
Kraut Stream Highlights

May 26th, 2017
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  1. 1. Identity Politics are too powerful to wish away, you need a plan for it. To argue otherwise is putting feelz over realz. Every war or act of jinogism in history has been justified with a not-entirely-accurate oppression narrative. That's power.
  3. 2. Which is why you need a vision of society for liberalism to work, because it says so little about so much. You need an identity, one that's as organic and binding as possible to keep people wedded to the same system without polarizing out. Humans are not particularly liberal really, especially nonwhites
  5. 3. Your argument is ultimately "make others into hyperindividuals" when people do not work that way. Probably not even you. White people come the closest. Why are AnCap memes funny? Well because they strike at how unrealistically individualistic such a society would have to be. Same for you.
  7. 4. This community seems to be group therapy for disaffected leftists. You console yourselves by framing the Progressives as somehow "cheating" by using Identity Politics. Exactly what the Right criticized the Left, Trump, and the AltRight for. And Trump did win on an Identitarian basis. Not an economic one.
  9. Similarities to cuckservatives: identity politics r bad, be an individual, obsessed with being respectable (attacked us for not being so in the Berkeley video), thinks the collapse will end Identitarianism (didnt in detroit which is a wasteland, mayor who did it got elected time after time, Coleman Young, who blamed it all on the suburbs). Above all: Progressives r real racists. This fails because it does nothing to convince non-whites, reaffirms the faulty idea that you need a diverse coalition to be respectably, but above all reaffirms the moral framework which considers racism to be some deontological transgression (ie wrong in of itself). With this frame, you will always be ceding the moral highground to the Progressives (unless you somehow turn it into white advocacy but that remains to be seen and would really just be flipping their script which I thought was beneath you all)
  11. In a nutshell:
  13. Gone over more: commitments to race realism make it weaker, you dont necessarily need race realism for that
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