

Nov 5th, 2015
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  1. They say that fate is predetermined. That the path people take are decided by a god, or gods, that watch over the world. Then there are those that say fate is but an illusion. That every living thing can decide their own destiny.
  2. The truth of the matter is that both are right. The fate of every living thing was decided in the age of the Creator and Destroyer, and each of us are on a pre-determined path. But at the same time, people's destinies can change. For along with this world, there exists countless trillions of other parallel worlds, each one host to a different fate.
  3. As the god of time, I have seen many different things. But this story is one I can never forget. For this is the story of a being who stood up against the fate of countless worlds, and challenged a god for the right to live.
  5. Aeternam Conquest: JUDGMENT
  7. Location: ???
  8. Death. That is all anyone can see now. Most of the island has sunk into the ocean, and the parts that still stay afloat are covered in the bodies of the people that once called this place home.. The angels had raptured those who had given themselves unto them, and showed no mercy to those of us who would resist.
  9. I try and will my body to move, but...
  10. “Aaaaugh!”
  11. I never broke a bone, much less several of them, until now. The pain I feel when I try to move is almost blinding, and serves as a reminder of my failure. With a bit of force, I turn my head and look towards the remains of my comrades.
  12. They lie there, broken by the angels. With most living things now dead, there will be none to mourn their death. None to give them a proper burial. And soon, I too will share that fate.
  13. “I see you still flounder in this mortal coil, Son of Lucifer.”
  14. I could feel His gaze upon me. His hands grab hold of my body and lift me up to where His face should have been.
  15. “Will thou still resist me, or wilst thou become one with my kingdom?”
  16. “I...refuse...”
  17. “Then thy fate is sealed.”
  18. At that moment, He tightened His grip around me. Pain blinded me as my body was being crushed.
  19. “AaaaAAAa—!”
  20. I heard something snap within me. Perhaps he had shattered what few bones I still had unbroken.
  21. “GgggggAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa——————“
  22. With a pop, my vision goes red.
  23. My voice died in my throat just before He tosses me to the ground, my last few moments in this world a silent agony.
  25. Just as my conscience faded, my thoughts traveled to the one person who stood by me before he too was killed.
  26. Perhaps, if we had been stronger, this fate would have been prevented...
  27. Perhaps, if I had not pushed him away, we could have succeeded....
  28. “”
  29. --
  30. Location: Train
  32. “Attention, we will be arriving in Archbrook shortly. Please gather your belonging before disembarking from the train. We thank you for riding Oceana Express.”
  33. I lift myself from the chair I had be lying on and stretch a bit. Outside, I could hear people walking to the doors already.
  34. “That weird dream again.”
  35. For several nights now I've had that weird dream. I'm not one who dawdles on thoughts about the end of the world, but that's all I've seen these past few nights. It's actually starting to scare me.
  36. “Maybe I should talk to a doctor about this?”
  37. I shake what little thoughts remain about the dream and work on getting my luggage.
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