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May 13th, 2023
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  1. [2023-05-13 21:15:15.987 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Jellyfin version: "10.8.10"
  2. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.005 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data\log]"]
  3. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.009 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Arguments: ["D:\Tools\Jellyfin\system\jellyfin.dll", "-d", "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data"]
  4. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.012 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Operating system: "Windows"
  5. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.014 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Architecture: X64
  6. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.015 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: 64-Bit Process: True
  7. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.017 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: User Interactive: True
  8. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.018 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Processor count: 8
  9. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.019 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Program data path: "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data"
  10. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.022 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Web resources path: "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\system\jellyfin-web"
  11. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.023 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Application directory: "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\system\"
  12. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.127 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.AppBase.BaseConfigurationManager: Setting cache path: "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data\cache"
  13. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.164 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: Loading assemblies
  14. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.178 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded assembly "Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" from "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data\plugins\TheTVDB_9.0.0.0\Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.dll"
  15. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.182 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded assembly "TvDbSharper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" from "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data\plugins\TheTVDB_9.0.0.0\TvDbSharper.dll"
  16. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.185 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded assembly "Jellyfin.Plugin.TMDbBoxSets, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" from "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data\plugins\TMDb Box Sets_10.0.0.0\Jellyfin.Plugin.TMDbBoxSets.dll"
  17. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.278 -04:00] [INF] [1] Jellyfin.Networking.Manager.NetworkManager: Defined LAN addresses : "[,,]"
  18. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.280 -04:00] [INF] [1] Jellyfin.Networking.Manager.NetworkManager: Defined LAN exclusions : "[]"
  19. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.281 -04:00] [INF] [1] Jellyfin.Networking.Manager.NetworkManager: Using LAN addresses: "[,,]"
  20. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.283 -04:00] [INF] [1] Jellyfin.Networking.Manager.NetworkManager: Using bind addresses: "[]"
  21. [2023-05-13 21:15:16.284 -04:00] [INF] [1] Jellyfin.Networking.Manager.NetworkManager: Using bind exclusions: "[]"
  22. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.474 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "TheTVDB" ""
  23. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.476 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "TMDb Box Sets" ""
  24. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.478 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "TMDb" ""
  25. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.480 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "Studio Images" ""
  26. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.481 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "OMDb" ""
  27. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.483 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "MusicBrainz" ""
  28. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.485 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.Plugins.PluginManager: Loaded plugin: "AudioDB" ""
  29. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.527 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Kestrel listening on "Any IP4 Address"
  30. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.778 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: Running startup tasks
  31. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.805 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 2023-05-14 02:00:00.000 -04:00, which is 04:44:41.1946161 from now.
  32. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.859 -04:00] [INF] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Found ffmpeg version "5.1.3"
  33. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.904 -04:00] [INF] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Available "decoders": ["libdav1d", "av1", "av1_cuvid", "av1_qsv", "h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8", "libvpx", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9", "libvpx-vp9", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "mp3", "truehd"]
  34. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.942 -04:00] [INF] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "libvpx", "libvpx-vp9", "aac", "libfdk_aac", "ac3", "dca", "flac", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "truehd", "libvorbis", "srt"]
  35. [2023-05-13 21:15:18.976 -04:00] [INF] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Available filters: ["deinterlace_qsv", "hwupload_cuda", "hwupload_vaapi", "overlay_opencl", "overlay_qsv", "overlay_cuda", "scale_cuda", "scale_opencl", "scale_qsv", "tonemap_cuda", "tonemap_opencl", "vpp_qsv", "yadif_cuda", "zscale", "alphasrc"]
  36. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.111 -04:00] [WRN] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Filter: "overlay_vaapi" with option "Action to take when encountering EOF from secondary input" is not available
  37. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.137 -04:00] [INF] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Available hwaccel types: ["cuda", "dxva2", "qsv", "d3d11va", "opencl"]
  38. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.261 -04:00] [INF] [1] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: FFmpeg: "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe"
  39. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.264 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: ServerId: "7f809a48fb0548479feb462c391147eb"
  40. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.369 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Dlna.Main.DlnaEntryPoint: Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
  41. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.384 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Dlna.Main.DlnaEntryPoint: Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
  42. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.386 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.1158985
  43. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.388 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: Core startup complete
  44. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [7] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\REMUXES\Movies"
  45. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [14] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "E:\Download\Random_Series"
  46. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\REMUXES\Series"
  47. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [21] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Anime_Series"
  48. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [13] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "D:\Tools\Jellyfin\data\data\collections"
  49. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [10] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "E:\Download\Random_Movies"
  50. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [9] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\REMUXES\Anime_Series"
  51. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.519 -04:00] [INF] [20] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Anime_Movies"
  52. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.521 -04:00] [INF] [7] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Belgesel_Seriler"
  53. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.522 -04:00] [INF] [14] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Diziler"
  54. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.524 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Documentary_Movies"
  55. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.524 -04:00] [INF] [1] Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost: Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.1348552
  56. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.525 -04:00] [INF] [21] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Documentary_Series"
  57. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.525 -04:00] [INF] [12] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Filmler"
  58. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.526 -04:00] [INF] [13] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Movies"
  59. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.527 -04:00] [INF] [10] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\Series"
  60. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.529 -04:00] [INF] [9] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "F:\RIPS\SΓ©ries_Documentaires"
  61. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.530 -04:00] [INF] [20] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Anime_Movies"
  62. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.531 -04:00] [INF] [7] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Anime_Series"
  63. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.533 -04:00] [INF] [14] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Documentary_Movies"
  64. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.534 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Documentary_Series"
  65. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.536 -04:00] [INF] [1] Main: Startup complete 0:00:03.6750235
  66. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.538 -04:00] [INF] [21] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Filmler"
  67. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.541 -04:00] [INF] [12] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Movies"
  68. [2023-05-13 21:15:19.543 -04:00] [INF] [13] Emby.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor: Watching directory "G:\Series"
  69. [2023-05-13 21:15:21.821 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins"
  70. [2023-05-13 21:15:21.823 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Queuing task "PluginUpdateTask"
  71. [2023-05-13 21:15:21.826 -04:00] [INF] [20] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: Executing "Update Plugins"
  72. [2023-05-13 21:15:22.145 -04:00] [INF] [9] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
  73. [2023-05-13 21:15:22.150 -04:00] [INF] [9] Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.TaskManager: ExecuteQueuedTasks
  74. [2023-05-13 21:15:23.522 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS "" request
  75. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.217 -04:00] [INF] [7] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS "" closed
  76. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.615 -04:00] [INF] [22] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.WebSocketManager: WS "" request
  77. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.687 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"AccessSchedule"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  78. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.690 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"ActivityLog"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  79. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.691 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"CustomItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  80. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.693 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"DisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  81. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.696 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"HomeSection"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  82. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.699 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"ImageInfo"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  83. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.701 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"ItemDisplayPreferences"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  84. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.704 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"Permission"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  85. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.706 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"Preference"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  86. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.707 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"ApiKey"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  87. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.712 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"Device"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  88. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.714 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"DeviceOptions"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  89. [2023-05-13 21:15:28.716 -04:00] [WRN] [12] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Model.Validation: The entity type '"User"' is configured to use schema '"jellyfin"', but SQLite does not support schemas. This configuration will be ignored by the SQLite provider.
  90. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.942 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 3) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  91. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.945 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 4) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  92. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.948 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 5) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  93. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.950 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 6) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  94. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.955 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 7) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  95. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.957 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 8) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  96. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.959 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 9) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  97. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.961 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 10) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  98. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.965 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 11) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  99. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.968 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 12) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  100. [2023-05-13 21:15:34.970 -04:00] [ERR] [7] MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder: Codec Type "attachment" unknown. The stream (index: 13) will be ignored. Warning: Subsequential streams will have a wrong stream specifier!
  101. [2023-05-13 21:15:35.341 -04:00] [ERR] [4] MediaBrowser.Providers.TV.EpisodeMetadataService: Error in "TheTVDB"
  102. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
  103.    at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
  104.    at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found)
  105.    at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
  106.    at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetEpisodeTvdbId(Int32 seriesTvdbId, EpisodeQuery episodeQuery, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  107.    at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbEpisodeProvider.GetEpisode(EpisodeInfo searchInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  108.    at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbEpisodeProvider.GetMetadata(EpisodeInfo info, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  109.    at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.ExecuteRemoteProviders(MetadataResult`1 temp, String logName, TIdType id, IEnumerable`1 providers, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  110. [2023-05-13 21:15:35.492 -04:00] [ERR] [4] MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager: "TvdbEpisodeImageProvider" failed in GetImageInfos for type "Episode" at "G:\Anime_Series\Dragon Ball (1986)\S02E02.mkv"
  111. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
  112.    at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
  113.    at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found)
  114.    at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
  115.    at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.TvdbClientManager.GetEpisodeTvdbId(Int32 seriesTvdbId, EpisodeQuery episodeQuery, String language, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  116.    at Jellyfin.Plugin.Tvdb.Providers.TvdbEpisodeImageProvider.GetImages(BaseItem item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
  117.    at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetImages(BaseItem item, IRemoteImageProvider provider, String preferredLanguage, Boolean includeAllLanguages, CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nullable`1 type)
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