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Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. Game 1
  2. PEWEDD: fun
  3. PEWEDD: put all the high winrates
  4. PEWEDD: in enemy team
  5. PEWEDD: we get the 29% winrate riven
  6. PEWEDD: in jungle
  7. PEWEDD: that just started playing him
  8. PEWEDD: yesterday in normal games
  9. PEWEDD: xd :D
  10. PEWEDD: no i trust in kda too
  11. PEWEDD: his is shitty
  12. PEWEDD: you do that
  13. PEWEDD: just ff
  14. PEWEDD: niec jungle pressure we got already
  15. PEWEDD: xd
  16. PEWEDD: look
  17. PEWEDD: sick
  18. PEWEDD: Noc
  19. PEWEDD: can u give riven some coaching on some top tier champs
  20. PEWEDD: Since ur boosting an account anyway
  21. PEWEDD: Give him some tips pls
  22. PEWEDD: thanks
  23. PEWEDD: lovely jungle pressure
  24. PEWEDD: once
  25. PEWEDD: i died 3 times to a gank
  26. PEWEDD: guess
  27. PEWEDD: i get ganked 3 times
  28. PEWEDD: and keeping up in farm
  29. PEWEDD: while our jungler literally dicks around doing nothing
  30. PEWEDD: pinged
  31. PEWEDD: i even warded three times for u
  32. PEWEDD: sick team
  33. PEWEDD: Getting ganked mid 3 times losing 1v1
  34. PEWEDD: They trashtalk me I even warded 3 times
  35. PEWEDD: XD
  36. PEWEDD: Jup
  37. PEWEDD: But they blame nonetheless
  38. PEWEDD: ? XD
  39. PEWEDD: only I said
  40. PEWEDD: Only thing i said
  41. PEWEDD: is why would you play your lowest winrate champ
  42. PEWEDD: Aka riven
  43. PEWEDD: dead target
  44. PEWEDD: why would i use R
  45. PEWEDD: casue u canceled an auto
  46. PEWEDD: yes
  47. PEWEDD: yes
  48. PEWEDD: yes
  49. PEWEDD: yes
  50. PEWEDD: yes
  51. PEWEDD: nocturne soloing drake
  52. PEWEDD: jungler > no jungler
  53. PEWEDD: Gg wp
  54. PEWEDD: same
  55. PEWEDD: I feel sad for them not surrendering
  56. PEWEDD: nice 4chan joke mf
  57. PEWEDD: back to the cellar
  58. PEWEDD: why are u even discussing
  59. PEWEDD: Gg wp
  60. PEWEDD: report me
  61. PEWEDD: I died 5 times
  62. PEWEDD: With no jungle help
  63. Game 2
  64. PEWEDD: really great idea
  65. PEWEDD: to fight
  66. PEWEDD: lvl 1
  67. PEWEDD: ;)
  68. PEWEDD: couldnt care less
  69. PEWEDD: u literally jumped back with the plant
  70. PEWEDD: instead of playing it safe
  71. PEWEDD: im off
  72. PEWEDD: bye
  73. PEWEDD: why dont u stun
  74. PEWEDD: directly
  75. PEWEDD: you ape
  78. PEWEDD: dont care
  79. PEWEDD: ff 20
  80. PEWEDD: see u in 14min
  81. PEWEDD: here comes our quality toplaner
  82. PEWEDD: xd
  83. PEWEDD: fiora dying lvl 1 1v1
  84. PEWEDD: says enough this game
  85. PEWEDD: stating facts
  86. PEWEDD: top lane looks interesting
  87. PEWEDD: xd
  88. PEWEDD: 2/6
  89. PEWEDD: toplaners
  90. PEWEDD: in general
  91. PEWEDD: idk
  92. PEWEDD: i have a bad game too
  93. PEWEDD: u see me feeding?
  94. PEWEDD: sick fight
  95. PEWEDD: why u fight
  96. PEWEDD: u coulkd've
  97. PEWEDD: backed up
  98. PEWEDD: yasuo
  99. PEWEDD: ult on my kicks
  100. PEWEDD: and we might win
  101. PEWEDD: go bt ga
  102. PEWEDD: need this drake
  103. PEWEDD: better push mid
  104. PEWEDD: and give u pdrake
  105. PEWEDD: :))
  106. PEWEDD: i wanted to do drake
  107. PEWEDD: but yasuo rather pushed mid
  108. PEWEDD: so taric died
  109. PEWEDD: no
  110. PEWEDD: u died
  111. PEWEDD: cauase yasuo didnt group
  112. PEWEDD: for an objective
  113. PEWEDD: we had to clear wards
  114. PEWEDD: but people dont understand
  115. PEWEDD: sad
  116. PEWEDD: just ff
  117. PEWEDD: u keep splitting for no reason
  118. PEWEDD: we have a better team oriented fight
  119. PEWEDD: i can just flash kick 2 people
  120. PEWEDD: but you rather keep dying 1v2 all day
  121. PEWEDD: sad
  122. PEWEDD: gg wp
  123. PEWEDD: jsut end
  124. PEWEDD: gonna vote no now
  125. PEWEDD: let them end
  126. PEWEDD: :)
  127. PEWEDD: Gg wp
  128. PEWEDD: report top
  129. Game 3
  130. PEWEDD: just sit bot or mid
  131. PEWEDD: ??
  132. PEWEDD: XD?
  133. PEWEDD: l0l
  134. PEWEDD: gp 6
  135. PEWEDD: care ults
  136. PEWEDD: literally
  137. PEWEDD: 0 jungle pressure
  138. PEWEDD: this nidalee is fucking bad
  139. PEWEDD: and you dont even countergan ktop
  140. PEWEDD: smh
  141. PEWEDD: gp no flash
  142. PEWEDD: and he knows it
  143. PEWEDD: and you go bot
  144. PEWEDD: gtfo jungle
  145. PEWEDD: if u dont know how to jungle
  146. PEWEDD: dont play jungle
  147. PEWEDD: 2 top
  148. PEWEDD: no drake
  149. PEWEDD: l2p
  150. PEWEDD: 2 late now
  151. PEWEDD: hes already bot
  152. PEWEDD: not sureendering
  153. PEWEDD: why fight
  154. PEWEDD: why do you even fight
  155. PEWEDD: agaisnt a fed botlane
  157. PEWEDD: 0 game knowledge
  158. PEWEDD: we scale in mid game
  159. PEWEDD: better fight now
  160. PEWEDD: watch nidalee come top again
  161. PEWEDD: 9x lee
  162. PEWEDD: 100%
  163. PEWEDD: 9x lee
  164. PEWEDD: Thanks
  165. PEWEDD: getting outjungled by a 1kda nidalee
  166. PEWEDD: XDD
  167. PEWEDD: 20% winrate
  168. PEWEDD: ur bnad
  169. PEWEDD: just ff
  170. PEWEDD: cba to play
  171. PEWEDD: with people that dont understand the game
  172. PEWEDD: getting outjungled
  173. PEWEDD: by a 20% winrate nidalee
  174. PEWEDD: xd;D
  175. PEWEDD: close
  176. PEWEDD: player
  177. PEWEDD: cant even insec
  178. PEWEDD: a nidalee
  180. PEWEDD: why are you even playing
  182. PEWEDD: no worries
  183. PEWEDD: reported anyway
  184. PEWEDD: biggest ape i've ever seen
  185. PEWEDD: just x4 him
  186. PEWEDD: if u ccant jungle
  187. PEWEDD: ^
  188. PEWEDD: and if u cant jungle
  189. PEWEDD: u can just powerfarm
  190. PEWEDD: and be usefull
  191. PEWEDD: now u just fed everylane
  192. PEWEDD: :D:D:D:D:
  193. PEWEDD: just x4 him
  194. PEWEDD: just unlucky autofilled jungler
  195. PEWEDD: X9 lee
  196. PEWEDD: Pls
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