
Rune Scribbles

Jul 25th, 2014
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  1. Nick: RuneScribbles
  3. Rune aka "Scribbles" is an earth pony filly. She has a dust-gray coat with a dis-shelved mohawk mane of periwinkle and violet, and a long tail to match. Her eyes are a bright lime green but what's more of note are her hooves. Unlike the usual pony, her hooves are bone, and it's rather painful at times too for her. Despite being a filly, she's a bit too old to not yet have her cutie mark.
  5. Appearence:
  6. 243Z000000939393FFC49D022011CF200UO1837003000001H17F3FCC80B2FE1F107F3FCC004CB2
  10. Abilities: Can "cast spells" through her scribbles, similar to unicorns and their horns. Usually only accidentally or in times of duress. She doesn't need to have paint or a liquid, but it helps. Even just dirt will do. She also likes to sculpt things, using clay.
  12. Background:
  13. Rune was born to two unicorns, her mother Read-A-Lune a librarian and her father Furious Finder aka Fury a researcher of artifacts. Having a long line of unicorns in the family, the parents were sorely baffled when their little Rune was born without a horn, being a regular ol' earth pony. This made everything difficult. Rune was named after her great great great great great (take a breath) great great GREAT grandmother, Rune Sky, who was known for sculpting the clouds and flying with her gossamer wings.
  15. She failed expectations upon birth. Not even being a unicorn.
  17. Unlike other earth ponies, she had no interest in work or even real hobbies. She was interested in magic, which she couldn't use or cast. She was adventurous like her father, but couldn't help him on his exploits, and thus was too much of a handful to her quiet librarian mother. To pass time, Rune took an interest in art.. or rather.. making messed with paint. She drew with her hooves, odd zigzags and squiggles, which earned her the nickname Scribbles.
  19. When she was old enough to attend school, her parents decided it was best to send her to Ponyville to live with her aunt Herbitha aka Herbi, who works as an alchemist brewing potions and concoctions to better aid others and instill some liquid courage at times. Herbi was an outcast of the family, a unicorn with a broken horn who favored the life of the mundane. Rune was sent away because.. well.. why should a non-unicorn attend a unicorn academy? Despite her interest and natural draw to magic, Rune couldn't use magic.. and thus, couldn't learn spells or anything.
  21. To try and cheer her up, her father took her with him for the first time on an exploit. During the cavern adventure to uncover a book, the cave floor gave way. Furious Finder went falling, and was only saved by dangling on the tether rope that had bound the two of them together so the filly didn't get lost. Fury was unconscious, hanging there by his ankle.. slipping slowly as the rope began to tear. Rune was tugged harsh against a boulder, wrapped by the rope, the only leverage she had to not flying over the ledge.
  23. She lacked the strength of earth ponies, but still tried to use her own form to walk backwards and hoist her father up, crying and screaming to him all the while. His weight was too much. She lacked the strength. The rock floor bit her hooves, cracking them, drawing forth blood. As she still strained and cried, her hooves painted the ground with blood.
  25. The rope broke.
  27. Her father, Furious Finder... fell..
  29. Rune screamed at the top of her lungs. The blood designs under her hooves would glow red, and suddenly everything went black....
  31. Furious Finder woke to find his daughter laying beside him, her hooves damaged to the bone, bloodied. But he was fine, having not gone over the cliffside. Not knowing of his daughter's magical ability that saved his very life, Fury took her home.
  33. The doctor told them that she was lucky to walk, but that Rune would never be able to buck or gallop as well as other ponies, let alone the laborious earth ponies in general. With heavy hearts, they sent their bandaged daughter to Ponyville...
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