
What is Sitemap?

May 29th, 2019
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  1. What is Sitemap?
  2. Can anyone tell me what is sitemap and how it is useful for SEO..???
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  18. A sitemap is an XML file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about all pages on the website.
  20. A Sitemap is an XML file that is full of your individual webpage’s URLs.A Sitemap is designed to help users and search engines to navigate the site.
  22. There are two types of sitemaps. One, that tells search engines which page of your site to crawl and index. And the second one, is for your site navigation to give your audience a clear access to your site. Both are helpful in their own aspects. So, can you be more specific?
  25. There are two types of sitemaps. One, that tells search engines which page of your site to crawl and index. And the second one, is for your site navigation to give your audience a clear access to your site. Both are helpful in their own aspects. So, can you be more specific?
  26. an XML sitemap and an HTML sitemap
  28. XML sitemap will ease Google to find your pages when it crawls your website because all your pages could be ranked, not only your website as a domain. It informs search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling.
  30. Like a map which shows a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.. A sitemap helps visitors and search engine bots easily find all your pages form a single location.
  32. A site map could be of
  34. HTML sitemap - helps visitors navigate your website easily
  35. XML sitemap - helps bots find all your pages easily
  37. While there is no limitation for a HTML site, XML sitemap file is limited to 50MB (uncompressed) with a maximum of 50,000 URLs. For that reason, if you have a very big website having 50K urls, you can nest the site maps.
  39. In simple words, a sitemap is a list of all pages of a particular site that tells search engines to crawl those pages and index them in their search results. If we create a sitemap then the search engines can navigate them easily.
  41. In the matter of Google, (The search engine with 74ish percent of all the searches other engines may vary) there are
  43. four basic types of sitemaps:
  44. XML
  45. Text
  46. RSS mRSS, and Atom 1.0
  47. Google Sites
  48. XML will be the one most commonly used and the one you'll be utilizing for a Wordpress/Blogger/Weebly/Jimdo etc.
  50. Keep in mind you can have many plugins in Wordpress do sitemaps for you automatically. However end users may want to do their own custom sitemaps for certain categories and items for the utmost maximized SEO.
  52. Basic template:
  54. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  55. <urlset xmlns="">
  56. <url>
  57. <loc></loc>
  58. </url>
  59. </urlset>
  60. Code (markup):Video Sitemap:
  62. <urlset xmlns=""
  63. xmlns:video="">
  64. <url>
  65. <loc></loc>
  66. <video:video>
  67. <video:thumbnail_loc></video:thumbnail_loc>
  68. <video:title>Grilling steaks for summer</video:title>
  69. <video:description>Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks every
  70. time</video:description>
  71. <video:content_loc></video:content_loc>
  72. <video:player_loc autoplay="ap=1">
  74. <video:duration>600</video:duration>
  75. <video:expiration_date>2009-11-05T19:20:30+08:00</video:expiration_date>
  76. <video:rating>4.2</video:rating>
  77. <video:view_count>12345</video:view_count>
  78. <video:publication_date>2007-11-05T19:20:30+08:00</video:publication_date>
  79. <video:family_friendly>yes</video:family_friendly>
  80. <video:restriction relationship="allow">IE GB US CA</video:restriction>
  81. <video:gallery_loc title="Cooking Videos"></video:gallery_loc>
  82. <video:price currency="EUR">1.99</video:price>
  83. <video:requires_subscription>yes</video:requires_subscription>
  84. <video:uploader info="">GrillyMcGrillerson
  85. </video:uploader>
  86. <video:live>no</video:live>
  87. </video:video>
  88. </url>
  89. </urlset>
  90. Code (markup):The image sitemap is something you would utilize because you want to add location data or caption information that Yoast free version isn't catering to.
  92. Image Sitemap:
  94. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  95. <urlset xmlns=""
  96. xmlns:image="">
  97. <url>
  98. <loc></loc>
  99. <image:image>
  100. <image:loc></image:loc>
  101. </image:image>
  102. <image:image>
  103. <image:loc></image:loc>
  104. </image:image>
  105. </url>
  106. </urlset>
  107. Code (markup):News Sitemaps are ideal in the sense that news related articles will index immediately or within 3-4 hours. You must be within Googles Database otherwise news submissions will not work.
  109. News Sitemap:
  111. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  112. <urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news=""> <url> <loc></loc>
  113. <news:news>
  114. <news:publication>
  115. <news:name>The Example Times</news:name> <news:language>en</news:language>
  116. </news:publication>
  117. <news:genres>PressRelease, Blog</news:genres>
  118. <news:publication_date>2008-12-23</news:publication_date> <news:title>Companies A, B in Merger Talks</news:title> <news:keywords>business, merger, acquisition, A, B</news:keywords> <news:stock_tickers>NASDAQ:A, NASDAQ:B</news:stock_tickers>
  119. </news:news>
  120. </url> </urlset>
  121. Code (markup):
  123. In simple words, Sitemaps are an efficient way to address the search engines about web pages which are available on their sites for indexing. The sitemap is a model of a website's content designed to help both users and search engines navigate the site.
  125. A sitemap is basically a file where you can list the web pages of your website to inform the search engines about your website. It tells the search engines about the content that you have on your site so that they can find it more easily and when it was last updated.
  127. Sitemap are of two types 1) One for search engine bots to discover pages in the website which otherwise will be tough for search bots to discover it 2) For visitor navigation which in number of cases is an HTML version of most important pages in the website. Now If i talk about sitemap for search engine bots than you need it in .xml format where you can define important pages of the website, its priority, frequency of page being updated & last updated date. You can generate sitemap up-to 500 pages for free from I will give you an another trick as well to generate XML sitemap, just go to any popular website and write /sitemap.xml at the end of website name, you will land on XML sitemap of the website save that file in desktop and change URL, priority, last updated date as per your requirement. As soon as you have updated this information you are ready with your XML sitemap.
  129. Read more about similar topics from here
  131. A sitemap is a file in which all the links of your website are considered. There are mainly two types of sitemap that we are using on the website and that is XML sitemap and HTML sitemap.
  132. HTML sitemap is one that is used for the better user experience for providing them a better navigation.
  133. XML stands for Xtensible Markup Language that is mainly used for web mapping. In the website, XML sitemap is a file in which all the links to the website are mentioned. The XML file is crawled by the SE crawlers and this is used for easy crawling all the links because XML sitemap file tells the SE crawler how all the links are linked in the website.
  135. A sitemap.xml is a file that lists the URLs for a website. Crawlers will check this file and crawl all the available links in the XML file.
  137. Go to..
  139. Https://
  141. Please enter the full http address for your site. (Without http is also accepted in the latest version of the
  143. Click on start
  145. Your sitemap will get ready in few minutes based on the website size.
  147. Download sitemap.xml file.
  149. Upload the file to the root folder of the website.
  151. Go to search console..crawl option—sitemap—add/test sitemapbutton—enter your sitemap address.
  152. But things are different when it comes to Wordpress, it can be done in a really simple way using the plugins like All in one SEO plugin & Yoast Plugin.
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