Guest User


a guest
Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "InvasionMultiplier": 1,
  3. "DefaultMaximumSpawns": 5,
  4. "DefaultSpawnRate": 600,
  5. "ServerPort": 7777,
  6. "EnableWhitelist": false,
  7. "InfiniteInvasion": false,
  8. "PvPMode": "normal",
  9. "SpawnProtection": false,
  10. "SpawnProtectionRadius": 10,
  11. "MaxSlots": 8,
  12. "RangeChecks": true,
  13. "DisableBuild": false,
  14. "SuperAdminChatRGB": [
  15. 255,
  16. 0,
  17. 255
  18. ],
  19. "SuperAdminChatPrefix": "[Papiez] ",
  20. "SuperAdminChatSuffix": "",
  21. "BackupInterval": 0,
  22. "BackupKeepFor": 60,
  23. "RememberLeavePos": false,
  24. "HardcoreOnly": false,
  25. "MediumcoreOnly": false,
  26. "KickOnMediumcoreDeath": false,
  27. "BanOnMediumcoreDeath": false,
  28. "AutoSave": true,
  29. "AnnounceSave": true,
  30. "MaximumLoginAttempts": 3,
  31. "ServerName": "PapiezoLAND",
  32. "UseServerName": true,
  33. "StorageType": "sqlite",
  34. "MySqlHost": "localhost:3306",
  35. "MySqlDbName": "",
  36. "MySqlUsername": "",
  37. "MySqlPassword": "",
  38. "MediumcoreBanReason": "Death results in a ban",
  39. "MediumcoreKickReason": "Death results in a kick",
  40. "EnableIPBans": true,
  41. "EnableUUIDBans": true,
  42. "EnableBanOnUsernames": false,
  43. "DefaultRegistrationGroupName": "default",
  44. "DefaultGuestGroupName": "Gracz",
  45. "DisableSpewLogs": true,
  46. "DisableSecondUpdateLogs": false,
  47. "HashAlgorithm": "sha512",
  48. "ServerFullReason": "Server is full",
  49. "WhitelistKickReason": "You are not on the whitelist.",
  50. "ServerFullNoReservedReason": "Server is full. No reserved slots open.",
  51. "SaveWorldOnCrash": true,
  52. "EnableGeoIP": false,
  53. "EnableTokenEndpointAuthentication": false,
  54. "RestApiEnabled": false,
  55. "RestApiPort": 7878,
  56. "DisableTombstones": true,
  57. "DisplayIPToAdmins": false,
  58. "KickProxyUsers": true,
  59. "DisableHardmode": false,
  60. "DisableDungeonGuardian": false,
  61. "DisableClownBombs": false,
  62. "DisableSnowBalls": false,
  63. "ChatFormat": "{1}{2}{3}: {4}",
  64. "ChatAboveHeadsFormat": "{2}",
  65. "ForceTime": "normal",
  66. "TileKillThreshold": 60,
  67. "TilePlaceThreshold": 20,
  68. "TileLiquidThreshold": 15,
  69. "ProjectileThreshold": 50,
  70. "HealOtherThreshold": 50,
  71. "ProjIgnoreShrapnel": true,
  72. "RequireLogin": false,
  73. "DisableInvisPvP": false,
  74. "MaxRangeForDisabled": 10,
  75. "ServerPassword": "",
  76. "RegionProtectChests": false,
  77. "RegionProtectGemLocks": true,
  78. "DisableLoginBeforeJoin": false,
  79. "DisableUUIDLogin": false,
  80. "KickEmptyUUID": false,
  81. "AllowRegisterAnyUsername": false,
  82. "AllowLoginAnyUsername": true,
  83. "MaxDamage": 1175,
  84. "MaxProjDamage": 1175,
  85. "KickOnDamageThresholdBroken": false,
  86. "IgnoreProjUpdate": false,
  87. "IgnoreProjKill": false,
  88. "IgnoreNoClip": false,
  89. "AllowIce": false,
  90. "AllowCrimsonCreep": true,
  91. "AllowCorruptionCreep": true,
  92. "AllowHallowCreep": true,
  93. "StatueSpawn200": 3,
  94. "StatueSpawn600": 6,
  95. "StatueSpawnWorld": 10,
  96. "PreventBannedItemSpawn": false,
  97. "PreventDeadModification": true,
  98. "EnableChatAboveHeads": false,
  99. "ForceXmas": false,
  100. "AllowAllowedGroupsToSpawnBannedItems": false,
  101. "IgnoreChestStacksOnLoad": false,
  102. "LogPath": "tshock",
  103. "UseSqlLogs": false,
  104. "RevertToTextLogsOnSqlFailures": 10,
  105. "PreventInvalidPlaceStyle": true,
  106. "BroadcastRGB": [
  107. 255,
  108. 128,
  109. 0
  110. ],
  111. "ApplicationRestTokens": {},
  112. "ReservedSlots": 20,
  113. "LogRest": false,
  114. "RespawnSeconds": 5,
  115. "RespawnBossSeconds": 10,
  116. "TilePaintThreshold": 15,
  117. "ForceHalloween": false,
  118. "AllowCutTilesAndBreakables": false,
  119. "CommandSpecifier": "/",
  120. "CommandSilentSpecifier": ".",
  121. "KickOnHardcoreDeath": false,
  122. "BanOnHardcoreDeath": false,
  123. "HardcoreBanReason": "Death results in a ban",
  124. "HardcoreKickReason": "Death results in a kick",
  125. "AnonymousBossInvasions": true,
  126. "MaxHP": 500,
  127. "MaxMP": 200,
  128. "SaveWorldOnLastPlayerExit": true,
  129. "BCryptWorkFactor": 7,
  130. "MinimumPasswordLength": 4,
  131. "RESTMaximumRequestsPerInterval": 5,
  132. "RESTRequestBucketDecreaseIntervalMinutes": 1,
  133. "RESTLimitOnlyFailedLoginRequests": true,
  134. "ShowBackupAutosaveMessages": true
  135. }
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