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Jan 13th, 2013
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  1. ➜ libmycourses git:(master) ✗ python
  2. Login using: **********
  3. Loading Course Data
  4. Fetching Course Contents for Winter 2013 - COMP-206-001 - Intro to Software Systems
  5. Downloading: Course Description
  6. Downloading: Introduction
  7. Downloading: Tutorial for Handin
  8. Downloading: OS&Unix
  9. Fetching Course Contents for Winter 2013 - COMP-252-001 - Honours Algorithms&Data Struct
  10. Downloading: Course web page
  11. Downloading: 8jan2013
  12. Downloading: big_surprises
  13. Downloading: 10jan2013
  14. Fetching Course Contents for Winter 2013 - COMP-273-001 - Intro to Computer Systems
  15. Downloading: Course outline
  16. Downloading: Prof. Vybihal's Course website
  17. Downloading: Prof. Langer's Notes
  18. Downloading: Lecture 1 - Introduction and System Boards
  19. Downloading: Lecture 2 - Intro to CPU Details
  20. Fetching Course Contents for Winter 2013 - COMP-302-001 - Programming Lang & Paradigms
  21. Downloading: Course web page
  22. Fetching Course Contents for Winter 2013 - MATH-323-001 - Probability
  23. Downloading: MATH 323 Course Outline Winter 2013
  24. Fetching Course Contents for Fall 2012 - COMP-250-001 - Intro to Computer Science
  25. Downloading: public web page
  26. Fetching Course Contents for Fall 2012 - INDR-294-001 - Intro to Labour-Mgmt Relations
  27. Downloading: Course Outline
  28. Downloading: Introduction to Labour Relations
  29. Downloading: Union Perspective
  30. Downloading: The Management Perspective
  31. Downloading: The Legal Environment
  32. Downloading: Economic and Social Environments
  33. Downloading: Negotiations
  34. Downloading: Collective Agreement
  35. Downloading: Strike and Dispute Resolution
  36. Downloading: Labour History
  37. Downloading: Explanation
  38. Downloading: Sample - Opening Statement
  39. Downloading: Individual Evaluation Form
  40. Downloading: Jean Lortie CSN
  41. Downloading: Results-Simulation
  42. Downloading: Mid-Term Examination
  43. Fetching Course Contents for Fall 2012 - MATH-240-001 - Discrete Structures 1
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