
  35. 0 & 0 & 1000\\
  36. 5 & 2.5 & 997.5\\
  37. 10 & 5 & 995\\
  38. 20 & 10 & 990\\
  39. 40 & 20 & 980\\
  40. 60 & 30 & 970\\
  41. 80 & 40 & 960\\
  42. 100 & 50 & 950\\
  43. \hline
  44. \end{tabular}
  45. \end{wraptable}
  47. \wraptable{r}{5.5cm}
  48. \caption{Microplate Template for Bio-Rad Assay}\label{wrap-tab:1}
  49. \begin{tabular}{| l | g | r | a | b | d | e |}\pos{t}
  50. \hline
  51. & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6\\
  52. A &0&0&0& &10&10\\
  53. B &5&5&5& &40 & 40\\
  54. C&10&10&10& &100&100 \\
  55. D&20&20&20& & &\\
  56. E&40&40&40& & & \\
  57. F&60&60&60& & & \\
  58. G&80&80&80& & & \\
  59. H&100&100&100& & &\\
  60. \hline
  61. \end{tabular}
  62. \end{wraptable}
  63. \section{Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity}
  64. Five reactions were prepared and run with different buffer solutions of different pH based on the volumes given in table 4. For each reaction, a background reaction was run with 400 mL of buffer solution and 200 uL of H_2O. This rate was subtracted from the value obtained in each reaction to determine the true reaction velocity. A buffer solutions of pH = 6.4, pH= 5.0, pH = 8.0, pH 3.0 and pH = 7.4 were used in this experiment.
  65. \wraptable{r}{5.5cm}
  66. \caption{Volumes of Each Additive to Prepare Each Peroxidase Reaction at Different pH}\label{wrap-tab:1}
  67. \begin{tabular}{| l | c | r |}
  68. \hline
  69. Buffer Solution & 400 uL\\
  70. 0.12 M pyrogallol & 200 uL\\
  71. 6 mM H_2O_2 & 200 uL \\
  72. peroxide preparation & 200 uL\\
  73. total & 1000 uL\\
  74. \hline
  75. \end{tabular}
  76. \end{wraptable}
  79. \end{document}
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