
Freyna's Experiance with /k/ommandos

Feb 9th, 2019
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  1. Story Started and Finished in Thread #3
  3. >Freyna sighs and holds her head, trying to stave off a headache.
  4. >The blasting Hardbass and drunken singing coming from around the campfire makes it impossible.
  5. >Humans...
  6. >The elf rubs her temples.
  7. >Many mistook them for some missing link between elves and dwarves until they explained the portals they found.
  8. >The answer to "Was there life elsewhere?" had been answered. The confirmation?
  9. >Beings brilliant yet utterly stupid.
  10. >Idiot savant children. All of them.
  11. >...If the gods of chaos were twisted enough to pervert children to the point that even they found it in ill taste, that is.
  12. >And the subset who called themselves Kommandos?
  13. >Even the most vile being of dark would recoil, and thats BEFORE seeing the weapons and erections they sport. If said dark being was smart, they're run before they heard the "Bring me that tight demon ass you fag!" warcry
  14. >Freyna herself had received no less than 30 thinly veiled bedding invitations in the last week. She had (poorly) decided to follow and study this roving band of "Independent military contractors" as they called themselves.
  15. >Really, they're murderous troublemakers.
  16. >But after watching only two of them, one armed with an 'armalite 15' and the other with a 'kalashnikov', shred a band of greenskins with 'gunfire', Freyna decided against voicing her opinion.
  17. >Even the greenskin shaman, who had a warding spell, was not spared.
  18. >Then one kommando had the idea to inscribe antimage runes on his weapon and the others followed.
  19. >Thankfully, these savages seem to have SOME sense of right. Theft is kept petty and fights are often not deadly.
  20. >They were even open minded enough to welcome lycans, kobolds, and other 'lesser' races.
  21. >Though it probably had something to do with how one of the lycans followed a kommando to bed one night.
  22. >The elf tries forget the howling and how both are male.
  23. >"FIRE! FIRE!"
  24. >"SHIT!"
  26. >The elf stands in her tent with a sigh, water spell on her lips.
  27. >Big deadly children.
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