
Plotting more shit

Nov 8th, 2017
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  1. Covet: "Stop, if it means that he has permanently put himself in a position to never be able to talk and or deal with you again, I say it might be halfly worth it. I mean, the gun was a little over the top, but he is a drama queen." Felix told her as he gave her what was supposed to be a soft look. // Cadence looked over at Remy as they pulled up. She had a basket in her lap that had pretty much anything and everything from a convenience store stuffed into, with a get well card sitting in front of it all. "Think this is too much?" She asked Remy.
  2. Alexithymiaa: "Since when does he play by the rules? I highly doubt a few legal documents are going to stop him from doing what he wants to do. You can't fight someone who has no regard for laws, with more laws." She let out a sigh, holding the juice out to him again. "Drink more."-
  3. Tsaaq: "It's not too much." Remy shook his head. "If anything it isn't enough. I tried to tell Oz that something was wrong when he didn't immediately come back inside... I feel so bad." He murmured. "Come on, let's get in there and tried to be positive as fuck."
  4. Covet: "Uh you can too, cause at this point he's going to have a warrant out for his arrest the next time he comes around. He'd make a good cell bitch." Felix said as he took the glass of apple juice and took another drink, "This is just going to make me have to get up and pee." // Cadence nodded, "Something was wrong, with his ass showing up, period." She said then climbed out of the vehicle holding on to the basket as she walked up to the door, hitting the doorbell.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "It's healthy." She spoke in monotone, wringing out her hands. "Well as far as I know, he's been ducking around and hiding anyway. So... I just need to figure out where he's hiding and from there it shouldn't be too hard.' She said with a shrug. When the doorbell rang, Penny jumped up and starting barking, running to the front door to get excited. Steph slowly pushed up to her feet, walking to the door and sticking out her leg to keep Penny from running out, opening the door for Cadence and Remy. "Hey guys, come on in."-
  6. Tsaaq: Remy shook his head. "Never trust a big dick voice and a smile." He hook his head, trying to lighten the mood but still feeling pretty guilty. "Hey, how's he doing?" Remy asked as he stepped into the house. "I'll never get over how much of a jackpot you hit on this place." He declared.
  7. Covet: "You're healthy" Felix grumbled as he took another drink, then he glared at her, "You're not seriousy considering going to talk to him are you?" He asked her as he sat up, wincing again. When he heard the doorbell, and Penny start barking, he called out, "I expect an answer for that question, Missy." He said. // Cadence walked in with the basket, stepping over the dog that was trying to investigate said basket, and walked towards the kitchen to set the basket down on the island. She turned to see a pretty beat up Felix, and gave him a wave. "How's it going?"
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Steph shut the door behind them, turning to follow them further into the house. "Kind of doesn't seem like it now..." She spoke to Remy, peering around the corner at Felix and planting her hands on her hips. "No, I'm not. Don't worry about it."-
  9. Tsaaq: "Answer for what?" Remy asked, hearing the tail end of Felix sentence. "Hey dude... Sorry about yesterday. "Next time I see Ash I'm not allowing you to see him. Or talk to him. Just no." He shook his head. "Are you doing alright?" He asked Felix.
  10. Covet: " Answer me about going to talk to that fuckstick. I will worry about it. If he's willing to do this kind of crap to me, I can only imagine what he'd try to do to you, if you deny him. Plus, you going to talk to him, is giving him exactly what he wants." He said staring at his glass, before he looked at Remy, then gave a pained chuckle, "Don't be sorry, everyone's so sorry, I'm just a little banged up, not like I wasn't used car status before this." he said then looked over at the basket, "That for me?" He asked Cadence. // "Yeah, lots of junkfood and candy shit. Not healthy at all, but Steph said you'd appreciate it." She said as she went to sit down on the couch.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I said I wasn't going to talk to him." She repeated, rolling her eyes and letting out a sigh before looking at the basket. "For the record, eating candy doesnt constitute as food for your meds. Just so we're clear."-
  12. [1:17:55 AM] 【Amethyst】: "It sure is." Remy went to sit down beside Cadence. "I could've brought actual food?" He said. "I knew some depot café stuff would've hit the spot. But that was all the way wherever... And driving. And time restraints. Adulting." He waved his hand before looked between the two.
  13. [1:24:07 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: ""Better not. he doesn't deserve to talk to you." Felix said then tried to furrow his brow, "Wait.. but brownies are? I see jerky over there, that'll be good enough. Nah man. Don't sweat it. I can barely chew without being in pain, so I'm kind of limited to what I can eat, unless I want to be bawling in pain." He finished, directing his statement at Remy..// "Did you get any hits back on that asshole?" Cadence asked Felix, then looked at Steph, because she knew that bitch was lying.
  14. [1:25:32 AM] Stephh -: (SHES NOT LYING. SHES NOT GOING TO TALK TO HIM.)
  15. [1:26:06 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((lmaooooo.))
  16. [1:26:22 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [She's just gonna go kill him...Okay.. I see.]
  17. [1:28:29 AM] Stephh -: "Brownies will actually fill your stomach, candy won't." Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket, she pulled it out of her jeans and saw Ronnie's name on the screen, biting on her lower lip. "I'll be right back." She spoke quickly, answering the call and putting the phone to her ear as she walked into the kitchen, trying to keep her voice low. "Hey Ronnie, how are you?" She asked politely, listening to him on the other end of the line. "Did you get my message?" She paused, her eyes flicking over to the group in the living room.-
  18. [1:30:12 AM] 【Amethyst】: "We can just kind of... You guys got a blender right?" Remy asked. "We can always jump him but that's also a horrible idea. Don't listen to my impulsive ramblings. Please heal up and don't try any funny business cause our basketball team is about to look very scarce." He said.
  19. [1:34:46 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "If you eat enough candy it will." Felix said as she got up and walked off to answer her phone. Listening to Remy he tried to raise an eyebrow, "Ow, wait why is the team going to look scarce?" // Cadence bit the inside of her cheek as she watched Steph walk off, then looked to Felix, "Well, if all goes well...Half the team is going to be in jail, or worse."
  20. [1:37:44 AM] Stephh -: "Awesome, thank you." She pulled open the drawer in the kitchen, grabbing a Post It note and a pen, quickly jotting down the address Ronnie was reading to her. "Pretty much all the time, right? He doesn't have Slayer or Raven there, right?" She asked because don't put the pets in danger, yo. She smiled to herself, nodding her head. "Thanks Ronnie. I really appreciate you helping me out. I know it kind of puts you in a tough position, but given the circumstances I'm sure you understand." She pulled the phone from her ear, ending the call and placing it down on the counter next to the address paper, heading back over into the living room and trying to subtly nudge Cadence.-
  21. [1:42:06 AM] 【Amethyst】: "Yeah..." Remy said. "Without going into too much detail... They're about to get what's coming to them." He said quietly before looking between Cadence and Steph then turning away to look at Felix. "Try not to get any cavities."
  22. [1:45:24 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Ah, well then I just need to make sure to heal up that much faster. Can't let us slack if we're not going to have anyone to switch out with us on the court." Felix said, then shook his head, "Nah, I brush my teeth near religiously." // Cadence looked over at Steph, then back at the guys, "You two talk ball, I'll be right back." She said then got up to walk away with Steph, "Was that who I think it was?"
  23. [1:48:11 AM] Stephh -: -She turned and headed back into the kitchen with Cadence, keeping her voice to a whisper. "Ronnie? Yes. And he gave me the address of where Ash and his band of misfit assholes are hanging out." She pushed the little notepad at Cadence, setting her jaw.-
  24. [1:51:13 AM] 【Amethyst】: "We'll probably have to disband the team all together to be honest. Hopefully some good humans will join up though. That's the only upside." He shrugged. "I brush my teeth... Enough." Remy whispered. "Uh... What do you think those two birds are chirping about?" He asked quietly.
  25. [1:53:59 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Well, You're not losing me, I'll play regardless of broken ribs or not." Felix said. "I'm sure we can recruit some new people that are good and reliable." Felix said with a nod, then looked at the girls, "Probably...girl things?" // "So.. what's the next step? You're going to take?" Cadence asked her quietly, looking down at the address.
  26. [1:56:40 AM] Stephh -: "I'm trying to tell myself that killing him isn't an option. I might need you to remind me here and there, though. I was thinking more along the lines of scare tactics so he realizes I'm not fucking around and he can't do.. beat the shit out of Felix and assume everything is going to be okay." She paused, her eyes flicking to her room. "I've got two guns under my bed, and I intend to take them with me."-
  27. [1:58:47 AM] 【Amethyst】: Remy stared at Felix a moment with his eyelids halfway closing. "What the hell is girl things?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "And since when do either of them ever talk about girl things?"
  28. [2:01:18 AM] Stephh -: (A valid point, Remy.)
  29. [2:01:50 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [I think Remy and Cadence had more of a 'girl things' talk than Steph and her have. XD]
  30. [2:02:39 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((He's observant okay man.))
  31. [2:04:37 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "Uh.. Tampons and bras? I don't know I don't have a vagina." He told him, then looked over trying to read their lips, knowing he could do that, but it was hard because swollen eye and depth perception. "Touché' dude."// "Felix has a pending assault charge on him right? Why not drop this address to the cops. He'd probably run and his creeps would cover for him, but it'd send the same message." Cadence told her with a shrug.
  32. [2:04:45 AM] Stephh -: (Cadence and Steph have the strangest, non girly conversations. Except the baby thing. But then Steph ruined it when she said 'Call me Aunt Dick' so even that wasn't girly.)
  33. [2:04:57 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [AHAHAHA]
  34. [2:05:25 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((lmaooo Aunt Dick.))
  35. [2:08:24 AM] Stephh -: "You know how much I trust the police to do shit at this point?" She hissed at Cadence, shaking her head. "Absolutely not. Not only will he not get the message, but it won't be nearly as satisfying. I'm going." She said a bit more sternly, her eyes watching the floofy munchkin kitty trying to get up onto one of the stools. she leaned down and picked him up, setting him in front of Cadence because she knew she would miss Ozzy. "I don't know when yet, but I'm going. And you can't tell Felix. I just want him to chill and relax and heal up for a few days."-
  36. [2:13:15 AM] 【Amethyst】: "Sexist bro. Sexist." Remy shook his head quickly and spoke in a monotone. "It's 2017 dude." He looked over to the two females. "Those two broads are up to no good." He whispered. "And they're our broads. So that means it's up to us to make sure nothing turns into a shit show."
  37. [2:22:10 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "2017 and girls really haven't changed that much, So it was a fair guess, sexist or not." Felix told him, then gave a sigh, "Sadly I have to agree with you though. It's never good when they don't want us to hear what's going on. How are we going to keep them in check?"// "Yeah, I know." She said nodding her head as she bit the inside of her cheek, "And what are you going to do when you get there?" Cadence asked, "You're not going alone either...But I won't say anything to him." She told her as she grabbed midget cat, giving him loves.
  38. [2:25:18 AM] Stephh -: "The usual, threaten his life, threaten to go to his mother who totally loved me, yada yada yada." She waved a hand through the air. "I have to go alone. I don't trust that he won't hurt anyone else. He wouldn't hurt me and I'm positive of that. Everyone else? I can't take that chance." She glanced over her shoulder at the guys, noticing they were also whispering. "Why are they whispering? What do they have to be whispering about? We're the only ones who should be whispering."-
  39. [2:29:27 AM] 【Amethyst】: Remy went over to slap Felix's thigh. "Stop that! Nobody talks about bras unless it's complaining and tampons if they forgot theirs and have a vampire's dinner in their underwear. Trust me. I've been hit enough to know when to not to assume stuff." He shrugged. "I don't know... I don't want them to be mad because I care about them. I'd say trackers but that's very futuristic but also Hunger Gamesy type vibes which is bad maybe?"
  40. [2:33:21 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "FUCK! I don't even want to know how or why you know all of that." He said wincing as he tensed up then groaned at the pain that caused. "Why not just look at their phone GPS? It's not that futuristic, pretty easy so long as it's not shut off on their user settings. Bryan mentioned that to me at one point." // "Can I at least... I don't know. Drive you, and I'll wait around the corner or whatever. I'd at least feel better about that." Cadence said then looked over at the guys, "Probably because we're whispering and they didn't want to be left out." She turned her head when she heard Felix cry out, wondering what the hell they were doing.
  41. [2:37:58 AM] Stephh -: "Fine. But you're not coming any closer than around the corner." She pointed at Cadence before whipping her head around to look at Felix, starting back over to him. "Are you okay? Are you tired? Are the pain meds wearing off?" She fucking badgered him all concerned like. "Maybe you should try to get some sleep.-
  42. [2:38:09 AM] Stephh -: (Fucking Bryan. He was so braggy about all of his hacker shit.)
  43. [2:39:33 AM] 【Amethyst】: "I HAD A DRUNK MOM AND A VERY ANNOYINGLY VOCAL YOUNGER SISTER OKAY!" He practically yelled. He nodded his head and rubbed his beard while in intense thought. "That sounds like a great idea..." He trailed off. "Let's do that."
  44. [2:40:28 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: [These broads are gonna be in trooooouble.....lmao]
  46. [2:41:24 AM] 【Amethyst】: ((Yeah okay bitches lmao.))
  47. [2:44:47 AM] ♪♪♫.:*[Kikikins]*:.♫♪♪: "You need a brother, dude." Felix said with a chuckle that also hurt. "Alright, we'll keep each other posted if they go do something together, and we can maybe follow them or something? I'll get a hold of Bryan, see if he can give us anything else that will help. Computer app or some shit." He said quietly then looked at Steph as she started to badger him, "Woman, I'm fine. Just bro talk." He said trying to wave her off, "Though it is pretty late, and I'm feeling pretty groggy from these meds, Sleep doesn't sound terrible." // Cadence nodded her head, "Yeah, yeah fine." She put midget cat down after giving him a thorough loving to witch Hashie and Soot were going to be all up in her business about when they got home, and looked at Remy, "We should probably head out, let this guy get some sleep so he can heal up."
  48. [2:47:55 AM] Stephh -: -She grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch, shaking it out and spreading it over Felix before sitting down next to him. "Then get comfortable and stop making sounds like you're in pain otherwise I'm going to assume you're not fine." She settled back, kicking her feet up because she intended to stay on the couch with him. "Night guys, thanks for stopping by."-
  49. [2:50:27 AM] 【Amethyst】: "I mean, that's what I wanted." He muttered before he shrugged. "I'll be in touch..." He said quietly. "Night. Thanks guys, for having us over." He waved then walked out the house and stuff it's late.
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