

Jun 17th, 2009
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  1. [22:53] <[huh]Meliel> You reach the door, everyone tired after a long day. So much had happened, you had almost forgotten Yano's birthday entirely. Meliel, trying to keep cheerful, leads the way into the castle. However, little time was given to rest before there was a knock on the door. It really doesn't take a genius to guess who. Kaz sighs. Being one of the most skilled in driving off these people, she volunteers to go. After all, it wouldn't do to have these people interrupting Yano's special day more than they already had. With their past losses, no more than a bit of scaring from the big, bad demon would be needed to have them get on their way and keep to themselves. Well, that was he plan, anyway. However, you wait, but Kaz doesn't come back. Just as you decide to check on it, sounds of a scuffle break outside. Shouts, yells, screams.
  2. [22:59] * [nfty]Garnet lifts her head, looking listless and very tired.
  3. [23:00] * Yano rises quickly to attention.
  4. [23:00] * [Yum]Alataecia wakes up all of her hair slightly ajar, but shrugs it off and continues resting.
  5. [23:00] <[nfty]Garnet> There is more conflict. ... let's check on it
  6. [23:01] * Yano nods, no worry escaping into her voice.
  7. [23:01] <Yano> Yes, we must.
  8. [23:02] * [nfty]Garnet moves to a window and looks outside to see what is causing all the ruckus.
  9. [23:03] * Yano does the same, but only after taking a moment to center herself and bring several summons to standby.
  10. [23:05] * [Yum]Alataecia 's thoughts cannot get off that noise, and looks outside to see what's happening.
  11. [23:06] <[huh]Meliel> Outside, you see that more than a few people have come. In fact, it seems that the entire surrounding area has surrounded the castle and is laying siege. There are, of course, no siege mechanism, as these are still noly peasants, but their sheer number is staggering. And in the milling crowd there is a figure, a monstrous figure, like a spider. Kaz sees to be half-fighting, half-dragged toward the center of the group. The numbers are taking their toll, while Kaz is fighting bravely more and more people swarm around, even upon her. Much like spiders themselves, one might muse.
  12. [23:07] * [huh]Meliel looks simply aghast.
  13. [23:08] <[nfty]Garnet> Th-this is bad. How did they get here so quickly?
  14. [23:09] * [Yum]Alataecia turns pale and rushes out the door.
  15. [23:09] * Yano tenses up after seeing this, and begins sprinting to the main entryway while trying to summon fire spirits to assist Kaz.
  16. [23:09] <[nfty]Garnet> Ah....
  17. [23:10] * [nfty]Garnet turns to see two maids vanishing out of the room.
  18. [23:10] * [nfty]Garnet then turns to Meliel with a serious and somewhat downcast look on her face... "Master Meliel, what are your orders?"
  19. [23:10] <[huh]Meliel> Yano summons flaming spirits of ash, but these serve the opposite effect as hoped. As intimidation their sight merely drives the crowd into a frenzy. As a weapon, the wounded are replaced by even more each time. It seems impossible to make a dent in their forces.
  20. [23:11] * Yano growls, seeing her spirits' effect from passing windows.
  21. [23:12] <[huh]Meliel> There's a cheer, a gout of blood, and a scream. One of Kaz's arms tumbles through the air, and the peasants seem to take heart in their brutal achievement.
  22. [23:14] * [Yum]Alataecia dashes off, limping a bit towards the main room.
  23. [23:14] * [nfty]Garnet watches Meliel as the grim scene plays out, trying to read his face somehow.
  24. [23:14] * Yano 's heart freezes, cracks, and tumbles upon itself as she sees this act of utter barbarism and murder.
  25. [23:15] * Yano continues sprinting, a seed of rage blossoming in full now as she tries to call as much mass support near Kaz as possible using Earth spirits.
  26. [23:16] * Yano uses memory to try and focus the location of their manifestation while she loses line of sight in descending the stairs.
  27. [23:17] * [Yum]Alataecia stops and sighs then disappears in an instant to Meliel's location.
  28. [23:17] <[huh]Meliel> The earth spirits manage to slow the attacks, though their rough placement and simplicity keep them from being entirely effective.
  29. [23:18] * [huh]Meliel is currently staring through the window, his eyes wide with shock.
  30. [23:18] * [Yum]Alataecia appears behind Meliel.
  31. [23:18] <[Yum]Alataecia> Master Meliel!...
  32. [23:19] <[huh]Meliel> As Alataecia arrives, another arm is torn from Kaz. The crowd cheers even more loudly. It seems to have turned into some sort of macabre sport.
  33. [23:19] * Yano grits her teeth as she tears her way down the staircase and glares outside a window, seeing the ineffectiveness of her summoning.
  34. [23:20] * [nfty]Garnet starts a little as Alataecia suddenly appears, then looks around.
  35. [23:21] <[nfty]Garnet> W... where's Yano?
  36. [23:21] <[huh]Meliel> With the third arm, Kaz's resistance begins to fade. The blood loss seems to be too much for her...
  37. [23:22] <[Yum]Alataecia> Meliel, we better act quick if we are to ---
  38. [23:22] * [Yum]Alataecia oversees the sight of the flying arm and vomits violently.
  39. [23:23] <[huh]Meliel> oh, I forgot.
  40. [23:23] * [nfty]Garnet turns to see the spectacle of Alataecia hurling violently, and quickly brainstorms for something, anything that could possibly help the situation.
  41. [23:24] * Yano 's heart tears again as she looks on in shock, then screaming in rage and jumping through a window, shattering it and summoning a wind famliar to fly her to a spot above Kaz at the same time.
  42. [23:24] <Yano> RRRRRRRAAAAHH!
  43. [23:25] <[huh]Meliel> The crowd is intent on their prey. Most don't even notice.
  44. [23:25] * Yano 's shout can be heard throughout the whole mansion, and she herself is visible upon the back of what appears to be an oversized bird of prey darting over to Kaz.
  45. [23:25] <[huh]Meliel> With the fourth arm, Kaz stops moving entirely. The entire crowd roars.
  46. [23:26] * Yano arrives just over Kaz and the crowd then, letting out another bellow of rage.
  47. [23:27] <[huh]Meliel> "Dammit.... DAMN THEM!"
  48. [23:27] * Yano then tries summoning fire spirits en masse to drive away the crowds, with water spirits to surround Kaz and keep her safe from the inferno.
  49. [23:28] <[huh]Meliel> Fire blazes up around Kaz, driving the crowds back. However, the crowds seem content to watch as the water surrounding Kaz is dyed crimson.
  50. [23:28] * Yano , in her fury may just look a little like a wrathful god, or similar being (especially due to the animated fire falling upon the masses).
  51. [23:29] * [nfty]Garnet sees Kaz stop moving and something snaps in her, and she dashes off, heading to storage to look for something to get back at those filthy peasants with.
  52. [23:29] * [huh]Meliel flings open his window and looks out at the peasants.
  53. [23:30] <[huh]Meliel> "Dammit, It's me you want, right?"
  54. [23:30] <[huh]Meliel> The crowd cries in challenge.
  55. [23:30] * Yano dives in to swoop up Kaz while continuing to drive the crowds back. While she does so, she orders the fire spirits to open murderous rampage, reflecting both the evil within these peasants' hearts and Yano's own rage and pain.
  56. [23:32] <[huh]Meliel> For Meliel, too, this all is just too much.
  57. [23:32] <[huh]Meliel> "Wait!" He shouts to Yano.
  58. [23:33] <[Yum]Alataecia> "Excuse me for a second, I have someone I owe a favor to."
  59. [23:33] * [Yum]Alataecia opens the window and teleports into the fray.
  60. [23:33] * Yano ever so barely hears Meliel's cry across the crowd, war, and uproar, causing her to glance back at him in a snarl.
  61. [23:33] * Yano 's spirits of fire twitch, just barely being restrained from counter-massacre.
  62. [23:34] * [Yum]Alataecia yells out to Yano.
  63. [23:34] <[Yum]Alataecia> YANO! KEEP THEM OFF WHILE I GET KAZU INSIDE!
  64. [23:34] * [nfty]Garnet comes back running past the room, clutching a cookbook clad in dark, stained leather flayed from the hide of innocent -- wait, what's Meliel doing?!
  65. [23:35] <[huh]Meliel> "You, you people. You want a demon, right? That's what you're here for? Come. I, Meliel, first child of Samyaza, who is the Infamous Rebellion an the leader of the Grigori who fell, will oblige you."
  66. [23:36] * Yano doesn't respond with any audible signal, but her flame spirits seem to double in size and strength while forming a solid wall around Kaz. In this redoubled heat, they expand to keep the water spirits from boiling away.
  67. [23:37] * [nfty]Garnet whispers to nobody in particular, her anger starting to cool down. "... Meliel..."
  68. [23:37] * [huh]Meliel leaps from the window directly into the flames. They lick around him, but don't touch him at all. His childish frame nonetheless moves with inhuman speed and strength. With murder assailing them from all sides, the peasants begin to clamor. The hunters have become the hunted.
  69. [23:37] * [Yum]Alataecia grabs what remains of Kazu and teleports inside the blinding light.
  70. [23:38] <[nfty]Garnet> !! --
  71. [23:41] * [Yum]Alataecia arrives on top the window sill in front of Garnet.
  72. [23:41] * Yano sees that Alataecia didn't grab... all of Kaz.
  73. [23:42] * Yano swoops down on her familiar and suppresses retching while gathering four bloody, dismembered arms...
  74. [23:42] <[Yum]Alataecia> Garnet! Prep the bed ASAP!
  75. [23:43] * Yano , after a moment of grief in the air above her small army, turns to rage.
  76. [23:43] <[nfty]Garnet> Ah...
  77. [23:44] * [nfty]Garnet stumbles backward, but turns and quickly clears the bed of everything, getting blankets and sheets and piling them by the foot of the bed.
  78. [23:44] * Yano , with an executionary swoop of her hand, orders her spirits to open season. The season? Peasant. Murderous, dishonorable, bloody, hell-blasted PEASANTS!
  79. [23:44] * [Yum]Alataecia places the bloodied Kaz and teleports off to gather some medical supplies.
  80. [23:46] <[huh]Meliel> The peasants can't run far, and are quickly dispatched. Against the wrath of Meliel and Yano, even a force such as this falls quickly. In what seems like no time, none are left alive.
  81. [23:47] * Yano , quickly flies over to the castle and dives through an open window while dismissing her familiar to deliver her car-
  82. [23:47] * [Yum]Alataecia returns with some IV, a couple packets of blood and dozens of other medical supplies.
  83. [23:48] * Yano slides across the floor on her back ungracefully, barely suppressing a gag reflex.
  84. [23:48] * [nfty]Garnet stays close to Kaz's side, frowning at all of her horrible wounds and those bleeding stumps... just horrible
  85. [23:48] * Yano gets up and stumbles over to the bedside, carrying half of her arms...
  86. [23:49] * Yano is bloodstained fairly thoroughly, at this point in time.
  87. [23:50] <[nfty]Garnet> Kaz?... you there?
  88. [23:51] * Yano 's being is gripped in despair, seeing Kaz's ripped and torn figure...
  89. [23:52] * [Yum]Alataecia sets up the IV and injects some pain-killer to ease the already tremendous pain.
  90. [23:52] <[huh]Meliel> There's no response.
  91. [23:52] * [Yum]Alataecia checks the pulse.
  92. [23:53] <[huh]Meliel> There is none.
  93. [23:53] * Yano ambles over while suppressing tears, half-way proffering the pile of arms to Alataecia. (...fix her somehow...please...)
  94. [23:54] <[Yum]Alataecia> I'm trying! I'm tryin!
  95. [23:54] * [Yum]Alataecia is throughly frustrated and attempts CPR.
  96. [23:55] <[Yum]Alataecia> DAMN IT! I AM NOT going to lose you!
  97. [23:55] * Yano looks on as she is unable to do anythi- wait!
  98. [23:55] * Yano perks up and closes her eyes, trying to recall some form of healing spirit...
  99. [23:56] * [nfty]Garnet only watches silently, hoping that something can be done, her anger boiled away into shock and fatigue after the sudden insanity of the day.
  100. [23:56] * Yano quickly fetches a large ornate tome from her pocket and flips through it with the speed of a horse's gallop.
  101. [23:57] <[nfty]Garnet> ... I'd... better look for Meliel.
  102. [23:57] * [nfty]Garnet excuses herself and somewhat reluctantly goes to the window, hesitating for a moment before looking outside at what is sure to be a spectacle.
  103. [23:58] * Yano 's focus is solely upon Kaz now, and so does not even notice Garnet's comment or Meliel's absence.
  104. [23:59] * Yano finally arrives on one page, and after studying the page for a few seconds manages to focus and bring into existence an ethereal wisp of greenish light... a healing spirit.
  105. [23:59] <[huh]Meliel> It looks like the castle is simply surrounded by a field of red grass. That, and bodes. Piles of them, littered around everywhere. It vaguely crosses your mind that it's going to smell terrible tomorrow, but now isn't the time for that.
  106. [00:00] * Yano looks to Alataecia, to notify her of the successful summon.
  107. [00:01] * [Yum]Alataecia looks at the wisp and is a bit relieved.
  108. [00:01] <[Yum]Alataecia> Good, try to keep her in consciousness while I stop the blood loss.
  109. [00:02] * [nfty]Garnet might be sickened and forced to throw up, if it wasn't for her distant personality and non-biological body. She still looks disgustingly at the scene, looking for signs of Meliel or at least a direction in which he went.
  110. [00:02] <[huh]Meliel> Moments later, however, Yano's mind is hit with the cost. You reel as the spirit takes its toll on your mind, body, and soul. Transcendental spirits don't come easy, or cheap.
  111. [00:02] * Yano nods while she beckons the spirit's assistance. The greenish light seems to move over and enter Kaz's mou-
  112. [00:02] <[huh]Meliel> At this rate, you yourself won't be able to keep conscious past half a minute.
  113. [00:03] * Yano stumbles, straining to keep her consciousness and coughing.
  114. [00:03] * [Yum]Alataecia is finished with two arms and proceeds to the other two.
  115. [00:03] <[huh]Meliel> Meliel, Garnet notices, is still outside. He seems to by stooped over one of the peasants, head bowed.
  116. [00:05] * Yano 's breathing becomes labored as the strain continues to stress and tear at her.
  117. [00:05] <Yano> hnnn...
  118. [00:05] * [nfty]Garnet looks back, not wanting to leave her fellow maids behind, but then looks back at Meliel, and quickly but quietly heads downstairs to meet up with him.
  119. [00:06] * Yano collapses to her knees now, holding her head up in one blood-marked hand.
  120. [00:06] * [Yum]Alataecia speeds up the process as much as she can and attaches the other two arms with speed she has never expierenced before.
  121. [00:08] <[Yum]Alataecia> Done..
  122. [00:08] * Yano gasps as she releases her hold on the spirit and collapses onto the floor.
  123. [00:09] <[huh]Meliel> Garnet, you get to the grounds. As you approach, you realize what Meliel is doing. He's eating.
  124. [00:10] <[nfty]Garnet> ... I-iii-- ugh.
  125. [00:10] * [Yum]Alataecia wipes off a sweat.
  126. [00:11] * [nfty]Garnet falls backwards onto the ground, shocked at Meliel's demon-like mannerisms. H-he was such a sweet boy, now--
  127. [00:11] * Yano 's vision swirls all around her as she lies fallen on the floor. The world...when did it all become so messed up...?
  128. [00:13] * [Yum]Alataecia hears a *thud* and turns around to see Yano on the floor.
  129. [00:13] <[Yum]Alataecia> ...
  130. [00:14] * Yano fights as hard as she can to retain consciousness but cannot manage any sound or motion in the blurred sea of fading color...
  131. [00:15] <[nfty]Garnet> M-Meliel.
  132. [00:15] <[Yum]Alataecia> Rest Yano, you've done enough.
  133. [00:15] * [Yum]Alataecia picks Yano and places her into a recliner-like chair.
  134. [00:16] * [huh]Meliel looks up at Garnet, then down at the bloody body. He spits out the bit of forearm he was chewing.
  135. [00:16] <[huh]Meliel> "Wha- What..."
  136. [00:16] * [huh]Meliel collapses.
  137. [00:16] * [nfty]Garnet rushes over to Meliel's side, "Master!"
  138. [00:17] * Yano even still strains and fights to try and stand, as though her efforts could save Kaz... As if only she could stand, life would return to their comrade...
  139. [00:18] * Yano 's eyes fall closed of their own accord, her body barely managing to rise itself forward.
  140. [00:20] * [Yum]Alataecia returns to Kaz to perform any more needed medical procedures.
  141. [00:26] * Yano through momentous effort manages to reach out with her leaden arm towards Kaz, hoping, wishing... (Kaz...please live, somehow...)
  142. [00:27] * Yano then collapses back into the chair, unconsciousness fully taking her.
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