
ecchi's fanfic

Jul 4th, 2018
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  1. Tagging this as NSFW just to be safe. Also this is for 1k karma. Thanks guys.
  7. Sayori’s room. The place hadn’t changed much at all over the years.
  9. On one corner where both adjacent walls had windows was her single bed, always unkempt as the girl never found it in her to fix it herself.
  11. But that was the least of his worries at the moment. And it wasn’t much of an issue either since she had to lie down if ever they wanted to finish their business properly.
  13. “Hey, are you done preparing already?”
  15. He gulped, hearing her voice from behind him. He took a deep breath and slow he turned around...
  17. There she was, Sayori, His childhood friend. She was lying on her bed, eyes glazed and fixated on him seemingly eager and yearning for something. The fair complexion of her cheeks were tinged with a bright red blush, her lips appearing to be soft and moist, quivering ever so slightly in what could possibly be nervousness and anticipation.
  19. She didn’t bother changing out of her uniform due to her laziness and the fact that tomorrow wasn’t a school day, and the way she laid was rather dangerous. Her skirt wasn’t short, but it was already riding up her thighs a little and bore more skin than usual. His eyes moved everywhere, tracing every curve of her body, taking their precious time to stop and ogle certain rounded, well-developed areas...
  21. “Are you sure you want me to do this? I mean...” He asked once more before things started, wanting to affirm her consent on the matter.
  23. “Of course.” Sayori answered, the confidence in her tone enough to serve as his okay-signal and make his heart race.
  25. He approached the girl who put her own body at his mercy, feeling his face heat up as he closed the distance between them, her breath audible and warm to the skin. He gently brushed aside some of her hair and tucked it behind her ear when-
  27. “Hya-!!”
  29. A soft squeal left her mouth as her hands were not fast enough to cover her mouth, a sound that he had only heard from her just now after years of companionship. Her entire body shuddered from his touch, her ears growing redder and hotter than ever.
  31. “D-don’t do that! I-I’m kinda ticklish there.”
  33. Normally his mischievous side would have taken this as the perfect opportunity to exploit a weakness, but his mind was too occupied with other things at hand that he couldn’t find it in himself to do so.
  35. “S-sorry.”
  37. He gave her some time to calm herself first, and once she had relaxed Sayori nodded as his cue for him to continue. Taking one last long look into her eyes, he settled himself properly beside her and gripped his tool with his right hand.
  39. “Last chance Sayori, you can still say no. After this, we’ll pass the point of no-return.”
  41. “It’s okay, I wouldn’t want it with anyone else.” She averted her gaze, the redness of her face never leaving as she gave a small smile. “If it’s going to be you then I’ll be fine, I trust you after all.”
  43. ‘Good grief.’ He thought. There was something about Sayori that whenever she smiled like that, he could never work up the courage to turn her down.
  45. “Alright then, I’m going in.”
  47. The heavy tension in the air returned as he positioned himself for his entry. Despite lacking experience, with great precision he gently made his way to her.
  49. “A-ah-!” Sayori blinked hard as the tip just grazed her opening, as if she could no longer bear to accept any more of it. He paused once again as he waited for her to motion him to go on, paying heed to her situation since she had mentioned beforehand that this was her first time.
  51. ...well, it was his first time too.
  53. “Are you alright? Did it hurt? I’m not really used to this at all.”
  55. “It’s okay, I’m just kind of really sensitive there, s-so...” She trailed off, unable to say anything else probably due to embarrassment. Taking her silence as a yes he took a deep breath and proceeded with the task at hand.
  57. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he fiddled around inside her, taking note of her reactions upon each movement and memorizing those that yielded good results. It was quite the painstaking process, but seeing as she had asked him for this favor personally then who was he to decline?
  59. “Yes, right there...” Sayori finally spoke up after a few minutes of nothing but moans being muffled by her pillow, biting her lip as he once more hit the right spot. “Y-yes, that’s the one.”
  61. “Okay, just relax and let me do the work.” He reassured her, to which she buried her face onto his chest. He could feel how tight her grip on him was, her shaking hands yanking at the fabric of his clothes as she pressed herself against him.
  63. He began to move again, letting his instrument graze upon her inner walls. This time Sayori didn’t even try holding back anymore and released a few moans, now making him the one to feel embarrassed. Her breathing had grown ragged and labored, and he swore he could hear her muttering his name softly under her breath.
  65. “I’m almost there, just hang on for a little more.” He tilted her a bit, making her hole parallel to the bed. As he plunged himself deeper, he could feel her nails almost digging into the skin of his back. His movements now lost their grace and almost seemed animalistic in nature as he clawed inside her orifice.
  67. It only took a few more moments of his assault before he pulled out right on the nick of time as it all came out.
  69. “And we’re done.” He sighed in relief, grabbing the nearby cloth he had set aside earlier and wiping his tool clean with it. “There was a lot more than I expected, guess it’s been held in all this time.”
  71. Sayori sat up shaking a bit and glanced at the stain from their recent activity, blushing at the sight.
  73. Right then and there, in front of her, was a decent amount of earwax, maybe even a bit too much for a girl to have.
  75. “You know, I still don’t understand why you had to ask me for help with this.”
  77. “Well, Natsuki will probably think it’s gross and say no, and Yuri looks like the kind of person that doesn’t even get earwax. As for Monika she said she was busy, like ‘breaking a wall’ or something.”
  79. “...that doesn’t make any sense.” He thought. Then again, most of what went through Sayori’s head and out her mouth usually didn’t.
  81. “Anyway, all that made me hungry!”
  83. “Yeah, you were really moaning a lot near the end. I didn’t know you were like that.”
  85. “W-wha... That’s because you were so rough! You should learn to treat a girl better. This is why you don’t have a girlfriend yet.”
  87. “Whoa hey. Lighten up on the insults.”
  89. “Not until you show me you’re sorry.” She pouted.
  91. “Alright, alright. I’ll fix you up some cookies to make up for it. Happy now?”
  93. “Really? Yay!” Sayori immediately beamed at the offer and hugged his arm, pulling at him to move. “C’mon! The cookies aren’t gonna bake themselves!”
  95. Without much fuss the two then left the room, unaware of the presence of a pair of green eyes that had been watching them intently all this time from behind the window.
  101. I wrote this on FFN and edited to fit DDLC (characters and ending). Would have preferred doing this with Natsuki, but I find she wouldn’t fit the role as good as Sayori did.
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