

Jan 1st, 2022
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  5. In the Introduction to The Magical Diaries of Aleister Crowley (Weiser, 1981),
  6. Stephen Skinner remarked:
  8. Science failed notably to progress in the Middle Ages beyond redigestion of the work of
  9. the Greeks and the Arabs. It was only through the building up of accurately observed
  10. results and practical comparisons that science began again to grow in the Renaissance. Magic is at the same cross-roads: many writers quoting authorities, few doing their own
  11. research, and still fewer building on research already done.
  12. I have therefore tried in this analysis to explain clearly the results I have obtained
  13. through my own Qabalistic investigations; expanding on previous discoveries
  14. where possible, and hopefully paving the way to further explorations. Some of you, however, will no doubt denounce this work as utter nonsense. If it
  15. be your will to do so – so be it! As Crowley‟s comment to Liber Legis states:
  16. “Those who discuss the contents of this Book are to be shunned by all, as centres
  17. of pestilence”. I then, for one, have no great desire to enter into lengthy,
  18. unproductive conversations on such trivial and altogether pointless matters. The
  19. Book of the Law does after all proclaim that “Success is thy proof”. However, for
  20. those of you who are still rather dubious about my findings, there is one further
  21. proof of the successful application of my findings. Although I am extremely
  22. hesitant to reveal it (lest my intentions be completely misunderstood), I feel that it
  23. is of considerable importance inasmuch that it provides further evidence regarding
  24. the potential existence of praeter-human intelligence and the curious way in which
  25. it might operate. At birth I was given the name George Terrence Mortimer. Using the
  26. aforementioned C+D key, I am sure that the interested reader will find the
  27. numerical value of this name somewhat fascinating. I must however state that I do
  28. not, under any circumstances, consider an intriguing Gematric result to bestow any
  29. kind of authority. To do so would merely inflate those aspects of my psyche that I
  30. wish to constrain and I have no intentions of following Charles Stanfeld Jones into
  31. the depths of the Abyss. The Magical Path is, or at least should be, one of evolution and advancement. It is
  32. therefore my opinion that these keys are there to accelerate Man‟s understanding of
  33. the Universe, both within and without us. As William Shakespeare had it:
  34. What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and
  35. moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like
  36. a god. (Hamlet: Act 2, Scene 2)
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