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Feb 20th, 2017
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  1. Stage 1-1
  3. at 0:17 he does a slash close to the ground trying to get an item in the container, I've forgotten what's in the container,
  4. but I think the slash is frame perfect to destroy containers from airborne, and he missed it. He DOES however nail several of these
  5. frame perfect grabs in the run, which i'll highlight.
  7. at 0:20 he goes over the Roomba without losing any momentum at all, something i thought was impossible. looking at the inputs it seems
  8. that he's plinking jump and slash, cool! mini boss fight almost perfect, he even hits him airborne turning around in midair.
  10. 1-2
  12. He loses some minor speed jumping over the enemy on the crate, losing a fraction of a second. At
  13. the top he climbs up earlier and loses momentum over the whipping enemy and doesn't even go for the
  14. Football player boost.
  16. Comparing to my time, where our playstyle is almost identical: -1.5.. Interesting..
  18. 1-3
  20. This stage is on a global timer, so you can't do it faster than me, which is a good place to watch
  21. for speedups etc. And it holds! even though he uses a completely different strat than me he reaches the doors a couple of frames
  22. earlier than me because he menaged to clip ontop of the final platform instead of climbing it
  24. Boss 1-1
  25. What separates the wheat from the lawnmowers! Killing this boss without it leaving the ground is insanely
  26. hard and requires a steady mash of attack. Looking at his input display he is not mashing frame perfectly,
  27. he's just keeping it up really good. His stagetime is 1:39.6, which pretty much is my gold split pace.
  29. Comparing to my time, -1.5
  31. Stage 2-1
  33. Really good start and he finishes the boss 4 second faster than me using a different kind of shuriken pattern.. COOL!
  34. This is some seriously good stuff, showing that my boss strat is slower, even though I regain control of character
  35. later in the corridor than him.
  36. Really clean gauntlet and 2-1 time was pretty much even between the two of us, except for the huge timesave of the miniboss
  38. 2-2
  40. Notable thing here is that he nails a frame perfect container grab for the bombs
  42. Boss 2
  44. He does the initial hit a bit soone rthan me, saving a couple of frames.
  46. Comparing to my time: -5
  48. Stage 3-1
  50. Really interesting strat, saving 1 bomb to kill enemies in the ascent to reduce lag to none. Even though he loses time
  51. in the beginning the strat seems to be 1 second faster than doing jumpslashes and lagging the screen. The middle part
  52. is almost the same, however; when climbing one ladder he does 2 slashes to kill the roombas which i
  53. see now is actually slower than damageboosting (yay, ONE of my strats is still faster). He saves about 2-3-
  54. seconds by doing a frame perfect slash grabbing the last container of the stage and climbing up earlier than I do; superior strats but leaving the run to
  55. live and die based on a frame perfect trick..
  57. Stage 3 boss
  58. Ok this is interesting. He is jumpslashing the boss as he emerges, and clearly saves 1-2 seconds from me during this fight,
  59. a fight that's pretty static. Maybe jumpslashing him somehow triggers a doublehit hitting both top and botton at the same time? He does a pretty stupid thing
  60. right at the end where he charges for super and jumps into the hole. He could ahve lost the run there, only 1-3 frames away.. WHY!?
  62. Comparing to my time: -8
  64. Stage 4-1
  66. Also pretty interesting; a bit slower ascent than me because I skip the bombs and go for the shurikens instead,
  67. allthough he SAVES time going for the bombs. This is the hardest stage in the game, and we both did some mistakes here and there,
  68. but he saved 3 seconds here.
  70. Stage 4-2
  72. Ok THIS is the hardest stage, and he saves 7 seconds on me going for alternate strats ive never seen before, going into this
  73. stage with bombs. at 06:45 he throws a grenade through the wall so it zips to the enemy. This trick is VERY hard because most of
  74. the time the bomb goes either over or under the enemy. at 06:53 instead of throwing bombs to kill the top dude he simply drops into the hole so
  75. he doesn't have to wait for the elevator saving LOADS of time. at 07:10 he gets bad RNG and have to waste a bomb clearing the way; if the guys cooperate you can go slalom between them.
  76. I estimate the time saved by strats alone in this stage to be 6-8 seconds
  78. Comparing to my time: -15 seconds
  80. Stage 5-1
  81. at 08:19 he actaully jumps RIGHT below the spider, saving at least 3 seconds since i thought a damageboosting
  82. of the remote bombs was the fastest there. At 08:25 he nails one of the hardest tricks in the game; making it
  83. through the remote bomb without taking damage. At 08:30 he also uses a pretty cool start SKIPPING the life container
  84. after the drop down, ensuring he is as far forward as possible before the cutscene scroll. At 08:43 he once again does a frame perfect airslash container grab for the life.
  86. Stage 5-2
  87. Ok here he's basically playing during the autoscroller, also showing how much he understands the game system. For instance you can see him
  88. charging the super alot without throwing bombs away. If you hold attack when climbing up you will start to charge super not throwing any,
  89. and was one of the last things I actually learnt when running this game. He uses a pretty amusing super to destroy both containers containing
  90. the full life and full health upgrade. His boss fight is flawless, and is one of the hardest things with the game as well.
  92. Comparing to my time: -22 seconds
  94. Verdict: Ok I know a couple of you questioned the mashing; but it's legit since the interval of frames are different. Also this is a game where mashing speed doesn't really
  95. matter as much as the interval between the buttonpresses. He does get everything having a steady but NOT constant interval between them.
  97. The craziest thing though is the three frame-perfect container-grabs he does. Overall he saves a LOT of time where I thought it not possible, really good show!
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