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janus debug log

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May 22nd, 2020
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  2. Janus commit: not-a-git-repo
  3. Compiled on: Fri May 22 09:18:15 UTC 2020
  5. Logger plugins folder: /usr/lib/janus/loggers
  6. Loading logger plugin ''...
  7. Adding 1 external loggers
  8. [WARN] JSON logger disabled
  9. ---------------------------------------------------
  10. Starting Meetecho Janus (WebRTC Server) v0.9.5
  11. ---------------------------------------------------
  13. [janus.jcfg]
  14. general: {
  15. configs_folder: /etc/janus
  16. plugins_folder: /usr/lib/janus/plugins
  17. transports_folder: /usr/lib/janus/transports
  18. events_folder: /usr/lib/janus/events
  19. loggers_folder: /usr/lib/janus/loggers
  20. debug_level: 4
  21. admin_secret: janusoverlord
  22. protected_folders: [
  23. /bin
  24. /boot
  25. /dev
  26. /etc
  27. /initrd
  28. /lib
  29. /lib32
  30. /lib64
  31. /proc
  32. /sbin
  33. /sys
  34. /usr
  35. /var
  36. /opt/janus/bin
  37. /opt/janus/etc
  38. /opt/janus/include
  39. /opt/janus/lib
  40. /opt/janus/lib32
  41. /opt/janus/lib64
  42. /opt/janus/sbin
  43. ]
  44. }
  45. certificates: {
  46. }
  47. media: {
  48. }
  49. nat: {
  50. nice_debug: false
  51. ice_ignore_list: vmnet
  52. }
  53. plugins: {
  54. }
  55. transports: {
  56. }
  57. loggers: {
  58. }
  59. events: {
  60. }
  61. Checking command line arguments...
  62. [janus.jcfg]
  63. general: {
  64. configs_folder: /etc/janus
  65. plugins_folder: /usr/lib/janus/plugins
  66. transports_folder: /usr/lib/janus/transports
  67. events_folder: /usr/lib/janus/events
  68. loggers_folder: /usr/lib/janus/loggers
  69. admin_secret: janusoverlord
  70. protected_folders: [
  71. /bin
  72. /boot
  73. /dev
  74. /etc
  75. /initrd
  76. /lib
  77. /lib32
  78. /lib64
  79. /proc
  80. /sbin
  81. /sys
  82. /usr
  83. /var
  84. /opt/janus/bin
  85. /opt/janus/etc
  86. /opt/janus/include
  87. /opt/janus/lib
  88. /opt/janus/lib32
  89. /opt/janus/lib64
  90. /opt/janus/sbin
  91. ]
  92. debug_level: 7
  93. interface:
  94. }
  95. certificates: {
  96. }
  97. media: {
  98. }
  99. nat: {
  100. nice_debug: false
  101. ice_ignore_list: vmnet
  102. }
  103. plugins: {
  104. }
  105. transports: {
  106. }
  107. loggers: {
  108. }
  109. events: {
  110. }
  111. Debug/log level is 7
  112. Debug/log timestamps are disabled
  113. Debug/log colors are enabled
  114. Adding 'vmnet' to the ICE ignore list...
  115. Selecting local IP address...
  116. -- Will try to use
  117. [WARN] Error setting local IP address to, falling back to detecting IP address...
  118. Using as local IP...
  119. [WARN] Token based authentication disabled
  120. Initializing recorder code
  121. Initializing ICE stuff (Full mode, ICE-TCP candidates disabled, half-trickle, IPv6 support disabled)
  122. TURN REST API backend: (disabled)
  123. [WARN] Janus is deployed on a private address ( but you didn't specify any STUN server! Expect trouble if this is supposed to work over the internet and not just in a LAN...
  124. Using certificates:
  125. (null)
  126. (null)
  127. Crypto: OpenSSL >= 1.1.0
  128. [WARN] No cert/key specified, autogenerating some...
  129. Generating DTLS key / cert
  130. Fingerprint of our certificate: 5B:7D:73:84:EF:43:BE:F2:70:62:DD:86:71:A5:A6:01:AF:39:71:5C:9D:61:69:7B:61:75:D7:D3:FB:8B:B6:1F
  131. [WARN] Event handlers support disabled
  132. Plugins folder: /usr/lib/janus/plugins
  133. Joining Janus requests handler thread
  134. Loading plugin ''...
  135. Janus Lua plugin created!
  136. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.lua.jcfg
  137. [janus.plugin.lua.jcfg]
  138. general: {
  139. path: /usr/share/janus/lua
  140. script: /usr/share/janus/lua/echotest.lua
  141. }
  142. Registering extra Lua functions
  143. [ERR] [plugins/janus_lua.c:janus_lua_init:1236] Error loading Lua script /usr/share/janus/lua/echotest.lua: /usr/share/janus/lua/echotest.lua:6: module 'json' not found:
  144. no field package.preload['json']
  145. no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3/json.lua'
  146. no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3/json/init.lua'
  147. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/json.lua'
  148. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/json/init.lua'
  149. no file './json.lua'
  150. no file './json/init.lua'
  151. no file '/usr/share/janus/lua/json.lua'
  152. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/'
  153. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/'
  154. no file './'
  155. [WARN] The 'janus.plugin.lua' plugin could not be initialized
  156. Loading plugin ''...
  157. JANUS Streaming plugin created!
  158. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg
  159. [janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg]
  160. general: {
  161. }
  162. rtp-sample: {
  163. type: rtp
  164. id: 1
  165. description: Opus/VP8 live stream coming from external source
  166. metadata: You can use this metadata section to put any info you want!
  167. audio: true
  168. video: true
  169. audioport: 5002
  170. audiopt: 111
  171. audiortpmap: opus/48000/2
  172. videoport: 5004
  173. videopt: 100
  174. videortpmap: VP8/90000
  175. secret: adminpwd
  176. }
  177. file-live-sample: {
  178. type: live
  179. id: 2
  180. description: a-law file source (radio broadcast)
  181. filename: /usr/share/janus/streams/radio.alaw
  182. audio: true
  183. video: false
  184. secret: adminpwd
  185. }
  186. file-ondemand-sample: {
  187. type: ondemand
  188. id: 3
  189. description: mu-law file source (music)
  190. filename: /usr/share/janus/streams/music.mulaw
  191. audio: true
  192. video: false
  193. secret: adminpwd
  194. }
  195. Adding Streaming mountpoint 'rtp-sample'
  196. Audio enabled, Video enabled, Data NOT enabled
  197. Audio enabled, Video enabled, Data NOT enabled
  198. Sessions watchdog started
  199. [ERR] [plugins/janus_streaming.c:janus_streaming_create_fd:5338] [rtp-sample] Cannot create socket for audio... 97 (Address family not supported by protocol)
  200. [ERR] [plugins/janus_streaming.c:janus_streaming_create_rtp_source:5562] Can't bind to port 5002 for audio...
  201. [ERR] [plugins/janus_streaming.c:janus_streaming_init:1912] Error creating 'rtp' mountpoint 'rtp-sample'...
  202. Adding Streaming mountpoint 'file-live-sample'
  203. Adding Streaming mountpoint 'file-ondemand-sample'
  204. ::: [2][file-live-sample] a-law file source (radio broadcast) (live, file source, public, pin: no pin)
  205. ::: [3][file-ondemand-sample] mu-law file source (music) (on demand, file source, public, pin: no pin)
  206. Filesource (live) thread starting...
  207. [file-live-sample] Opening file source /usr/share/janus/streams/radio.alaw...
  208. JANUS Streaming plugin initialized!
  209. Version: 8 (0.0.8)
  210. [janus.plugin.streaming] JANUS Streaming plugin
  211. This is a streaming plugin for Janus, allowing WebRTC peers to watch/listen to pre-recorded files or media generated by an external source.
  212. [file-live-sample] Streaming audio file: /usr/share/janus/streams/radio.alaw
  213. Plugin API version: 14
  214. Loading plugin ''...
  215. JANUS EchoTest plugin created!
  216. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.echotest.jcfg
  217. [janus.plugin.echotest.jcfg]
  218. general: {
  219. }
  220. JANUS EchoTest plugin initialized!
  221. Version: 7 (0.0.7)
  222. [janus.plugin.echotest] JANUS EchoTest plugin
  223. This is a trivial EchoTest plugin for Janus, just used to showcase the plugin interface.
  224. Plugin API version: 14
  225. Loading plugin ''...
  226. Joining EchoTest handler thread
  227. Janus JavaScript plugin (Duktape) created!
  228. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.duktape.jcfg
  229. [janus.plugin.duktape.jcfg]
  230. general: {
  231. path: /usr/share/janus/duktape
  232. script: /usr/share/janus/duktape/echotest.js
  233. }
  234. Registering extra Duktape functions
  235. [echotest.js] Loading script...
  236. [echotest.js] Modules folder: /usr/share/janus/duktape
  237. [echotest.js] Loading module: janus-sdp
  238. [echotest.js] Module loaded
  239. [echotest.js] Script loaded
  240. Joining Duktape scheduler thread
  241. [echotest.js] Initializing...
  242. [echotest.js] Initialized
  243. Janus JavaScript plugin (Duktape) initialized!
  244. Version: 12 (0.0.12)
  245. [janus.plugin.echojs] JavaScript based EchoTest
  246. This is echotest.js, a JavaScript/Duktape based clone of janus.plugin.echotest
  247. Plugin API version: 14
  248. Loading plugin ''...
  249. Joining Duktape timer loop
  250. JANUS VideoCall plugin created!
  251. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.videocall.jcfg
  252. [janus.plugin.videocall.jcfg]
  253. general: {
  254. }
  255. JANUS VideoCall plugin initialized!
  256. Version: 6 (0.0.6)
  257. [janus.plugin.videocall] JANUS VideoCall plugin
  258. This is a simple video call plugin for Janus, allowing two WebRTC peers to call each other through a server.
  259. Plugin API version: 14
  260. Loading plugin ''...
  261. Joining Streaming handler thread
  262. JANUS SIP plugin created!
  263. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.sip.jcfg
  264. [janus.plugin.sip.jcfg]
  265. general: {
  266. keepalive_interval: 120
  267. behind_nat: false
  268. register_ttl: 3600
  269. rtp_port_range: 20000-40000
  270. }
  271. SIP keep-alive interval set to 120 seconds
  272. SIP registration TTL set to 3600 seconds
  273. SIP User-Agent set to Janus WebRTC Server SIP Plugin 0.0.8
  274. SIP RTP/RTCP port range: 20000 -- 40000
  275. Local IP set to
  276. JANUS SIP plugin initialized!
  277. Version: 8 (0.0.8)
  278. [janus.plugin.sip] JANUS SIP plugin
  279. This is a simple SIP plugin for Janus, allowing WebRTC peers to register at a SIP server and call SIP user agents through a Janus instance.
  280. Plugin API version: 14
  281. Loading plugin ''...
  282. JANUS Record&Play plugin created!
  283. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.recordplay.jcfg
  284. [janus.plugin.recordplay.jcfg]
  285. general: {
  286. path: /usr/share/janus/recordings
  287. }
  288. Updating recordings list in /usr/share/janus/recordings
  289. Importing recording '1234.nfo'...
  290. Pre-parsing file /usr/share/janus/recordings/rec-sample-audio.mjr to generate ordered index...
  291. This is an old audio recording, assuming Opus
  292. Pre-parsing file /usr/share/janus/recordings/rec-sample-video.mjr to generate ordered index...
  293. This is an old video recording, assuming VP8
  294. JANUS Record&Play plugin initialized!
  295. Version: 4 (0.0.4)
  296. [janus.plugin.recordplay] JANUS Record&Play plugin
  297. This is a trivial Record&Play plugin for Janus, to record WebRTC sessions and replay them.
  298. Plugin API version: 14
  299. Loading plugin ''...
  300. Joining Record&Play handler thread
  301. JANUS AudioBridge plugin created!
  302. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.audiobridge.jcfg
  303. [janus.plugin.audiobridge.jcfg]
  304. general: {
  305. }
  306. room-1234: {
  307. description: Demo Room
  308. secret: adminpwd
  309. sampling_rate: 16000
  310. record: false
  311. }
  312. Adding AudioBridge room 'room-1234'
  313. Sampling rate for mixing: 16000
  314. Created AudioBridge room: 1234 (Demo Room, public, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin)
  315. ::: [1234][Demo Room] 16000 (will NOT be recorded)
  316. JANUS AudioBridge plugin initialized!
  317. Version: 11 (0.0.11)
  318. [janus.plugin.audiobridge] JANUS AudioBridge plugin
  319. This is a plugin implementing an audio conference bridge for Janus, mixing Opus streams.
  320. Plugin API version: 14
  321. Loading plugin ''...
  322. Joining AudioBridge handler thread
  323. JANUS VoiceMail plugin created!
  324. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.voicemail.jcfg
  325. [janus.plugin.voicemail.jcfg]
  326. general: {
  327. path: /usr/share/janus/demos/voicemail/
  328. base: /voicemail/
  329. events: true
  330. }
  331. Recordings path: /usr/share/janus/demos/voicemail/
  332. Recordings base: /voicemail/
  333. JANUS VoiceMail plugin initialized!
  334. Version: 7 (0.0.7)
  335. [janus.plugin.voicemail] JANUS VoiceMail plugin
  336. This is a plugin implementing a very simple VoiceMail service for Janus, recording Opus streams.
  337. Plugin API version: 14
  338. Loading plugin ''...
  339. Joining VoiceMail handler thread
  340. JANUS VideoRoom plugin created!
  341. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg
  342. [janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg]
  343. general: {
  344. }
  345. room-1234: {
  346. description: Demo Room
  347. secret: adminpwd
  348. publishers: 6
  349. bitrate: 128000
  350. fir_freq: 10
  351. record: false
  352. }
  353. room-5678: {
  354. description: VP9-SVC Demo Room
  355. secret: adminpwd
  356. publishers: 6
  357. bitrate: 512000
  358. fir_freq: 10
  359. videocodec: vp9
  360. video_svc: true
  361. }
  362. Adding VideoRoom room 'room-1234'
  363. Created VideoRoom: 1234 (Demo Room, public, opus/vp8 codecs, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin, pvtid: optional)
  364. Adding VideoRoom room 'room-5678'
  365. Created VideoRoom: 5678 (VP9-SVC Demo Room, public, opus/vp9 codecs, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin, pvtid: optional)
  366. ::: [1234][Demo Room] 128000, max 6 publishers, FIR frequency of 10 seconds, opus audio codec(s), vp8 video codec(s)
  367. ::: [5678][VP9-SVC Demo Room] 512000, max 6 publishers, FIR frequency of 10 seconds, opus audio codec(s), vp9 video codec(s)
  368. Joining RTCP thread for RTP forwarders...
  369. JANUS VideoRoom plugin initialized!
  370. Version: 9 (0.0.9)
  371. [janus.plugin.videoroom] JANUS VideoRoom plugin
  372. This is a plugin implementing a videoconferencing SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) for Janus, that is an audio/video router.
  373. Plugin API version: 14
  374. Loading plugin ''...
  375. JANUS NoSIP plugin created!
  376. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.nosip.jcfg
  377. [janus.plugin.nosip.jcfg]
  378. general: {
  379. rtp_port_range: 20000-40000
  380. }
  381. NoSIP RTP/RTCP port range: 20000 -- 40000
  382. Local IP set to
  383. JANUS NoSIP plugin initialized!
  384. Version: 1 (0.0.1)
  385. [janus.plugin.nosip] JANUS NoSIP plugin
  386. This is a simple RTP bridging plugin that leaves signalling details (e.g., SIP) up to the application.
  387. Plugin API version: 14
  388. Loading plugin ''...
  389. Joining NoSIP handler thread
  390. JANUS TextRoom plugin created!
  391. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.textroom.jcfg
  392. [janus.plugin.textroom.jcfg]
  393. general: {
  394. json: indented
  395. }
  396. room-1234: {
  397. description: Demo Room
  398. secret: adminpwd
  399. }
  400. Adding TextRoom room 'room-1234'
  401. Created TextRoom: 1234 (Demo Room, public, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin)
  402. ::: [1234][Demo Room]
  403. JANUS TextRoom plugin initialized!
  404. Version: 2 (0.0.2)
  405. [janus.plugin.textroom] JANUS TextRoom plugin
  406. This is a plugin implementing a text-only room for Janus, using DataChannels.
  407. Plugin API version: 14
  408. Transport plugins folder: /usr/lib/janus/transports
  409. Loading transport plugin ''...
  410. Joining TextRoom handler thread
  411. JANUS REST (HTTP/HTTPS) transport plugin created!
  412. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.http.jcfg
  413. HTTP transport timer started
  414. [janus.transport.http.jcfg]
  415. general: {
  416. json: indented
  417. base_path: /janus
  418. http: true
  419. port: 8088
  420. https: false
  421. }
  422. admin: {
  423. admin_base_path: /admin
  424. admin_http: false
  425. admin_port: 7088
  426. admin_https: false
  427. }
  428. cors: {
  429. }
  430. certificates: {
  431. }
  432. Binding to all interfaces for the Janus API HTTP webserver
  433. Joining VideoCall handler thread
  434. Audio bridge thread starting...
  435. Thread is for mixing room 1234 (Demo Room) at rate 16000...
  436. Joining VideoRoom handler thread
  437. Joining SIP handler thread
  438. [FATAL] [transports/janus_http.c:janus_http_init:738] Couldn't start webserver on port 8088...
  439. [WARN] HTTPS webserver disabled
  440. [WARN] Admin/monitor HTTP webserver disabled
  441. [WARN] Admin/monitor HTTPS webserver disabled
  442. [WARN] No HTTP/HTTPS server started, giving up...
  443. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.http' plugin could not be initialized
  444. Loading transport plugin ''...
  445. JANUS WebSockets transport plugin created!
  446. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.websockets.jcfg
  447. [janus.transport.websockets.jcfg]
  448. general: {
  449. json: indented
  450. ws: true
  451. ws_port: 8188
  452. wss: false
  453. }
  454. admin: {
  455. admin_ws: false
  456. admin_ws_port: 7188
  457. admin_wss: false
  458. }
  459. certificates: {
  460. }
  461. libwebsockets logging: 0
  462. WebSockets server started (port 8188)...
  463. [WARN] Secure WebSockets server disabled
  464. [WARN] Admin WebSockets server disabled
  465. [WARN] Secure Admin WebSockets server disabled
  466. JANUS WebSockets transport plugin initialized!
  467. Version: 1 (0.0.1)
  468. [janus.transport.websockets] JANUS WebSockets transport plugin
  469. This transport plugin adds WebSockets support to the Janus API via libwebsockets.
  470. Plugin API version: 7
  471. Janus API: enabled
  472. Admin API: disabled
  473. Loading transport plugin ''...
  474. JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin created!
  475. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.nanomsg.jcfg
  476. [janus.transport.nanomsg.jcfg]
  477. general: {
  478. enabled: true
  479. json: indented
  480. address: ipc:///tmp/janus.ipc
  481. }
  482. admin: {
  483. admin_enabled: false
  484. }
  485. [WARN] Nanomsg server disabled (Admin API)
  486. JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin initialized!
  487. Version: 1 (0.0.1)
  488. [janus.transport.nanomsg] JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin
  489. This transport plugin adds Nanomsg support to the Janus API.
  490. Plugin API version: 7
  491. Janus API: enabled
  492. Admin API: disabled
  493. Loading transport plugin ''...
  494. JANUS Unix Sockets transport plugin created!
  495. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.pfunix.jcfg
  496. [janus.transport.pfunix.jcfg]
  497. general: {
  498. enabled: false
  499. json: indented
  500. }
  501. admin: {
  502. admin_enabled: false
  503. }
  504. [WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Janus API)
  505. [WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Admin API)
  506. [WARN] No Unix Sockets server started, giving up...
  507. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.pfunix' plugin could not be initialized
  508. Loading transport plugin ''...
  509. JANUS MQTT transport plugin created!
  510. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.mqtt.jcfg
  511. [janus.transport.mqtt.jcfg]
  512. general: {
  513. enabled: false
  514. json: indented
  515. url: tcp://localhost:1883
  516. subscribe_topic: to-janus
  517. publish_topic: from-janus
  518. }
  519. admin: {
  520. subscribe_topic: to-janus-admin
  521. publish_topic: from-janus-admin
  522. }
  523. status: {
  524. enabled: false
  525. }
  526. MQTT SSL support disabled
  527. [WARN] MQTT support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up
  528. JANUS MQTT transport plugin destroyed!
  529. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.mqtt' plugin could not be initialized
  530. Loading transport plugin ''...
  531. JANUS RabbitMQ transport plugin created!
  532. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.rabbitmq.jcfg
  533. [janus.transport.rabbitmq.jcfg]
  534. general: {
  535. enabled: false
  536. json: indented
  537. host: localhost
  538. to_janus: to-janus
  539. from_janus: from-janus
  540. }
  541. admin: {
  542. }
  543. RabbitMQ SSL support disabled
  544. [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled (Janus API)
  545. [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled (Admin API)
  546. [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up
  547. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.rabbitmq' plugin could not be initialized
  548. Nanomsg thread started
  549. WebSockets thread started
  550. [WSS-0x5587b78d1a88] 27 (LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT)
  551. ^CStopping server, please wait...
  552. Ending sessions timeout watchdog...
  553. Sessions watchdog stopped
  554. Closing transport plugins:
  555. Nanomsg thread ended
  556. JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin destroyed!
  557. WebSockets thread ended
  558. [WSS-0x7ffc5f80d8b0] 28 (LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY)
  559. JANUS WebSockets transport plugin destroyed!
  560. Ending requests thread...
  561. Leaving Janus requests handler thread
  562. Destroying sessions...
  563. Freeing crypto resources...
  564. De-initializing SCTP...
  565. Closing plugins:
  566. Leaving AudioBridge handler thread
  567. JANUS AudioBridge plugin destroyed!
  568. LeavingRecord&Play handler thread
  569. JANUS Record&Play plugin destroyed!
  570. Leaving Duktape scheduler thread
  571. Leaving Duktape timer loop
  572. Leaving mixer thread for room 1234 (Demo Room)...
  573. [echotest.js] Deinitialized
  574. Janus JavaScript plugin (Duktape) destroyed!
  575. Leaving TextRoom handler thread
  576. JANUS TextRoom plugin destroyed!
  577. Leaving VoiceMail handler thread
  578. JANUS VoiceMail plugin destroyed!
  579. Leaving NoSIP handler thread
  580. JANUS NoSIP plugin destroyed!
  581. Leaving SIP handler thread
  582. JANUS SIP plugin destroyed!
  583. Leaving VideoCall handler thread
  584. JANUS VideoCall plugin destroyed!
  585. Leaving EchoTest handler thread
  586. JANUS EchoTest plugin destroyed!
  587. Leaving Streaming handler thread
  588. [file-live-sample] Leaving filesource (live) thread
  589. JANUS Streaming plugin destroyed!
  590. Leaving VideoRoom handler thread
  591. Leaving RTCP thread for RTP forwarders...
  592. JANUS VideoRoom plugin destroyed!
  593. Closing event handlers:
  594. Bye!
  595. buff@surf:~$ janus -d 7 --interface= &>janus.log
  596. ^Cbuff@surf:~$ ^C
  597. buff@surf:~$ cat janus.log
  598. Janus commit: not-a-git-repo
  599. Compiled on: Fri May 22 09:18:15 UTC 2020
  601. Logger plugins folder: /usr/lib/janus/loggers
  602. Loading logger plugin ''...
  603. Adding 1 external loggers
  604. [WARN] JSON logger disabled
  605. ---------------------------------------------------
  606. Starting Meetecho Janus (WebRTC Server) v0.9.5
  607. ---------------------------------------------------
  609. [janus.jcfg]
  610. general: {
  611. configs_folder: /etc/janus
  612. plugins_folder: /usr/lib/janus/plugins
  613. transports_folder: /usr/lib/janus/transports
  614. events_folder: /usr/lib/janus/events
  615. loggers_folder: /usr/lib/janus/loggers
  616. debug_level: 4
  617. admin_secret: janusoverlord
  618. protected_folders: [
  619. /bin
  620. /boot
  621. /dev
  622. /etc
  623. /initrd
  624. /lib
  625. /lib32
  626. /lib64
  627. /proc
  628. /sbin
  629. /sys
  630. /usr
  631. /var
  632. /opt/janus/bin
  633. /opt/janus/etc
  634. /opt/janus/include
  635. /opt/janus/lib
  636. /opt/janus/lib32
  637. /opt/janus/lib64
  638. /opt/janus/sbin
  639. ]
  640. }
  641. certificates: {
  642. }
  643. media: {
  644. }
  645. nat: {
  646. nice_debug: false
  647. ice_ignore_list: vmnet
  648. }
  649. plugins: {
  650. }
  651. transports: {
  652. }
  653. loggers: {
  654. }
  655. events: {
  656. }
  657. Checking command line arguments...
  658. [janus.jcfg]
  659. general: {
  660. configs_folder: /etc/janus
  661. plugins_folder: /usr/lib/janus/plugins
  662. transports_folder: /usr/lib/janus/transports
  663. events_folder: /usr/lib/janus/events
  664. loggers_folder: /usr/lib/janus/loggers
  665. admin_secret: janusoverlord
  666. protected_folders: [
  667. /bin
  668. /boot
  669. /dev
  670. /etc
  671. /initrd
  672. /lib
  673. /lib32
  674. /lib64
  675. /proc
  676. /sbin
  677. /sys
  678. /usr
  679. /var
  680. /opt/janus/bin
  681. /opt/janus/etc
  682. /opt/janus/include
  683. /opt/janus/lib
  684. /opt/janus/lib32
  685. /opt/janus/lib64
  686. /opt/janus/sbin
  687. ]
  688. debug_level: 7
  689. interface:
  690. }
  691. certificates: {
  692. }
  693. media: {
  694. }
  695. nat: {
  696. nice_debug: false
  697. ice_ignore_list: vmnet
  698. }
  699. plugins: {
  700. }
  701. transports: {
  702. }
  703. loggers: {
  704. }
  705. events: {
  706. }
  707. Debug/log level is 7
  708. Debug/log timestamps are disabled
  709. Debug/log colors are enabled
  710. Adding 'vmnet' to the ICE ignore list...
  711. Selecting local IP address...
  712. -- Will try to use
  713. [WARN] Error setting local IP address to, falling back to detecting IP address...
  714. Using as local IP...
  715. [WARN] Token based authentication disabled
  716. Initializing recorder code
  717. Initializing ICE stuff (Full mode, ICE-TCP candidates disabled, half-trickle, IPv6 support disabled)
  718. TURN REST API backend: (disabled)
  719. [WARN] Janus is deployed on a private address ( but you didn't specify any STUN server! Expect trouble if this is supposed to work over the internet and not just in a LAN...
  720. Using certificates:
  721. (null)
  722. (null)
  723. Crypto: OpenSSL >= 1.1.0
  724. [WARN] No cert/key specified, autogenerating some...
  725. Generating DTLS key / cert
  726. Fingerprint of our certificate: A2:36:39:3B:A4:E3:B8:89:C9:DE:58:A5:5A:2B:9C:DB:EE:95:C3:52:BF:61:15:AD:97:4C:FA:6D:4C:93:B0:71
  727. [WARN] Event handlers support disabled
  728. Plugins folder: /usr/lib/janus/plugins
  729. Loading plugin ''...
  730. Joining Janus requests handler thread
  731. Janus Lua plugin created!
  732. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.lua.jcfg
  733. [janus.plugin.lua.jcfg]
  734. general: {
  735. path: /usr/share/janus/lua
  736. script: /usr/share/janus/lua/echotest.lua
  737. }
  738. Registering extra Lua functions
  739. [ERR] [plugins/janus_lua.c:janus_lua_init:1236] Error loading Lua script /usr/share/janus/lua/echotest.lua: /usr/share/janus/lua/echotest.lua:6: module 'json' not found:
  740. no field package.preload['json']
  741. no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3/json.lua'
  742. no file '/usr/share/lua/5.3/json/init.lua'
  743. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/json.lua'
  744. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/json/init.lua'
  745. no file './json.lua'
  746. no file './json/init.lua'
  747. no file '/usr/share/janus/lua/json.lua'
  748. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/'
  749. no file '/usr/lib/lua/5.3/'
  750. no file './'
  751. [WARN] The 'janus.plugin.lua' plugin could not be initialized
  752. Loading plugin ''...
  753. JANUS Streaming plugin created!
  754. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg
  755. [janus.plugin.streaming.jcfg]
  756. general: {
  757. }
  758. rtp-sample: {
  759. type: rtp
  760. id: 1
  761. description: Opus/VP8 live stream coming from external source
  762. metadata: You can use this metadata section to put any info you want!
  763. audio: true
  764. video: true
  765. audioport: 5002
  766. audiopt: 111
  767. audiortpmap: opus/48000/2
  768. videoport: 5004
  769. videopt: 100
  770. videortpmap: VP8/90000
  771. secret: adminpwd
  772. }
  773. file-live-sample: {
  774. type: live
  775. id: 2
  776. description: a-law file source (radio broadcast)
  777. filename: /usr/share/janus/streams/radio.alaw
  778. audio: true
  779. video: false
  780. secret: adminpwd
  781. }
  782. file-ondemand-sample: {
  783. type: ondemand
  784. id: 3
  785. description: mu-law file source (music)
  786. filename: /usr/share/janus/streams/music.mulaw
  787. audio: true
  788. video: false
  789. secret: adminpwd
  790. }
  791. Adding Streaming mountpoint 'rtp-sample'
  792. Audio enabled, Video enabled, Data NOT enabled
  793. Audio enabled, Video enabled, Data NOT enabled
  794. Sessions watchdog started
  795. [ERR] [plugins/janus_streaming.c:janus_streaming_create_fd:5338] [rtp-sample] Cannot create socket for audio... 97 (Address family not supported by protocol)
  796. [ERR] [plugins/janus_streaming.c:janus_streaming_create_rtp_source:5562] Can't bind to port 5002 for audio...
  797. [ERR] [plugins/janus_streaming.c:janus_streaming_init:1912] Error creating 'rtp' mountpoint 'rtp-sample'...
  798. Adding Streaming mountpoint 'file-live-sample'
  799. Adding Streaming mountpoint 'file-ondemand-sample'
  800. ::: [2][file-live-sample] a-law file source (radio broadcast) (live, file source, public, pin: no pin)
  801. ::: [3][file-ondemand-sample] mu-law file source (music) (on demand, file source, public, pin: no pin)
  802. Filesource (live) thread starting...
  803. [file-live-sample] Opening file source /usr/share/janus/streams/radio.alaw...
  804. JANUS Streaming plugin initialized!
  805. Version: 8 (0.0.8)
  806. [janus.plugin.streaming] JANUS Streaming plugin
  807. This is a streaming plugin for Janus, allowing WebRTC peers to watch/listen to pre-recorded files or media generated by an external source.
  808. Plugin API version: 14
  809. [file-live-sample] Streaming audio file: /usr/share/janus/streams/radio.alaw
  810. Loading plugin ''...
  811. Joining Streaming handler thread
  812. JANUS EchoTest plugin created!
  813. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.echotest.jcfg
  814. [janus.plugin.echotest.jcfg]
  815. general: {
  816. }
  817. JANUS EchoTest plugin initialized!
  818. Version: 7 (0.0.7)
  819. [janus.plugin.echotest] JANUS EchoTest plugin
  820. This is a trivial EchoTest plugin for Janus, just used to showcase the plugin interface.
  821. Plugin API version: 14
  822. Loading plugin ''...
  823. Janus JavaScript plugin (Duktape) created!
  824. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.duktape.jcfg
  825. [janus.plugin.duktape.jcfg]
  826. general: {
  827. path: /usr/share/janus/duktape
  828. script: /usr/share/janus/duktape/echotest.js
  829. }
  830. Registering extra Duktape functions
  831. [echotest.js] Loading script...
  832. [echotest.js] Modules folder: /usr/share/janus/duktape
  833. [echotest.js] Loading module: janus-sdp
  834. [echotest.js] Module loaded
  835. [echotest.js] Script loaded
  836. [echotest.js] Initializing...
  837. [echotest.js] Initialized
  838. Janus JavaScript plugin (Duktape) initialized!
  839. Version: 12 (0.0.12)
  840. [janus.plugin.echojs] JavaScript based EchoTest
  841. This is echotest.js, a JavaScript/Duktape based clone of janus.plugin.echotest
  842. Plugin API version: 14
  843. Loading plugin ''...
  844. Joining Duktape timer loop
  845. JANUS VideoCall plugin created!
  846. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.videocall.jcfg
  847. [janus.plugin.videocall.jcfg]
  848. general: {
  849. }
  850. JANUS VideoCall plugin initialized!
  851. Version: 6 (0.0.6)
  852. [janus.plugin.videocall] JANUS VideoCall plugin
  853. This is a simple video call plugin for Janus, allowing two WebRTC peers to call each other through a server.
  854. Plugin API version: 14
  855. Loading plugin ''...
  856. Joining VideoCall handler thread
  857. Joining EchoTest handler thread
  858. JANUS SIP plugin created!
  859. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.sip.jcfg
  860. [janus.plugin.sip.jcfg]
  861. general: {
  862. keepalive_interval: 120
  863. behind_nat: false
  864. register_ttl: 3600
  865. rtp_port_range: 20000-40000
  866. }
  867. SIP keep-alive interval set to 120 seconds
  868. SIP registration TTL set to 3600 seconds
  869. SIP User-Agent set to Janus WebRTC Server SIP Plugin 0.0.8
  870. SIP RTP/RTCP port range: 20000 -- 40000
  871. Local IP set to
  872. JANUS SIP plugin initialized!
  873. Version: 8 (0.0.8)
  874. [janus.plugin.sip] JANUS SIP plugin
  875. This is a simple SIP plugin for Janus, allowing WebRTC peers to register at a SIP server and call SIP user agents through a Janus instance.
  876. Plugin API version: 14
  877. Loading plugin ''...
  878. JANUS Record&Play plugin created!
  879. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.recordplay.jcfg
  880. [janus.plugin.recordplay.jcfg]
  881. general: {
  882. path: /usr/share/janus/recordings
  883. }
  884. Updating recordings list in /usr/share/janus/recordings
  885. Importing recording '1234.nfo'...
  886. Pre-parsing file /usr/share/janus/recordings/rec-sample-audio.mjr to generate ordered index...
  887. This is an old audio recording, assuming Opus
  888. Pre-parsing file /usr/share/janus/recordings/rec-sample-video.mjr to generate ordered index...
  889. This is an old video recording, assuming VP8
  890. JANUS Record&Play plugin initialized!
  891. Version: 4 (0.0.4)
  892. [janus.plugin.recordplay] JANUS Record&Play plugin
  893. This is a trivial Record&Play plugin for Janus, to record WebRTC sessions and replay them.
  894. Plugin API version: 14
  895. Loading plugin ''...
  896. Joining Record&Play handler thread
  897. JANUS AudioBridge plugin created!
  898. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.audiobridge.jcfg
  899. [janus.plugin.audiobridge.jcfg]
  900. general: {
  901. }
  902. room-1234: {
  903. description: Demo Room
  904. secret: adminpwd
  905. sampling_rate: 16000
  906. record: false
  907. }
  908. Adding AudioBridge room 'room-1234'
  909. Sampling rate for mixing: 16000
  910. Created AudioBridge room: 1234 (Demo Room, public, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin)
  911. ::: [1234][Demo Room] 16000 (will NOT be recorded)
  912. JANUS AudioBridge plugin initialized!
  913. Version: 11 (0.0.11)
  914. [janus.plugin.audiobridge] JANUS AudioBridge plugin
  915. This is a plugin implementing an audio conference bridge for Janus, mixing Opus streams.
  916. Plugin API version: 14
  917. Loading plugin ''...
  918. Audio bridge thread starting...
  919. Thread is for mixing room 1234 (Demo Room) at rate 16000...
  920. JANUS VoiceMail plugin created!
  921. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.voicemail.jcfg
  922. [janus.plugin.voicemail.jcfg]
  923. general: {
  924. path: /usr/share/janus/demos/voicemail/
  925. base: /voicemail/
  926. events: true
  927. }
  928. Recordings path: /usr/share/janus/demos/voicemail/
  929. Recordings base: /voicemail/
  930. JANUS VoiceMail plugin initialized!
  931. Version: 7 (0.0.7)
  932. [janus.plugin.voicemail] JANUS VoiceMail plugin
  933. This is a plugin implementing a very simple VoiceMail service for Janus, recording Opus streams.
  934. Plugin API version: 14
  935. Loading plugin ''...
  936. Joining VoiceMail handler thread
  937. JANUS VideoRoom plugin created!
  938. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg
  939. [janus.plugin.videoroom.jcfg]
  940. general: {
  941. }
  942. room-1234: {
  943. description: Demo Room
  944. secret: adminpwd
  945. publishers: 6
  946. bitrate: 128000
  947. fir_freq: 10
  948. record: false
  949. }
  950. room-5678: {
  951. description: VP9-SVC Demo Room
  952. secret: adminpwd
  953. publishers: 6
  954. bitrate: 512000
  955. fir_freq: 10
  956. videocodec: vp9
  957. video_svc: true
  958. }
  959. Adding VideoRoom room 'room-1234'
  960. Created VideoRoom: 1234 (Demo Room, public, opus/vp8 codecs, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin, pvtid: optional)
  961. Adding VideoRoom room 'room-5678'
  962. Created VideoRoom: 5678 (VP9-SVC Demo Room, public, opus/vp9 codecs, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin, pvtid: optional)
  963. ::: [1234][Demo Room] 128000, max 6 publishers, FIR frequency of 10 seconds, opus audio codec(s), vp8 video codec(s)
  964. ::: [5678][VP9-SVC Demo Room] 512000, max 6 publishers, FIR frequency of 10 seconds, opus audio codec(s), vp9 video codec(s)
  965. Joining RTCP thread for RTP forwarders...
  966. JANUS VideoRoom plugin initialized!
  967. Version: 9 (0.0.9)
  968. [janus.plugin.videoroom] JANUS VideoRoom plugin
  969. This is a plugin implementing a videoconferencing SFU (Selective Forwarding Unit) for Janus, that is an audio/video router.
  970. Plugin API version: 14
  971. Loading plugin ''...
  972. JANUS NoSIP plugin created!
  973. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.nosip.jcfg
  974. [janus.plugin.nosip.jcfg]
  975. general: {
  976. rtp_port_range: 20000-40000
  977. }
  978. NoSIP RTP/RTCP port range: 20000 -- 40000
  979. Local IP set to
  980. JANUS NoSIP plugin initialized!
  981. Version: 1 (0.0.1)
  982. [janus.plugin.nosip] JANUS NoSIP plugin
  983. This is a simple RTP bridging plugin that leaves signalling details (e.g., SIP) up to the application.
  984. Plugin API version: 14
  985. Loading plugin ''...
  986. Joining NoSIP handler thread
  987. JANUS TextRoom plugin created!
  988. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.plugin.textroom.jcfg
  989. [janus.plugin.textroom.jcfg]
  990. general: {
  991. json: indented
  992. }
  993. room-1234: {
  994. description: Demo Room
  995. secret: adminpwd
  996. }
  997. Adding TextRoom room 'room-1234'
  998. Created TextRoom: 1234 (Demo Room, public, secret: adminpwd, pin: no pin)
  999. ::: [1234][Demo Room]
  1000. JANUS TextRoom plugin initialized!
  1001. Version: 2 (0.0.2)
  1002. [janus.plugin.textroom] JANUS TextRoom plugin
  1003. This is a plugin implementing a text-only room for Janus, using DataChannels.
  1004. Plugin API version: 14
  1005. Transport plugins folder: /usr/lib/janus/transports
  1006. Joining TextRoom handler thread
  1007. Loading transport plugin ''...
  1008. JANUS REST (HTTP/HTTPS) transport plugin created!
  1009. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.http.jcfg
  1010. HTTP transport timer started
  1011. [janus.transport.http.jcfg]
  1012. general: {
  1013. json: indented
  1014. base_path: /janus
  1015. http: true
  1016. port: 8088
  1017. https: false
  1018. }
  1019. admin: {
  1020. admin_base_path: /admin
  1021. admin_http: false
  1022. admin_port: 7088
  1023. admin_https: false
  1024. }
  1025. cors: {
  1026. }
  1027. certificates: {
  1028. }
  1029. Binding to all interfaces for the Janus API HTTP webserver
  1030. Joining Duktape scheduler thread
  1031. Joining VideoRoom handler thread
  1032. Joining AudioBridge handler thread
  1033. Joining SIP handler thread
  1034. [FATAL] [transports/janus_http.c:janus_http_init:738] Couldn't start webserver on port 8088...
  1035. [WARN] HTTPS webserver disabled
  1036. [WARN] Admin/monitor HTTP webserver disabled
  1037. [WARN] Admin/monitor HTTPS webserver disabled
  1038. [WARN] No HTTP/HTTPS server started, giving up...
  1039. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.http' plugin could not be initialized
  1040. Loading transport plugin ''...
  1041. JANUS WebSockets transport plugin created!
  1042. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.websockets.jcfg
  1043. [janus.transport.websockets.jcfg]
  1044. general: {
  1045. json: indented
  1046. ws: true
  1047. ws_port: 8188
  1048. wss: false
  1049. }
  1050. admin: {
  1051. admin_ws: false
  1052. admin_ws_port: 7188
  1053. admin_wss: false
  1054. }
  1055. certificates: {
  1056. }
  1057. libwebsockets logging: 0
  1058. WebSockets server started (port 8188)...
  1059. [WARN] Secure WebSockets server disabled
  1060. [WARN] Admin WebSockets server disabled
  1061. [WARN] Secure Admin WebSockets server disabled
  1062. JANUS WebSockets transport plugin initialized!
  1063. Version: 1 (0.0.1)
  1064. [janus.transport.websockets] JANUS WebSockets transport plugin
  1065. This transport plugin adds WebSockets support to the Janus API via libwebsockets.
  1066. Plugin API version: 7
  1067. Janus API: enabled
  1068. Admin API: disabled
  1069. Loading transport plugin ''...
  1070. JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin created!
  1071. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.nanomsg.jcfg
  1072. [janus.transport.nanomsg.jcfg]
  1073. general: {
  1074. enabled: true
  1075. json: indented
  1076. address: ipc:///tmp/janus.ipc
  1077. }
  1078. admin: {
  1079. admin_enabled: false
  1080. }
  1081. [WARN] Nanomsg server disabled (Admin API)
  1082. JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin initialized!
  1083. Version: 1 (0.0.1)
  1084. [janus.transport.nanomsg] JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin
  1085. This transport plugin adds Nanomsg support to the Janus API.
  1086. Plugin API version: 7
  1087. Janus API: enabled
  1088. Admin API: disabled
  1089. Loading transport plugin ''...
  1090. JANUS Unix Sockets transport plugin created!
  1091. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.pfunix.jcfg
  1092. [janus.transport.pfunix.jcfg]
  1093. general: {
  1094. enabled: false
  1095. json: indented
  1096. }
  1097. admin: {
  1098. admin_enabled: false
  1099. }
  1100. [WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Janus API)
  1101. [WARN] Unix Sockets server disabled (Admin API)
  1102. [WARN] No Unix Sockets server started, giving up...
  1103. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.pfunix' plugin could not be initialized
  1104. Loading transport plugin ''...
  1105. WebSockets thread started
  1106. [WSS-0x55dbe6cb2c38] 27 (LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_INIT)
  1107. JANUS MQTT transport plugin created!
  1108. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.mqtt.jcfg
  1109. [janus.transport.mqtt.jcfg]
  1110. general: {
  1111. enabled: false
  1112. json: indented
  1113. url: tcp://localhost:1883
  1114. subscribe_topic: to-janus
  1115. publish_topic: from-janus
  1116. }
  1117. admin: {
  1118. subscribe_topic: to-janus-admin
  1119. publish_topic: from-janus-admin
  1120. }
  1121. status: {
  1122. enabled: false
  1123. }
  1124. MQTT SSL support disabled
  1125. [WARN] MQTT support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up
  1126. JANUS MQTT transport plugin destroyed!
  1127. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.mqtt' plugin could not be initialized
  1128. Loading transport plugin ''...
  1129. JANUS RabbitMQ transport plugin created!
  1130. Configuration file: /etc/janus/janus.transport.rabbitmq.jcfg
  1131. [janus.transport.rabbitmq.jcfg]
  1132. general: {
  1133. enabled: false
  1134. json: indented
  1135. host: localhost
  1136. to_janus: to-janus
  1137. from_janus: from-janus
  1138. }
  1139. admin: {
  1140. }
  1141. RabbitMQ SSL support disabled
  1142. [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled (Janus API)
  1143. [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled (Admin API)
  1144. [WARN] RabbitMQ support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up
  1145. [WARN] The 'janus.transport.rabbitmq' plugin could not be initialized
  1146. Nanomsg thread started
  1147. Stopping server, please wait...
  1148. Ending sessions timeout watchdog...
  1149. Sessions watchdog stopped
  1150. Closing transport plugins:
  1151. Nanomsg thread ended
  1152. JANUS Nanomsg transport plugin destroyed!
  1153. WebSockets thread ended
  1154. [WSS-0x7ffce86a5630] 28 (LWS_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL_DESTROY)
  1155. JANUS WebSockets transport plugin destroyed!
  1156. Ending requests thread...
  1157. Leaving Janus requests handler thread
  1158. Destroying sessions...
  1159. Freeing crypto resources...
  1160. De-initializing SCTP...
  1161. Closing plugins:
  1162. Leaving AudioBridge handler thread
  1163. JANUS AudioBridge plugin destroyed!
  1164. LeavingRecord&Play handler thread
  1165. JANUS Record&Play plugin destroyed!
  1166. Leaving Duktape scheduler thread
  1167. Leaving Duktape timer loop
  1168. [echotest.js] Deinitialized
  1169. Janus JavaScript plugin (Duktape) destroyed!
  1170. Leaving TextRoom handler thread
  1171. JANUS TextRoom plugin destroyed!
  1172. Leaving VoiceMail handler thread
  1173. JANUS VoiceMail plugin destroyed!
  1174. Leaving NoSIP handler thread
  1175. JANUS NoSIP plugin destroyed!
  1176. Leaving SIP handler thread
  1177. JANUS SIP plugin destroyed!
  1178. Leaving VideoCall handler thread
  1179. JANUS VideoCall plugin destroyed!
  1180. Leaving EchoTest handler thread
  1181. JANUS EchoTest plugin destroyed!
  1182. Leaving Streaming handler thread
  1183. Leaving mixer thread for room 1234 (Demo Room)...
  1184. [file-live-sample] Leaving filesource (live) thread
  1185. JANUS Streaming plugin destroyed!
  1186. Leaving VideoRoom handler thread
  1187. Leaving RTCP thread for RTP forwarders...
  1188. JANUS VideoRoom plugin destroyed!
  1189. Closing event handlers:
  1190. Bye!
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