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a guest
Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. Minecraft Username:
  2. My username is nameiztaken. It probably sounds familiar, as I am very well known on OP-Anarchy for being respectful, helpful, and friendly.
  4. Age:
  5. As of right now, I am 14 years old, Rather young, but very mature. I turn 15 in September 2015.
  7. How long have you been playing Op-Anarchy:
  8. Some time around Christmas of 2013, thats when I joined for the first time. I quit for a month this summer, just to take a break from Minecraft and spend some time with my friends.
  9. I have also been playing Prison-Anarchy since about August 2013. I no longer play there.
  11. What is your timezone:
  12. PST, Around 5 PM My time, there are very seldom staff members online.
  14. How many hours a day do you play:
  15. 4 to 6 On both weekdays and weekends.
  17. Are you Respectful/Respected:
  18. Definitely respectful, No matter how rude or annoying a player may be, I will always be respectful.
  19. And because of this, I am also highly respected. I have never fought a single player, when I die in PvP, I say GG, not "Skrub hacker!".
  20. I have never cheated a single player, in fact, I have never even tried.
  22. I try to become friends with everyone I meet, no matter the differences between us.
  23. A Good reputation is the best thing someone can have.
  25. What can you do to benefit Op-Anarchy:
  27. I provide what I know about Server Administration, my experience, and of course, my time.
  29. I spend about 90% Of my time spent in Minecraft here, as i find this server to be one of the things I appreciate in life.
  31. By assisting the community with my Experience, like helping to keep the chat free of spammers, racist comments, advertising, and free of unwanted chat messages that are inappropriate or rule breaking, all while maintaining professionalism, as this is key to a great Minecraft community.
  33. I try my best to help players that are asking for items or money, I tell them to give voting a go, which in turn, helps the server climb the lists.
  35. I would help players find their way around, better than I already do. Help them with the forums, give them command information as requested, and answer general questions about the server.
  36. I will monitor chat as much as I possibly can, monitor PvP, and check mines for hackers.
  38. I will be as active as possible on the Forums, answering questions, reading comments, and moderate things there.
  39. I try to vote daily, give the players assistance, and offer members my in game services.
  41. I try my best to keep the servers as clean of hackers and rule breakers as possible. But since I am not currently a staff member, so I can't exactly do anything without reporting it on the forums which takes quite some time.
  43. Why should we chose YOU over other applicants:
  45. I understand that being staff is not about abilities. It is an assigned task, that is, keeping the server safe for all players, not a rank for abilities.
  46. Something most applicants, unfortunately do not realize.
  48. I am intelligent, friendly, mature, helpful, have a great sense of humor, love to interact and share with other players, and keep an eye on hacker effected areas such as PvP, while monitoring chat.
  50. I am sure to correct any bad behavior that is against OP-Anarchy's rules.
  52. I would do anything in my power to insure that the community of OP-Anarchy is safe and enjoyable.
  54. And because I know quite a bit about server communities, and have a sense for what is wrong and what is right.
  56. I have also been playing OP-Anarchy for a very long time, and I feel confident that I can take the responsibility of being a staff member.
  58. I try to vote daily, and to make a this server community a priority in my life, as I love helping other people.
  59. All the while maintaining professionalism, and in rhythm with other staff members.
  61. Do you have any former experience being a staff member on a minecraft server:
  63. Yes, quite a bit actually.
  64. I currently run a Minecraft Server, with a small community, I have been staff on several other since closed servers.
  66. I was Co-Owner on a friends rather popular server with 20+ constant players, and ran things while the owner was away.
  67. Eventually, he decided that it was time to move on and that minecraft was no longer for him.
  69. I have been Moderator on a few smaller servers since then, they have all since shut down.
  71. Have you ever been banned on Op-Anarchy:
  73. Fortunately, I have never been banned on OP-Anarchy, as I hope I will not be. I try very hard to obey every one of the servers rules, as they are there for a very important reason.
  74. I Have been muted once for Spamming. I feel that I should make mention of this, because I try very hard to be honest.
  77. Scenario 1: You see someone spamming the chat but they won't stop, what would you do [if anything]:
  79. Mute the player for 10 minutes, announce the mute and reason, and repeat while adding more time depending upon severity.
  80. (Example, if the player is spamming the same thing 5 times every 10 seconds, and has just served a mute for spam, that would be a 30 minute mute).
  82. Scenario 2: You see a banned item in one of the auctions, what would you do [if anything]:
  84. I would immediately and politely ask the player to cancel the auction and hand over the item, if the player refuses to cooperate, I would ask all players not to bid on the auction as they would take responsibility of the banned item, and attempt to win the auction (For evidence and to destroy the item).
  85. I will take screenshots of the chat logs, and send the screenshots to a higher ranking staff members, no matter the turnout.
  87. My mute and ban times:
  88. Spam: (Mute) 10 minutes to 35 minute mutes.
  89. Countdown: (Mute) 5 minutes.
  90. Racism: (Mute) varies, 20 minutes to 35 minutes, depending on severity.
  91. Causing spam: (Mute) Varies, 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity.
  92. Staff disrespect: (Mute) Varies, 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on severity.
  93. Hacking in or outside of PvP: (temporary ban) 4 day ban.
  94. Flying in PvP: (Temporary Ban) 4 Hours.
  95. Advertisement (Server): Permanent ban.
  96. Advertisement (YouTube Channel): Mute the player for 5 minutes, and kindly ask the player to stop.
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