monotonetimunarchive 2018-01-11 [05:52] - 1aaa51f4-fff4-40e7-86d8-aaa040c340df.mpeg

Jan 11th, 2018
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  1. [05:53:04] apathetic_divine: Oh. No, there's a lot more to it that's bothering me than just that brief conversation. But I didn't mean anything mean by it at all.
  2. [05:53:11] perciacalos: timOh
  3. [05:53:25] memnarch6: hi tim
  4. [05:53:29] mishmisha: broBoo
  5. [05:53:31] apathetic_divine: And now for something completely different~
  6. [05:53:33] kevin1760: timOh
  7. [05:55:14] literallytrash0: oh hey tim
  8. [05:56:49] crzay4321: hello tim.
  9. [05:57:24] kevin1760: Did you watch the new foodlime video?
  10. [05:57:50] 13thmarc: Tim when are you going to finish the Vice City midi soundtrack. I totally haven't been watching old casts
  11. [05:58:58] perciacalos: You should upload the stations you've finished onto soundcloud
  12. [05:59:07] 13thmarc: I'm just rewatching the whole pepsi soundtrack coming into existence
  13. [05:59:15] crzay4321: oh, good
  14. [05:59:30] crzay4321: I learned from the other day about the weird kokomo rip
  15. [05:59:33] crzay4321: And it's incredible.
  16. [05:59:46] 13thmarc: it haunts me
  17. [05:59:48] shimmerfairy: @13thMarc What stream is that? People claimed it was lost to time.
  18. [06:00:07] crzay4321: yeah, the one that you said could be used for torture.
  19. [06:00:12] perciacalos: With unarchived and scorpionrocks, nothing is lost
  20. [06:00:16] 13thmarc: skip about 4 or 5 hours in
  21. [06:00:50] crzay4321: speaking of scorpionsrock, I haven't seen him around chat in a long time.
  22. [06:01:00] 13thmarc: the unrealsed "pepsi girl" is amazing
  23. [06:01:09] theeyesofsyn92: Hey Tim and Chat
  24. [06:01:21] crzay4321: hello there.
  25. [06:01:26] gashapon: hello Tim
  26. [06:01:30] crzay4321: and I agree, hope he's doing alright.
  27. [06:01:47] kinghubris: teenHEY
  28. [06:01:49] weallwerenoobs83: this reminds me of hot dog king girl, or what ever the abomination of a face was called
  29. [06:02:00] 13thmarc: so sexy
  30. [06:02:01] crzay4321: hot girl
  31. [06:02:03] apathetic_divine: Hello Syn.
  32. [06:02:08] weallwerenoobs83: ah yes
  33. [06:02:11] it_is_fanatic: hot fish. hot girl timBBQQT
  34. [06:02:11] theeyesofsyn92: hey o/
  35. [06:02:11] weallwerenoobs83: hot girl
  36. [06:02:30] shimmerfairy: I really should keep working on my own pepsi song.
  37. [06:02:35] theeyesofsyn92: I thought it was "part fish, part girl"
  38. [06:02:58] 13thmarc: I've been wanting to do No Tengo timDinero for a while but I will probably fail at it
  39. [06:04:32] it_is_fanatic: @TheEyesofSyn92 it is. but the first time i heard it i thought i heard hot fish and was confused
  40. [06:05:28] weallwerenoobs83: that was almost close to a win
  41. [06:06:15] gashapon: is this puyo puyo sun?
  42. [06:06:17] literallytrash0: Did you play HQ tonight tim?
  43. [06:08:35] theperson88: i got puyo puyo tetris the other day and have the "where the hell did that come from" feeling all of the time.
  44. [06:08:37] 13thmarc: I swear the computer knows to just drop one chains as soon as you are half way up
  45. [06:08:44] gashapon: the sun garbage seems very annoying to deal with
  46. [06:08:49] theperson88: like, "how dare you not let me win, game"
  47. [06:11:20] 13thmarc: the fish looks like he never goes for more than 2 combos, so its constantly dropping trash
  48. [06:11:29] crzay4321: this fish, man.
  49. [06:11:53] apathetic_divine: @StereotoneTim How are you feeling today? :/
  50. [06:13:24] kevin1760: My guess time feels like timBin
  51. [06:13:32] kevin1760: tim*
  52. [06:14:17] 13thmarc: indigestion?
  53. [06:14:24] 13thmarc: I get that a lot
  54. [06:14:37] apathetic_divine: Is it related to work? Or something back home?
  55. [06:14:57] it_is_fanatic: sushi time timClip
  56. [06:15:16] kevin1760: 1am chinese time?
  57. [06:15:21] 13thmarc: I'm just trying to enjoy my time now before my brother comes back to live with me again.. because a 30 year old can't figure out how to job yet.
  58. [06:15:56] gashapon: perhaps try to start cooking again?
  59. [06:16:08] kevin1760: Cooking streams when?
  60. [06:16:11] dehumanization: cooking keeps me sane, just barely
  61. [06:16:12] cupcakesdotrar: I'm trying to do the same and cook more too
  62. [06:16:13] apathetic_divine: Hm, well I won't ask more.
  63. [06:16:16] 13thmarc: I wish I could do a non take out year. ... my stove is still broken.
  64. [06:16:29] cupcakesdotrar: just groceries are expensive
  65. [06:16:51] killing_moon: You just got taken to the cleaners
  66. [06:17:13] 13thmarc: because she is a maid...
  67. [06:17:14] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im the 30 year old who cant work
  68. [06:17:27] 13thmarc: do you mooch off of others?
  69. [06:17:47] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: no
  70. [06:17:49] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: yes
  71. [06:17:51] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: somewhat
  72. [06:17:53] nixplicit: Hey Tim
  73. [06:18:02] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: im only 21 what do u want from me i havent graduated yet
  74. [06:18:38] 13thmarc: I'm confused.
  75. [06:18:43] nixplicit: You sound like you're half asleep. I envy that.
  76. [06:19:03] nixplicit: FeelsBadMan
  77. [06:19:06] 13thmarc: All I know is my brother can't keep a constant job nor make a minimum of 200 a week
  78. [06:19:25] cupcakesdotrar: at least with your new healthy habits youll be able to pull off sexier amazon cosplays
  79. [06:19:46] 13thmarc: are you saying Tim isn't sexy now? I love those thights timClip
  80. [06:19:59] 13thmarc: thighs.. whatever
  81. [06:20:11] theeyesofsyn92: dude, I agree
  82. [06:20:20] nixplicit: Those leggings....
  83. [06:20:22] theeyesofsyn92: Tim is totally sexy
  84. [06:20:31] nixplicit: Hottest Dad NA
  85. [06:20:39] 13thmarc: I'm 4 beers in tim don't make fun of me!
  86. [06:20:40] nixplicit: make you crazy
  87. [06:20:58] cupcakesdotrar: walks are nice for more reasons than just health
  88. [06:21:09] theeyesofsyn92: I'm not drunk eogWelp
  89. [06:21:18] 13thmarc: Maybe.
  90. [06:21:26] nixplicit: Im high if that is considered a handicap.
  91. [06:21:26] 13thmarc: don't hurt me daddy
  92. [06:21:46] theeyesofsyn92: Drunken words are just sober thoughts Tim
  93. [06:21:47] weallwerenoobs83: if my parents weren't so judgey id be like half a bottle in
  94. [06:22:00] weallwerenoobs83: d a d d y
  95. [06:22:01] 13thmarc: father?
  96. [06:22:06] nixplicit: Papa
  97. [06:22:06] 13thmarc: pa pa ?
  98. [06:22:09] weallwerenoobs83: padre
  99. [06:22:16] nixplicit: Senpai
  100. [06:22:19] kevin1760: ojisan
  101. [06:22:20] contradistinct: mommy
  102. [06:22:27] weallwerenoobs83: mother
  103. [06:22:32] 13thmarc: I always get called grandpa because I wear bowties and suspenders.
  104. [06:22:43] kevin1760: uhh
  105. [06:22:47] theeyesofsyn92: I don't understand Blue-haired guy's that his leg?
  106. [06:22:55] theeyesofsyn92: just twisted around his body
  107. [06:23:05] raynor_ex: oh my gah
  108. [06:23:20] 13thmarc: I think it is his leg.
  109. [06:24:25] nixplicit: Have you watched any AGDQ?
  110. [06:24:56] nixplicit: Sadly the donations are lacking compared to last year
  111. [06:25:01] tttomato: i just watch the games im interested in after
  112. [06:25:01] 13thmarc: I'll just wait for highlights. if anything amazing happens
  113. [06:25:03] crzay4321: aw, really?
  114. [06:25:03] cupcakesdotrar: its chill to have in the background if you're not doing anything important
  115. [06:25:09] crzay4321: Why is that the case, Nixplicit?
  116. [06:25:10] nixplicit: Great production value though.
  117. [06:25:22] nixplicit: They made chat sub mode
  118. [06:25:30] nixplicit: and A LOT of people are salty about that
  119. [06:25:34] smarioman: Feels weird seeing a sub only chat that's more toxic than most normal chats.
  120. [06:25:46] apathetic_divine: Every time I hear that "Oh my God" it sounds really out of place.
  121. [06:26:03] tttomato: what do they expect in that type of twitch chat
  122. [06:26:04] cupcakesdotrar: yeah the subs get added to the tally
  123. [06:26:22] nixplicit: I guess half the fun of the GDQs is chat pointing out cringe moments
  124. [06:26:31] smarioman: Does Twitch still take a cut of GDQ subs?
  125. [06:26:43] tttomato: prob
  126. [06:26:45] smarioman: I would hope not.
  127. [06:26:45] nixplicit: So now with sub chat its more moderated and less edgy
  128. [06:26:47] shimmerfairy: lemme guess, people who sub aren't willing to donate more cash, but subs give them less money than the average donation?
  129. [06:26:47] 13thmarc: I would hope
  130. [06:27:36] cupcakesdotrar: im still not sold on the newish concept of the player interviews between runs
  131. [06:27:37] 13thmarc: But I remember when 400 people in a chat room would be crowded
  132. [06:27:55] killing_moon: it must be laundry day, cause she folded like crazy
  133. [06:27:56] tttomato: oh no its the enemy that does the quick stacking
  134. [06:28:11] 13thmarc: ferg fergison
  135. [06:28:11] tttomato: the frog is rigged
  136. [06:28:30] smarioman: @cupcakesdotrar seems more awkward than productive, from what I've seen. Lots of closed questions.
  137. [06:28:34] lokiry: diggle take the cold away
  138. [06:28:36] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: it's the suns
  139. [06:28:38] lokiry: please and thanks
  140. [06:29:29] nixplicit: Tim, have you ever considered growing your hair out to say, the middle of your back?
  141. [06:29:37] tttomato: i like watching the frog randomly stack and get combos
  142. [06:29:56] nixplicit: You have nice hair
  143. [06:30:00] smarioman: Tim should try frog combos and see what happens.
  144. [06:30:02] cupcakesdotrar: have you man bunned yet?
  145. [06:30:04] nixplicit: Just have to tame it LUL
  146. [06:30:16] it_is_fanatic: LUL
  147. [06:30:18] theeyesofsyn92: I am sober, you have nice hair
  148. [06:30:22] theeyesofsyn92: and are nice looking
  149. [06:30:31] smarioman: If my hair gets longer than 3 inches, I can't stand to manage it.
  150. [06:30:41] nixplicit: Im less vague when im high
  151. [06:30:44] 13thmarc: I gave up and now I just shave it all off.
  152. [06:30:44] inayamander: great man bun is a verb now?
  153. [06:31:08] theeyesofsyn92: My hair is down mid waist right now
  154. [06:31:13] cupcakesdotrar: not sure i just threw it into the sentenceb
  155. [06:31:19] nixplicit: Tap measure close by 🤔
  156. [06:31:23] nixplicit: tape*
  157. [06:31:28] 13thmarc: @Nixplicit hahahah
  158. [06:31:50] sishen1542: he's gotta get measurements for the cosplays somehow
  159. [06:32:21] nixplicit: I dont think Tim makes "tailor" money
  160. [06:32:40] nixplicit: I feel like he buys nice outfits, wears them once, then puts them in the closet to die.
  161. [06:32:47] smarioman: Seriously Tim. Try the frog strat.
  162. [06:33:11] nixplicit: LUL
  163. [06:33:12] theeyesofsyn92: Don't do that!
  164. [06:33:15] nixplicit: dark.
  165. [06:33:51] smarioman: So this is still Master difficulty?
  166. [06:33:51] theeyesofsyn92: No, Tim buys nice cosplay outfits, wears them once, posts the photos on Twitter, and makes the rest of use wish we could look that good
  167. [06:34:17] nixplicit: timPetty
  168. [06:34:27] nixplicit: or timExtra
  169. [06:34:34] 13thmarc: I mean I'd look good too if I didn't have a face
  170. [06:35:05] anonymousv8: timPlus
  171. [06:35:06] theeyesofsyn92: Oh
  172. [06:35:19] nixplicit: I submitted a bad review to my local Wendys over cold fries
  173. [06:35:20] theeyesofsyn92: my emote went live and it has eyebrows system1Hmm
  174. [06:35:37] theeyesofsyn92: well, it's not *my* emote, I just made it for someone
  175. [06:36:01] 13thmarc: I think with fast food I never care how my food comes as long as I can eat it.
  176. [06:36:07] cupcakesdotrar: brutal
  177. [06:36:27] nixplicit: I couldnt eat it, it was cold.
  178. [06:36:28] kevin1760: TBCrunchy TBTacoBag
  179. [06:36:29] theeyesofsyn92: cold fries are pretty bad though
  180. [06:36:40] nixplicit: Dam
  181. [06:36:46] 13thmarc: honestly Wendys fries are bad in general
  182. [06:36:52] 13thmarc: Arby's is where it at
  183. [06:36:57] nixplicit: What do you want us to talk about tim?!?!
  184. [06:36:59] 13thmarc: Oh no fast food talk
  185. [06:37:02] 13thmarc: .. okay..
  186. [06:37:08] cupcakesdotrar: any? wow cold turkey i hope you pull through with that
  187. [06:37:14] gashapon: can we still talk about Food Use?
  188. [06:37:14] kansokusha10: No more elevator pepsi?End of an era
  189. [06:37:15] kevin1760: I'm 10/10 days of ordering fast food
  190. [06:37:16] inayamander: so.. uh... how bout that kale?
  191. [06:37:16] 13thmarc: Who owns a gun here
  192. [06:37:37] murugo: Do you have uber eats in your area?
  193. [06:37:39] smarioman: It's getting warmer now.
  194. [06:37:43] killing_moon: I wanted to be with you alone, and talk about the weather
  195. [06:37:45] nixplicit: It rained here the last few days and i forgot to clean my gutters...
  196. [06:37:50] theeyesofsyn92: Do you have a sushi place near by? Sushi tends to be healthier
  197. [06:37:57] nixplicit: Wonder how long im going to put it off for
  198. [06:38:06] contradistinct: sushi is also more expensive
  199. [06:38:13] contradistinct: than other things
  200. [06:38:17] theeyesofsyn92: yeah, but sometimes it's not too bad
  201. [06:38:23] kevin1760: I wouldn't trust Baltimore sushi, but maybe I'm just spoiled
  202. [06:38:25] turnsie: hey chat, how's everyone tonight
  203. [06:38:27] shimmerfairy: weather: I wish we were allowed to have snow :(
  204. [06:38:43] 13thmarc: Baltimore sushi would be better with it being on the bay.
  205. [06:38:47] nixplicit: Ive seen snow like 5 times in my life
  206. [06:38:50] nixplicit: and im 27
  207. [06:38:52] 13thmarc: Blue crabs being amazing
  208. [06:38:59] 13thmarc: God I want some Blue crabs now
  209. [06:39:02] killing_moon: that comment was a dated reference to an 80s song, cause Im like that
  210. [06:39:14] crzay4321: oh man, I've never seen that cutscene before, that's great
  211. [06:39:26] smarioman: @nixplicit I've seen snow twice, maybe three times.
  212. [06:39:42] nixplicit: Shits cold yo
  213. [06:39:46] 13thmarc: The Sahara just saw snow for the 2nd time in 4 decades
  214. [06:39:47] theeyesofsyn92: Yeah, I'll probably try and keep the "no delivery" thing, just because of cost
  215. [06:39:47] smarioman: And I suppose I should consider myself lucky.
  216. [06:39:53] theeyesofsyn92: I need to cook more
  217. [06:40:10] turnsie: coming is
  218. [06:40:27] killing_moon: I need snow so that I can keep my job, but we've only gotten 6 inches for the whole year and it's heating up again
  219. [06:40:32] killing_moon: ; _ ;
  220. [06:40:33] turnsie: cooking is so hard, i have respect for people who do it every day
  221. [06:40:34] smarioman: No salty roads rusting out my car. No slippery icy roads. No frostbite. No plowing.
  222. [06:40:51] kevin1760: plow me daddy timClip
  223. [06:40:56] theeyesofsyn92: they don't permit the use of salt on ice here
  224. [06:40:58] 13thmarc: this is still kind of cool though
  225. [06:41:03] smarioman: No need to bundle myself like a giant marshmallow.
  226. [06:41:26] killing_moon: stll think globul warming is reel libruls?
  227. [06:41:51] smarioman: @13thmarc that's so surreal.
  228. [06:42:01] cupcakesdotrar: its like the AI has TAS like percision sometimes
  229. [06:42:04] anonymousv8: lets all buy bitcoins
  230. [06:42:06] 13thmarc: it makes me want to go sledding on it
  231. [06:42:12] theeyesofsyn92: it snowed last night but the rain washed it away before mid day ):
  232. [06:43:00] 13thmarc: for here in NC is going to be 70 on Friday
  233. [06:43:22] tinyangrywoman: hi tim
  234. [06:44:58] cupcakesdotrar: PB?
  235. [06:45:57] cupcakesdotrar: jesus
  236. [06:47:03] 13thmarc: Its just insane how fast the AI is
  237. [06:47:24] theeyesofsyn92: aww she broke her broom
  238. [06:47:36] cupcakesdotrar: which makes it more impressive to see tim destroy them
  239. [06:48:16] 13thmarc: Tim is an AI .. he is that Robot from The Hitchhikers Guide
  240. [06:49:21] jencis0: wassup nerds
  241. [06:49:31] theeyesofsyn92: yo
  242. [06:49:34] weallwerenoobs83: BEE
  243. [06:50:34] weallwerenoobs83: Speed
  244. [06:50:39] 13thmarc: slam bam thank you mam
  245. [06:50:45] smarioman: Reminds me of TGM.
  246. [06:52:08] 13thmarc: this is blowing my mind right now with how fast its moving
  247. [06:52:50] clyde1500: The perfect RNG to screw tim over
  248. [06:52:51] plasticleg: is it a speed hack or a setting?
  249. [06:54:29] apathetic_divine: I wonder if it would be possible to take the Oshare Bones dialogue and insert it into all the different versions of Puyo.
  250. [06:54:54] perciacalos: Why did you ignore the all clear?
  251. [06:55:01] diggleshut: i dont have that power yet
  252. [06:55:10] perciacalos: Oh
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