
Call my name Lee Hyungjoon

May 29th, 2019
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  1. ━━━「GENERAL」
  2. username: GlisteingHobi
  3. birth name: Lee Hyungjoon
  4. other name(s): n/a
  5. stage name: Joon
  6. birthdate: 23rd April 1995
  7. height: 180cm
  8. weight: 65kg
  9. birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
  10. hometown: Seoul, South Korea
  11. ethnicity: Korean
  12. nationality: Korean
  13. blood type: O
  14. face claim: Donghyuk (iKon)
  15. back up: ^ reserved
  17. ━━━「OTHER」
  19. + Jogging
  20. + Cooking
  21. + Watching action & comedy movies
  22. + American music
  23. + Outdoors
  25. dislikes:
  26. + Smoking/cigarettes
  27. + Dairy products (he is lactose intolerant)
  28. + Honey
  29. + Snow
  30. + Cereal
  32. skills:
  33. + Handwriting & drawing
  34. + He can talk really quickly
  36. languages: n/a
  37. background: He grew up with a dad who was a forensic scientist but also a chain-smoker. His mum was a journalist who was always going to different countries to conduct interviews there. He wanted to be a singer from a young age being inspired by TVXQ (his favourite group). His dad was supportive of his dream and this made them very close, especially since he had no other siblings. When Hyungjoon was 16, his dad passed due to a lung disease that came from his excessive smoking. In school, he had friends but he started to distance himself from his friends after his death due to his grieving. His mum decided to stay at home for a while to help him get better and encouraged him to get back into dancing and singing since it would be a good way to distract him.
  39. personality: Hyungjoon can be quite blunt with people but that is usually when he is annoyed at someone or tired. He is confident but the reason why people like him is that he is not over-confident. At times, Hyungjoon can be very stubborn sometimes even refusing to listen to you when he knows he is right. He is a very determined individual and will not hesitate to do whatever he needs to do to achieve his goals. He is very impulsive, sometimes not thinking before he says or does things and can do things to hurt people even if he didn't mean to. He is quite overprotective over his friends and that can sometimes annoy them but they know it is just out of love.
  41. ━━━「PERFORMANCE」
  42. company: Brave
  43. backup company:
  44. years trained: 6 years
  45. main skill: Vocal
  46. weakest skill: Rap
  47. rap: 4/20
  48. vocal: 20/20
  49. dance: 16/20
  50. visual: 15/20
  51. duality: 9/20
  52. stage presence: 16/20
  53. overall: 80/80 (you can not go over 80 points, even though the max is technically 120, this is to ensure fair play)
  55. ━━━「EXTRA」
  56. winning speech: Is this for real? This is absolutely unbelievable! I actually don't know what to say. Thank you to everyone who believed in me and my abilities.
  58. elimination speech: All I can say is that I apologise for not being able to meet your expectations.
  60. self-introduction: "Hello my name is Lee Hyungjoon from Brave Entertainment and I hope my skills can shine through"
  62. anything else?: I will be on and off wattpad for 2-3 weeks due to my exams.
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