
[link] Reverse Engineers Toolkit

Jun 7th, 2022 (edited)
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  3. обучалка
  8. Category Tool Purpose
  9. Tools 7-Zip Decompress wide variety of file types
  10. Tools Notepad++ Text editor
  11. Tools Python 3.6.x Scripting language
  12. Tools WinSCP Secure file transfer
  13. Tools Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
  14. Tools Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86)
  15. Unpacking UPX Packer/unpacker for executables
  16. Unpacking Scylla Recover executable from packed binary after running (Blog post on usage)
  17. Unpacking Universal Import Fixer (UIF) Reveal obfuscated imports in binary
  18. Unpacking Imports Fixer Reveal obfuscated imports in binary
  19. Unpacking Exeinfo PE Packer, unpacker, data detector
  20. Unpacking Detect It Easy Packer identifier
  21. Unpacking Bytehist Produces byte usage histogram (hints if file is packed/compressed)
  22. Unpacking pe-unmapper Can recover PE executable dumped from memory
  23. Decoding strings2 Extract ASCII and Unicode strings from binary data
  24. Decoding HxD Hex Editor
  25. Decoding BinText Extract ASCII and Unicode strings from binary data
  26. Decoding scdbg Show all Windows API functions called by shellcode
  27. Decoding jmp2it Transfer EIP control to shellcode (Blog post on usage)
  28. Behavior Analysis ProcDOT Visual malware analysis (Requires WinDump and GraphViz to be installed)
  29. Behavior Analysis API Monitor Monitor and control API calls made by processes
  30. Behavior Analysis Process Monitor Show real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity
  31. Behavior Analysis Process Hacker Open source clone of classic Process Explorer tool
  32. Behavior Analysis Wireshark Network packet capture and analysis
  33. Behavior Analysis Noriben Malware analysis sandbox
  34. Behavior Analysis Regshot Registry snapshot and comparison utility
  35. Behavior Analysis TcpLogView Simple viewer for active TCP connections
  36. Behavior Analysis HashMyFiles Calculate hash values (MD5/SHA/etc...) of file
  37. Behavior Analysis Fiddler Web debugging proxy (edit and analyze HTTP/HTTPS traffic in-flight)
  38. Behavior Analysis AutoRuns Show programs that will run automatically (i.e. persistence)
  39. PE File Analysis PeStudio Malware static analysis assessment tool
  40. PE File Analysis CFF Explorer Editor for PE files
  41. PE File Analysis IDA Freeware 5.0 Disassembler, debugger, and (add-on) decompiler. $$$$ for Pro version.
  42. PE File Analysis OllyDbg 2 + OllyDumpEx Disassembler and debugger
  43. PE File Analysis x64dbg x64/x32 Windows debugger
  44. ScyllaHide Plugin for x64dbg (and OllyDbg 2, and others) - Performs anti-anti-debugging to hide your analysis tool from the malware
  45. xAnalyzer Plugin for x64dbg - Performs additional static analysis on function definitions, arguments, and data types
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