
Prologue F: Limuko

Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. [12:39] <Radio_GM> ---Group 80, The Coltifornia Campaign---
  2. [12:39] <Radio_GM> ---Prologue F: Limuko---
  3. [12:40] <Radio_GM> Fortune and riches may not be everything, but they certainly count for a lot, don’t they? It used to be said that there wasn’t a problem in the world that bits couldn’t solve. Oh yes, the wasteland uses caps and not bits, but the adage remains true as ever in the hearts of some. And where better to start than the Coltfornia region?
  4. [12:40] <Radio_Gm> Promises of riches that the Golden Coast has to offer have pervaded Coltifornian history since its inception, and that is perhaps what has drawn you here. Come hither, the land seems to call. Come to the place where any equine can draw himself out of the dust and rise from the ashes into something alive and anew. Come to where all can, at last, make themselves stronger and better – and yes, richer.
  5. [12:40] <Radio_GM> Your travels have taken you across the brutal Sierra Neighvadas and onto a path running further West. You are following the Foalsom River, carrying runoff from the peaks of the Sierras, that runs for miles before joining with the Equestrian, which in turn runs for miles before emptying into the Golden Bay.
  6. [12:40] <Radio_GM> Perhaps your journeys will take you to the Great City itself, San Ponecisco, once the pinnacle of what Coltifornia had to offer. You don’t know for sure where you’re headed, but it must be better then from whence you came.
  7. [12:41] <Radio_GM> It is late afternoon. Evening is approaching. What do you do? The choice is yours, the chapter yours alone to write.
  8. [12:41] <Radio_GM> ---Begin Session---
  9. [12:44] * Limuko looked up at the sky, seeing the evening approaching. But how would that stop the zebra from continuing his travels?! Limuko continues his journey towards whatever city he could find. He didn't normally go to cities (with a history of being shot there), but this was a new region, nopony would know of the conzebra's mischief. Limuko continues following Foalsom River.
  10. [12:46] <Radio_GM> The tepid waters of the Foalsom follow you, the flow of the murky water lapping at the rocks. As far as you can tell, you are alone.
  11. [12:49] * Limuko was used to the silence of being alone. He's been alone ever since his parents died, occasionally finding Caravaners from which he could con from (if they didn't shoot him before he even spoke to them). Limuko looked around the scenery. Hearing the sound of the river made him relaxed, much better from where he used to be.
  12. [12:55] <Radio_GM> A sound shakes you out of your reverie. In the still air, the sound seems unnaturally loud in your ears. There's no mistaking the sound - it's a cat meowing.
  13. [12:55] <Radio_GM> And there it is, slinking towards you from a ways off. Even in the darkness, you can notice every detail of the sleek black-coated creature, eyes yellow and wide, as it slowly pads its way in your direction. Once again, you hear the sound that had prompted you to look towards the cat.
  14. [12:55] <Radio_GM> ”Meow.”
  15. [12:58] * Limuko smiled upon seeing the cat, a habit he made when seeing anyone that came towards him. Limuko hunched down, waiting for the cat to come close enough just so he could pet it. "Hello my friend, Limuko is this zebra's name."
  16. [13:00] <Radio_GM> The cat pads up to Limuko, and peers up into his face briefly, before proceeding to weave around his foreleg and curl comfortably, purring softly. This is clearly a good-hearted creature that wants to make friends.
  17. [13:02] * Limuko would agree with the red text in the sky that seems to be narrating everything. He continues to pet the cat, a warm (and not a smile he would normally use for conning) smile to the cat, petting it as it curled against his foreleg. "And where did you come from my black furred friend?"
  18. [13:03] <Radio_GM> The cat simply curls up in front of Limuko, before proceeding to flop onto its back and roll playfully about.
  19. [13:03] <Radio_GM> "Meow."
  20. [13:04] * Limuko was completely distracted of how cute the cat was being to him. He decides to give the cat a belly rub gently. Ponies have told him before that black cats are bad luck, but Limuko didn't believe silly pony stories.
  21. [13:06] <Radio_GM> The cat purrs softly, eyes closing in pleasure.
  22. [13:07] Limuko "You must be very lonely my black furred friend. Limuko can offer to make you waliosafiri (traveling companion) if you'd like."
  23. [13:09] <Radio_GM> The cat continues to purr loudly - before he suddenly lifts his head, ears perked up, eyes alert. It swivels its head around, looking to and fro, though you hear and see nothing.
  24. [13:10] * Limuko was startled to see the cat looking all around as if something was wrong. "Is there something wrong my black furred friend?" The conzebra asked the cat that could only reply in meows.
  25. [13:12] <Radio_GM> The cat just leaps to its feet and begins to pad quickly down the path. It briefly turns to look at you before slinking off, as though waiting for you to follow.
  26. [13:13] * Limuko blinked seeing the cat wanting to follow him. That would be craaaaaazy, but Limuko is pretty much crazy himself so he decides to follow the cat. "Wait up my black furred friend!"
  27. [13:15] <Radio_GM> The cat goes on, further down the path, before taking a sudden left off towards the woods to the side of the river. The darkness is coming fast; you must follow quickly if you don't want to lose sight of the cat. The path deviates from the one you were taking before, and you can't be sure you can find you rway back again, especially not in the dark. Which path do you take? Follow your path and ignore the cat, or follow the creature into the woods?
  28. [13:17] * Limuko was determined to find the black cat. Not like he would of reached a city that wouldn't be racist against his kind if he went on the path from before. Limuko did his best to catch up to his black furred friend.
  29. [13:19] <Radio_GM> The thick trees do little to help your vision as you go further and further into the woods. Every so often, you can hear the cry of the cat, calling you forward.
  30. [13:21] * Limuko followed the meowing cry of the cat. Was it in danger!? Limuko had just made new friend that didn't shoot him, and he didn't want to loose him. He follows where his ears can hear the cry, his hooves moving whatever tree branch that may get in his way as he trotted further.
  31. [13:27] <Radio_GM> It isn't long before you find your way into a clearing of the forest. In the evening light, you can see before you a large expanse of water, the sky above clear and cloudless. A series of raised stone paths rise from the water, leading off into some stony mound in the center that you can't really see from this distance. The water below laps below you, unnaturally still and glassy.
  32. [13:28 <Radio_GM> You can barely see the cat adeptly navigating the paths towards the center.
  33. [13:31] * Limuko shook a little in fear, a bit a afraid of having to navigate through the paths and falling down in the water. Limuko took a deep breath. Was it really worth it? Wouldn't he of rather been on the path that he was on already and forget about that cat. Still, there was no turning back now. Limuko carefully navigates through the paths in the expanse of water,
  34. [13:32] * Limuko praying to whatever heavens there were that he did not fall down.
  35. [13:35] <Radio_GM> You manage to carefully navigate the paths. You trip over a rock at one point, but that frightening experience thankfully ends alright, with your hooves firmly planted on the ground.
  36. [13:36] <Radio_GM> You can see the stone mound in the center. A tunnel seems to be dug into the side of the mound, leading further down. You arrive in time to see a thin black tail disappear into the tunnel.
  37. [13:37] * Limuko sighed in relief. He was almost sure that he would fall down that time he tripped. Seeing the tail of his black furred friend going into the stone mound, Limuko decides to follow the cat into the cavern. A part of him was hoping he wouldn't find some crazy mutant bear in there.
  38. [13:41] <Radio_GM> As you find your way into the tunnel, you find a narrow path that leads down below. Strangely, up ahead there seems to be an orange glow that lights the way ahead of you, though it moves further and further back with every step you take, so that you cannot tell what the light is or where it is coming from.
  39. [13:42] <Radio_GM> Periodically, you can hear the cat calling to you.
  40. [13:43] * Limuko didn't exactly know what the strange orange glow was (some strange version of radiation perhaps?), but the conzebra knew exactly that the light and the calls of the cat where his only method of navigating through the tunnel. Limuko picked up the pace before he lost sight of the orange glow.
  41. [13:51] <Radio_GM> As you move quickly, you notice something absolutely queer: The cat is running pellmell your way, so quickly that if you weren't paying attention you would have missed him. You manage to get out of the way before the cat collides into your leg.
  42. [13:52] <Radio_GM> The cat turns and looks to you, and you suddenly hear a voice sound in your head, speaking in perfect Zwahili. [Stay calm. Do not say a word.]
  43. [13:53] * Limuko blinked in confusion. Was there another zebra someplace close. Limuko has never really seen any other of his kind save for his now dead parents. Limuko decides to trust the voice, remaining quiet.
  44. [13:54] <Radio_GM> The cat pads forward and places a paw on your hoof, looking straight up. The voice speaks again. [Do not be alarmed. I need your help.]
  45. [13:56] * Limuko blinked again, was the cat speaking to him!? This was crazy! But again, Limuko was also crazy. He nods in confusion, deciding to see if he could somehow communicate with the cat through thinking. "[Is that your voice my black furred friend?]" Limuko thought to himself, unsure if the cat could read his mind as well.
  46. [13:58] <Radio_GM> The cat's tail curls as its ear perks in your direction. [It is. And I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry. But you have to help me. My companion is in danger. Don't speak, or they'll hear you!]
  47. [14:00] * Limuko gave a look of surprise to the cat as he thought back to his black furred friend. "[A cat is talking to Limuko, this is craaaazy! But Limuko is also crazy, that may be reason. But what do you mean my black furred friend? Who would hear?]"
  48. [14:06] <Radio_GM> The cat turns to face the length of the tunnel. [My companion is a unicorn. We travel together. But something has trapped him and won't let him go...I don't know what they are, but you must speak to them!]
  49. [14:09] * Limuko gulps. He really didn't want to be in this situation, but the black furred cat was (somewhat) his friend ... even conzebras had morals. "[Limuko will speak for you my black furred friend.]" The zebra was hoping that he wouldn't get killed from helping.
  50. [14:12] <Radio_GM> The cat looks down the tunnel. [I heard him call to me. That's why I came here after I met you. They're further down that way. I cannot follow you down...good luck!] With that, the cat slinks further up the tunnel the way you came, out of sight.
  51. [14:13] * Limuko then trots down to the path that his black furred friend looked toward. Limuko didn't have the slightest idea what could be going on down there ... hopefully he won't get shot.
  52. [14:18] <Radio_GM> You go further down the tunnel through an entrance, leading into an enormous subterranean chamber below. The chamber is shaped like a dome, made of stone. All around you are raised stone tablets, each marked with glyphs. The ceiling is intricately covered with engravings and paintings, all of them of zebras like yourself. Some of the images depict celebrations. Others depict battles. Some depict what appear to be funerals. But all around you, those stone tablets line the chambers, leaving only a small narrow path to the center. And it is here that you find the curious source of the orange light; a large sphere of what appears to be flame. The sphere crackles and moves, not unlike a flame - always the same, yet always different with each moment. It gives off no warmth, though a zold breeze seems to emanate from the thing. Within, you can see the vague outline of an equine figure, as it puts its front hooves to the sides of the sphere as though trying to find a way out.
  53. [14:21] * Limuko was surprised to see stone tablets with zebras like him on them. He stared in awe at the glyphs, having only heard oral stories from his parents about their race before they died. Eventually did his eyes lay on the sphere of flame, seeing the equine figure as well. "Hello? Are you companion of Limuko's black furred friend?" The third speaking zebra said
  54. [14:21] * Limuko as he trots closer towards the stallion.
  55. [14:22] <Radio_GM> Whatever the figure is, it doesn't seem to hear you, still banging its hooves fruitlessly against the sides of the spherical flame-esque wall.
  56. [14:23] <Radio_GM> Without warning, a sudden voice booms in your head, echoing in the recesses of your mind. It is low, deep, and like the cat, speaking perfect Zwahili.
  57. [14:23] <Radio_GM> "Welcome, brother. It has been long since another zebra has set hoof upon this holy ground."
  58. [14:24] * Limuko nearly panicked upon hearing the voice. He then turned around, speaking back it Zwahili as well. "Brother? Limuko is only child. But what is going on?"
  59. [14:27] <Radio_GM> The voice continues. "You see this pathetic figure before you? Trapped in cold flame? It is the scum of this planet. It is a pony. A filthy specimen of the race that hates without reservation. And it was foolish enough to tread where only zebras were meant to walk."
  60. [14:31] * Limuko looks back to the pony in the sphere, and then replies back in Zwahili as well. "I agree, some ponies can hate our kind, for I have been shot plenty. But not all are bad. There are those who take pity for our kind and seek to have us live in love and tolerance. This pony does not mean to hurt, I am sure of it."
  61. [14:34] <Radio_GM> The voice gives a series of booming laughs. "Not to hurt? Fancy that! Fancy hearing that from /your/ muzzle, of all muzzles! Don't tell me you weren't hurt by ponies before? What of your parents, hm? What of them?" Cruel laughter. "What, surprised that I knew?"
  62. [14:36] * Limuko gave a gasp of surprise upon hearing the voice know about his dead parents. Parents who were killed all because they were zebras, leaving Limuko all alone in the wasteland, relying on trickery in order to feed himself. Limuko then shook his head and spoke back in Zwahili. "Then if you know of Limuko's parents death, then you must know of the caravan that
  63. [14:36] * Limuko took pity on me."
  64. [14:40] <Radio_GM> More cruel laughter. "Oh, and they've done a brilliant job at that! What came of you then? Trickery and darkness, as what befalls all others of our kind that dabble with ponies. What makes you think this one is different? Why should I spare this pathetic little speck? Answer me!"
  65. [14:44] * Limuko shook his head again, this time were tears, genuine tears, falling down his face. "Have you even gave him a chance? Do you want to repeat the cycle of racism that our kind has suffered? Sunshine and rainbows are in the sky now! It's been too long to hold our grudge against ponykind any longer. If we were to kill them the same matter as ponies before did,
  66. [14:44] * Limuko we would be consumed in darkness as well. Please, yet him go! You can't let him be treated like Limuko!"
  67. [14:47] <Radio_GM> The voice pauses briefly. "...It is necessary. It must be done. No zebra should have to suffer as we have." With that, the orange sphere glows brightly, the orange glow becoming a blazing yellow as the figure within seems to buckle to its knees, writhing.
  68. [14:49] * Limuko gasps in surprise. "NO! It's not needed! Don't do it!" He rushes toward the sphere, banging his hooves against it in an attempt to break it open.
  69. [14:50] <Radio_GM> The sphere is like tangible air, and your hooves do nothing. As you lunge forward, though, the yellow light fades back to orange, the silhouetted figure within shaking on the bottom of the sphere.
  70. [14:50] <Radio_GM> The voice sounds again after some more silence.
  71. [14:50] <Radio_GM> "...Why? Why do you defend this miserable life, even after what you have suffered? After what all us zebras have suffered?"
  72. [14:53] * Limuko paused for a second, tears still flowing down his face. "Because Limuko is tired of racism. Zebra, pegasus, pony, it doesn't matter. Limuko doesn't want there to be more hate between races. And Limuko doesn't want to become like ponies that killed parents."
  73. [14:56] <Radio_GM> A long silence pervades the room. The figure inside the bubble shakily seems to get to its hooves, doubling over once before standing.
  74. [14:57] <Radio_GM> "...Then take this pathetic life. Go! See what it does you! May you suffer long if you ever set hoof in here again."
  75. [14:57] <Radio_GM> With that, the bubble dissipates, and the figure within drops to the ground at last, though it is too dark to see who or what it is.
  76. [14:57] <Radio_GM> The voice echoes, fading, as the strange orange light fades with it.
  77. [14:58] <Radio_GM> "Soon, you will learn, you fool! You will learn what it means to suffer at the hands of those who hate you!"
  78. [14:58] <Radio_GM> Silence falls. You and the now-freed figure are alone.
  79. [14:59] * Limuko rushes towards the now-freed figure in worry, now speaking in Equestrian. "Are you alright friend?!"
  80. [15:02] <Radio_GM> The figure shakily gets to its hooves and turns to you at last. He is indeed a unicorn. Even in the light, you can see how young he is, not much younger than yourself. A hoofball cap rests atop his crimson mane streaked with black, his coat red. He wears a leather vest of some kind over simple leather armor, a cutie mark of a flame gracing his flanks. He turns to you. His eyes aren't visible from under his cap brim, as he turns to you in silence.
  81. [15:02] <Radio_GM> "......"
  82. [15:02] Limuko "You are friend of Limuko's black furred friend no?"
  83. [15:04] <Radio_GM> The unicorn stirs at that, as he turns his head towards the entrance of the domed area. His horn glows briefly, though he still refuses to speak. His horn's glow fades, and now he finally turns to you, raising his head so you can see his eyes; a deep sapphire to contrast his red hues.
  84. [15:04] <Radio_GM> He still says nothing, but he gives you a warm smile.
  85. [15:06] * Limuko took that smile as a yes as Limuko smiled back with a smile that only someone with Charisma 10 could achieve. "Let us leave our friend, your black furred companion was worried for you." He says as he follows the unicorn towards the entrance.
  86. [15:09] <Radio_GM> The unicorn moves on, still silent. Still smiling warmly, he stops midway down the tunnel, as the black cat from earlier comes bounding down the corridors and proceeds to rub its face against his leg.
  87. [15:10] * Limuko smiles as well as he sees the cat. "Limuko did it my black furred friend, your companion is safe now."
  88. [15:12] <Radio_GM> The unicorn turns to you at last and smiles still, the cat mewling softly into his leg. At last, he speaks. "Thanks. Thanks a lot." There is no trace of sarcasm in his voice; this unicorn not much younger than you seems genuinely grateful.
  89. [15:13] * Limuko nods to the unicorn. "Limuko couldn't leave friend of Limuko's friend alone. Limuko is very glad to see you safe."
  90. [15:15] <Radio_GM> The unicorn scuffs a hoof along the ground. "Yeah...thanks. I really thought I was in for it that time." He sighs. "You're Limuko, huh?"
  91. [15:17] * Limuko nods once again. He was odd for a zebra, black with white stripes (or maybe it was really the other way around). "You are right my friend. Limuko happened to come across our black furred friend, and she told me that you were in danger."
  92. [15:18] <Radio_GM> The unicorn grins. "Yeah. I'm Redshift, but everypony calls me Red." He chuckles. "Catmeat here's a guy, by the way." He trots onwards, until the three are at the entrance of the tunnel mound.
  93. [15:19] * Limuko appeared a bit confused. "You refer to black furred companion as meat?" He says as he trots along with Redshift towards the entrance of the tunnel.
  94. [15:20] <Radio_GM> The unicorn chuckles. "Hey, I didn't come up with the name." Catmeat yowls softly and nuzzles against Limuko's leg briefly. The unicorn turns his head away in silence.
  95. [15:21] <Radio_GM> Even in the darkness, you can't help but notice - is he blushing? Yes, he most certainly is!
  96. [15:23] * Limuko appeared confused ... what was he blushing for? Limuko didn't mind it much as he gave a gentle pet to Catmeat as he nuzzled against him.
  97. [15:24] <Radio_GM> Red clears his throat. "A-anyway!" He turns back to Limuko. "So, where are you headed? I can help you find your way."
  98. [15:25] * Limuko just shrugs. "Limuko is not familiar with Coltifornia, having traveled long way. Limuko doesn't know where he goes."
  99. [15:28] <Radio_GM> Red nods. "Well, if you follow the Foalsom and head upstream, you'll find a point where it meets the Equestrian River. If you follow that, Trotters Fort should be up a ways."
  100. [15:29] * Limuko smiled upon hearing that there was a town close by, though frowned. "They will not shoot Limuko for having stripes, no?"
  101. [15:30] <Radio_GM> He shakes his head. "Naw. They shouldn't. Dusty Trotters himself is a zebra, you know." He blinks, realizing Limuko wouldn't understand that. "As in, the one who runs the fort. He's a zebra too."
  102. [15:31] * Limuko gave a look of surprise to Redshift. "A zebra running town? Limuko has never seen such town before, nor much of Limuko's kind for that matter."
  103. [15:32] <Radio_GM> Red hums. "Well, it's not exactly a town. More like a giant rest stop. And there's actually more zebras around than you'd think, yeah." He scuffs a hoof along the ground. "I guess you'll find a lot of zebras like you to hang out with...yeah."
  104. [15:33] * Limuko took notice of the pauses Red made, but didn't comment on them. "Well, what about you friend? Where will you and Catmeat go from here?"
  105. [15:34] <Radio_GM> He shrugs. "Out and about, I suppose. I travel around a lot."
  106. [15:34] * Limuko nods to Red. "Then if that's the case my friend, Limuko hopes that we cross paths with one another."
  107. [15:35] <Radio_GM> Red smiles. "Uh, yeah! Definitely! That'd be great!" He grins. "Yeah, that'd be cool."
  108. [15:36] <Radio_GM> He turns to you and faces you, his expression sobering. "But, really, Limuko. Thank you. I really owe you one."
  109. [15:37] * Limuko smiles back. "There is no need friend, Limuko is pleased to see that he helped Catmeat and Redshift." Normally, in this circumstance WOULD he ask for something in return ... but right now, this was an exception for him.
  110. [15:40] <Radio_GM> Red wasn't done! He reaches into his saddlebag and pulls out a small vial, which he presents to Limuko. "Y'know, I found this a while back. After helping me out so much, I think you should take it. It'd be better for you to have it, since you could make better use of it than I could."
  111. [15:40] * Limuko looked at the vial, curious as to what it was.
  112. [15:45] <Radio_GM> It is a clear glass vial, sealed at the top with silicone. It is filled with gold particles suspended in water, the gold giving off a brilliant luster. On the side of the vial is a curious insignia, of a spear standing vertically upwards, crossed with a shovel and a pickaxe crossed over it at an angle.
  113. [15:45] <Radio_GM> On the bottle of the vial is the number "47", stenciled in like the insignia.
  114. [15:46] Limuko "Limuko is confused friend, what is this?"
  115. [15:47] <Radio_GM> Red replies. "Something I found a while back. Asking around, I think it's one of the original samples of gold from the Coltifornia Gold Rush way back when."
  116. [15:48] * Limuko thought for a moment ... gold ... GOLD! And gold meant caps! Limuko smiled at Red. "Thank you friend! Limuko will never forget kindness."
  117. [15:50] <Radio_GM> Red shrugs, scuffing a hoof along the ground. "Yeah,'s really old, y'know? They say that a hundred samples were trapped into vials to prove to ponies back east that there was gold in the Equestrian. I think we found number 47." He chuckles lightly. "No gold left in the river, though. Trust me, I looked." He turns back to the bottle. "I bet that's worth a lot, though."
  118. [15:53] * Limuko shook his head in agreement. "Well my friend, Limuko must be on his way now. Limuko was pleased to see Redshift and Catmeat." He says as he looks around where he could get back to following the Foalsom River.
  119. [15:54] <Radio_GM> Red nods, his cheeks suffusing with crimson at that compliment again. "Eheh...yeah. You too, buddy." He turns to Catmeat, who gives a faint yowl. Red points a hoof. "If you follow that path back to the main path, you should be able to find it quickly."
  120. [15:55] * Limuko nods to Red as he trots toward the path that he pointed. "Good luck my friends! Limuko will always remember you."
  121. [15:59] <Radio_GM> Redshift waves, Catmeat by his side. There is a flash of red light from Red's horn, and both unicorn and cat are gone.
  122. [16:00] * Limuko was just about to wave back before he saw they disappeared. Well, they're safe anyway, so he continues to trot his way towards the direction Red had pointed to him, taking out an apple from his bag as he gave it a bite. He also puts the vial of gold into his bag as well, he was going to make a fortune out of it!
  123. [16:02] <Radio_GM> Off you go, towards Trotters Fort, for adventure and riches, in the style of the true Coltifornians of old. It is time for this zebra to make a name! The Foalsom bubbles along you as you trot onwards, towards a new beginning and a new story.
  124. [16:02] <Radio_GM> ---End Prologue F---
  125. [16:03] <Radio_GM> ---Limuko has completed the quest "Voices of Zebras Past"!---
  126. [16:03] <Radio_GM> ---Limuko has reached Level 3!---
  127. [16:09] <Radio_GM> ---Limuko has gained the quest trait "Heart of Gold". Let's not beat around the bush here. You like caps, and you know how to get them, and you're willing to lie and cheat to get them. Nonetheless, you have surprising compassion for a wastelander, and your kindness is truly something to behold. In all future Barter rolls, you may reroll with a CHA check in case of a critical failure. However, upon rolling this second time, you must accept the consequences of that roll, good or not. Use it wisely!
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