
capture 59

Oct 20th, 2017
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  1. so fmc hears green hair telling smbdy he will text him the address and not to be late cause fmc will be there too(to mc). she asks what's going on and gh asks fmc if she's ready cause they gonna play together. she asks gf why is he going for him and he asks if he did smth wrong there. she tells him how she told him before not to touch mc in that way(sexual or smth) and he goes how he cant remember that. she again tells him not to touch mc and he calls that really funny and asks if mc belongs to her. how since when was she so attached and how before once she used it she lost interest. tells her she is more interested and she goes how only moderate. how anyway this doesn't suit her/not like her and how long will she going to meet/date with him. fmc replies how it's not smth he should care about. the others come. one goes how it's cold outside, the other why did he wanna meet up since they still recover after last time. gcunt asks fmc if she wants to die. fmc asks if he has smth to say to her and gh goes 'whatsup'. gcunt complains about her big house and hosting that shitfest at his place last time and how it went all unsatisfactory and accuses her of calling that red hair girl or smth. she admits and taunts him how does he have a problem. another complains how cause of her he has a sore back. gcunt asks fmc if she's ready for today. fmc replies that she told him before, that if he touched her she'd scratch him back(idk here, prbly since gcunt messed with her she messed with him. or might just be a threat to let mc be or that ..) blonde wonders if she should diet. tells her gf how she has a lecture and gf has work. rest is lesbian banter and foreplay.
  2. (so wtf are they blackmailing her with 'play with them or else they fuck with mc' .. seems retarded. hope mc breaks some noses, eye sockets and cheekbones)
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