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Jan 26th, 2019
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  1. (function() {
  2. var m, aa = "function" == typeof Object.create ? Object.create : function(a) {
  3. function b() {}
  4. b.prototype = a;
  5. return new b
  6. },
  7. ba;
  8. if ("function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf) ba = Object.setPrototypeOf;
  9. else {
  10. var ca;
  11. a: {
  12. var da = {
  13. xa: !0
  14. },
  15. ea = {};
  16. try {
  17. ea.__proto__ = da;
  18. ca = ea.xa;
  19. break a
  20. } catch (a) {}
  21. ca = !1
  22. }
  23. ba = ca ? function(a, b) {
  24. a.__proto__ = b;
  25. if (a.__proto__ !== b) throw new TypeError(a + " is not extensible");
  26. return a
  27. } : null
  28. }
  29. var fa = ba;
  31. function ha(a, b) {
  32. a.prototype = aa(b.prototype);
  33. a.prototype.constructor = a;
  34. if (fa) fa(a, b);
  35. else
  36. for (var c in b)
  37. if ("prototype" != c)
  38. if (Object.defineProperties) {
  39. var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b, c);
  40. d && Object.defineProperty(a, c, d)
  41. } else a[c] = b[c];
  42. a.Qa = b.prototype
  43. }
  44. var ia = "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties ? Object.defineProperty : function(a, b, c) {
  45. a != Array.prototype && a != Object.prototype && (a[b] = c.value)
  46. },
  47. ja = "undefined" != typeof window && window === this ? this : "undefined" != typeof global && null != global ? global : this;
  49. function ka(a, b) {
  50. if (b) {
  51. var c = ja;
  52. a = a.split(".");
  53. for (var d = 0; d < a.length - 1; d++) {
  54. var e = a[d];
  55. e in c || (c[e] = {});
  56. c = c[e]
  57. }
  58. a = a[a.length - 1];
  59. d = c[a];
  60. b = b(d);
  61. b != d && null != b && ia(c, a, {
  62. configurable: !0,
  63. writable: !0,
  64. value: b
  65. })
  66. }
  67. }
  68. ka("String.prototype.endsWith", function(a) {
  69. return a ? a : function(a, c) {
  70. if (null == this) throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype.endsWith must not be null or undefined");
  71. if (a instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype.endsWith must not be a regular expression");
  72. void 0 === c && (c = this.length);
  73. c = Math.max(0, Math.min(c | 0, this.length));
  74. for (var b = a.length; 0 < b && 0 < c;)
  75. if (this[--c] != a[--b]) return !1;
  76. return 0 >= b
  77. }
  78. });
  79. var la = "function" == typeof Object.assign ? Object.assign : function(a, b) {
  80. for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
  81. var d = arguments[c];
  82. if (d)
  83. for (var e in d), e) && (a[e] = d[e])
  84. }
  85. return a
  86. };
  87. ka("Object.assign", function(a) {
  88. return a || la
  89. });
  90. ka("", function(a) {
  91. return a ? a : function(a, c) {
  92. return a === c ? 0 !== a || 1 / a === 1 / c : a !== a && c !== c
  93. }
  94. });
  95. ka("Number.isNaN", function(a) {
  96. return a ? a : function(a) {
  97. return "number" === typeof a && isNaN(a)
  98. }
  99. });
  100. var q = this;
  102. function r(a) {
  103. return "string" == typeof a
  104. }
  106. function ma(a) {
  107. return "number" == typeof a
  108. }
  110. function na() {
  111. if (null === oa) a: {
  112. var a = q.document;
  113. if ((a = a.querySelector && a.querySelector("script[nonce]")) && (a = a.nonce || a.getAttribute("nonce")) && pa.test(a)) {
  114. oa = a;
  115. break a
  116. }
  117. oa = ""
  118. }
  119. return oa
  120. }
  121. var pa = /^[\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$/,
  122. oa = null;
  124. function qa() {}
  126. function ra(a) {
  127. a.T = void 0;
  128. a.fa = function() {
  129. return a.T ? a.T : a.T = new a
  130. }
  131. }
  133. function sa(a) {
  134. var b = typeof a;
  135. if ("object" == b)
  136. if (a) {
  137. if (a instanceof Array) return "array";
  138. if (a instanceof Object) return b;
  139. var c =;
  140. if ("[object Window]" == c) return "object";
  141. if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) return "array";
  142. if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) return "function"
  143. } else return "null";
  144. else if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof return "object";
  145. return b
  146. }
  148. function ta(a) {
  149. return null === a
  150. }
  152. function ua(a) {
  153. var b = typeof a;
  154. return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b
  155. }
  157. function va(a, b, c) {
  158. return, arguments)
  159. }
  161. function wa(a, b, c) {
  162. if (!a) throw Error();
  163. if (2 < arguments.length) {
  164. var d =, 2);
  165. return function() {
  166. var c =;
  167. Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d);
  168. return a.apply(b, c)
  169. }
  170. }
  171. return function() {
  172. return a.apply(b, arguments)
  173. }
  174. }
  176. function xa(a, b, c) {
  177. Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? xa = va : xa = wa;
  178. return xa.apply(null, arguments)
  179. }
  181. function ya(a, b) {
  182. var c =, 1);
  183. return function() {
  184. var b = c.slice();
  185. b.push.apply(b, arguments);
  186. return a.apply(this, b)
  187. }
  188. }
  190. function u(a, b) {
  191. function c() {}
  192. c.prototype = b.prototype;
  193. a.Qa = b.prototype;
  194. a.prototype = new c;
  195. a.prototype.constructor = a;
  196. a.Sa = function(a, c, f) {
  197. for (var d = Array(arguments.length - 2), e = 2; e < arguments.length; e++) d[e - 2] = arguments[e];
  198. return b.prototype[c].apply(a, d)
  199. }
  200. };
  201. var za = (new Date).getTime();
  203. function Aa(a, b) {
  204. if (r(a)) return r(b) && 1 == b.length ? a.indexOf(b, 0) : -1;
  205. for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
  206. if (c in a && a[c] === b) return c;
  207. return -1
  208. }
  210. function Ba(a, b) {
  211. for (var c = a.length, d = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++) e in d && 0, d[e], e, a)
  212. }
  214. function Ca(a, b) {
  215. for (var c = a.length, d = Array(c), e = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, f = 0; f < c; f++) f in e && (d[f] = 0, e[f], f, a));
  216. return d
  217. }
  219. function Da(a, b) {
  220. a: {
  221. for (var c = a.length, d = r(a) ? a.split("") : a, e = 0; e < c; e++)
  222. if (e in d && 0, d[e], e, a)) {
  223. b = e;
  224. break a
  225. } b = -1
  226. }
  227. return 0 > b ? null : r(a) ? a.charAt(b) : a[b]
  228. };
  230. function Ea(a) {
  231. return /^[\s\xa0]*([\s\S]*?)[\s\xa0]*$/.exec(a)[1]
  232. }
  233. var Fa = /&/g,
  234. Ga = /</g,
  235. Ha = />/g,
  236. Ja = /"/g,
  237. Ka = /'/g,
  238. La = /\x00/g,
  239. Ma = {
  240. "\x00": "\\0",
  241. "\b": "\\b",
  242. "\f": "\\f",
  243. "\n": "\\n",
  244. "\r": "\\r",
  245. "\t": "\\t",
  246. "\x0B": "\\x0B",
  247. '"': '\\"',
  248. "\\": "\\\\",
  249. "<": "<"
  250. },
  251. Na = {
  252. "'": "\\'"
  253. };
  255. function v(a, b) {
  256. return -1 != a.indexOf(b)
  257. }
  259. function Oa(a) {
  260. return String(a).replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function(a, c) {
  261. return c.toUpperCase()
  262. })
  263. };
  264. var w;
  265. a: {
  266. var Pa = q.navigator;
  267. if (Pa) {
  268. var Qa = Pa.userAgent;
  269. if (Qa) {
  270. w = Qa;
  271. break a
  272. }
  273. }
  274. w = ""
  275. };
  277. function Ra(a, b) {
  278. for (var c in a)
  279. if ( 0, a[c], c, a)) return !0;
  280. return !1
  281. }
  283. function Sa(a) {
  284. var b = [],
  285. c = 0,
  286. d;
  287. for (d in a) b[c++] = a[d];
  288. return b
  289. }
  291. function Ta(a) {
  292. var b = {},
  293. c;
  294. for (c in a) b[c] = a[c];
  295. return b
  296. };
  298. function Ua(a) {
  299. Ua[" "](a);
  300. return a
  301. }
  302. Ua[" "] = qa;
  304. function x() {}
  305. var Va = "function" == typeof Uint8Array;
  307. function y(a, b, c, d) {
  308. a.a = null;
  309. b || (b = []);
  310. a.J = void 0;
  311. a.h = -1;
  312. a.b = b;
  313. a: {
  314. if (b = a.b.length) {
  315. --b;
  316. var e = a.b[b];
  317. if (null !== e && "object" == typeof e && "array" != sa(e) && !(Va && e instanceof Uint8Array)) {
  318. a.i = b - a.h;
  319. a.f = e;
  320. break a
  321. }
  322. }
  323. a.i = Number.MAX_VALUE
  324. }
  325. a.H = {};
  326. if (c)
  327. for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) e = c[b], e < a.i ? (e += a.h, a.b[e] = a.b[e] || Wa) : (Xa(a), a.f[e] = a.f[e] || Wa);
  328. if (d && d.length)
  329. for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) Ya(a, d[b])
  330. }
  331. var Wa = [];
  333. function Xa(a) {
  334. var b = a.i + a.h;
  335. a.b[b] || (a.f = a.b[b] = {})
  336. }
  338. function A(a, b) {
  339. if (b < a.i) {
  340. b += a.h;
  341. var c = a.b[b];
  342. return c === Wa ? a.b[b] = [] : c
  343. }
  344. if (a.f) return c = a.f[b], c === Wa ? a.f[b] = [] : c
  345. }
  347. function Za(a, b) {
  348. if (b < a.i) {
  349. b += a.h;
  350. var c = a.b[b];
  351. return c === Wa ? a.b[b] = [] : c
  352. }
  353. c = a.f[b];
  354. return c === Wa ? a.f[b] = [] : c
  355. }
  357. function $a(a, b, c) {
  358. a = A(a, b);
  359. return null == a ? c : a
  360. }
  362. function ab(a, b, c) {
  363. b < a.i ? a.b[b + a.h] = c : (Xa(a), a.f[b] = c)
  364. }
  366. function Ya(a, b) {
  367. for (var c, d, e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
  368. var f = b[e],
  369. g = A(a, f);
  370. null != g && (c = f, d = g, ab(a, f, void 0))
  371. }
  372. return c ? (ab(a, c, d), c) : 0
  373. }
  375. function bb(a, b, c) {
  376. a.a || (a.a = {});
  377. if (!a.a[c]) {
  378. var d = A(a, c);
  379. d && (a.a[c] = new b(d))
  380. }
  381. return a.a[c]
  382. }
  384. function cb(a, b, c) {
  385. a.a || (a.a = {});
  386. if (!a.a[c]) {
  387. for (var d = Za(a, c), e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) e[f] = new b(d[f]);
  388. a.a[c] = e
  389. }
  390. b = a.a[c];
  391. b == Wa && (b = a.a[c] = []);
  392. return b
  393. }
  395. function db(a) {
  396. if (a.a)
  397. for (var b in a.a) {
  398. var c = a.a[b];
  399. if ("array" == sa(c))
  400. for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) c[d] && db(c[d]);
  401. else c && db(c)
  402. }
  403. return a.b
  404. };
  406. function eb(a) {
  407. y(this, a, fb, null)
  408. }
  409. u(eb, x);
  411. function gb(a) {
  412. y(this, a, null, null)
  413. }
  414. u(gb, x);
  415. var fb = [2, 3];
  416. var hb = document,
  417. B = window;
  418. var ib = {
  419. "120x90": !0,
  420. "160x90": !0,
  421. "180x90": !0,
  422. "200x90": !0,
  423. "468x15": !0,
  424. "728x15": !0
  425. };
  427. function jb(a, b) {
  428. if (15 == b) {
  429. if (728 <= a) return 728;
  430. if (468 <= a) return 468
  431. } else if (90 == b) {
  432. if (200 <= a) return 200;
  433. if (180 <= a) return 180;
  434. if (160 <= a) return 160;
  435. if (120 <= a) return 120
  436. }
  437. return null
  438. };
  440. function kb() {
  441. return function() {
  442. return !ta.apply(this, arguments)
  443. }
  444. }
  446. function lb(a) {
  447. var b = !1,
  448. c;
  449. return function() {
  450. b || (c = a(), b = !0);
  451. return c
  452. }
  453. }
  455. function mb(a) {
  456. var b = a;
  457. return function() {
  458. if (b) {
  459. var a = b;
  460. b = null;
  461. a()
  462. }
  463. }
  464. };
  466. function ob() {
  467. this.b = "";
  468. this.h = pb
  469. }
  470. ob.prototype.f = !0;
  471. ob.prototype.a = function() {
  472. return this.b
  473. };
  475. function qb(a) {
  476. if (a instanceof ob && a.constructor === ob && a.h === pb) return a.b;
  477. sa(a);
  478. return "type_error:TrustedResourceUrl"
  479. }
  480. var pb = {};
  482. function rb() {
  483. this.U = "";
  484. this.wa = sb
  485. }
  486. rb.prototype.f = !0;
  487. rb.prototype.a = function() {
  488. return this.U
  489. };
  490. var tb = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i,
  491. sb = {};
  493. function ub(a) {
  494. var b = new rb;
  495. b.U = a;
  496. return b
  497. }
  498. ub("about:blank");
  500. function vb(a, b) {
  501. a.src = qb(b);
  502. (b = na()) && a.setAttribute("nonce", b)
  503. };
  505. function wb(a) {
  506. this.a = a || q.document || document
  507. }
  509. function xb(a, b) {
  510. return a.a.createElement(String(b))
  511. }
  512. wb.prototype.contains = function(a, b) {
  513. if (!a || !b) return !1;
  514. if (a.contains && 1 == b.nodeType) return a == b || a.contains(b);
  515. if ("undefined" != typeof a.compareDocumentPosition) return a == b || !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
  516. for (; b && a != b;) b = b.parentNode;
  517. return b == a
  518. };
  520. function yb(a) {
  521. zb();
  522. var b = new ob;
  523. b.b = a;
  524. return b
  525. }
  526. var zb = qa;
  528. function Ab() {
  529. return !(v(w, "iPad") || v(w, "Android") && !v(w, "Mobile") || v(w, "Silk")) && (v(w, "iPod") || v(w, "iPhone") || v(w, "Android") || v(w, "IEMobile"))
  530. };
  532. function C(a) {
  533. try {
  534. var b;
  535. if (b = !!a && null != a.location.href) a: {
  536. try {
  537. Ua(;
  538. b = !0;
  539. break a
  540. } catch (c) {}
  541. b = !1
  542. }
  543. return b
  544. } catch (c) {
  545. return !1
  546. }
  547. }
  549. function Bb(a) {
  550. for (var b = q, c = 0; b && 40 > c++ && (!C(b) || !a(b));) b = Cb(b)
  551. }
  553. function Db() {
  554. var a = q;
  555. Bb(function(b) {
  556. a = b;
  557. return !1
  558. });
  559. return a
  560. }
  562. function Cb(a) {
  563. try {
  564. var b = a.parent;
  565. if (b && b != a) return b
  566. } catch (c) {}
  567. return null
  568. }
  570. function Eb(a, b) {
  571. var c = [],
  572. d = [],
  573. e = 0;
  574. b = b || 1024;
  575. for (var f; f = c[e++];) {
  576. a && !C(f) || d.push(f);
  577. try {
  578. if (f.frames)
  579. for (var g = f.frames.length, h = 0; h < g && c.length < b; ++h) c.push(f.frames[h])
  580. } catch (k) {}
  581. }
  582. return d
  583. }
  585. function Fb(a, b) {
  586. var c = a.createElement("script");
  587. vb(c, yb(b));
  588. return (a = a.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]) && a.parentNode ? (a.parentNode.insertBefore(c, a), c) : null
  589. }
  591. function Gb(a, b) {
  592. return b.getComputedStyle ? b.getComputedStyle(a, null) : a.currentStyle
  593. }
  595. function Hb(a, b, c) {
  596. var d = !1;
  597. void 0 === c || c || (d = Ib());
  598. return !d && !Jb() && (c = Math.random(), c < b) ? (c = Kb(q), a[Math.floor(c * a.length)]) : null
  599. }
  601. function Kb(a) {
  602. if (!a.crypto) return Math.random();
  603. try {
  604. var b = new Uint32Array(1);
  605. a.crypto.getRandomValues(b);
  606. return b[0] / 65536 / 65536
  607. } catch (c) {
  608. return Math.random()
  609. }
  610. }
  612. function Lb(a, b) {
  613. if (a)
  614. for (var c in a), c) && 0, a[c], c, a)
  615. }
  617. function Mb(a) {
  618. var b = a.length;
  619. if (0 == b) return 0;
  620. for (var c = 305419896, d = 0; d < b; d++) c ^= (c << 5) + (c >> 2) + a.charCodeAt(d) & 4294967295;
  621. return 0 < c ? c : 4294967296 + c
  622. }
  623. var Jb = lb(function() {
  624. return v(w, "Google Web Preview") || 1E-4 > Math.random()
  625. }),
  626. Ib = lb(function() {
  627. return v(w, "MSIE")
  628. }),
  629. Nb = /^([0-9.]+)px$/,
  630. Ob = /^(-?[0-9.]{1,30})$/;
  632. function Pb(a) {
  633. return Ob.test(a) && (a = Number(a), !isNaN(a)) ? a : null
  634. }
  636. function Qb(a, b) {
  637. return b ? !/^false$/.test(a) : /^true$/.test(a)
  638. }
  640. function D(a) {
  641. return (a = Nb.exec(a)) ? +a[1] : null
  642. }
  644. function Rb(a, b) {
  645. try {
  646. return !(!a.frames || !a.frames[b])
  647. } catch (c) {
  648. return !1
  649. }
  650. }
  652. function Sb(a) {
  653. var b = {
  654. display: "none"
  655. };
  656. ? Lb(b, function(b, d) {
  657., b, "important")
  658. }) : = Tb(Ub(Vb(, Wb(b, function(a) {
  659. return a + " !important"
  660. })))
  661. }
  662. var Ub = Object.assign || function(a, b) {
  663. for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
  664. var d = arguments[c];
  665. if (d)
  666. for (var e in d), e) && (a[e] = d[e])
  667. }
  668. return a
  669. };
  671. function Wb(a, b) {
  672. var c = {},
  673. d;
  674. for (d in a), d) && (c[d] = 0, a[d], d, a));
  675. return c
  676. }
  678. function Tb(a) {
  679. var b = [];
  680. Lb(a, function(a, d) {
  681. null != a && "" !== a && b.push(d + ":" + a)
  682. });
  683. return b.length ? b.join(";") + ";" : ""
  684. }
  686. function Vb(a) {
  687. var b = {};
  688. if (a) {
  689. var c = /\s*:\s*/;
  690. a = (a || "").split(/\s*;\s*/);
  691. Ba(a, function(a) {
  692. if (a) {
  693. var d = a.split(c);
  694. a = d[0];
  695. d = d[1];
  696. a && d && (b[a.toLowerCase()] = d)
  697. }
  698. })
  699. }
  700. return b
  701. };
  703. function Xb(a, b, c) {
  704. a.addEventListener && a.addEventListener(b, c, !1)
  705. };
  707. function Yb(a, b) {
  708. q.google_image_requests || (q.google_image_requests = []);
  709. var c = q.document.createElement("img");
  710. if (b) {
  711. var d = function(a) {
  712. b && b(a);
  713. c.removeEventListener && c.removeEventListener("load", d, !1);
  714. c.removeEventListener && c.removeEventListener("error", d, !1)
  715. };
  716. Xb(c, "load", d);
  717. Xb(c, "error", d)
  718. }
  719. c.src = a;
  720. q.google_image_requests.push(c)
  721. };
  723. function Zb(a, b) {
  724. a = parseInt(a, 10);
  725. return isNaN(a) ? b : a
  726. }
  727. var $b = /^([\w-]+\.)*([\w-]{2,})(:[0-9]+)?$/;
  729. function ac(a, b) {
  730. return a ? (a = a.match($b)) ? a[0] : b : b
  731. };
  733. function bc() {
  734. return "r20190122"
  735. }
  736. var cc = Qb("false", !1),
  737. dc = Qb("false", !1),
  738. ec = Qb("true", !1),
  739. fc = ec || !dc;
  741. function gc() {
  742. return ac("", "")
  743. };
  745. function hc(a) {
  746. a = void 0 === a ? q : a;
  747. var b = a.context || a.AMP_CONTEXT_DATA;
  748. if (!b) try {
  749. b = a.parent.context || a.parent.AMP_CONTEXT_DATA
  750. } catch (c) {}
  751. try {
  752. if (b && b.pageViewId && b.canonicalUrl) return b
  753. } catch (c) {}
  754. return null
  755. }
  757. function ic(a) {
  758. return (a = a || hc()) ? C(a.master) ? a.master : null : null
  759. };
  761. function jc(a, b) {
  762. for (var c in a), c) && 0, a[c], c, a)
  763. }
  765. function kc(a) {
  766. return !(!a || ! && "function" === typeof a
  767. }
  769. function lc(a) {
  770. a = ic(hc(a)) || a;
  771. a.google_unique_id ? ++a.google_unique_id : a.google_unique_id = 1
  772. }
  774. function mc(a) {
  775. a = ic(hc(a)) || a;
  776. a = a.google_unique_id;
  777. return "number" === typeof a ? a : 0
  778. }
  779. var nc = !!window.google_async_iframe_id,
  780. oc = nc && window.parent || window;
  782. function pc() {
  783. if (nc && !C(oc)) {
  784. var a = "." + hb.domain;
  785. try {
  786. for (; 2 < a.split(".").length && !C(oc);) hb.domain = a = a.substr(a.indexOf(".") + 1), oc = window.parent
  787. } catch (b) {}
  788. C(oc) || (oc = window)
  789. }
  790. return oc
  791. }
  792. var qc = /(^| )adsbygoogle($| )/;
  794. function rc(a) {
  795. return cc && a.google_top_window ||
  796. }
  798. function sc(a) {
  799. a = rc(a);
  800. return C(a) ? a : null
  801. };
  803. function E(a) {
  804. a.google_ad_modifications || (a.google_ad_modifications = {});
  805. return a.google_ad_modifications
  806. }
  808. function F(a, b) {
  809. a: if (a = E(a).eids || [], a.indexOf) b = a.indexOf(b), b = 0 < b || 0 === b;
  810. else {
  811. for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
  812. if (a[c] === b) {
  813. b = !0;
  814. break a
  815. } b = !1
  816. }return b
  817. }
  819. function tc(a, b) {
  820. a = E(a);
  821. a.tag_partners = a.tag_partners || [];
  822. a.tag_partners.push(b)
  823. }
  825. function uc(a, b, c) {
  826. for (var d = 0; d < a.length; ++d)
  827. if ((a[d].ad_slot || b) == b && (a[d].ad_tag_origin || c) == c) return a[d];
  828. return null
  829. };
  830. var vc = {
  831. overlays: 1,
  832. interstitials: 2,
  833. vignettes: 2,
  834. inserts: 3,
  835. immersives: 4,
  836. list_view: 5,
  837. full_page: 6
  838. };
  840. function wc(a) {
  841. y(this, a, yc, null)
  842. }
  843. u(wc, x);
  845. function zc(a) {
  846. y(this, a, null, null)
  847. }
  848. u(zc, x);
  850. function Ac(a) {
  851. y(this, a, null, null)
  852. }
  853. u(Ac, x);
  855. function Bc(a) {
  856. y(this, a, Cc, null)
  857. }
  858. u(Bc, x);
  859. var yc = [4];
  860. wc.prototype.I = function() {
  861. return A(this, 3)
  862. };
  863. var Cc = [6, 7, 9, 10, 11];
  865. function Dc(a) {
  866. y(this, a, Ec, null)
  867. }
  868. u(Dc, x);
  870. function Fc(a) {
  871. y(this, a, null, null)
  872. }
  873. u(Fc, x);
  875. function Gc(a) {
  876. y(this, a, Hc, null)
  877. }
  878. u(Gc, x);
  880. function Ic(a) {
  881. y(this, a, null, null)
  882. }
  883. u(Ic, x);
  884. var Ec = [1, 2, 5, 7],
  885. Hc = [2];
  887. function Jc(a, b, c) {
  888. c = void 0 === c ? {} : c;
  889. this.error = a;
  890. this.context = b.context;
  891. this.line = b.line || -1;
  892. this.msg = b.message || "";
  893. this.file = b.file || "";
  894. = || "jserror";
  895. this.meta = c
  896. };
  897. var Kc = /^https?:\/\/(\w|-)+\.cdn\.ampproject\.(net|org)(\?|\/|$)/;
  899. function Lc(a, b) {
  900. this.a = a;
  901. this.b = b
  902. }
  904. function Mc(a, b, c) {
  905. this.url = a;
  906. this.a = b;
  907. = !!c;
  908. this.depth = ma(void 0) ? void 0 : null
  909. };
  911. function Nc() {
  912. this.f = "&";
  913. this.h = !1;
  914. this.b = {};
  915. this.i = 0;
  916. this.a = []
  917. }
  919. function Oc(a, b) {
  920. var c = {};
  921. c[a] = b;
  922. return [c]
  923. }
  925. function Pc(a, b, c, d, e) {
  926. var f = [];
  927. Lb(a, function(a, h) {
  928. (a = Qc(a, b, c, d, e)) && f.push(h + "=" + a)
  929. });
  930. return f.join(b)
  931. }
  933. function Qc(a, b, c, d, e) {
  934. if (null == a) return "";
  935. b = b || "&";
  936. c = c || ",$";
  937. "string" == typeof c && (c = c.split(""));
  938. if (a instanceof Array) {
  939. if (d = d || 0, d < c.length) {
  940. for (var f = [], g = 0; g < a.length; g++) f.push(Qc(a[g], b, c, d + 1, e));
  941. return f.join(c[d])
  942. }
  943. } else if ("object" == typeof a) return e = e || 0, 2 > e ? encodeURIComponent(Pc(a, b, c, d, e + 1)) : "...";
  944. return encodeURIComponent(String(a))
  945. }
  947. function Rc(a, b, c, d) {
  948. a.a.push(b);
  949. a.b[b] = Oc(c, d)
  950. }
  952. function Sc(a, b, c) {
  953. b = b + "//" + c;
  954. var d = Tc(a) - c.length;
  955. if (0 > d) return "";
  956. a.a.sort(function(a, b) {
  957. return a - b
  958. });
  959. c = null;
  960. for (var e = "", f = 0; f < a.a.length; f++)
  961. for (var g = a.a[f], h = a.b[g], k = 0; k < h.length; k++) {
  962. if (!d) {
  963. c = null == c ? g : c;
  964. break
  965. }
  966. var n = Pc(h[k], a.f, ",$");
  967. if (n) {
  968. n = e + n;
  969. if (d >= n.length) {
  970. d -= n.length;
  971. b += n;
  972. e = a.f;
  973. break
  974. } else a.h && (e = d, n[e - 1] == a.f && --e, b += n.substr(0, e), e = a.f, d = 0);
  975. c = null == c ? g : c
  976. }
  977. }
  978. a = "";
  979. null != c && (a = e + "trn=" + c);
  980. return b + a
  981. }
  983. function Tc(a) {
  984. var b = 1,
  985. c;
  986. for (c in a.b) b = c.length > b ? c.length : b;
  987. return 3997 - b - a.f.length - 1
  988. };
  990. function Uc(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  991. if ((d ? a.b : Math.random()) < (e || .01)) try {
  992. if (c instanceof Nc) var g = c;
  993. else g = new Nc, Lb(c, function(a, b) {
  994. var c = g,
  995. d = c.i++;
  996. a = Oc(b, a);
  997. c.a.push(d);
  998. c.b[d] = a
  999. });
  1000. var h = Sc(g, a.a, "/pagead/gen_204?id=" + b + "&");
  1001. h && ("undefined" === typeof f ? Yb(h, null) : Yb(h, void 0 === f ? null : f))
  1002. } catch (k) {}
  1003. };
  1005. function Vc(a, b) {
  1006. this.start = a < b ? a : b;
  1007. this.a = a < b ? b : a
  1008. };
  1010. function Wc(a, b, c) {
  1011. this.b = b >= a ? new Vc(a, b) : null;
  1012. this.a = c
  1013. }
  1015. function Xc(a, b) {
  1016. var c = -1;
  1017. b = "google_experiment_mod" + (void 0 === b ? "" : b);
  1018. try {
  1019. a.localStorage && (c = parseInt(a.localStorage.getItem(b), 10))
  1020. } catch (d) {
  1021. return null
  1022. }
  1023. if (0 <= c && 1E3 > c) return c;
  1024. if (Jb()) return null;
  1025. c = Math.floor(1E3 * Kb(a));
  1026. try {
  1027. if (a.localStorage) return a.localStorage.setItem(b, "" + c), c
  1028. } catch (d) {}
  1029. return null
  1030. };
  1031. var Yc = null;
  1033. function Zc() {
  1034. if (null === Yc) {
  1035. Yc = "";
  1036. try {
  1037. var a = "";
  1038. try {
  1039. a =
  1040. } catch (c) {
  1041. a = q.location.hash
  1042. }
  1043. if (a) {
  1044. var b = a.match(/\bdeid=([\d,]+)/);
  1045. Yc = b ? b[1] : ""
  1046. }
  1047. } catch (c) {}
  1048. }
  1049. return Yc
  1050. };
  1052. function $c() {
  1053. var a = q.performance;
  1054. return a && && a.timing ? Math.floor( + a.timing.navigationStart) : +new Date
  1055. }
  1057. function ad() {
  1058. var a = void 0 === a ? q : a;
  1059. return (a = a.performance) && ? : null
  1060. };
  1062. function bd(a, b, c) {
  1063. this.label = a;
  1064. this.type = b;
  1065. this.value = c;
  1066. this.duration = 0;
  1067. this.uniqueId = this.label + "_" + this.type + "_" + Math.random();
  1068. this.slotId = void 0
  1069. };
  1070. var G = q.performance,
  1071. cd = !!(G && G.mark && G.measure && G.clearMarks),
  1072. dd = lb(function() {
  1073. var a;
  1074. if (a = cd) a = Zc(), a = !!a.indexOf && 0 <= a.indexOf("1337");
  1075. return a
  1076. });
  1078. function ed() {
  1079. var a = fd;
  1080. this.b = [];
  1081. this.f = a || q;
  1082. var b = null;
  1083. a && (a.google_js_reporting_queue = a.google_js_reporting_queue || [], this.b = a.google_js_reporting_queue, b = a.google_measure_js_timing);
  1084. this.a = dd() || (null != b ? b : 1 > Math.random())
  1085. }
  1087. function gd(a) {
  1088. a && G && dd() && (G.clearMarks("goog_" + a.uniqueId + "_start"), G.clearMarks("goog_" + a.uniqueId + "_end"))
  1089. }
  1090. ed.prototype.start = function(a, b) {
  1091. if (!this.a) return null;
  1092. var c = ad() || $c();
  1093. a = new bd(a, b, c);
  1094. b = "goog_" + a.uniqueId + "_start";
  1095. G && dd() && G.mark(b);
  1096. return a
  1097. };
  1099. function hd() {
  1100. var a = id;
  1101. this.H = jd;
  1102. this.h = !0;
  1103. this.f = null;
  1104. this.J = this.a;
  1105. this.b = void 0 === a ? null : a;
  1106. this.i = !1
  1107. }
  1109. function kd(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1110. try {
  1111. if (a.b && a.b.a) {
  1112. var f = a.b.start(b.toString(), 3);
  1113. var g = c();
  1114. var h = a.b;
  1115. c = f;
  1116. if (h.a && ma(c.value)) {
  1117. var k = ad() || $c();
  1118. c.duration = k - c.value;
  1119. var n = "goog_" + c.uniqueId + "_end";
  1120. G && dd() && G.mark(n);
  1121. h.a && h.b.push(c)
  1122. }
  1123. } else g = c()
  1124. } catch (l) {
  1125. h = a.h;
  1126. try {
  1127. gd(f), h = (e || a.J).call(a, b, new ld(md(l), l.fileName, l.lineNumber), void 0, d)
  1128. } catch (p) {
  1129. a.a(217, p)
  1130. }
  1131. if (!h) throw l;
  1132. }
  1133. return g
  1134. }
  1136. function nd(a, b) {
  1137. var c = od;
  1138. return function(d) {
  1139. for (var e = [], f = 0; f < arguments.length; ++f) e[f] = arguments[f];
  1140. return kd(c, a, function() {
  1141. return b.apply(void 0, e)
  1142. }, void 0, void 0)
  1143. }
  1144. }
  1145. hd.prototype.a = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1146. e = e || "jserror";
  1147. try {
  1148. var f = new Nc;
  1149. f.h = !0;
  1150. Rc(f, 1, "context", a);
  1151. b.error && b.meta && || (b = new ld(md(b), b.fileName, b.lineNumber));
  1152. b.msg && Rc(f, 2, "msg", b.msg.substring(0, 512));
  1153. b.file && Rc(f, 3, "file", b.file);
  1154. 0 < b.line && Rc(f, 4, "line", b.line);
  1155. var g = b.meta || {};
  1156. if (this.f) try {
  1157. this.f(g)
  1158. } catch (Y) {}
  1159. if (d) try {
  1160. d(g)
  1161. } catch (Y) {}
  1162. b = [g];
  1163. f.a.push(5);
  1164. f.b[5] = b;
  1165. d = q;
  1166. b = [];
  1167. g = null;
  1168. do {
  1169. var h = d;
  1170. if (C(h)) {
  1171. var k = h.location.href;
  1172. g = h.document && h.document.referrer || null
  1173. } else k = g, g = null;
  1174. b.push(new Mc(k || "", h));
  1175. try {
  1176. d = h.parent
  1177. } catch (Y) {
  1178. d = null
  1179. }
  1180. } while (d && h != d);
  1181. k = 0;
  1182. for (var n = b.length - 1; k <= n; ++k) b[k].depth = n - k;
  1183. h = q;
  1184. if (h.location && h.location.ancestorOrigins && h.location.ancestorOrigins.length == b.length - 1)
  1185. for (n = 1; n < b.length; ++n) {
  1186. var l = b[n];
  1187. l.url || (l.url = h.location.ancestorOrigins[n - 1] || "", = !0)
  1188. }
  1189. var p = new Mc(q.location.href, q, !1);
  1190. h = null;
  1191. var t = b.length - 1;
  1192. for (l = t; 0 <= l; --l) {
  1193. var z = b[l];
  1194. !h && Kc.test(z.url) && (h = z);
  1195. if (z.url && ! {
  1196. p = z;
  1197. break
  1198. }
  1199. }
  1200. z = null;
  1201. var Ia = b.length && b[t].url;
  1202. 0 != p.depth && Ia && (z = b[t]);
  1203. var N = new Lc(p, z);
  1204. N.b && Rc(f, 6, "top", N.b.url || "");
  1205. Rc(f, 7, "url", N.a.url || "");
  1206. Uc(this.H, e, f, this.i, c)
  1207. } catch (Y) {
  1208. try {
  1209. Uc(this.H, e, {
  1210. context: "ecmserr",
  1211. rctx: a,
  1212. msg: md(Y),
  1213. url: N && N.a.url
  1214. }, this.i, c)
  1215. } catch (nb) {}
  1216. }
  1217. return this.h
  1218. };
  1220. function md(a) {
  1221. var b = a.toString();
  1222. && -1 == b.indexOf( && (b += ": " +;
  1223. a.message && -1 == b.indexOf(a.message) && (b += ": " + a.message);
  1224. if (a.stack) {
  1225. a = a.stack;
  1226. var c = b;
  1227. try {
  1228. -1 == a.indexOf(c) && (a = c + "\n" + a);
  1229. for (var d; a != d;) d = a, a = a.replace(/((https?:\/..*\/)[^\/:]*:\d+(?:.|\n)*)\2/, "$1");
  1230. b = a.replace(/\n */g, "\n")
  1231. } catch (e) {
  1232. b = c
  1233. }
  1234. }
  1235. return b
  1236. }
  1238. function ld(a, b, c) {
  1239., Error(a), {
  1240. message: a,
  1241. file: void 0 === b ? "" : b,
  1242. line: void 0 === c ? -1 : c
  1243. })
  1244. }
  1245. ha(ld, Jc);
  1247. function H(a) {
  1248. a = void 0 === a ? "" : a;
  1249. var b =;
  1250. this.message = b.message;
  1251. "stack" in b && (this.stack = b.stack);
  1252. = "TagError";
  1253. this.message = a ? "adsbygoogle.push() error: " + a : "";
  1254. Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, H) : this.stack = Error().stack || ""
  1255. }
  1256. ha(H, Error);
  1258. function pd(a) {
  1259. return 0 == (a.error && a.meta && ? a.msg || md(a.error) : md(a)).indexOf("TagError")
  1260. };
  1261. var jd, od, fd = pc(),
  1262. id = new ed;
  1264. function qd(a) {
  1265. null != a && (fd.google_measure_js_timing = a);
  1266. fd.google_measure_js_timing || (a = id, a.a = !1, a.b != a.f.google_js_reporting_queue && (dd() && Ba(a.b, gd), a.b.length = 0))
  1267. }
  1268. jd = new function() {
  1269. var a = void 0 === a ? B : a;
  1270. this.a = "http:" === a.location.protocol ? "http:" : "https:";
  1271. this.b = Math.random()
  1272. };
  1273. od = new hd;
  1274. "complete" == fd.document.readyState ? qd() : id.a && Xb(fd, "load", function() {
  1275. qd()
  1276. });
  1278. function rd() {
  1279. var a = [sd, td];
  1280. od.f = function(b) {
  1281. Ba(a, function(a) {
  1282. a(b)
  1283. })
  1284. }
  1285. }
  1287. function ud(a, b, c, d) {
  1288. return kd(od, a, c, d, b)
  1289. }
  1291. function vd(a, b) {
  1292. return nd(a, b)
  1293. }
  1294. var wd = od.a;
  1296. function xd(a, b, c) {
  1297. Uc(jd, a, b, "jserror" != a, c, void 0)
  1298. }
  1300. function yd(a, b, c, d) {
  1301. return pd(b) ? (od.i = !0, od.a(a, b, .1, d, "puberror"), !1) : od.a(a, b, c, d)
  1302. }
  1304. function zd(a, b, c, d) {
  1305. return pd(b) ? !1 : od.a(a, b, c, d)
  1306. };
  1308. function Ad(a, b) {
  1309. = a;
  1310. this.ka = b
  1311. }
  1313. function Bd(a) {
  1314. var b = [];
  1315. if (!b.length) return null;
  1316. var c = [],
  1317. d = {};
  1318. b.forEach(function(a) {
  1319. c = c.concat( || []);
  1320. d = Object.assign(d, a.ka)
  1321. });
  1322. return new Ad(c, d)
  1323. };
  1324. var Cd = new Ad(["google-auto-placed"], {
  1325. google_tag_origin: "qs"
  1326. });
  1327. var Dd = {},
  1328. Ed = (Dd.google_ad_channel = !0, Dd.google_ad_host = !0, Dd);
  1330. function Fd(a, b) {
  1331. a.location.href && a.location.href.substring && (b.url = a.location.href.substring(0, 200));
  1332. xd("ama", b, .01)
  1333. }
  1335. function Gd(a) {
  1336. var b = {};
  1337. Lb(Ed, function(c, d) {
  1338. d in a && (b[d] = a[d])
  1339. });
  1340. return b
  1341. };
  1343. function Hd(a, b, c) {
  1344. c || (c = fc ? "https" : "http");
  1345. q.location && "https:" == q.location.protocol && "http" == c && (c = "https");
  1346. return [c, "://", a, b].join("")
  1347. };
  1348. var Id = null;
  1350. function Jd() {
  1351. if (!cc) return !1;
  1352. if (null != Id) return Id;
  1353. Id = !1;
  1354. try {
  1355. var a = sc(q);
  1356. a && -1 != a.location.hash.indexOf("google_logging") && (Id = !0);
  1357. q.localStorage.getItem("google_logging") && (Id = !0)
  1358. } catch (b) {}
  1359. return Id
  1360. }
  1362. function Kd(a, b) {
  1363. b = void 0 === b ? [] : b;
  1364. if (Jd()) {
  1365. if (!q.google_logging_queue) {
  1366. q.google_logging_queue = [];
  1367. var c = Hd(gc(), "/pagead/js/logging_library.js");
  1368. Fb(q.document, c)
  1369. }
  1370. q.google_logging_queue.push([a, b])
  1371. }
  1372. };
  1374. function Ld(a) {
  1375. y(this, a, null, null)
  1376. }
  1377. u(Ld, x);
  1378. var Md = null;
  1380. function Nd() {
  1381. if (!Md) {
  1382. for (var a = q, b = a, c = 0; a && a != a.parent;)
  1383. if (a = a.parent, c++, C(a)) b = a;
  1384. else break;
  1385. Md = b
  1386. }
  1387. return Md
  1388. };
  1389. var Od = {
  1390. c: "368226950",
  1391. g: "368226951"
  1392. },
  1393. Pd = {
  1394. c: "368226960",
  1395. g: "368226961"
  1396. },
  1397. Qd = {
  1398. c: "332260010",
  1399. C: "332260011",
  1400. B: "332260012",
  1401. G: "332260013"
  1402. },
  1403. Rd = {
  1404. c: "332260020",
  1405. C: "332260021",
  1406. B: "332260022",
  1407. G: "332260023"
  1408. },
  1409. Sd = {
  1410. c: "368226500",
  1411. g: "368226501"
  1412. },
  1413. Td = {
  1414. c: "36998750",
  1415. g: "36998751"
  1416. },
  1417. Ud = {
  1418. c: "633794000",
  1419. D: "633794004"
  1420. },
  1421. Vd = {
  1422. c: "633794002",
  1423. D: "633794005"
  1424. },
  1425. Wd = {
  1426. c: "221415700",
  1427. g: "221415701"
  1428. },
  1429. Xd = {
  1430. c: "221415800",
  1431. g: "221415801"
  1432. },
  1433. Yd = {
  1434. c: "4089040",
  1435. va: "4089042"
  1436. },
  1437. Zd = {
  1438. m: "20040067",
  1439. c: "20040068",
  1440. W: "1337"
  1441. },
  1442. $d = {
  1443. c: "21060548",
  1444. m: "21060549"
  1445. },
  1446. ae = {
  1447. c: "21060623",
  1448. m: "21060624"
  1449. },
  1450. be = {
  1451. c: "22324606",
  1452. g: "22324607"
  1453. },
  1454. ce = {
  1455. c: "21062271",
  1456. m: "21062272"
  1457. },
  1458. de = {
  1459. c: "21060849",
  1460. Z: "21060850",
  1461. O: "21060851",
  1462. Y: "21060852",
  1463. X: "21060853"
  1464. },
  1465. I = {
  1466. c: "182982000",
  1467. g: "182982100"
  1468. },
  1469. ee = {
  1470. c: "182982200",
  1471. g: "182982300"
  1472. },
  1473. fe = {
  1474. c: "182983000",
  1475. g: "182983100"
  1476. },
  1477. ge = {
  1478. c: "182983200",
  1479. g: "182983300"
  1480. },
  1481. he = {
  1482. c: "182984000",
  1483. g: "182984100",
  1484. o: "182984400",
  1485. s: "182984600"
  1486. },
  1487. ie = {
  1488. c: "182984200",
  1489. g: "182984300",
  1490. o: "182984500",
  1491. s: "182984700"
  1492. },
  1493. je = {
  1494. c: "229739148",
  1495. g: "229739149"
  1496. },
  1497. ke = {
  1498. c: "229739146",
  1499. g: "229739147"
  1500. },
  1501. le = {
  1502. c: "21062571",
  1503. g: "21062572"
  1504. },
  1505. me = {
  1506. c: "20040012",
  1507. g: "20040013"
  1508. },
  1509. ne = {
  1510. c: "21062908",
  1511. N: "21062909",
  1512. M: "21062910"
  1513. };
  1515. function oe() {
  1516. this.wasPlaTagProcessed = !1;
  1517. this.wasReactiveAdConfigReceived = {};
  1518. this.adCount = {};
  1519. this.wasReactiveAdVisible = {};
  1520. this.stateForType = {};
  1521. this.reactiveTypeEnabledInAsfe = {};
  1522. this.isReactiveTagFirstOnPage = this.wasReactiveAdConfigHandlerRegistered = this.wasReactiveTagRequestSent = !1;
  1523. this.reactiveTypeDisabledByPublisher = {};
  1524. this.tagSpecificState = {};
  1525. this.adRegion = this.floatingAdsFillMessage = null;
  1526. this.disablePageHeightCheck = !0;
  1527. this.improveCollisionDetection = 0
  1528. }
  1530. function pe(a) {
  1531. a.google_reactive_ads_global_state || (a.google_reactive_ads_global_state = new oe);
  1532. return a.google_reactive_ads_global_state
  1533. };
  1535. function qe(a) {
  1536. a = a.document;
  1537. var b = {};
  1538. a && (b = "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode ? a.documentElement : a.body);
  1539. return b || {}
  1540. }
  1542. function J(a) {
  1543. return qe(a).clientWidth
  1544. };
  1546. function re(a, b) {
  1547. for (var c = [], d = a.length, e = 0; e < d; e++) c.push(a[e]);
  1548. c.forEach(b, void 0)
  1549. };
  1551. function se(a, b, c, d) {
  1552. this.h = a;
  1553. this.b = b;
  1554. this.f = c;
  1555. this.a = d
  1556. }
  1557. se.prototype.toString = function() {
  1558. return JSON.stringify({
  1559. nativeQuery: this.h,
  1560. occurrenceIndex: this.b,
  1561. paragraphIndex: this.f,
  1562. ignoreMode: this.a
  1563. })
  1564. };
  1566. function te(a, b) {
  1567. if (null == a.a) return b;
  1568. switch (a.a) {
  1569. case 1:
  1570. return b.slice(1);
  1571. case 2:
  1572. return b.slice(0, b.length - 1);
  1573. case 3:
  1574. return b.slice(1, b.length - 1);
  1575. case 0:
  1576. return b;
  1577. default:
  1578. throw Error("Unknown ignore mode: " + a.a);
  1579. }
  1580. }
  1582. function ue(a) {
  1583. var b = [];
  1584. re(a.getElementsByTagName("p"), function(a) {
  1585. 100 <= ve(a) && b.push(a)
  1586. });
  1587. return b
  1588. }
  1590. function ve(a) {
  1591. if (3 == a.nodeType) return a.length;
  1592. if (1 != a.nodeType || "SCRIPT" == a.tagName) return 0;
  1593. var b = 0;
  1594. re(a.childNodes, function(a) {
  1595. b += ve(a)
  1596. });
  1597. return b
  1598. }
  1600. function we(a) {
  1601. return 0 == a.length || isNaN(a[0]) ? a : "\\" + (30 + parseInt(a[0], 10)) + " " + a.substring(1)
  1602. };
  1603. var xe = {
  1604. rectangle: 1,
  1605. horizontal: 2,
  1606. vertical: 4
  1607. };
  1609. function ye(a, b) {
  1610. for (var c = ["width", "height"], d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
  1611. var e = "google_ad_" + c[d];
  1612. if (!b.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
  1613. var f = D(a[c[d]]);
  1614. f = null === f ? null : Math.round(f);
  1615. null != f && (b[e] = f)
  1616. }
  1617. }
  1618. }
  1620. function ze(a, b) {
  1621. return !((Ob.test(b.google_ad_width) || Nb.test( && (Ob.test(b.google_ad_height) || Nb.test(
  1622. }
  1624. function Ae(a, b) {
  1625. try {
  1626. var c = b.document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(),
  1627. d = a.getBoundingClientRect();
  1628. var e = {
  1629. x: d.left - c.left,
  1630. y: -
  1631. }
  1632. } catch (f) {
  1633. e = null
  1634. }
  1635. return (a = e) ? a.y : 0
  1636. }
  1638. function Be(a, b) {
  1639. do {
  1640. var c = Gb(a, b);
  1641. if (c && "fixed" == c.position) return !1
  1642. } while (a = a.parentElement);
  1643. return !0
  1644. }
  1646. function Ce(a) {
  1647. var b = 0,
  1648. c;
  1649. for (c in xe) - 1 != a.indexOf(c) && (b |= xe[c]);
  1650. return b
  1651. }
  1653. function De(a, b, c, d, e) {
  1654. if (rc(a) != a) return sc(a) ? 3 : 16;
  1655. if (!(488 > J(a))) return 4;
  1656. if (!(a.innerHeight >= a.innerWidth)) return 5;
  1657. var f = J(a);
  1658. if (!f || (f - c) / f > d) a = 6;
  1659. else {
  1660. if (c = "true" != e.google_full_width_responsive) a: {
  1661. c = J(a);
  1662. for (b = b.parentElement; b; b = b.parentElement)
  1663. if ((d = Gb(b, a)) && (e = D(d.width)) && !(e >= c) && "visible" != d.overflow) {
  1664. c = !0;
  1665. break a
  1666. } c = !1
  1667. }
  1668. a = c ? 7 : !0
  1669. }
  1670. return a
  1671. }
  1673. function Ee(a, b, c, d) {
  1674. var e = De(b, c, a, .3, d);
  1675. if (!0 !== e) return e;
  1676. e = J(b);
  1677. a = e - a;
  1678. a = e && 0 <= a ? !0 : e ? -10 > a ? 11 : 0 > a ? 14 : 12 : 10;
  1679. return "true" == d.google_full_width_responsive || Be(c, b) ? a : 9
  1680. }
  1682. function Fe(a, b) {
  1683. if (3 == b.nodeType) return /\S/.test(;
  1684. if (1 == b.nodeType) {
  1685. if (/^(script|style)$/i.test(b.nodeName)) return !1;
  1686. try {
  1687. var c = Gb(b, a)
  1688. } catch (d) {}
  1689. return !c || "none" != c.display && !("absolute" == c.position && ("hidden" == c.visibility || "collapse" == c.visibility))
  1690. }
  1691. return !1
  1692. }
  1694. function Ge(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  1695. if (a = Gb(c, a)) {
  1696. var g = D(a.paddingLeft) || 0;
  1697. a = a.direction;
  1698. d = e - d;
  1699. if (f.google_ad_resize) g = -1 * (d + g) + "px";
  1700. else {
  1701. for (var h = f = 0; 100 > h && c; h++) f += c.offsetLeft + c.clientLeft - c.scrollLeft, c = c.offsetParent;
  1702. g = f + g;
  1703. g = "rtl" == a ? -1 * (d - g) + "px" : -1 * g + "px"
  1704. }
  1705. "rtl" == a ? = g : = g;
  1706. = e + "px";
  1707. = 30
  1708. }
  1709. };
  1711. function K(a, b) {
  1712. this.b = a;
  1713. this.a = b
  1714. }
  1715. m = K.prototype;
  1716. m.minWidth = function() {
  1717. return this.b
  1718. };
  1719. m.height = function() {
  1720. return this.a
  1721. };
  1722. m.F = function(a) {
  1723. return 300 < a && 300 < this.a ? this.b : Math.min(1200, Math.round(a))
  1724. };
  1725. m.P = function(a) {
  1726. return this.F(a) + "x" + this.height()
  1727. };
  1728. m.L = function() {};
  1730. function L(a, b, c, d) {
  1731. d = void 0 === d ? function(a) {
  1732. return a
  1733. } : d;
  1734. var e;
  1735. return &&[c] && d([c]) || (e = Gb(a, b)) && e[c] && d(e[c]) || null
  1736. }
  1738. function He(a) {
  1739. return function(b) {
  1740. return b.minWidth() <= a
  1741. }
  1742. }
  1744. function Ie(a, b, c, d) {
  1745. var e = a && Je(c, b),
  1746. f = Ke(b, d);
  1747. return function(a) {
  1748. return !(e && a.height() >= f)
  1749. }
  1750. }
  1752. function Le(a) {
  1753. return function(b) {
  1754. return b.height() <= a
  1755. }
  1756. }
  1758. function Je(a, b) {
  1759. return Ae(a, b) < qe(b).clientHeight - 100
  1760. }
  1762. function Me(a, b) {
  1763. var c = Infinity;
  1764. do {
  1765. var d = L(b, a, "height", D);
  1766. d && (c = Math.min(c, d));
  1767. (d = L(b, a, "maxHeight", D)) && (c = Math.min(c, d))
  1768. } while ((b = b.parentElement) && "HTML" != b.tagName);
  1769. return c
  1770. }
  1772. function Ne(a, b) {
  1773. var c = L(b, a, "height", D);
  1774. if (c) return c;
  1775. var d =;
  1776. = "inherit";
  1777. c = L(b, a, "height", D);
  1778. = d;
  1779. if (c) return c;
  1780. c = Infinity;
  1781. do(d = && D( && (c = Math.min(c, d)), (d = L(b, a, "maxHeight", D)) && (c = Math.min(c, d)); while ((b = b.parentElement) && "HTML" != b.tagName);
  1782. return c
  1783. }
  1785. function Ke(a, b) {
  1786. var c = a.google_unique_id;
  1787. return b && 0 == ("number" === typeof c ? c : 0) ? Math.max(250, 2 * qe(a).clientHeight / 3) : 250
  1788. }
  1790. function Oe(a) {
  1791. for (a = a.parentElement; a; a = a.parentElement) {
  1792. var b = D( ||;
  1793. if (b) return b
  1794. }
  1795. return null
  1796. };
  1798. function Pe(a) {
  1799. if (1 != a.nodeType) var b = !1;
  1800. else if (b = "INS" == a.tagName) a: {
  1801. b = ["adsbygoogle-placeholder"];a = a.className ? a.className.split(/\s+/) : [];
  1802. for (var c = {}, d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) c[a[d]] = !0;
  1803. for (d = 0; d < b.length; ++d)
  1804. if (!c[b[d]]) {
  1805. b = !1;
  1806. break a
  1807. } b = !0
  1808. }
  1809. return b
  1810. };
  1812. function Qe(a, b) {
  1813. for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
  1814. var d = b[c],
  1815. e = Oa(d.Ta);
  1816. a[e] = d.value
  1817. }
  1818. };
  1819. var Re = {
  1820. 1: 1,
  1821. 2: 2,
  1822. 3: 3,
  1823. 0: 0
  1824. };
  1826. function Se(a) {
  1827. return null != a ? Re[a] : a
  1828. }
  1829. var Te = {
  1830. 1: 0,
  1831. 2: 1,
  1832. 3: 2,
  1833. 4: 3
  1834. };
  1836. function Ue(a, b) {
  1837. if (!a) return !1;
  1838. a = Gb(a, b);
  1839. if (!a) return !1;
  1840. a = a.cssFloat || a.styleFloat;
  1841. return "left" == a || "right" == a
  1842. }
  1844. function Ve(a) {
  1845. for (a = a.previousSibling; a && 1 != a.nodeType;) a = a.previousSibling;
  1846. return a ? a : null
  1847. }
  1849. function We(a) {
  1850. return !!a.nextSibling || !!a.parentNode && We(a.parentNode)
  1851. };
  1853. function Xe(a, b, c) {
  1854. this.a = q;
  1855. this.i = a;
  1856. this.h = b;
  1857. this.f = c || null;
  1858. this.b = !1
  1859. }
  1861. function Ye(a, b) {
  1862. if (a.b) return !0;
  1863. try {
  1864. var c = a.a.localStorage.getItem("google_ama_settings");
  1865. var d = c ? new Ld(c ? JSON.parse(c) : null) : null
  1866. } catch (h) {
  1867. d = null
  1868. }
  1869. if (null !== d && $a(d, 2, !1)) return a = a.a.google_ama_state = a.a.google_ama_state || {}, a.eatf = !0, Kd(7, [!0, 0, !1]), !0;
  1870. d = 0;
  1871. var e = cb(a.h, Bc, 1);
  1872. for (c = 0; c < e.length; c++) {
  1873. var f = e[c];
  1874. if (1 == A(f, 8)) {
  1875. var g = bb(f, Ac, 4);
  1876. if (g && 2 == A(g, 1) && (d++, Ze(a, f, b))) return a.b = !0, a = a.a.google_ama_state = a.a.google_ama_state || {}, a.placement = c, Kd(7, [!1, d, !0]), !0
  1877. }
  1878. }
  1879. Kd(7, [!1, d, !1]);
  1880. return !1
  1881. }
  1883. function Ze(a, b, c) {
  1884. if (1 != A(b, 8)) return !1;
  1885. var d = bb(b, wc, 1);
  1886. if (!d) return !1;
  1887. if (d) {
  1888. var e = A(d, 7);
  1889. if (A(d, 1) || d.I() || 0 < Za(d, 4).length) {
  1890. var f = d.I(),
  1891. g = A(d, 1);
  1892. var h = Za(d, 4);
  1893. e = A(d, 2);
  1894. var k = A(d, 5);
  1895. d = Se(A(d, 6));
  1896. var n = "";
  1897. g && (n += g);
  1898. f && (n += "#" + we(f));
  1899. if (h)
  1900. for (f = 0; f < h.length; f++) n += "." + we(h[f]);
  1901. e = (h = n) ? new se(h, e, k, d) : null
  1902. } else e = e ? new se(e, A(d, 2), A(d, 5), Se(A(d, 6))) : null
  1903. } else e = null;
  1904. if (!e) return !1;
  1905. k = [];
  1906. try {
  1907. k = a.a.document.querySelectorAll(e.h)
  1908. } catch (z) {}
  1909. if (k.length) {
  1910. h = k.length;
  1911. if (0 < h) {
  1912. d = Array(h);
  1913. for (f = 0; f < h; f++) d[f] = k[f];
  1914. k = d
  1915. } else k = [];
  1916. k = te(e, k);
  1917. ma(e.b) && (h = e.b, 0 > h && (h += k.length), k = 0 <= h && h < k.length ? [k[h]] : []);
  1918. if (ma(e.f)) {
  1919. h = [];
  1920. for (d = 0; d < k.length; d++) f = ue(k[d]), g = e.f, 0 > g && (g += f.length), 0 <= g && g < f.length && h.push(f[g]);
  1921. k = h
  1922. }
  1923. e = k
  1924. } else e = [];
  1925. if (0 == e.length) return !1;
  1926. e = e[0];
  1927. k = A(b, 2);
  1928. k = Te[k];
  1929. k = void 0 !== k ? k : null;
  1930. if (!(h = null == k)) {
  1931. a: {
  1932. h = a.a;
  1933. switch (k) {
  1934. case 0:
  1935. h = Ue(Ve(e), h);
  1936. break a;
  1937. case 3:
  1938. h = Ue(e, h);
  1939. break a;
  1940. case 2:
  1941. d = e.lastChild;
  1942. h = Ue(d ? 1 == d.nodeType ? d : Ve(d) : null, h);
  1943. break a
  1944. }
  1945. h = !1
  1946. }
  1947. if (c = !h && !(!c && 2 == k && !We(e))) c = 1 == k || 2 == k ? e : e.parentNode,
  1948. c = !(c && !Pe(c) && 0 >= c.offsetWidth);h = !c
  1949. }
  1950. if (h) return !1;
  1951. b = bb(b, zc, 3);
  1952. h = {};
  1953. b && ( = A(b, 1), h.aa = A(b, 2), = !!A(b, 3));
  1954. b = a.a;
  1955. c = a.f;
  1956. a = a.i;
  1957. f = b.document;
  1958. d = xb(new wb(f), "DIV");
  1959. g =;
  1960. g.textAlign = "center";
  1961. g.width = "100%";
  1962. g.height = "auto";
  1963. g.clear = ? "both" : "none";
  1964. h.Ha && Qe(g, h.Ha);
  1965. f = xb(new wb(f), "INS");
  1966. g =;
  1967. g.display = "block";
  1968. g.margin = "auto";
  1969. g.backgroundColor = "transparent";
  1970. && (g.marginTop =;
  1971. h.aa && (g.marginBottom = h.aa);
  1972. h.ya && Qe(g, h.ya);
  1973. d.appendChild(f);
  1974. h = d;
  1975. d = f;
  1976. d.setAttribute("data-ad-format", "auto");
  1977. f = [];
  1978. if (g = c && h.className = g.join(" ");
  1979. g = d;
  1980. g.className = "adsbygoogle";
  1981. g.setAttribute("data-ad-client", a);
  1982. f.length && g.setAttribute("data-ad-channel", f.join("+"));
  1983. a: {
  1984. try {
  1985. a = h;
  1986. switch (k) {
  1987. case 0:
  1988. e.parentNode && e.parentNode.insertBefore(a, e);
  1989. break;
  1990. case 3:
  1991. var l = e.parentNode;
  1992. if (l) {
  1993. var p = e.nextSibling;
  1994. if (p && p.parentNode != l)
  1995. for (; p && 8 == p.nodeType;) p = p.nextSibling;
  1996. l.insertBefore(a, p)
  1997. }
  1998. break;
  1999. case 1:
  2000. e.insertBefore(a, e.firstChild);
  2001. break;
  2002. case 2:
  2003. e.appendChild(a)
  2004. }
  2005. Pe(e) && (e.setAttribute("data-init-display",, = "block");
  2006. b: {
  2007. l = d;l.setAttribute("data-adsbygoogle-status", "reserved");l.className += " adsbygoogle-noablate";p = {
  2008. element: l
  2009. };
  2010. var t = c && c.ka;
  2011. if (l.hasAttribute("data-pub-vars")) {
  2012. try {
  2013. t = JSON.parse(l.getAttribute("data-pub-vars"))
  2014. } catch (z) {
  2015. break b
  2016. }
  2017. l.removeAttribute("data-pub-vars")
  2018. }
  2019. t && (p.params = t);
  2020. (b.adsbygoogle = b.adsbygoogle || []).push(p)
  2021. }
  2022. } catch (z) {
  2023. (t = h) && t.parentNode && (l = t.parentNode, l.removeChild(t), Pe(l) && ( = l.getAttribute("data-init-display") || "none"));
  2024. t = !1;
  2025. break a
  2026. }
  2027. t = !0
  2028. }
  2029. return t ? !0 : !1
  2030. };
  2032. function $e() {
  2033. this.b = new af(this);
  2034. this.a = 0
  2035. }
  2037. function bf(a) {
  2038. if (0 != a.a) throw Error("Already resolved/rejected.");
  2039. }
  2041. function af(a) {
  2042. this.a = a
  2043. }
  2045. function cf(a) {
  2046. switch (a.a.a) {
  2047. case 0:
  2048. break;
  2049. case 1:
  2050. a.b && a.b(a.a.h);
  2051. break;
  2052. case 2:
  2053. a.f && a.f(a.a.f);
  2054. break;
  2055. default:
  2056. throw Error("Unhandled deferred state.");
  2057. }
  2058. };
  2060. function df(a) {
  2061. this.exception = a
  2062. }
  2064. function ef(a, b) {
  2065. this.b = q;
  2066. this.f = a;
  2067. this.a = b
  2068. }
  2069. ef.prototype.start = function() {
  2070. this.h()
  2071. };
  2072. ef.prototype.h = function() {
  2073. try {
  2074. switch (this.b.document.readyState) {
  2075. case "complete":
  2076. case "interactive":
  2077. Ye(this.f, !0);
  2078. ff(this);
  2079. break;
  2080. default:
  2081. Ye(this.f, !1) ? ff(this) : this.b.setTimeout(xa(this.h, this), 100)
  2082. }
  2083. } catch (a) {
  2084. ff(this, a)
  2085. }
  2086. };
  2088. function ff(a, b) {
  2089. try {
  2090. var c = a.a,
  2091. d = new df(b);
  2092. bf(c);
  2093. c.a = 1;
  2094. c.h = d;
  2095. cf(c.b)
  2096. } catch (e) {
  2097. a = a.a, b = e, bf(a), a.a = 2, a.f = b, cf(a.b)
  2098. }
  2099. };
  2101. function gf(a) {
  2102. Fd(a, {
  2103. atf: 1
  2104. })
  2105. }
  2107. function hf(a, b) {
  2108. (a.google_ama_state = a.google_ama_state || {}).exception = b;
  2109. Fd(a, {
  2110. atf: 0
  2111. })
  2112. };
  2114. function jf() {
  2115. this.debugCard = null;
  2116. this.debugCardRequested = !1
  2117. };
  2119. function kf(a, b) {
  2120. if (!a) return !1;
  2121. a = a.hash;
  2122. if (!a || !a.indexOf) return !1;
  2123. if (-1 != a.indexOf(b)) return !0;
  2124. b = lf(b);
  2125. return "go" != b && -1 != a.indexOf(b) ? !0 : !1
  2126. }
  2128. function lf(a) {
  2129. var b = "";
  2130. jc(a.split("_"), function(a) {
  2131. b += a.substr(0, 2)
  2132. });
  2133. return b
  2134. };
  2136. function mf(a) {
  2137. if (!a) return "";
  2138. (a = a.toLowerCase()) && "ca-" != a.substring(0, 3) && (a = "ca-" + a);
  2139. return a
  2140. };
  2142. function nf(a, b) {
  2143. function c(a) {
  2144. try {
  2145. var b = new eb(a);
  2146. return Da(cb(b, gb, 2), function(a) {
  2147. return 1 == A(a, 1)
  2148. })
  2149. } catch (f) {
  2150. return null
  2151. }
  2152. }
  2153. b = void 0 === b ? "" : b;
  2154. a = sc(a) || a;
  2155. a = of (a);
  2156. return b ? (b = mf(String(b)), a[b] ? c(a[b]) : null) : Da(Ca(Sa(a), c), function(a) {
  2157. return null != a
  2158. })
  2159. }
  2161. function pf(a, b, c) {
  2162. function d(a) {
  2163. if (!a) return !1;
  2164. a = new eb(a);
  2165. var c;
  2166. if (c = Za(a, 3)) a = Za(a, 3), c = 0 <= Aa(a, b);
  2167. return c
  2168. }
  2169. c = void 0 === c ? "" : c;
  2170. a = sc(a) || a;
  2171. if (qf(a, b)) return !0;
  2172. a = of (a);
  2173. return c ? (c = mf(String(c)), d(a[c])) : Ra(a, d)
  2174. }
  2176. function qf(a, b) {
  2177. a = (a = (a = a.location && a.location.hash) && a.match(/forced_clientside_labs=([\d,]+)/)) && a[1];
  2178. return !!a && 0 <= Aa(a.split(","), b.toString())
  2179. }
  2181. function of (a) {
  2182. try {
  2183. return Ub({}, JSON.parse(a.localStorage.getItem("google_adsense_settings")))
  2184. } catch (b) {
  2185. return {}
  2186. }
  2187. };
  2189. function rf(a) {
  2190. if (q.google_apltlad || rc(q) != q) return !1;
  2191. if (kf(q.location, "google_ads_preview")) return !0;
  2192. if (!pf(q, 12, a.google_ad_client) || "google_ad_host" in a) return !1;
  2193. q.google_apltlad = !0;
  2194. return F(q, Od.g)
  2195. };
  2196. var sf = {
  2197. 9: "400",
  2198. 10: "100",
  2199. 13: "0.001",
  2200. 19: "0.01",
  2201. 22: "0.01",
  2202. 24: "0.05",
  2203. 28: "0.001",
  2204. 29: "0.01",
  2205. 34: "0.001",
  2206. 40: "0.15",
  2207. 60: "0.03",
  2208. 66: "0.1",
  2209. 76: "0.004",
  2210. 77: "true",
  2211. 78: "0.1",
  2212. 79: "1200",
  2213. 82: "3",
  2214. 83: "1.0",
  2215. 96: "700",
  2216. 97: "10",
  2217. 98: "0.01",
  2218. 99: "600",
  2219. 100: "100",
  2220. 103: "0.01",
  2221. 111: "0.1",
  2222. 117: "0.02",
  2223. 118: "false",
  2224. 120: "0",
  2225. 121: "1000",
  2226. 126: "0.001",
  2227. 128: "false",
  2228. 129: "0.02",
  2229. 135: "0.01",
  2230. 136: "0.02",
  2231. 137: "0.01",
  2232. 142: "1",
  2233. 143: "0.1",
  2234. 146: "0.10",
  2235. 148: "1",
  2236. 149: "0",
  2237. 150: "1000",
  2238. 152: "700",
  2239. 153: "100",
  2240. 154: "0.001",
  2241. 155: "0.06",
  2242. 157: "1",
  2243. 158: "20",
  2244. 159: "0.001",
  2245. 160: "200",
  2246. 161: "40",
  2247. 162: "0.1",
  2248. 165: "0.002",
  2249. 166: "100",
  2250. 167: "2",
  2251. 169: "500",
  2252. 170: "3",
  2253. 171: "0.001"
  2254. };
  2255. var tf = null;
  2257. function uf() {
  2258. this.a = sf
  2259. }
  2261. function M(a, b) {
  2262. a = parseFloat(a.a[b]);
  2263. return isNaN(a) ? 0 : a
  2264. }
  2266. function vf() {
  2267. tf || (tf = new uf);
  2268. return tf
  2269. };
  2271. function wf(a, b, c) {
  2272. var d = "script";
  2273. d = void 0 === d ? "" : d;
  2274. var e = a.createElement("link");
  2275. try {
  2276. e.rel = "preload";
  2277. if (v("preload", "stylesheet")) var f = qb(b);
  2278. else {
  2279. if (b instanceof ob) var g = qb(b);
  2280. else {
  2281. if (b instanceof rb)
  2282. if (b instanceof rb && b.constructor === rb && b.wa === sb) var h = b.U;
  2283. else sa(b), h = "type_error:SafeUrl";
  2284. else {
  2285. if (b instanceof rb) var k = b;
  2286. else b = "object" == typeof b && b.f ? b.a() : String(b), tb.test(b) || (b = "about:invalid#zClosurez"), k = ub(b);
  2287. h = k.a()
  2288. }
  2289. g = h
  2290. }
  2291. f = g
  2292. }
  2293. e.href = f
  2294. } catch (n) {
  2295. return
  2296. }
  2297. d && ( = d);
  2298. c && (e.nonce = c);
  2299. if (a = a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]) try {
  2300. a.appendChild(e)
  2301. } catch (n) {}
  2302. };
  2304. function xf(a) {
  2305. var b = {},
  2306. c = {};
  2307. a = (c.enable_page_level_ads = (b.pltais = !0, b), c.google_ad_client = a, c);
  2308. a.enable_page_level_ads.google_ad_channel = "AutoInsertAutoAdCode";
  2309. return a
  2310. };
  2312. function td(a) {
  2313. try {
  2314. var b = E(q).eids || [];
  2315. null != b && 0 < b.length && (a.eid = b.join(","))
  2316. } catch (c) {}
  2317. }
  2319. function sd(a) {
  2320. a.shv = bc()
  2321. }
  2322. od.h = !cc;
  2324. function yf(a, b) {
  2325. return Ae(b, a) + L(b, a, "height", D)
  2326. };
  2327. var zf = {
  2328. 0: [
  2329. [null, [
  2330. [21062754],
  2331. [21062755]
  2332. ]]
  2333. ],
  2334. 5: [
  2335. [1, [
  2336. [21062810],
  2337. [21062811]
  2338. ]]
  2339. ]
  2340. };
  2342. function Af(a) {
  2343. y(this, a, Bf, null)
  2344. }
  2345. u(Af, x);
  2347. function Cf(a) {
  2348. y(this, a, Df, null)
  2349. }
  2350. u(Cf, x);
  2352. function Ef(a) {
  2353. y(this, a, Ff, Gf)
  2354. }
  2355. u(Ef, x);
  2357. function Hf(a) {
  2358. y(this, a, If, Jf)
  2359. }
  2360. u(Hf, x);
  2361. var Bf = [2],
  2362. Df = [2];
  2363. Cf.prototype.I = function() {
  2364. return $a(this, 1, 0)
  2365. };
  2366. var Ff = [5],
  2367. Gf = [
  2368. [1, 2, 3, 6]
  2369. ],
  2370. If = [2, 8],
  2371. Jf = [
  2372. [3, 4, 5],
  2373. [6, 7]
  2374. ];
  2376. function Kf(a, b) {
  2377. switch (b) {
  2378. case 1:
  2379. return $a(a, 1, 0);
  2380. case 2:
  2381. return $a(a, 2, 0);
  2382. case 3:
  2383. return $a(a, 3, 0);
  2384. case 6:
  2385. return $a(a, 6, 0);
  2386. default:
  2387. return null
  2388. }
  2389. }
  2391. function Lf() {
  2392. var a = {};
  2393. this.a = (a[1] = {}, a[2] = {}, a[3] = {}, a[6] = {}, a)
  2394. }
  2395. ra(Lf);
  2397. function Mf(a) {
  2398. var b = Lf.fa().a;
  2399. Ba(a, function(a) {
  2400. var c = Ya(a, Gf[0]),
  2401. e = Kf(a, c);
  2402. e && (b[c][e] = db(a))
  2403. })
  2404. };
  2406. function Nf(a, b) {
  2407. var c = this,
  2408. d = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
  2409. b = void 0 === d.Ca ? !1 : d.Ca;
  2410. var e = void 0 === d.Ga ? {} : d.Ga;
  2411. d = void 0 === d.Oa ? [] : d.Oa;
  2412. this.h = a;
  2413. this.i = b;
  2414. this.a = e;
  2415. this.f = d;
  2416. this.b = {};
  2417. if (a = Zc()) a = a.split(",") || [], Ba(a, function(a) {
  2418. (a = parseInt(a, 10)) && (c.b[a] = !0)
  2419. })
  2420. }
  2422. function Of(a) {
  2423. var b = a.h[5];
  2424. b && (delete a.h[5], Ba(b, function(b) {
  2425. b = new Af(b);
  2426. !bb(b, Hf, 3) && (b = Pf(a, b)) && (a.f.push(b.I()), (b = cb(b, Ef, 2)) && Mf(b))
  2427. }))
  2428. }
  2430. function Pf(a, b) {
  2431. var c = cb(b, Cf, 2),
  2432. d = c.length;
  2433. if (!d) return null;
  2434. var e = $a(b, 4, 0);
  2435. b = d * $a(b, 1, 0);
  2436. if (!e) return Qf(a, c, b / 1E3);
  2437. d = null != a.a[e] ? a.a[e] : 1E3;
  2438. if (0 >= d) return null;
  2439. c = Qf(a, c, b / d);
  2440. a.a[e] = c ? 0 : d - b;
  2441. return c
  2442. }
  2444. function Qf(a, b, c) {
  2445. var d = a.b,
  2446. e = Da(b, function(a) {
  2447. return !!d[a.I()]
  2448. });
  2449. return e ? e : a.i ? null : Hb(b, c, !1)
  2450. };
  2452. function Rf() {
  2453., zf && Ta(zf) || {})
  2454. }
  2455. ha(Rf, Nf);
  2456. ra(Rf);
  2457. var Sf = new Wc(100, 199, ""),
  2458. Tf = new Wc(200, 399, ""),
  2459. Uf = new Wc(400, 499, ""),
  2460. Vf = new Wc(500, 599, ""),
  2461. Wf = new Wc(600, 699, ""),
  2462. Xf = new Wc(700, 799, ""),
  2463. Yf = new Wc(1, 399, "3");
  2465. function O(a, b) {
  2466. b && a.push(b)
  2467. }
  2469. function Zf(a, b) {
  2470. for (var c = [], d = 1; d < arguments.length; ++d) c[d - 1] = arguments[d];
  2471. d = sc(a) || a;
  2472. d = (d = (d = d.location && d.location.hash) && (d.match(/google_plle=([\d,]+)/) || d.match(/deid=([\d,]+)/))) && d[1];
  2473. var e;
  2474. if (e = !!d) a: {
  2475. d = ya(v, d);e = c.length;
  2476. for (var f = r(c) ? c.split("") : c, g = 0; g < e; g++)
  2477. if (g in f && 0, f[g], g, c)) {
  2478. e = !0;
  2479. break a
  2480. } e = !1
  2481. }
  2482. return e
  2483. }
  2485. function P(a, b, c) {
  2486. for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
  2487. if (Zf(a, c[d])) return c[d];
  2488. return Hb(c, b)
  2489. }
  2491. function $f(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  2492. f = void 0 === f ? 1 : f;
  2493. for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++)
  2494. if (Zf(a, e[g])) return e[g];
  2495. f = void 0 === f ? 1 : f;
  2496. 0 >= d ? c = null : (g = new Vc(c, c + d - 1), (d = d % f || d / f % e.length) || (d = b.b, d = !(d.start <= g.start && d.a >= g.a)), d ? c = null : (a = Xc(a, b.a), c = null !== a && g.start <= a && g.a >= a ? e[Math.floor((a - c) / f) % e.length] : null));
  2497. return c
  2498. };
  2500. function ag(a, b, c) {
  2501. if (C(a.document.getElementById(b).contentWindow)) a = a.document.getElementById(b).contentWindow, b = a.document, b.body && b.body.firstChild || (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ?"text/html", "replace") :, a.google_async_iframe_close = !0, b.write(c));
  2502. else {
  2503. a = a.document.getElementById(b).contentWindow;
  2504. c = String(c);
  2505. b = ['"'];
  2506. for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
  2507. var e = c.charAt(d),
  2508. f = e.charCodeAt(0),
  2509. g = d + 1,
  2510. h;
  2511. if (!(h = Ma[e])) {
  2512. if (!(31 < f && 127 > f))
  2513. if (f = e, f in Na) e = Na[f];
  2514. else if (f in Ma) e = Na[f] = Ma[f];
  2515. else {
  2516. h = f.charCodeAt(0);
  2517. if (31 < h && 127 > h) e = f;
  2518. else {
  2519. if (256 > h) {
  2520. if (e = "\\x", 16 > h || 256 < h) e += "0"
  2521. } else e = "\\u", 4096 > h && (e += "0");
  2522. e += h.toString(16).toUpperCase()
  2523. }
  2524. e = Na[f] = e
  2525. }
  2526. h = e
  2527. }
  2528. b[g] = h
  2529. }
  2530. b.push('"');
  2531. a.location.replace("javascript:" + b.join(""))
  2532. }
  2533. };
  2534. var bg = null;
  2536. function Q(a, b, c, d) {
  2537. d = void 0 === d ? !1 : d;
  2538., a, b);
  2539. this.K = c;
  2540. this.Ea = d
  2541. }
  2542. ha(Q, K);
  2543. Q.prototype.V = function() {
  2544. return this.K
  2545. };
  2546. Q.prototype.L = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2547. var e = this;
  2548. if (!c.google_ad_resize) {
  2549. = this.height() + "px";
  2550. var f = F(a, he.c) || F(a, he.g) || F(a, I.c) || F(a, Ud.c),
  2551. g = F(a, he.s);
  2552. b = F(a, he.o) || g || F(a, I.g) || F(a, Ud.D);
  2553. if (f || b) c.ovlp = !0;
  2554. var h = function() {
  2555. var b = g ? Me(a, d.parentElement) : Oe(d);
  2556. if (b) return b < e.height()
  2557. };
  2558. f = f && h();
  2559. b = b && h();
  2560. f ? (c.rpe = !1, c.rpeua = !1) : b && (c.rpe = !0, c.rpeua = g);
  2561. if (F(a, Qd.c) || F(a, Qd.C) || F(a, Qd.B) || F(a, Qd.G)) c.ovlp = !0
  2562. }
  2563. };
  2565. function cg(a) {
  2566. return function(b) {
  2567. return !!(b.K & a)
  2568. }
  2569. };
  2571. function R(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, n, l, p, t) {
  2572. = a;
  2573. this.a = b;
  2574. this.K = void 0 === c ? null : c;
  2575. = void 0 === d ? null : d;
  2576. this.b = void 0 === e ? null : e;
  2577. this.f = void 0 === f ? null : f;
  2578. this.H = void 0 === g ? !1 : g;
  2579. this.J = void 0 === h ? !1 : h;
  2580. this.ja = void 0 === k ? null : k;
  2581. this.oa = void 0 === n ? null : n;
  2582. this.h = void 0 === l ? null : l;
  2583. this.i = void 0 === p ? null : p;
  2584. this.ra = void 0 === t ? null : t;
  2585. this.ta = this.ia = this.ha = null
  2586. }
  2588. function dg(a, b, c) {
  2589. null != a.K && (c.google_responsive_formats = a.K);
  2590. null != && (c.google_safe_for_responsive_override =;
  2591. null != a.b && (!0 === a.b ? c.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !0 : (c.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !1, c.gfwrnwer = a.b));
  2592. null != a.f && !0 !== a.f && (c.gfwrnher = a.f);
  2593. a.H && (c.google_bfa = a.H);
  2594. a.J && (c.ebfa = a.J);
  2595. var d = a.a.F(b),
  2596. e = a.a.height();
  2597. c.google_ad_resize || (c.google_ad_width = d, c.google_ad_height = e, c.google_ad_format = a.a.P(b), c.google_responsive_auto_format =, c.google_ad_resizable = !0, c.google_override_format = 1, c.google_loader_features_used = 128, !0 === a.b && (c.gfwrnh = a.a.height() + "px"));
  2598. null != a.ja && (c.gfwroml = a.ja);
  2599. null != a.oa && (c.gfwromr = a.oa);
  2600. null != a.h && (c.gfwroh = a.h, c.google_resizing_height = a.h);
  2601. null != a.i && (c.gfwrow = a.i, c.google_resizing_width = a.i);
  2602. null != a.ra && (c.gfwroz = a.ra);
  2603. null != a.ha && (c.gml = a.ha);
  2604. null != a.ia && (c.gmr = a.ia);
  2605. null != a.ta && (c.gzi = a.ta);
  2606. b = pc();
  2607. b = sc(b) || b;
  2608. if (kf(b.location, "google_responsive_slot_debug") || Zf(b, I.c, I.g)) c.ds = "outline:thick dashed " + (d && e ? !0 !== a.b || !0 !== a.f ? "#ffa500" : "#0f0" : "#f00") + " !important;"
  2609. };
  2610. var eg = Zb("468", 0);
  2611. var fg = ["google_content_recommendation_ui_type", "google_content_recommendation_columns_num", "google_content_recommendation_rows_num"],
  2612. gg = {},
  2613. hg = (gg.image_stacked = 1 / 1.91, gg.image_sidebyside = 1 / 3.82, gg.mobile_banner_image_sidebyside = 1 / 3.82, gg.pub_control_image_stacked = 1 / 1.91, gg.pub_control_image_sidebyside = 1 / 3.82, gg.pub_control_image_card_stacked = 1 / 1.91, gg.pub_control_image_card_sidebyside = 1 / 3.74, gg.pub_control_text = 0, gg.pub_control_text_card = 0, gg),
  2614. ig = {},
  2615. jg = (ig.image_stacked = 80, ig.image_sidebyside = 0, ig.mobile_banner_image_sidebyside = 0, ig.pub_control_image_stacked = 80, ig.pub_control_image_sidebyside = 0, ig.pub_control_image_card_stacked = 85, ig.pub_control_image_card_sidebyside = 0, ig.pub_control_text = 80, ig.pub_control_text_card = 80, ig),
  2616. kg = {},
  2617. lg = (kg.pub_control_image_stacked = 100, kg.pub_control_image_sidebyside = 200, kg.pub_control_image_card_stacked = 150, kg.pub_control_image_card_sidebyside = 250, kg.pub_control_text = 100, kg.pub_control_text_card = 150, kg);
  2619. function mg(a, b) {
  2620., a, b)
  2621. }
  2622. ha(mg, K);
  2623. mg.prototype.F = function(a) {
  2624. return Math.min(1200, Math.max(this.minWidth(), Math.round(a)))
  2625. };
  2627. function ng(a) {
  2628. if ("pedestal" == a.google_content_recommendation_ui_type) return !1;
  2629. var b = 0;
  2630. jc(fg, function(c) {
  2631. null != a[c] && ++b
  2632. });
  2633. if (0 === b) return !1;
  2634. if (b === fg.length) return !0;
  2635. throw new H("Tags data-matched-content-ui-type, data-matched-content-columns-num and data-matched-content-rows-num should be set together.");
  2636. }
  2638. function og(a, b) {
  2639. pg(a, b);
  2640. if ("pedestal" == b.google_content_recommendation_ui_type) return new R(9, new mg(a, Math.floor(4.378 * a)));
  2641. if (a < eg) {
  2642. if (Ab()) {
  2643. qg(b, "mobile_banner_image_sidebyside", 1, 12);
  2644. var c = +b.google_content_recommendation_columns_num;
  2645. c = (a - 8 * c - 8) / c;
  2646. var d = b.google_content_recommendation_ui_type;
  2647. b = b.google_content_recommendation_rows_num - 1;
  2648. return new R(9, new mg(a, Math.floor(c / 1.91 + 70) + Math.floor((c * hg[d] + jg[d]) * b + 8 * b + 8)))
  2649. }
  2650. qg(b, "image_sidebyside", 1, 13);
  2651. return new R(9, rg(a))
  2652. }
  2653. qg(b, "image_stacked", 4, 2);
  2654. return new R(9, rg(a))
  2655. }
  2657. function rg(a) {
  2658. return 1200 <= a ? new mg(1200, 600) : 850 <= a ? new mg(a, Math.floor(.5 * a)) : 550 <= a ? new mg(a, Math.floor(.6 * a)) : 468 <= a ? new mg(a, Math.floor(.7 * a)) : new mg(a, Math.floor(3.44 * a))
  2659. }
  2661. function sg(a, b) {
  2662. pg(a, b);
  2663. var c = b.google_content_recommendation_ui_type.split(","),
  2664. d = b.google_content_recommendation_columns_num.split(","),
  2665. e = b.google_content_recommendation_rows_num.split(",");
  2666. a: {
  2667. if (c.length == d.length && d.length == e.length) {
  2668. if (1 == c.length) {
  2669. var f = 0;
  2670. break a
  2671. }
  2672. if (2 == c.length) {
  2673. f = a < eg ? 0 : 1;
  2674. break a
  2675. }
  2676. throw new H("The parameter length of attribute data-matched-content-ui-type, data-matched-content-columns-num and data-matched-content-rows-num is too long. At most 2 parameters for each attribute are needed: one for mobile and one for desktop, while " + ("you are providing " + c.length + ' parameters. Example: \n data-matched-content-rows-num="4,2"\ndata-matched-content-columns-num="1,6"\ndata-matched-content-ui-type="image_stacked,image_card_sidebyside".'));
  2677. }
  2678. if (c.length != d.length) throw new H('The parameter length of data-matched-content-ui-type does not match data-matched-content-columns-num. Example: \n data-matched-content-rows-num="4,2"\ndata-matched-content-columns-num="1,6"\ndata-matched-content-ui-type="image_stacked,image_card_sidebyside".');
  2679. throw new H('The parameter length of data-matched-content-columns-num does not match data-matched-content-rows-num. Example: \n data-matched-content-rows-num="4,2"\ndata-matched-content-columns-num="1,6"\ndata-matched-content-ui-type="image_stacked,image_card_sidebyside".');
  2680. }
  2681. c = c[f];
  2682. c = 0 == c.lastIndexOf("pub_control_", 0) ? c : "pub_control_" + c;
  2683. d = +d[f];
  2684. for (var g = lg[c], h = d; a / h < g && 1 < h;) h--;
  2685. h !== d && q.console && q.console.warn("adsbygoogle warning: data-matched-content-columns-num " + d + " is too large. We override it to " + h + ".");
  2686. d = h;
  2687. e = +e[f];
  2688. qg(b, c, d, e);
  2689. if (Number.isNaN(d) || 0 === d) throw new H("Wrong value for data-matched-content-columns-num");
  2690. if (Number.isNaN(e) || 0 === e) throw new H("Wrong value for data-matched-content-rows-num");
  2691. b = Math.floor(((a - 8 * d - 8) / d * hg[c] + jg[c]) * e + 8 * e + 8);
  2692. if (1500 < a) throw new H("Calculated slot width is too large: " + a);
  2693. if (1500 < b) throw new H("Calculated slot height is too large: " + b);
  2694. return new R(9, new mg(a, b))
  2695. }
  2697. function pg(a, b) {
  2698. if (0 >= a) throw new H("Invalid responsive width from Matched Content slot " + b.google_ad_slot + ": " + a + ". Please ensure to put this Matched Content slot into a non-zero width div container.");
  2699. }
  2701. function qg(a, b, c, d) {
  2702. a.google_content_recommendation_ui_type = b;
  2703. a.google_content_recommendation_columns_num = c;
  2704. a.google_content_recommendation_rows_num = d
  2705. };
  2707. function tg(a, b) {
  2708., a, b)
  2709. }
  2710. ha(tg, K);
  2711. tg.prototype.F = function() {
  2712. return this.minWidth()
  2713. };
  2714. tg.prototype.L = function(a, b, c, d) {
  2715. var e = this,
  2716. f = this.F(b);
  2717. Ge(a, d, d.parentElement, b, f, c);
  2718. if (!c.google_ad_resize) {
  2719. = this.height() + "px";
  2720. var g = F(a, he.c) || F(a, he.g) || F(a, I.c) || F(a, Ud.c),
  2721. h = F(a, he.s);
  2722. b = F(a, he.o) || h || F(a, I.g) || F(a, Ud.D);
  2723. if (g || b) c.ovlp = !0;
  2724. f = function() {
  2725. var b = h ? Me(a, d.parentElement) : Oe(d);
  2726. if (b) return b < e.height()
  2727. };
  2728. g = g && f();
  2729. b = b && f();
  2730. g ? (c.rpe = !1, c.rpeua = !1) : b && (c.rpe = !0, c.rpeua = h)
  2731. }
  2732. };
  2734. function ug(a) {
  2735. return function(b) {
  2736. for (var c = a.length - 1; 0 <= c; --c)
  2737. if (!a[c](b)) return !1;
  2738. return !0
  2739. }
  2740. }
  2742. function vg(a, b, c) {
  2743. for (var d = a.length, e = null, f = 0; f < d; ++f) {
  2744. var g = a[f];
  2745. if (b(g)) {
  2746. if (!c || c(g)) return g;
  2747. null === e && (e = g)
  2748. }
  2749. }
  2750. return e
  2751. };
  2752. var S = [new Q(970, 90, 2), new Q(728, 90, 2), new Q(468, 60, 2), new Q(336, 280, 1), new Q(320, 100, 2), new Q(320, 50, 2), new Q(300, 600, 4), new Q(300, 250, 1), new Q(250, 250, 1), new Q(234, 60, 2), new Q(200, 200, 1), new Q(180, 150, 1), new Q(160, 600, 4), new Q(125, 125, 1), new Q(120, 600, 4), new Q(120, 240, 4), new Q(120, 120, 1, !0)],
  2753. wg = [S[6], S[12], S[3], S[0], S[7], S[14], S[1], S[8], S[10], S[4], S[15], S[2], S[11], S[5], S[13], S[9], S[16]];
  2754. var xg = {
  2755. 5378560161704604: !0,
  2756. "9932189667849434": !0,
  2757. 0x6abea55410402: !0,
  2758. 6196110725877329: !0,
  2759. 5186343770550892: !0,
  2760. 0xd0ac265d23fe7: !0,
  2761. 0xa145bc7b4f4b9: !0,
  2762. 6207070263630215: !0,
  2763. 8194376114167709: !0,
  2764. 7677430104552677: !0,
  2765. 7409460644561046: !0,
  2766. 8319194293021183: !0,
  2767. 4606740807385097: !0,
  2768. 0x6a24e3c1c9935: !0,
  2769. 7415312055569465: !0,
  2770. 0xfff9f44c6345d: !0,
  2771. 5812266126224098: !0,
  2772. 8715918894710040: !0,
  2773. 6751482248701881: !0,
  2774. 6771940464972938: !0,
  2775. 0x3d3c6c533953c: !0,
  2776. 0x63321a46e82ec: !0,
  2777. "9468071090686512": !0,
  2778. 5853386751525604: !0,
  2779. 6535472412829264: !0,
  2780. 0xcb2fc7403206b: !0,
  2781. 0x3d2dd2efab615: !0,
  2782. "9762329074683820": !0,
  2783. 0xde9c1cd96fc8b: !0,
  2784. 8276876859409269: !0,
  2785. 6377770909536887: !0,
  2786. 0x5f2c014a678e0: !0,
  2787. 0x86f8ff5ee31b1: !0,
  2788. 5035524433802133: !0,
  2789. 0xca35bd7a2c187: !0,
  2790. "9401881776605044": !0,
  2791. 8333245742172016: !0,
  2792. 0xe086d134770ff: !0,
  2793. 7735759473986562: !0
  2794. };
  2796. function yg(a, b, c, d, e) {
  2797. "false" != e.google_full_width_responsive || c.location && "#gfwrffwaifhp" == c.location.hash ? "auto" == b || 0 < (Ce(b) & 1) || "autorelaxed" == b && (e.google_full_width_responsive || F(c, je.g)) || zg(b) || e.google_ad_resize ? (b = Ee(a, c, d, e), c = !0 !== b ? {
  2798. j: a,
  2799. l: b
  2800. } : {
  2801. j: J(c) || a,
  2802. l: !0
  2803. }) : c = {
  2804. j: a,
  2805. l: 2
  2806. } : c = {
  2807. j: a,
  2808. l: 1
  2809. };
  2810. b = c.l;
  2811. return !0 !== b ? {
  2812. j: a,
  2813. l: b
  2814. } : d.parentElement ? {
  2815. j: c.j,
  2816. l: b
  2817. } : {
  2818. j: a,
  2819. l: b
  2820. }
  2821. }
  2823. function Ag(a, b, c, d, e) {
  2824. var f = ud(247, wd, function() {
  2825. return yg(a, b, c, d, e)
  2826. }),
  2827. g = f.j;
  2828. f = f.l;
  2829. var h = !0 === f,
  2830. k = D(,
  2831. n = D(,
  2832. l = Bg(g, b, c, d, e, h);
  2833. g = l.A;
  2834. h = l.w;
  2835. var p = l.u,
  2836. t = l.v,
  2837. z = l.V;
  2838. l = l.Fa;
  2839. var Ia = Cg(b, z),
  2840. N, Y = (N = L(d, c, "marginLeft", D)) ? N + "px" : "",
  2841. nb = (N = L(d, c, "marginRight", D)) ? N + "px" : "";
  2842. N = L(d, c, "zIndex") || "";
  2843. return new R(Ia, g, z, l, f, h, p, t, Y, nb, n, k, N)
  2844. }
  2846. function zg(a) {
  2847. return "auto" == a || /^((^|,) *(horizontal|vertical|rectangle) *)+$/.test(a)
  2848. }
  2850. function Bg(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
  2851. b = "auto" == b ? .25 >= a / Math.min(1200, J(c)) ? 4 : 3 : Ce(b);
  2852. var g = !1,
  2853. h = !1,
  2854. k = Dg(c, e.google_ad_client);
  2855. if (k && 488 > J(c) || !k && Ab()) {
  2856. var n = Be(d, c);
  2857. var l = Je(d, c);
  2858. g = !l && n;
  2859. h = l && n
  2860. }
  2861. l = (g || k ? wg : S).slice(0);
  2862. var p = 488 > J(c),
  2863. t = [He(a), Ie(p, c, d, h), cg(b)];
  2864. null != e.google_max_responsive_height && t.push(Le(e.google_max_responsive_height));
  2865. k || t.push(Eg(p));
  2866. p = [function(a) {
  2867. return !a.Ea
  2868. }];
  2869. if (g || h) g = g && !k ? Me(c, d) : Ne(c, d), p.push(Le(g));
  2870. var z = vg(l, ug(t), ug(p));
  2871. if (!z) throw new H("No slot size for availableWidth=" + a);
  2872. g = ud(248, wd, function() {
  2873. var b;
  2874. a: if (f) {
  2875. if (e.gfwrnh && (b = D(e.gfwrnh))) {
  2876. b = {
  2877. A: new tg(a, b),
  2878. w: !0,
  2879. u: !1,
  2880. v: !1
  2881. };
  2882. break a
  2883. }
  2884. if (Dg(c, e.google_ad_client) || "true" == e.google_full_width_responsive || !Je(d, c) || e.google_resizing_allowed) {
  2885. b = !1;
  2886. var g = qe(c).clientHeight,
  2887. h = Ae(d, c),
  2888. k = c.google_lpabyc;
  2889. var l = Ae(d, c);
  2890. var n = qe(c).clientHeight;
  2891. if ((l = 0 == n ? null : l / n) && 2 < l && !c.google_bfabyc && (!k || h - k > g) && (g = .9 * qe(c).clientHeight, h = Math.min(g, Fg(c, d, e)), g && h == g)) {
  2892. h = c.google_pbfabyc;
  2893. b = !h;
  2894. if (F(c, Rd.C) || F(c, Rd.B) || F(c, Rd.G)) {
  2895. c.google_bfabyc = Ae(d, c) + g;
  2896. b = {
  2897. A: new tg(a, Math.floor(g)),
  2898. w: !0,
  2899. u: !0,
  2900. v: !0
  2901. };
  2902. break a
  2903. }
  2904. h || (c.google_pbfabyc = Ae(d, c) + g)
  2905. }
  2906. g = a / 1.2;
  2907. h = Math.min(g, Fg(c, d, e));
  2908. if (h < .5 * g || 100 > h) h = g;
  2909. b = {
  2910. A: new tg(a, Math.floor(h)),
  2911. w: h < g ? 102 : !0,
  2912. u: !1,
  2913. v: b
  2914. }
  2915. } else b = {
  2916. A: new tg(a, z.height()),
  2917. w: 101,
  2918. u: !1,
  2919. v: !1
  2920. }
  2921. } else b = {
  2922. A: z,
  2923. w: 100,
  2924. u: !1,
  2925. v: !1
  2926. };
  2927. return b
  2928. });
  2929. return {
  2930. A: g.A,
  2931. w: g.w,
  2932. u: g.u,
  2933. v: g.v,
  2934. V: b,
  2935. Fa: n
  2936. }
  2937. }
  2939. function Fg(a, b, c) {
  2940. return c.google_resizing_allowed || "true" == c.google_full_width_responsive ? Infinity : Me(a, b)
  2941. }
  2943. function Cg(a, b) {
  2944. if ("auto" == a) return 1;
  2945. switch (b) {
  2946. case 2:
  2947. return 2;
  2948. case 1:
  2949. return 3;
  2950. case 4:
  2951. return 4;
  2952. case 3:
  2953. return 5;
  2954. case 6:
  2955. return 6;
  2956. case 5:
  2957. return 7;
  2958. case 7:
  2959. return 8
  2960. }
  2961. throw Error("bad mask");
  2962. }
  2964. function Eg(a) {
  2965. return function(b) {
  2966. return !(320 == b.minWidth() && (a && 50 == b.height() || !a && 100 == b.height()))
  2967. }
  2968. }
  2970. function Dg(a, b) {
  2971. return F(a, Ud.D) && 1 != xg[parseInt(b.match(/\d+$/), 10)]
  2972. };
  2973. var Gg = {
  2974. "image-top": function(a) {
  2975. return 600 >= a ? 284 + .414 * (a - 250) : 429
  2976. },
  2977. "image-middle": function(a) {
  2978. return 500 >= a ? 196 - .13 * (a - 250) : 164 + .2 * (a - 500)
  2979. },
  2980. "image-side": function(a) {
  2981. return 500 >= a ? 205 - .28 * (a - 250) : 134 + .21 * (a - 500)
  2982. },
  2983. "text-only": function(a) {
  2984. return 500 >= a ? 187 - .228 * (a - 250) : 130
  2985. },
  2986. "in-article": function(a) {
  2987. return 420 >= a ? a / 1.2 : 460 >= a ? a / 1.91 + 130 : 800 >= a ? a / 4 : 200
  2988. }
  2989. };
  2991. function Hg(a, b) {
  2992., a, b)
  2993. }
  2994. ha(Hg, K);
  2995. Hg.prototype.F = function() {
  2996. return Math.min(1200, this.minWidth())
  2997. };
  2999. function Ig(a, b, c, d, e) {
  3000. var f = e.google_ad_layout || "image-top";
  3001. if ("in-article" == f && "false" != e.google_full_width_responsive) {
  3002. var g = De(b, c, a, .2, e);
  3003. if (!0 !== g) e.gfwrnwer = g;
  3004. else if (g = J(b)) {
  3005. e.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !0;
  3006. var h = c.parentElement;
  3007. if (h) {
  3008. b: for (var k = c, n = 0; 100 > n && k.parentElement; ++n) {
  3009. for (var l = k.parentElement.childNodes, p = 0; p < l.length; ++p) {
  3010. var t = l[p];
  3011. if (t != k && Fe(b, t)) break b
  3012. }
  3013. k = k.parentElement;
  3014. = "100%";
  3015. = "auto"
  3016. }
  3017. Ge(b, c, h, a, g, e);a = g
  3018. }
  3019. }
  3020. }
  3021. if (250 > a) throw new H("Fluid responsive ads must be at least 250px wide: availableWidth=" + a);
  3022. b = Math.min(1200, Math.floor(a));
  3023. if (d && "in-article" != f) {
  3024. f = Math.ceil(d);
  3025. if (50 > f) throw new H("Fluid responsive ads must be at least 50px tall: height=" + f);
  3026. return new R(11, new K(b, f))
  3027. }
  3028. if ("in-article" != f && (d = e.google_ad_layout_key)) {
  3029. f = "" + d;
  3030. d = Math.pow(10, 3);
  3031. if (c = (e = f.match(/([+-][0-9a-z]+)/g)) && e.length) {
  3032. a = [];
  3033. for (g = 0; g < c; g++) a.push(parseInt(e[g], 36) / d);
  3034. d = a
  3035. } else d = null;
  3036. if (!d) throw new H("Invalid data-ad-layout-key value: " + f);
  3037. f = (b + -725) / 1E3;
  3038. e = 0;
  3039. c = 1;
  3040. a = d.length;
  3041. for (g = 0; g < a; g++) e += d[g] * c, c *= f;
  3042. f = Math.ceil(1E3 * e - -725 + 10);
  3043. if (isNaN(f)) throw new H("Invalid height: height=" + f);
  3044. if (50 > f) throw new H("Fluid responsive ads must be at least 50px tall: height=" + f);
  3045. if (1200 < f) throw new H("Fluid responsive ads must be at most 1200px tall: height=" + f);
  3046. return new R(11, new K(b, f))
  3047. }
  3048. d = Gg[f];
  3049. if (!d) throw new H("Invalid data-ad-layout value: " + f);
  3050. d = Math.ceil(d(b));
  3051. return new R(11, "in-article" == f ? new Hg(b, d) : new K(b, d))
  3052. };
  3054. function T(a, b) {
  3055., a, b)
  3056. }
  3057. ha(T, K);
  3058. T.prototype.F = function() {
  3059. return this.minWidth()
  3060. };
  3061. T.prototype.P = function(a) {
  3062. return, a) + "_0ads_al"
  3063. };
  3064. var Jg = [new T(728, 15), new T(468, 15), new T(200, 90), new T(180, 90), new T(160, 90), new T(120, 90)];
  3066. function Kg(a, b, c) {
  3067. var d = 250,
  3068. e = 90;
  3069. d = void 0 === d ? 130 : d;
  3070. e = void 0 === e ? 30 : e;
  3071. var f = vg(Jg, He(a));
  3072. if (!f) throw new H("No link unit size for width=" + a + "px");
  3073. a = Math.min(a, 1200);
  3074. f = f.height();
  3075. b = Math.max(f, b);
  3076. d = (new R(10, new T(a, Math.min(b, 15 == f ? e : d)))).a;
  3077. b = d.minWidth();
  3078. d = d.height();
  3079. 15 <= c && (d = c);
  3080. return new R(10, new T(b, d))
  3081. }
  3083. function Lg(a, b, c, d) {
  3084. if ("false" == d.google_full_width_responsive) return d.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !1, d.gfwrnwer = 1, a;
  3085. var e = Ee(a, b, c, d);
  3086. if (!0 !== e) return d.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !1, d.gfwrnwer = e, a;
  3087. e = J(b);
  3088. if (!e) return a;
  3089. d.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !0;
  3090. Ge(b, c, c.parentElement, a, e, d);
  3091. return e
  3092. };
  3094. function Mg(a, b, c, d, e) {
  3095. var f;
  3096. (f = J(b)) ? 488 > J(b) ? b.innerHeight >= b.innerWidth ? (e.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !0, Ge(b, c, c.parentElement, a, f, e), f = {
  3097. j: f,
  3098. l: !0
  3099. }) : f = {
  3100. j: a,
  3101. l: 5
  3102. } : f = {
  3103. j: a,
  3104. l: 4
  3105. }: f = {
  3106. j: a,
  3107. l: 10
  3108. };
  3109. var g = f;
  3110. f = g.j;
  3111. g = g.l;
  3112. if (!0 !== g || a == f) return new R(12, new K(a, d), null, !0, g, 100);
  3113. a = Bg(f, "auto", b, c, e, !0);
  3114. return new R(12, a.A, a.V, !0, g, a.w, a.u, a.v)
  3115. };
  3117. function Ng(a) {
  3118. var b = a.google_ad_format;
  3119. if ("autorelaxed" == b) return ng(a) ? 9 : 5;
  3120. if (zg(b)) return 1;
  3121. if ("link" == b) return 4;
  3122. if ("fluid" == b) return 8
  3123. }
  3125. function Og(a, b, c, d, e) {
  3126. e = b.offsetWidth || (c.google_ad_resize || (void 0 === e ? !1 : e)) && L(b, d, "width", D) || c.google_ad_width || 0;
  3127. F(d, Wd.g) && 4 === a && (c.google_ad_format = "auto", c.google_ad_slot = "", a = 1);
  3128. var f = (f = Pg(a, e, b, c, d)) ? f : Ag(e, c.google_ad_format, d, b, c);
  3129. f.a.L(d, e, c, b);
  3130. dg(f, e, c);
  3131. 1 != a && (a = f.a.height(), = a + "px")
  3132. }
  3134. function Pg(a, b, c, d, e) {
  3135. var f = d.google_ad_height || L(c, e, "height", D);
  3136. switch (a) {
  3137. case 5:
  3138. return a = ud(247, wd, function() {
  3139. return yg(b, d.google_ad_format, e, c, d)
  3140. }), f = a.j, a = a.l, !0 === a && b != f && Ge(e, c, c.parentElement, b, f, d), !0 === a ? d.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !0 : (d.google_full_width_responsive_allowed = !1, d.gfwrnwer = a), og(f, d);
  3141. case 9:
  3142. return sg(b, d);
  3143. case 4:
  3144. return a = Lg(b, e, c, d), Kg(a, Ne(e, c), f);
  3145. case 8:
  3146. return Ig(b, e, c, f, d);
  3147. case 10:
  3148. return Mg(b, e, c, f, d)
  3149. }
  3150. };
  3152. function U(a) {
  3153. this.h = [];
  3154. this.b = a || window;
  3155. this.a = 0;
  3156. this.f = null;
  3157. this.i = 0
  3158. }
  3159. var Qg;
  3160. m = U.prototype;
  3161. m.Ba = function(a, b) {
  3162. 0 != this.a || 0 != this.h.length || b && b != window ? this.da(a, b) : (this.a = 2, Rg(a, window)))
  3163. };
  3164. m.da = function(a, b) {
  3165. this.h.push(new Rg(a, b || this.b));
  3166. Sg(this)
  3167. };
  3168. m.Ja = function(a) {
  3169. this.a = 1;
  3170. if (a) {
  3171. var b = vd(188, xa(, this, !0));
  3172. this.f = this.b.setTimeout(b, a)
  3173. }
  3174. };
  3175. = function(a) {
  3176. a && ++this.i;
  3177. 1 == this.a && (null != this.f && (this.b.clearTimeout(this.f), this.f = null), this.a = 0);
  3178. Sg(this)
  3179. };
  3180. m.Pa = function() {
  3181. return !(!window || !Array)
  3182. };
  3183. m.Da = function() {
  3184. return this.i
  3185. };
  3187. function Sg(a) {
  3188. var b = vd(189, xa(a.Ra, a));
  3189. a.b.setTimeout(b, 0)
  3190. }
  3191. m.Ra = function() {
  3192. if (0 == this.a && this.h.length) {
  3193. var a = this.h.shift();
  3194. this.a = 2;
  3195. var b = vd(190, xa(, this, a));
  3196. a.a.setTimeout(b, 0);
  3197. Sg(this)
  3198. }
  3199. };
  3200. = function(a) {
  3201. this.a = 0;
  3202. a.b()
  3203. };
  3205. function Tg(a) {
  3206. try {
  3207. return
  3208. } catch (b) {
  3209. return !1
  3210. }
  3211. }
  3213. function Ug(a) {
  3214. return !!a && ("object" === typeof a || "function" === typeof a) && Tg(a) && kc(a.nq) && kc(a.nqa) && kc( && kc(a.rl)
  3215. }
  3217. function Vg() {
  3218. if (Qg && Tg(Qg)) return Qg;
  3219. var a = Nd(),
  3220. b = a.google_jobrunner;
  3221. return Ug(b) ? Qg = b : a.google_jobrunner = Qg = new U(a)
  3222. }
  3224. function Wg(a, b) {
  3225. Vg().nq(a, b)
  3226. }
  3228. function Xg(a, b) {
  3229. Vg().nqa(a, b)
  3230. }
  3231. U.prototype.nq = U.prototype.Ba;
  3232. U.prototype.nqa = U.prototype.da;
  3233. = U.prototype.Ja;
  3234. U.prototype.rl =;
  3235. = U.prototype.Pa;
  3236. = U.prototype.Da;
  3238. function Rg(a, b) {
  3239. this.b = a;
  3240. this.a = b
  3241. };
  3243. function Yg(a, b) {
  3244. var c = sc(b);
  3245. if (c) {
  3246. c = J(c);
  3247. var d = Gb(a, b) || {},
  3248. e = d.direction;
  3249. if ("0px" === d.width && "none" != d.cssFloat) return -1;
  3250. if ("ltr" === e && c) return Math.floor(Math.min(1200, c - a.getBoundingClientRect().left));
  3251. if ("rtl" === e && c) return a = b.document.body.getBoundingClientRect().right - a.getBoundingClientRect().right, Math.floor(Math.min(1200, c - a - Math.floor((c - b.document.body.clientWidth) / 2)))
  3252. }
  3253. return -1
  3254. };
  3256. function Zg(a) {
  3257. var b = this;
  3258. this.a = a;
  3259. a.google_iframe_oncopy || (a.google_iframe_oncopy = {
  3260. handlers: {},
  3261. upd: function(a, d) {
  3262. var c = $g("rx", a),
  3263. f = Number;
  3264. a: {
  3265. if (a && (a = a.match("dt=([^&]+)")) && 2 == a.length) {
  3266. a = a[1];
  3267. break a
  3268. }
  3269. a = ""
  3270. }
  3271. f = f(a);
  3272. f = (new Date).getTime() - f;
  3273. c = c.replace(/&dtd=(\d+|-?M)/, "&dtd=" + (1E5 <= f ? "M" : 0 <= f ? f : "-M"));
  3274. b.set(d, c);
  3275. return c
  3276. }
  3277. });
  3278. this.b = a.google_iframe_oncopy
  3279. }
  3280. Zg.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
  3281. var c = this;
  3282. this.b.handlers[a] = b;
  3283. this.a.addEventListener && this.a.addEventListener("load", function() {
  3284. var b = c.a.document.getElementById(a);
  3285. try {
  3286. var e = b.contentWindow.document;
  3287. if (b.onload && e && (!e.body || !e.body.firstChild)) b.onload()
  3288. } catch (f) {}
  3289. }, !1)
  3290. };
  3292. function $g(a, b) {
  3293. var c = new RegExp("\\b" + a + "=(\\d+)"),
  3294. d = c.exec(b);
  3295. d && (b = b.replace(c, a + "=" + (+d[1] + 1 || 1)));
  3296. return b
  3297. }
  3298. var ah;
  3299. var V = "var,s=window.google_iframe_oncopy,H=s&&s.handlers,h=H&&H[i],w=this.contentWindow,d;try{d=w.document}catch(e){}if(h&&d&&(!d.body||!d.body.firstChild)){if({setTimeout(h,0)}else if(h.match){try{h=s.upd(h,i)}catch(e){}w.location.replace(h)}}";
  3300. /[\x00&<>"']/.test(V) && (-1 != V.indexOf("&") && (V = V.replace(Fa, "&amp;")), -1 != V.indexOf("<") && (V = V.replace(Ga, "&lt;")), -1 != V.indexOf(">") && (V = V.replace(Ha, "&gt;")), -1 != V.indexOf('"') && (V = V.replace(Ja, "&quot;")), -1 != V.indexOf("'") && (V = V.replace(Ka, "&#39;")), -1 != V.indexOf("\x00") && (V = V.replace(La, "&#0;")));
  3301. ah = V;
  3302. var bh = {},
  3303. ch = (bh.google_ad_modifications = !0, bh.google_analytics_domain_name = !0, bh.google_analytics_uacct = !0, bh.google_pause_ad_requests = !0, bh);
  3305. function dh() {
  3306. var a = q;
  3307. this.b = a = void 0 === a ? q : a;
  3308. this.i = "";
  3309. this.a = 2;
  3310. this.f = [];
  3311. this.h = !1;
  3312. a: {
  3313. a = Eb(!1, 50);
  3314. var b = Cb(q);b && a.unshift(b);a.unshift(q);
  3315. var c;
  3316. for (b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) try {
  3317. var d = a[b],
  3318. e = eh(d);
  3319. if (e) {
  3320. this.a = fh(e);
  3321. if (2 != this.a) break a;
  3322. !c && C(d) && (c = d)
  3323. }
  3324. } catch (f) {}
  3325. this.b = c || this.b
  3326. }
  3327. }
  3329. function gh(a) {
  3330. if (2 != hh(a)) {
  3331. for (var b = 1 == hh(a), c = 0; c < a.f.length; c++) try {
  3332. a.f[c](b)
  3333. } catch (d) {}
  3334. a.f = []
  3335. }
  3336. }
  3338. function ih(a) {
  3339. var b = eh(a.b);
  3340. b && 2 == a.a && (a.a = fh(b))
  3341. }
  3343. function hh(a) {
  3344. ih(a);
  3345. return a.a
  3346. }
  3348. function jh(a) {
  3349. var b = kh;
  3350. b.f.push(a);
  3351. if (2 != b.a) gh(b);
  3352. else if (b.h || (Xb(b.b, "message", function(a) {
  3353. var c = eh(b.b);
  3354. if (c && a.source == c && 2 == b.a) {
  3355. switch ( {
  3356. case "3p_cookie_yes":
  3357. b.a = 1;
  3358. break;
  3359. case "3p_cookie_no":
  3360. b.a = 0
  3361. }
  3362. gh(b)
  3363. }
  3364. }), b.h = !0), eh(b.b)) gh(b);
  3365. else {
  3366. a = xb(new wb(b.b.document), "IFRAME");
  3367. a.src = b.i;
  3368. = "detect_3p_cookie";
  3369. = "hidden";
  3370. = "none";
  3371. a.onload = function() {
  3372. ih(b);
  3373. gh(b)
  3374. };
  3375. try {
  3376. b.b.document.body.appendChild(a)
  3377. } catch (c) {}
  3378. }
  3379. }
  3381. function eh(a) {
  3382. return a.frames && a.frames[Ua("detect_3p_cookie")] || null
  3383. }
  3385. function fh(a) {
  3386. return Rb(a, "3p_cookie_yes") ? 1 : Rb(a, "3p_cookie_no") ? 0 : 2
  3387. };
  3388. var lh = /^\.google\.(com?\.)?[a-z]{2,3}$/,
  3389. mh = /\.(cn|com\.bi|do|sl|ba|by|ma|am)$/;
  3391. function nh(a) {
  3392. return lh.test(a) && !mh.test(a)
  3393. }
  3394. var oh = q,
  3395. kh;
  3397. function ph(a) {
  3398. a = "https://" + ("adservice" + a + "/adsid/integrator.js");
  3399. var b = ["domain=" + encodeURIComponent(q.location.hostname)];
  3400. W[3] >= +new Date && b.push("adsid=" + encodeURIComponent(W[1]));
  3401. return a + "?" + b.join("&")
  3402. }
  3403. var W, X;
  3405. function qh() {
  3406. oh = q;
  3407. W = oh.googleToken = oh.googleToken || {};
  3408. var a = +new Date;
  3409. W[1] && W[3] > a && 0 < W[2] || (W[1] = "", W[2] = -1, W[3] = -1, W[4] = "", W[6] = "");
  3410. X = oh.googleIMState = oh.googleIMState || {};
  3411. nh(X[1]) || (X[1] = "");
  3412. "array" == sa(X[5]) || (X[5] = []);
  3413. "boolean" == typeof X[6] || (X[6] = !1);
  3414. "array" == sa(X[7]) || (X[7] = []);
  3415. ma(X[8]) || (X[8] = 0)
  3416. }
  3417. var Z = {
  3418. R: function() {
  3419. return 0 < X[8]
  3420. },
  3421. La: function() {
  3422. X[8]++
  3423. },
  3424. Ma: function() {
  3425. 0 < X[8] && X[8]--
  3426. },
  3427. Na: function() {
  3428. X[8] = 0
  3429. },
  3430. Ua: function() {
  3431. return !1
  3432. },
  3433. ea: function() {
  3434. return X[5]
  3435. },
  3436. ba: function(a) {
  3437. try {
  3438. a()
  3439. } catch (b) {
  3440. q.setTimeout(function() {
  3441. throw b;
  3442. }, 0)
  3443. }
  3444. },
  3445. la: function() {
  3446. if (!Z.R()) {
  3447. var a = q.document,
  3448. b = function(b) {
  3449. b = ph(b);
  3450. a: {
  3451. try {
  3452. var c = na();
  3453. break a
  3454. } catch (g) {}
  3455. c = void 0
  3456. }
  3457. wf(a, b, c);
  3458. c = a.createElement("script");
  3459. c.type = "text/javascript";
  3460. c.onerror = function() {
  3461. return q.processGoogleToken({}, 2)
  3462. };
  3463. b = yb(b);
  3464. vb(c, b);
  3465. try {
  3466. (a.head || a.body || a.documentElement).appendChild(c), Z.La()
  3467. } catch (g) {}
  3468. },
  3469. c = X[1];
  3470. b(c);
  3471. "" != c && b("");
  3472. b = {};
  3473. var d = (b.newToken = "FBT", b);
  3474. q.setTimeout(function() {
  3475. return q.processGoogleToken(d, 1)
  3476. }, 1E3)
  3477. }
  3478. }
  3479. };
  3481. function rh(a) {
  3482. qh();
  3483. var b = oh.googleToken[5] || 0;
  3484. a && (0 != b || W[3] >= +new Date ? : (Z.ea().push(a),;
  3485. W[3] >= +new Date && W[2] >= +new Date ||
  3486. }
  3488. function sh(a) {
  3489. q.processGoogleToken = q.processGoogleToken || function(a, c) {
  3490. var b = a;
  3491. b = void 0 === b ? {} : b;
  3492. c = void 0 === c ? 0 : c;
  3493. a = b.newToken || "";
  3494. var e = "NT" == a,
  3495. f = parseInt(b.freshLifetimeSecs || "", 10),
  3496. g = parseInt(b.validLifetimeSecs || "", 10),
  3497. h = b["1p_jar"] || "";
  3498. b = b.pucrd || "";
  3499. qh();
  3500. 1 == c ? Z.Na() : Z.Ma();
  3501. var k = oh.googleToken = oh.googleToken || {},
  3502. n = 0 == c && a && r(a) && !e && ma(f) && 0 < f && ma(g) && 0 < g && r(h);
  3503. e = e && !Z.R() && (!(W[3] >= +new Date) || "NT" == W[1]);
  3504. var l = !(W[3] >= +new Date) && 0 != c;
  3505. if (n || e || l) e = +new Date, f = e + 1E3 * f, g = e + 1E3 * g, 1E-5 > Math.random() && Yb("" + c, null), k[5] = c, k[1] = a, k[2] = f, k[3] = g, k[4] = h, k[6] = b, qh();
  3506. if (n || !Z.R()) {
  3507. c = Z.ea();
  3508. for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++)[a]);
  3509. c.length = 0
  3510. }
  3511. };
  3512. rh(a)
  3513. }
  3515. function th(a) {
  3516. kh = kh || new dh;
  3517. jh(function(b) {
  3518. b && a()
  3519. })
  3520. };
  3521. var uh = Ua("script");
  3523. function vh() {
  3524. B.google_sa_impl && !B.document.getElementById("google_shimpl") && (B.google_sa_queue = null, B.google_sl_win = null, B.google_sa_impl = null);
  3525. if (!B.google_sa_queue) {
  3526. B.google_sa_queue = [];
  3527. B.google_sl_win = B;
  3528. B.google_process_slots = function() {
  3529. return wh(B)
  3530. };
  3531. var a = xh();
  3532. wf(B.document, a);
  3533. !v(w, "Chrome") && !v(w, "CriOS") || v(w, "Edge") ? Fb(B.document, a).id = "google_shimpl" : (a = document.createElement("IFRAME"), = "google_shimpl", = "none", B.document.documentElement.appendChild(a), ag(B, "google_shimpl", "<!doctype html><html><body>" + ("<" + uh + ">") + "google_sl_win=window.parent;google_async_iframe_id='google_shimpl';" + ("</" + uh + ">") + ["<", uh, ' src="', xh("/show_ads_impl.js"), '"></', uh, ">"].join("") + "</body></html>"), a.contentWindow.document.close())
  3534. }
  3535. }
  3536. var wh = vd(215, function(a) {
  3537. var b = a.google_sa_queue,
  3538. c = b.shift();
  3539. a.google_sa_impl || xd("shimpl", {
  3540. t: "no_fn"
  3541. });
  3542. "function" == sa(c) && ud(216, wd, c);
  3543. b.length && a.setTimeout(function() {
  3544. return wh(a)
  3545. }, 0)
  3546. });
  3548. function yh(a, b, c) {
  3549. a.google_sa_queue = a.google_sa_queue || [];
  3550. a.google_sa_impl ? c(b) : a.google_sa_queue.push(b)
  3551. }
  3553. function xh(a) {
  3554. a = void 0 === a ? "/show_ads_impl.js" : a;
  3555. var b = ec ? "https" : "http";
  3556. a: {
  3557. if (cc) try {
  3558. var c = B.google_cafe_host ||;
  3559. if (c) {
  3560. var d = c;
  3561. break a
  3562. }
  3563. } catch (e) {}
  3564. d = gc()
  3565. }
  3566. return Hd(d, ["/pagead/js/", bc(), "/r20180604", a, ""].join(""), b)
  3567. }
  3569. function zh(a, b, c, d) {
  3570. return function() {
  3571. var e = !1;
  3572. d && Vg().al(3E4);
  3573. try {
  3574. ag(a, b, c), e = !0
  3575. } catch (g) {
  3576. var f = Nd().google_jobrunner;
  3577. Ug(f) && f.rl()
  3578. }
  3579. e && (e = $g("google_async_rrc", c), (new Zg(a)).set(b, zh(a, b, e, !1)))
  3580. }
  3581. }
  3583. function Ah(a) {
  3584. if (!bg) a: {
  3585. for (var b = Eb(), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) try {
  3586. var d = b[c].frames.google_esf;
  3587. if (d) {
  3588. bg = d;
  3589. break a
  3590. }
  3591. } catch (e) {}
  3592. bg = null
  3593. }
  3594. if (!bg) {
  3595. if (/[^a-z0-9-]/.test(a)) return null;
  3596. b = document.createElement("IFRAME");
  3597. = "google_esf";
  3598. = "google_esf";
  3599. c = Hd(ac("", ""), ["/pagead/html/", bc(), "/r20180604/zrt_lookup.html#", encodeURIComponent("")].join(""));
  3600. b.src = c;
  3601. = "none";
  3602. b.setAttribute("data-ad-client", mf(a));
  3603. return b
  3604. }
  3605. return null
  3606. }
  3608. function Bh(a, b, c) {
  3609. Ch(a, b, c, function(a, b, f) {
  3610. a = a.document;
  3611. for (var d =, e = 0; !d || a.getElementById(d + "_anchor");) d = "aswift_" + e++;
  3612. = d;
  3613. = d;
  3614. d = Number(f.google_ad_width || 0);
  3615. e = Number(f.google_ad_height || 0);
  3616. var k = f.ds || "";
  3617. k && (k += k.endsWith(";") ? "" : ";");
  3618. var n = "";
  3619. if (!f.google_enable_single_iframe) {
  3620. n = ["<iframe"];
  3621. for (l in b) b.hasOwnProperty(l) && n.push(l + "=" + b[l]);
  3622. n.push('style="' + ("left:0;position:absolute;top:0;border:0px;" + ("width:" + d + "px;") + ("height:" + e + "px;")) + '"');
  3623. n.push("></iframe>");
  3624. n = n.join(" ")
  3625. }
  3626. var l =;
  3627. var p = "";
  3628. p = void 0 === p ? "" : p;
  3629. d = "border:none;height:" + e + "px;margin:0;padding:0;" + ("position:relative;visibility:visible;width:" + d + "px;") + "background-color:transparent;";
  3630. l = ['<ins id="' + (l + "_expand") + '"', ' style="display:inline-table;' + d + (void 0 === k ? "" : k) + '"', p ? ' data-ad-slot="' + p + '">' : ">", '<ins id="' + (l + "_anchor") + '" style="display:block;' + d + '">', n, "</ins></ins>"].join("");
  3631. 16 == f.google_reactive_ad_format ? (f = a.createElement("div"), f.innerHTML = l, c.appendChild(f.firstChild)) : c.innerHTML = l;
  3632. return
  3633. })
  3634. }
  3636. function Ch(a, b, c, d) {
  3637. var e = b.google_ad_width,
  3638. f = b.google_ad_height;
  3639. F(a, me.g) && (b.google_enable_single_iframe = !0);
  3640. var g = {};
  3641. null != e && (g.width = e && '"' + e + '"');
  3642. null != f && (g.height = f && '"' + f + '"');
  3643. g.frameborder = '"0"';
  3644. g.marginwidth = '"0"';
  3645. g.marginheight = '"0"';
  3646. g.vspace = '"0"';
  3647. g.hspace = '"0"';
  3648. g.allowtransparency = '"true"';
  3649. g.scrolling = '"no"';
  3650. g.allowfullscreen = '"true"';
  3651. g.onload = '"' + ah + '"';
  3652. d = d(a, g, b);
  3653. Dh(a, c, b);
  3654. (c = Ah(b.google_ad_client)) && a.document.documentElement.appendChild(c);
  3655. c = za;
  3656. e = (new Date).getTime();
  3657. b.google_lrv = bc();
  3658. b.google_async_iframe_id = d;
  3659. b.google_unique_id = mc(a);
  3660. b.google_start_time = c;
  3661. b.google_bpp = e > c ? e - c : 1;
  3662. b.google_async_rrc = 0;
  3663. a.google_sv_map = a.google_sv_map || {};
  3664. a.google_sv_map[d] = b;
  3665. a.google_t12n_vars = sf;
  3666. if (b.google_enable_single_iframe) {
  3667. var h = {
  3668. pubWin: a,
  3669. iframeWin: null,
  3670. vars: b
  3671. };
  3672. yh(a, function() {
  3673. a.google_sa_impl(h)
  3674. }, a.document.getElementById(d + "_anchor") ? Wg : Xg)
  3675. } else yh(a, zh(a, d, ["<!doctype html><html><body>", "<" + uh + ">", "google_sl_win=window.parent;google_iframe_start_time=new Date().getTime();", 'google_async_iframe_id="' + d + '";', "</" + uh + ">", "<" + uh + ">window.parent.google_sa_impl(" + ("{iframeWin: window, pubWin: window.parent, vars: " + ("window.parent['google_sv_map']['" + d + "']") + "}") + ");</" + uh + ">", "</body></html>"].join(""), !0), a.document.getElementById(d) ? Wg : Xg)
  3676. }
  3678. function Dh(a, b, c) {
  3679. var d = c.google_ad_output,
  3680. e = c.google_ad_format,
  3681. f = c.google_ad_width || 0,
  3682. g = c.google_ad_height || 0;
  3683. e || "html" != d && null != d || (e = f + "x" + g);
  3684. d = !c.google_ad_slot || c.google_override_format || !ib[c.google_ad_width + "x" + c.google_ad_height] && "aa" == c.google_loader_used;
  3685. e && d ? e = e.toLowerCase() : e = "";
  3686. c.google_ad_format = e;
  3687. if (!ma(c.google_reactive_sra_index) || !c.google_ad_unit_key) {
  3688. e = [c.google_ad_slot, c.google_orig_ad_format || c.google_ad_format, c.google_ad_type, c.google_orig_ad_width || c.google_ad_width, c.google_orig_ad_height || c.google_ad_height];
  3689. d = [];
  3690. f = 0;
  3691. for (g = b; g && 25 > f; g = g.parentNode, ++f) 9 === g.nodeType ? d.push("") : d.push(;
  3692. (d = d.join()) && e.push(d);
  3693. c.google_ad_unit_key = Mb(e.join(":")).toString();
  3694. var h = void 0 === h ? !1 : h;
  3695. e = [];
  3696. for (d = 0; b && 25 > d; ++d) {
  3697. f = "";
  3698. void 0 !== h && h || (f = (f = 9 !== b.nodeType && ? "/" + f : "");
  3699. a: {
  3700. if (b && b.nodeName && b.parentElement) {
  3701. g = b.nodeName.toString().toLowerCase();
  3702. for (var k = b.parentElement.childNodes, n = 0, l = 0; l < k.length; ++l) {
  3703. var p = k[l];
  3704. if (p.nodeName && p.nodeName.toString().toLowerCase() === g) {
  3705. if (b === p) {
  3706. g = "." + n;
  3707. break a
  3708. }++n
  3709. }
  3710. }
  3711. }
  3712. g = ""
  3713. }
  3714. e.push((b.nodeName && b.nodeName.toString().toLowerCase()) + f + g);
  3715. b = b.parentElement
  3716. }
  3717. h = e.join() + ":";
  3718. b = [];
  3719. if (a) try {
  3720. var t = a.parent;
  3721. for (e = 0; t && t !== a && 25 > e; ++e) {
  3722. var z = t.frames;
  3723. for (d = 0; d < z.length; ++d)
  3724. if (a === z[d]) {
  3725. b.push(d);
  3726. break
  3727. } a = t;
  3728. t = a.parent
  3729. }
  3730. } catch (Ia) {}
  3731. c.google_ad_dom_fingerprint = Mb(h + b.join()).toString()
  3732. }
  3733. }
  3735. function Eh(a, b) {
  3736. var c = navigator;
  3737. a && b && c && (a = a.document, b = mf(b), /[^a-z0-9-]/.test(b) || ((c = Ea("r20160913")) && (c += "/"), Fb(a, Hd("", "/pub-config/" + c + b + ".js"))))
  3738. };
  3740. function Fh(a, b) {
  3741. a = a.attributes;
  3742. for (var c = a.length, d = 0; d < c; d++) {
  3743. var e = a[d];
  3744. if (/data-/.test( {
  3745. var f = Ea("data-matched-content", "google_content_recommendation").replace("data", "google").replace(/-/g, "_"));
  3746. if (!b.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
  3747. e = e.value;
  3748. var g = {};
  3749. g = (g.google_reactive_ad_format = Zb, g.google_allow_expandable_ads = Qb, g);
  3750. e = g.hasOwnProperty(f) ? g[f](e, null) : e;
  3751. null === e || (b[f] = e)
  3752. }
  3753. }
  3754. }
  3755. }
  3757. function Gh(a, b, c) {
  3758. Fh(a, b);
  3759. if (c.document && c.document.body && !Ng(b) && !b.google_reactive_ad_format) {
  3760. var d = parseInt(, 10),
  3761. e = Yg(a, c);
  3762. if (0 < e && d > e) {
  3763. var f = parseInt(, 10);
  3764. d = !!ib[d + "x" + f];
  3765. var g = e;
  3766. if (d) {
  3767. var h = jb(e, f);
  3768. if (h) g = h, b.google_ad_format = h + "x" + f + "_0ads_al";
  3769. else throw Error("TSS=" + e);
  3770. }
  3771. b.google_ad_resize = !0;
  3772. b.google_ad_width = g;
  3773. d || (b.google_ad_format = null, b.google_override_format = !0);
  3774. e = g;
  3775. = e + "px";
  3776. f = Ag(e, "auto", c, a, b);
  3777. g = e;
  3778. f.a.L(c, g, b, a);
  3779. dg(f, g, b);
  3780. f = f.a;
  3781. b.google_responsive_formats = null;
  3782. f.minWidth() > e && !d && (b.google_ad_width = f.minWidth(), = f.minWidth() + "px")
  3783. }
  3784. }
  3785. d = b.google_reactive_ad_format;
  3786. if (!b.google_enable_content_recommendations || 1 != d && 2 != d) {
  3787. d = a.offsetWidth || L(a, c, "width", D) || b.google_ad_width || 0;
  3788. a: {
  3789. e = ya(Ag, d, "auto", c, a, b, !1, !0);h = F(c, I.c);
  3790. var k = F(c, I.g);f = F(c, fe.c);g = F(c, fe.g);
  3791. var n = pf(c, 11, b.google_ad_client),
  3792. l = F(c, he.g);
  3793. var p = b.google_ad_client;p = null != nf(c, void 0 === p ? "" : p);
  3794. if (!(h || k || n || p) || !Ab() || b.google_reactive_ad_format || Ng(b) || ze(a, b) || b.google_ad_resize || rc(c) != c) d = !1;
  3795. else {
  3796. for (k = a; k; k = k.parentElement)
  3797. if (n = Gb(k, c), (p = !n) || (p = !(0 <= Aa(["static", "relative"], n.position))), p) {
  3798. d = !1;
  3799. break a
  3800. } if (!0 !== De(c, a, d, .3, b)) d = !1;
  3801. else {
  3802. b.google_resizing_allowed = !0;
  3803. k = kf(c.location, "google_responsive_slot_debug") || kf(c.location, "google_responsive_slot_preview") || Zf(c, I.c, I.g, fe.c, fe.g);
  3804. n = M(vf(), 142);
  3805. if (k || Math.random() < n) b.ovlp = !0;
  3806. h || g || l ? (h = {}, dg(e(), d, h), b.google_resizing_width = h.google_ad_width, b.google_resizing_height = h.google_ad_height, h.ds && (b.ds = h.ds), b.iaaso = !1) : (b.google_ad_format = "auto", b.iaaso = !0);
  3807. (d = f ? "AutoOptimizeAdSizeVariant" : g ? "AutoOptimizeAdSizeOriginal" : null) && (b.google_ad_channel = b.google_ad_channel ? [b.google_ad_channel, d].join("+") : d);
  3808. d = !0
  3809. }
  3810. }
  3811. }
  3812. if (e = Ng(b)) Og(e, a, b, c, d);
  3813. else {
  3814. if (ze(a, b)) {
  3815. if (d = Gb(a, c)) = d.width, = d.height, ye(d, b);
  3816. b.google_ad_width || (b.google_ad_width = a.offsetWidth);
  3817. b.google_ad_height || (b.google_ad_height = a.offsetHeight);
  3818. b.google_loader_features_used = 256;
  3819. d = hc(c);
  3820. b.google_responsive_auto_format = d ? && "rspv" == ? 13 : 14 : 12
  3821. } else ye(, b), 300 == b.google_ad_width && 250 == b.google_ad_height && (d =, = "100%", e = a.offsetWidth, = d, b.google_available_width = e);
  3822. c.location && "#gfwmrp" == c.location.hash || 12 == b.google_responsive_auto_format && "true" == b.google_full_width_responsive && !F(c, Sd.g) ? Og(10, a, b, c, !1) : F(c, Td.g) && 12 == b.google_responsive_auto_format && (a = Ee(a.offsetWidth || parseInt(, 10) || b.google_ad_width, c, a, b), !0 !== a ? (b.efwr = !1, b.gfwrnwer = a) : b.efwr = !0)
  3823. }
  3824. } else b.google_ad_width = J(c), b.google_ad_height = 50, = "none"
  3825. };
  3827. function Hh(a) {
  3828. null !== Pb(a.getAttribute("width")) && a.setAttribute("width", 0);
  3829. null !== Pb(a.getAttribute("height")) && a.setAttribute("height", 0);
  3830. = "0px";
  3831. = "0px"
  3832. };
  3834. function Ih(a) {
  3835. return qc.test(a.className) && "done" != a.getAttribute("data-adsbygoogle-status")
  3836. }
  3838. function Jh(a, b) {
  3839. var c = window;
  3840. a.setAttribute("data-adsbygoogle-status", "done");
  3841. Kh(a, b, c)
  3842. }
  3844. function Kh(a, b, c) {
  3845. var d = pc();
  3846. d.google_spfd || (d.google_spfd = Gh);
  3847. (d = b.google_reactive_ads_config) || Gh(a, b, c);
  3848. if (!Lh(a, b, c)) {
  3849. d || (c.google_lpabyc = yf(c, a));
  3850. if (d) {
  3851. if (E(B).page_contains_reactive_tag) {
  3852. if (d.page_level_pubvars && d.page_level_pubvars.pltais) return;
  3853. throw new H("Only one 'enable_page_level_ads' allowed per page.");
  3854. }
  3855. E(B).page_contains_reactive_tag = !0
  3856. } else lc(c);
  3857. E(B).per_pub_js_loaded || (E(B).per_pub_js_loaded = !0, Eh(c, b.google_ad_client));
  3858. jc(ch, function(a, d) {
  3859. b[d] = b[d] || c[d]
  3860. });
  3861. b.google_loader_used = "aa";
  3862. b.google_reactive_tag_first = 1 === (E(B).first_tag_on_page || 0);
  3863. ud(164, wd, function() {
  3864. Bh(c, b, a)
  3865. })
  3866. }
  3867. }
  3869. function Lh(a, b, c) {
  3870. var d = b.google_reactive_ads_config;
  3871. if (d) {
  3872. var e = d.page_level_pubvars;
  3873. e = (ua(e) ? e : {}).google_tag_origin
  3874. }
  3875. var f = e || b.google_tag_origin;
  3876. e = r(a.className) && /(\W|^)adsbygoogle-noablate(\W|$)/.test(a.className);
  3877. var g = c.google_bfabyc,
  3878. h = c.google_pbfabyc,
  3879. k = Ae(a, c),
  3880. n = qe(c).clientHeight;
  3881. h && !b.ebfa && (b.ebfaca = !0, k - h < n && (b.ebfana = !0));
  3882. g && !b.google_bfa && (b.ebfaca = !0, k - g < n && (b.ebfana = !0));
  3883. if ((!g || b.google_bfa ? 0 : F(c, Rd.B) || k && F(c, Rd.C) && k - g < n) && !e) return Hh(a), Mh(a), !0;
  3884. h = b.google_ad_slot;
  3885. g = E(c);
  3886. uc(g.ad_whitelist || [], h, f) ? f = null : (f = g.space_collapsing || "none", f = (h = uc(g.ad_blacklist || [], h)) ? {
  3887. $: !0,
  3888. pa: h.space_collapsing || f
  3889. } : g.remove_ads_by_default ? {
  3890. $: !0,
  3891. pa: f,
  3892. Aa: g.dont_remove_atf
  3893. } : null);
  3894. if (e = f && f.$ && "on" != b.google_adtest && !e) {
  3895. a: {
  3896. try {
  3897. if (a.parentNode && 0 < a.offsetWidth && 0 < a.offsetHeight && && "none" !== && "hidden" !== && (! || 0 !== Number( {
  3898. var l = a.getBoundingClientRect();
  3899. var p = 0 < l.right && 0 < l.bottom;
  3900. break a
  3901. }
  3902. } catch (t) {}
  3903. p = !1
  3904. }
  3905. p && (p = Ae(a, c) < qe(c).clientHeight);e = !(p && f.Aa)
  3906. }
  3907. if (e) return Mh(a), c = c.google_sv_map = c.google_sv_map || {}, b.google_ad_slot && (c[b.google_ad_slot] = b, a.setAttribute("google_ad_slot", b.google_ad_slot)), "slot" == && Hh(a), !0;
  3908. if ((p = Gb(a, c)) && "none" == p.display && !("on" == b.google_adtest || 0 < b.google_reactive_ad_format || d)) return c.document.createComment && a.appendChild(c.document.createComment("No ad requested because of display:none on the adsbygoogle tag")), !0;
  3909. a = null == b.google_pgb_reactive || 3 === b.google_pgb_reactive;
  3910. return 1 !== b.google_reactive_ad_format && 8 !== b.google_reactive_ad_format || !a ? !1 : (q.console && q.console.warn("Adsbygoogle tag with data-reactive-ad-format=" + b.google_reactive_ad_format + " is deprecated. Check out page-level ads at"), !0)
  3911. }
  3913. function Nh(a) {
  3914. var b = document.getElementsByTagName("INS");
  3915. for (var c = 0, d = b[c]; c < b.length; d = b[++c]) {
  3916. var e = d;
  3917. if (Ih(e) && "reserved" != e.getAttribute("data-adsbygoogle-status") && (!a || == a)) return d
  3918. }
  3919. return null
  3920. }
  3922. function Oh() {
  3923. var a = document.createElement("INS");
  3924. a.className = "adsbygoogle";
  3925. a.className += " adsbygoogle-noablate";
  3926. Sb(a);
  3927. return a
  3928. }
  3930. function Ph(a) {
  3931. var b = {};
  3932. jc(vc, function(c, d) {
  3933. !1 === a.enable_page_level_ads ? b[d] = !1 : a.hasOwnProperty(d) && (b[d] = a[d])
  3934. });
  3935. ua(a.enable_page_level_ads) && (b.page_level_pubvars = a.enable_page_level_ads);
  3936. var c = Oh();
  3937. hb.body.appendChild(c);
  3938. var d = {};
  3939. d = (d.google_reactive_ads_config = b, d.google_ad_client = a.google_ad_client, d);
  3940. d.google_pause_ad_requests = E(B).pause_ad_requests || !1;
  3941. Jh(c, d)
  3942. }
  3944. function Qh(a) {
  3945. function b() {
  3946. return Ph(a)
  3947. }
  3948. var c = void 0 === c ? hb : c;
  3949. var d = sc(window);
  3950. if (!d) throw new H("Page-level tag does not work inside iframes.");
  3951. pe(d).wasPlaTagProcessed = !0;
  3952. if (c.body || "complete" == c.readyState || "interactive" == c.readyState) b();
  3953. else {
  3954. var e = mb(nd(191, b));
  3955. Xb(c, "DOMContentLoaded", e);
  3956. jc(E(B).eids || [], function(a) {
  3957. switch (a) {
  3958. case ne.N:
  3959. var b = q.setInterval(function() {
  3960. c.body && (e(), q.clearInterval(b))
  3961. }, 100);
  3962. break;
  3963. case ne.M:
  3964. q.MutationObserver && (new q.MutationObserver(function(a, b) {
  3965. c.body && (e(), b.disconnect())
  3966. })).observe(c, {
  3967. childList: !0,
  3968. subtree: !0
  3969. })
  3970. }
  3971. })
  3972. }
  3973. }
  3975. function Rh(a) {
  3976. var b = {};
  3977. ud(165, yd, function() {
  3978. Sh(a, b)
  3979. }, function(c) {
  3980. c.client = c.client || b.google_ad_client || a.google_ad_client;
  3981. c.slotname = c.slotname || b.google_ad_slot;
  3982. c.tag_origin = c.tag_origin || b.google_tag_origin
  3983. })
  3984. }
  3985. var Th, Uh = {
  3986. google_ad_client: !0,
  3987. google_ad_host: !0,
  3988. google_adtest: !0,
  3989. google_tag_for_child_directed_treatment: !0,
  3990. google_tag_for_under_age_of_consent: !0,
  3991. google_tag_partner: !0
  3992. },
  3993. Vh = Uh;
  3994. Object.isFrozen && !Object.isFrozen(Uh) && (Vh = Object.create(Uh), Object.freeze(Vh));
  3995. Th = Vh;
  3997. function Wh(a) {
  3998. delete a.google_checked_head;
  3999. Lb(a, function(b, c) {
  4000. Th[c] || (delete a[c], b = c.replace("google", "data").replace(/_/g, "-"), q.console.warn("AdSense head tag doesn't support " + b + " attribute."))
  4001. })
  4002. }
  4004. function Sh(a, b) {
  4005. za = (new Date).getTime();
  4006. vh();
  4007. a: {
  4008. if (void 0 != a.enable_page_level_ads) {
  4009. if (r(a.google_ad_client)) {
  4010. var c = !0;
  4011. break a
  4012. }
  4013. throw new H("'google_ad_client' is missing from the tag config.");
  4014. }
  4015. c = !1
  4016. }
  4017. if (c) Xh(a, b);
  4018. else if ((c = a.params) && jc(c, function(a, c) {
  4019. b[c] = a
  4020. }), "js" === b.google_ad_output) console.warn("Ads with google_ad_output='js' have been deprecated and no longer work. Contact your AdSense account manager or switch to standard AdSense ads.");
  4021. else {
  4022. a = Yh(a.element);
  4023. Fh(a, b);
  4024. c = E(q).head_tag_slot_vars || {};
  4025. Lb(c, function(a, c) {
  4026. b.hasOwnProperty(c) || (b[c] = a)
  4027. });
  4028. if (a.hasAttribute("data-require-head") && !E(q).head_tag_slot_vars) throw new H("AdSense head tag is missing. AdSense body tags don't work without the head tag. You can the head tag from your account on");
  4029. 0 === (E(B).first_tag_on_page || 0) && rf(b) && (c = xf(b.google_ad_client), Xh(c), E(B).skip_next_reactive_tag = !0);
  4030. 0 === (E(B).first_tag_on_page || 0) && (E(B).first_tag_on_page = 2);
  4031. b.google_pause_ad_requests = E(B).pause_ad_requests || !1;
  4032. Jh(a, b)
  4033. }
  4034. }
  4036. function Xh(a, b) {
  4037. if (E(B).skip_next_reactive_tag) E(B).skip_next_reactive_tag = !1;
  4038. else {
  4039. 0 === (E(B).first_tag_on_page || 0) && (E(B).first_tag_on_page = 1);
  4040. b && a.tag_partner && (tc(q, a.tag_partner), tc(b, a.tag_partner));
  4041. if (!E(B).ama_ran_on_page) {
  4042. E(B).ama_ran_on_page = !0;
  4043. try {
  4044. var c = q.localStorage.getItem("google_ama_config")
  4045. } catch (xc) {
  4046. c = null
  4047. }
  4048. try {
  4049. var d = c ? new Dc(c ? JSON.parse(c) : null) : null
  4050. } catch (xc) {
  4051. d = null
  4052. }
  4053. if (b = d)
  4054. if (c = bb(b, Fc, 3), !c || A(c, 1) <= +new Date) try {
  4055. q.localStorage.removeItem("google_ama_config")
  4056. } catch (xc) {
  4057. Fd(q, {
  4058. lserr: 1
  4059. })
  4060. } else {
  4061. if (bb(b, Ic, 13)) switch (c = !0, A(bb(b, Ic, 13), 1)) {
  4062. case 1:
  4063. case 2:
  4064. case 3:
  4065. c = !1;
  4066. case 4:
  4067. case 5:
  4068. case 6:
  4069. c = void 0 === c ? !1 : c, d = E(q), d.remove_ads_by_default = !0, d.space_collapsing = "slot", d.dont_remove_atf = c
  4070. }
  4071. Kd(3, [db(b)]);
  4072. c = a.google_ad_client;
  4073. d = Bd(Cd, new Ad(null, Gd(ua(a.enable_page_level_ads) ? a.enable_page_level_ads : {})));
  4074. try {
  4075. var e = Za(b, 5);
  4076. if (0 < e.length) {
  4077. var f = new Gc;
  4078. ab(f, 2, e || []);
  4079. var g = f
  4080. } else b: {
  4081. var h = q.location.pathname,
  4082. k = cb(b, Gc, 7);e = {};
  4083. for (f = 0; f < k.length; ++f) {
  4084. var n = A(k[f], 1);
  4085. ma(n) && !e[n] && (e[n] = k[f])
  4086. }
  4087. for (var l = h.replace(/(^\/)|(\/$)/g, "");;) {
  4088. var p = Mb(l);
  4089. if (e[p]) {
  4090. g = e[p];
  4091. break b
  4092. }
  4093. if (!l) {
  4094. g = null;
  4095. break b
  4096. }
  4097. l = l.substring(0, l.lastIndexOf("/"))
  4098. }
  4099. }
  4100. var t;
  4101. if (t = g) a: {
  4102. var z = Za(g, 2);
  4103. if (z)
  4104. for (h = 0; h < z.length; h++)
  4105. if (1 == z[h]) {
  4106. t = !0;
  4107. break a
  4108. } t = !1
  4109. }
  4110. if (t) {
  4111. if (A(g, 4)) {
  4112. t = {};
  4113. var Ia = new Ad(null, (t.google_package = A(g, 4), t));
  4114. d = Bd(d, Ia)
  4115. }
  4116. var N = new $e;
  4117. (new ef(new Xe(c, b, d), N)).start();
  4118. var Y = N.b;
  4119. var nb = ya(hf, q);
  4120. if (Y.b) throw Error("Then functions already set.");
  4121. Y.b = ya(gf, q);
  4122. Y.f = nb;
  4123. cf(Y)
  4124. }
  4125. } catch (xc) {
  4126. Fd(q, {
  4127. atf: -1
  4128. })
  4129. }
  4130. }
  4131. }
  4132. Qh(a)
  4133. }
  4134. }
  4136. function Yh(a) {
  4137. if (a) {
  4138. if (!Ih(a) && ( ? a = Nh( : a = null, !a)) throw new H("'element' has already been filled.");
  4139. if (!("innerHTML" in a)) throw new H("'element' is not a good DOM element.");
  4140. } else if (a = Nh(), !a) throw new H("All ins elements in the DOM with class=adsbygoogle already have ads in them.");
  4141. return a
  4142. }
  4144. function Zh() {
  4145. rd();
  4146. ud(166, zd, $h)
  4147. }
  4149. function $h() {
  4150. var a = ic(hc(B)) || B,
  4151. b = E(a);
  4152. if (!b.plle) {
  4153. b.plle = !0;
  4154. var c = Rf.fa();
  4155. Of(c);
  4156. b.eids = Ca(c.f, String).concat(b.eids || []);
  4157. b = b.eids;
  4158. c = vf();
  4159. var d = vf();
  4160. var e = sc(a) || a;
  4161. e = kf(e.location, "google_responsive_slot_debug") || kf(e.location, "google_responsive_slot_preview");
  4162. var f = pf(a, 11),
  4163. g = null != nf(a, "");
  4164. e ? (e = I, f = ee, d = e.g) : g ? (e = he, f = ie, d = $f(a, new Wc(0, 999, ""), M(d, 152), M(d, 153), [e.c, e.g, e.o, e.o, e.o, e.o, e.s, e.s, e.s, e.s], 2)) : f ? (e = fe, f = ge, d = $f(a, new Wc(0, 999, ""), M(d, 120), M(d, 121), [e.c, e.g], 2)) : (e = I, f = ee, d = $f(a, Xf, M(d, 96), M(d, 97), [e.c, e.g]));
  4165. d ? (g = {}, e = (g[e.c] = f.c, g[e.g] = f.g, g[e.o] = f.o, g[e.s] = f.s, g)[d], d = {
  4166. Ia: d,
  4167. Ka: e
  4168. }) : d = null;
  4169. e = d || {};
  4170. d = e.Ia;
  4171. e = e.Ka;
  4172. d && e && (O(b, d), O(b, e));
  4173. f = Sd;
  4174. d = P(a, M(c, 136), [f.c, f.g]);
  4175. O(b, d);
  4176. pf(a, 12) && (f = Pd, g = Od, d = $f(a, new Wc(0, 999, ""), M(c, 149), M(c, 150), [f.c, f.g], 4), O(b, d), d == f.c ? e = g.c : d == f.g ? e = g.g : e = "", O(b, e));
  4177. f = Rd;
  4178. d = $f(a, Tf, M(c, 160), M(c, 161), [f.c, f.C, f.B, f.G]);
  4179. O(b, d);
  4180. g = Qd;
  4181. d == f.c ? e = g.c : d == f.C ? e = g.C : d == f.B ? e = g.B : d == f.G ? e = g.G : e = "";
  4182. O(b, e);
  4183. f = Yd;
  4184. O(b, $f(a, Uf, M(c, 9), M(c, 10), [f.c,]));
  4185. Ea("") && O(b, "");
  4186. f = le;
  4187. d = P(a, M(c, 146), [f.c, f.g]);
  4188. O(b, d);
  4189. f = Zd;
  4190. d = P(a, M(c, 13), [f.m, f.c]);
  4191. O(b, d);
  4192. d = P(a, 0, [f.W]);
  4193. O(b, d);
  4194. f = $d;
  4195. d = P(a, M(c, 60), [f.m, f.c]);
  4196. O(b, d);
  4197. d == $d.m && (f = ae, d = P(a, M(c, 66), [f.m, f.c]), O(b, d), f = ce, d = P(a, M(c, 137), [f.m, f.c]), O(b, d), d == ae.m && (f = be, d = P(a, M(c, 135), [f.m, f.c]), O(b, d)));
  4198. f = Td;
  4199. d = P(a, M(c, 98), [f.c, f.g]);
  4200. O(b, d);
  4201. if (Qb(c.a[77], !1) || cc) f = de, d = P(a, M(c, 76), [f.c, f.Z, f.O, f.Y]), O(b, d), d || (d = P(a, M(c, 83), [f.X]), O(b, d));
  4202. f = Ud;
  4203. d = $f(a, Yf, M(c, 157), M(c, 158), [f.c, f.D]);
  4204. O(b, d);
  4205. g = Vd;
  4206. d == f.c ? e = g.c : d == f.D ? e = g.D : e = "";
  4207. O(b, e);
  4208. f = Wd;
  4209. d = $f(a, Sf, M(c, 166), M(c, 167), [f.c, f.g]);
  4210. O(b, d);
  4211. g = Xd;
  4212. d == f.c ? e = g.c : d == f.g ? e = g.g : e = "";
  4213. O(b, e);
  4214. f = je;
  4215. d = $f(a, Wf, M(c, 99), M(c, 100), [f.c, f.g]);
  4216. O(b, d);
  4217. g = ke;
  4218. d == f.c ? e = g.c : d == f.g ? e = g.g : e = "";
  4219. O(b, e);
  4220. f = me;
  4221. d = P(a, M(c, 165), [f.c, f.g]);
  4222. O(b, d);
  4223. f = ne;
  4224. d = $f(a, Vf, M(c, 169), M(c, 170), [f.c, f.N, f.M]);
  4225. O(b, d);
  4226. if (!hb.body) switch (d) {
  4227. case f.c:
  4228. O(b, "21062911");
  4229. break;
  4230. case f.N:
  4231. O(b, "21062912");
  4232. break;
  4233. case f.M:
  4234. O(b, "21062913")
  4235. }
  4236. }
  4237. a = F(B, ae.m) || F(B, Zd.m) || F(B, Zd.W);
  4238. qd(a);
  4239. if (F(B, de.Z) || F(B, de.O) || F(B, de.Y) || F(B, de.X)) qh(), nh("") && (X[1] = ""), F(B, de.O) ? (a = mb(qa), th(a), sh(a)) : sh(null);
  4240. if (a = sc(q)) a = pe(a), a.tagSpecificState[1] || (a.tagSpecificState[1] = new jf);
  4241. if (b = B.document.querySelector('script[src*="/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"][data-ad-client]:not([data-checked-head])')) {
  4242. b.setAttribute("data-checked-head", "true");
  4243. c = E(window);
  4244. if (c.head_tag_slot_vars) throw new H("Only one AdSense head tag supported per page. The second tag is ignored.");
  4245. a = {};
  4246. Fh(b, a);
  4247. Wh(a);
  4248. c.head_tag_slot_vars = Ta(a);
  4249. b = {};
  4250. a = (b.google_ad_client = a.google_ad_client, b.enable_page_level_ads = a, b);
  4251. B.adsbygoogle || (B.adsbygoogle = []);
  4252. b = B.adsbygoogle;
  4253. b.loaded ? b.push(a) : b.splice(0, 0, a)
  4254. }
  4255. a = window.adsbygoogle;
  4256. if (!a || !a.loaded) {
  4257. b = {
  4258. push: Rh,
  4259. loaded: !0
  4260. };
  4261. try {
  4262. Object.defineProperty(b, "requestNonPersonalizedAds", {
  4263. set: ai
  4264. }), Object.defineProperty(b, "pauseAdRequests", {
  4265. set: bi
  4266. }), Object.defineProperty(b, "onload", {
  4267. set: ci
  4268. })
  4269. } catch (k) {}
  4270. a && (void 0 !== a.requestNonPersonalizedAds && (b.requestNonPersonalizedAds = a.requestNonPersonalizedAds), void 0 !== a.pauseAdRequests && (b.pauseAdRequests = a.pauseAdRequests));
  4271. if (a && a.shift) try {
  4272. var h;
  4273. for (c = 20; 0 < a.length && (h = a.shift()) && 0 < c;) Rh(h), --c
  4274. } catch (k) {
  4275. throw window.setTimeout(Zh, 0), k;
  4276. }
  4277. window.adsbygoogle = b;
  4278. a && (b.onload = a.onload)
  4279. }
  4280. }
  4282. function Mh(a) {
  4283. a.className += " adsbygoogle-ablated-ad-slot"
  4284. }
  4286. function ai(a) {
  4287. if (+a) {
  4288. if ((a = Db()) && a.frames && !a.frames.GoogleSetNPA) try {
  4289. var b = a.document,
  4290. c = new wb(b),
  4291. d = b.body || b.head && b.head.parentElement;
  4292. if (d) {
  4293. var e = xb(c, "IFRAME");
  4294. = "GoogleSetNPA";
  4295. = "GoogleSetNPA";
  4296. e.setAttribute("style", "display:none;position:fixed;left:-999px;top:-999px;width:0px;height:0px;");
  4297. d.appendChild(e)
  4298. }
  4299. } catch (f) {}
  4300. } else(b = Db().document.getElementById("GoogleSetNPA")) && b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)
  4301. }
  4303. function bi(a) {
  4304. +a ? E(B).pause_ad_requests = !0 : (E(B).pause_ad_requests = !1, a = function() {
  4305. if (!E(B).pause_ad_requests) {
  4306. var a = pc(),
  4307. c = pc();
  4308. try {
  4309. if (hb.createEvent) {
  4310. var d = hb.createEvent("CustomEvent");
  4311. d.initCustomEvent("adsbygoogle-pub-unpause-ad-requests-event", !1, !1, "");
  4312. a.dispatchEvent(d)
  4313. } else if (kc(c.CustomEvent)) {
  4314. var e = new c.CustomEvent("adsbygoogle-pub-unpause-ad-requests-event", {
  4315. bubbles: !1,
  4316. cancelable: !1,
  4317. detail: ""
  4318. });
  4319. a.dispatchEvent(e)
  4320. } else if (kc(c.Event)) {
  4321. var f = new Event("adsbygoogle-pub-unpause-ad-requests-event", {
  4322. bubbles: !1,
  4323. cancelable: !1
  4324. });
  4325. a.dispatchEvent(f)
  4326. }
  4327. } catch (g) {}
  4328. }
  4329. }, q.setTimeout(a, 0), q.setTimeout(a, 1E3))
  4330. }
  4332. function ci(a) {
  4333. kc(a) && window.setTimeout(a, 0)
  4334. };
  4335. Zh();
  4336. }).call(this);
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