
Arceus Presents Five Tales Of 100 Chapters

Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. "Ahh, you may be wondering what all five of these chapters of wildly different stories have to do with each other, huh?" Arceus chuckled as he was reading a book. "Well, here my tale, and you shall find out...
  2. -
  3. It was raining harshly again in Sonic Adventure 1's Station Square as Silver The Hedgehog and Vector The Crocodile were planning a pretty big day. Today was very important, indeed, and it was a Friday, to cap it all off.
  5. "Well, today's the big day, Vector." Silver said the obvious with a smile, wearing a bluish bowtie to go with his red work shirt, his hands held together behind his back.
  7. "What do you mean, today's the big day?" Vector asked as he scratched his head with his left hand, adjusting his black headphones.
  9. Silver twitching his right eye as he smacked Vector across the face with his left hand. "We served, like, twelve million, five hundred sixty eight thousand, four hundred and ninety three customers!"
  11. Vector realized this, and he thought deeply, rubbing his chin with his right hand. Very deeply did he think, in fact. "Hmm... HMMM..." He snapped his fingers. "You're right!" He laughed as he wrapped his right arm around Silver, laughing proudly. "And I gotta say, we did a pretty good job of getting to dat dere milestone! We should have a celebration!"
  13. "Uhh..." Silver pulled his head out from Vector rubbing the back of his neck as he chuckled. "That's what I was thinking, Vector. I was thinking of bringing someone over."
  15. Vector stared at Silver as he dropped his skinny green arms by his side, grabbing Silver and shaking him crazily. "Then what the hell are you waiting for? There's preparations to be done!" He then picked up Silver and chucked him right out of the Pizza Hut, shouting to him as he shook his right fist, "Now go get the party guests while I prepare the Pizza Hut!"Silver laughed as he placed his left hand on Shadow's right shoulder, telling him, "Well, Vector's holding a special party, and he told me to invite you guys over for a big celebration. How about it?"
  17. Shadow rubbed his chin as he thought about it, smirking as he got an idea. "Hey Silver, wait her, won't you?"
  19. Silver nodded as Shadow briefly went back into the house. Silver turned around and looked at the surrounding buildings, noticing how vivid the neighborhood was as he turned back around, to be slapped in the face by a cold pizza from Shadow.
  21. "Totally did not expect that, huh?" Shadow stated slyly while laughing patting Silver on the head as he went back in, closing the door as he said, "Yeah, I'll come. Just make sure you don't screw things up."
  23. Silver gave Shadow a thumbs up, though seconds later he groaned as the pizza started dripping.
  25. Pokemon's Farting Bianca and Keldeo rode through Mistralton City as Genesect continued following them, firing off more terrifying beams of destruction at them as Bianca held onto Keldeo.
  27. "Ooh! I'm scared!" Bianca exclaimed as she shook her head, feeling like she could fall off Keldeo at any moment.
  29. Keldeo panted as he jumped on the high ridges, glancing back at Bianca. "Don't fret, miss! We'll strike down Genesect, we just need a perfect time to catch him off guard!"
  31. "Oh, if only I could be some sort of distraction!" Bianca exclaimed as she farted in response.
  33. As Genesect was closing in on the two, Bianca's Zoroa suddenly appeared, landing on top of Genesect's head and blocking his vision. Genesect growled as he went through several skyscrapers, causing them to collapse.
  35. "Augh! Get off me, you damn furry piece of garbage!" Genesect growled as he stopped flying, trying to claw Zoroa off his head.
  37. Zoroa giggled as she kept on jumping on top of Genesect's head, with Keldeo blasting Genesect with a Hydro Pump, causing the mecha bug Pokemon to land in the river nearby. Bianca caught Zora in her arms, hugging her tightly.
  39. "Oh Zoroa! I'm glad you're safe!" Bianca exclaimed as she looked at the river, gasping and farting in shock as she saw Genesect rise out immediately. "For a one hundredth chapter, things sure look like they're gonna stink for us!"
  41. "...No kidding." Keldeo mumbled as he was getting sick of smelling Bianca's farts, blasting Genesect back into the water with another Hydro Pump as he headed northward, Bianca continuing to hold onto him as she held tightly to Zoroa, letting out a few farts with every jump Keldeo made.
  43. "You can't lose me that easily!" Genesect exclaimed as he made the entire river explode, chasing the trio as his high speed flying was enough to cause the entire city to explode.
  45. Aria Meloetta was still being tortured by Gruntilda Winkybunion in the Click Clock Wood's summer section, as Meloetta seemed to have given up hope while Gruntilda kept letting out annoying rhymes, when suddenly the intense heat of the summer was cooled down, with it beginning to snow as the clear blue sky was replaced by somewhat cloudy clouds. Meloetta and Gruntilda looked up, both surprised to see the snow as they heard a loud screech.
  47. "My poor pointy ears, they pop!" Gruntilda exclaimed as he covered them with both of her green warty hands, "Who is responsible for making me stop?"
  49. Kyurem suddenly revealed himself, standing on the giant wooden platform jetted over the yellow entrance garden as he glared up at Meloetta and Gruntilda. Meloetta was happy to see him, but Kyurem was understandably annoyed.
  51. "Oh Kyurem, you came to save me!" Meloetta exclaimed as she continued to struggle to move.
  53. Kyurem hissed as he shook his head. "Zip it, icing freak! I'm here to severely freeze you to death for stealing all of my icing!"
  55. "This is interesting to say the least," Gruntilda commented as she rubbed her pointy chin with her right hand, "This should rock, from the west to the east!"
  57. Kyurem roared as he fired an ice beam at Meloetta, freezing her as he them jumped into the air, ramming his head into her, breaking the ice as Meloetta fell towards the ground. Falling flat on the ground, Meloetta groaned as she shook her head, with Kyurem firing several more icicle beams at her as Meloetta got up, floating out of the summer section of the Click Clock Wood as Kyurem gave chase.
  59. Meloetta screamed as she flew up and down and all around, trying her best to avoid being blasted by Kyurem as they headed into autumn. As Meloetta floated around the giant red colored tree, Kyurem's presence made the entire area colder, causing it to snow along with the falling autumn leaves as the two legendary Pokemon flew higher and higher around the giant tree, with them reaching the top as Kyurem rammed into the tree, narrowly missing Meloetta as she headed back down, going towards the giant flower in Gobi's garden. Gobi The Camel gawked as he watched Meloetta fly past him, with Kyurem breaking the Zubba's nest as the duo exited the autumn section of the Click Clock Wood, heading directly into winter as it began slowly snowing in the entire hub world.
  61. "Kyurem, I seriously did not mean to upset you!" Meloetta exclaimed as she continued dodging Kyurem's icicle blasts, with Kyurem determined to kill Meloetta as they once again circled around the giant, now blue colored tree in Click Clock Wood's winter zone.
  63. Waluigi stretched his lanky arms as he folded them. He let out a big sigh as he looked around, starting up the conversation. "Well, one hundred chapters. Isn't that great?"
  65. Dry Bowser sighed as he folded his arms, closing his eyes. "Not really, no. Most of them are short and boring."
  67. Waluigi rubbed the back of his head. "Well, sometimes it's best to keep them short. After all, short is sweet."
  69. Toadette giggled as she clapped her hands several times. "That's right, Wally!"
  71. "Yeah, sometimes, it's best to keep it simple." Petey Piranha commented as he flexed his big leafy hands. "Stupid."
  73. Waluigi placed both of his elbows on his green counter. "Honestly, I think we should do something special for this chapter. After all, it's an achievement for any fanfics to reach at least one hundred chapters. We should do something."
  75. Princess Daisy popped up behind Waluigi, shocking him. "We should have a musical!"
  77. "...Nah, that's too much," Petey commented as he rubbed his chin. "Maybe we can sing one song, and let it sooth everyone."
  79. Toadette giggled as she started jumping up and down with excitement. "Ooh, that sounds like a great idea! We can sing to the tune of Seaside Hill!"
  81. Dry Bowser growled as he shook his head. "Ugh, do we have to...?"
  83. "Yes, we have to!" Waluigi exclaimed as he slammed his right fist on the counter, glaring at Daisy. "And would you stop hanging on me? You're ruining the mood!"
  85. Daisy giggled as she was on Waluigi's back. "This is not ruining the mood, Wally. This is ruining the mood!" She farted loudly and then started screaming loudly.
  87. Waluigi grabbed Daisy and tossed her over his back, causing her to fall flat on her face. Toadette and Petey winced as Daisy popped up, seemingly fine.
  89. "Right then, let's get this over with." Waluigi commented as he jumped over the counter, extending his lanky arms again. "if we're gonna sing, we're gonna sing. Right now."
  91. "Oh boy, a song!" Aria Meloetta exclaimed with glee as she held a carton of vanilla icing.
  93. Waluigi cleared his throat as he took out a microphone, tapping it several times as the background music for Seaside Hill began playing. "I have a feeling we're gonna regret this." He took in a big breath of air as he began, with everyone else getting microphones. "All right, guys, don't mess this up. Ohhhh..."
  95. Waluigi: "I have a wonderful Taco Stand..."
  97. Daisy: "But you could have started a band!"
  99. Petey: "Why do that, it's no fun."
  101. Toadette: "But it could be for everyone!"
  103. Waluigi: "I got all the customers I ever need."
  105. Daisy: "But I'm the best one, cause I'm the one who you mostly feed!"
  107. Toadette: "But you have a lot of people here, it's true."
  109. Daisy; "And it's fine between me and you!"
  111. Waluigi: "Get lost Daisy, you're making me get pissed!"
  113. Daisy: "But Wally, I like you, and I-" She forgot the words. "D'oh I Missed!"
  115. Waluigi: "All the places in the sea, and this is where you wanna be?"
  117. Daisy: "Because I like you, just you and me!"
  119. Dry Bowser: "Why am I singing this stupid crap?"
  121. Toadette: "It's really fun, and it puts you on the map!"
  123. Mario: "Mammia mia, does anyone here have the time?"
  125. Petey: "No, but it's true that we just love to rhyme!"
  127. "Come on, Cranky! Take it to the fridge!" Everyone shouted in unison, with Cranky Kong holding a giant fridge.
  129. Waluigi: "I should have thought things clear, why did I put this Taco Stand so near?"
  131. Toadette: "It's certaintly a great spot, you definitely will get a lot!"
  133. Petey: "In Seaside Hill, where it's the hottest splosh."
  135. Meloetta: "Don't worry, you'll get a lot of dosh!"
  137. Waluigi: "But is it really worth it? All this cash..."
  139. Petey: "It makes you look rather dash."
  141. Waluigi: "All I ask for is one wish..."
  143. Toadette: "Is it lots and lots of crabs and fish?"
  145. Waluigi: "No, you moron, you can plainly see!" He pointed at Daisy. "I just want Daisy to be away from me!"
  147. Daisy: "Waluigi, that's not nice and it's so mean..."
  149. Waluigi: "It's not so easy being quite so lean."
  151. Dry Bowser: "Why did you choose Seaside Hill of all the land?"
  153. Waluigi: "Because it's quite perfect for this taco stand!"
  155. "Another verse? Damn it, not again!" Dry Bowser and Waluigi groaned in unison. Silver The Hedgehog popped up to join the last verse.
  157. Waluigi: "Well, let's finish this, we have another round,"
  159. Dry Bowser: "Just be sure not to act like a complete clown..."
  161. Petey: "It's okay, the weather here is fine!"
  163. Waluigi: "Yes, but all your precious money is mine!"
  165. Toadette: "Why do we stand around when we could go swimming?"
  167. Waluigi: "Because you're not suppose after you finish eating!"
  169. Silver: "Well, eating tacos here is rad!"
  171. Daisy: "Yeah, but sometimes they make me gotta fart superbad!"
  173. All the badniks watching cheered as they were eating the tacos they paid off, with some Buzzbombers and Buzzers recording the entire song.
  175. "Can we stop singing now?" Petey asked as he rubbed the back of his head.
  177. Waluigi nodded as he wrapped his lanky arms around the back of his head. "Yes. That was great."
  179. "That was horrible." Dry Bowser muttered in annoyance.
  181. Toadette giggled as she hugged Dry Bowser. "Oh, suck it up, Mr. Negative Bones!"
  183. Daisy clapped her hands together. "Yeah! Now that we got the song covered..." She ran up to Waluigi, holding her hands together. "How about dem tacos?"
  185. Waluigi sighed as he rolled his eyes, shrugging. "Oh, okay. Follow me."
  187. Daisy screamed with glee as he followed Waluigi, with Toadette, Petey, and Silver coming alongside with her. Dry Bowser stood there, surrounded by idiots as Meloetta kept eating her vanilla icing covered tacos.
  189. "So, where do we go from here?" Silver The Hedgehog asked as he wrapped his arms around the back of his head.
  191. Shadow The Hedgehog rolled his eyes as he typically folded his arms together, facing Silver and Amy Rose. "Where do you think, pothead? To the top of this tree to see if there's anything suspicious. Or rather, to help out Gassy Rosie here."
  193. Amy murmured as she let out a loud poot, shaking her arms as she shook her head. "It's not my fault that I'm so damn gassy! It's these jeans!"
  195. The three humanoid hedgehogs were standing on the jetted wooden platform above the red entrance garden, wondering whether to head up or down or all around. However, since Shadow suggested that they finish their climb up the tree, Silver and Amy reluctantly agreed as they headed up, with Shadow and Silver blasting the giant Big Cluckers with their Chaos Spear and green psychic blasts. As they reached Eyrie's nest, they noticed that Eyrie was much bigger.
  197. "Hello, three hedgehogs!" Eyrie exclaimed as he looked around, glancing back down at the hedgehogs. "Do you have any caterpillars?"
  199. Silver frowned as he shook his head, shrugging. "Not on us, I'm afraid. We're here to head to the top."
  201. "Oh. I see." Eyrie remarked as he sighed, nodding his head. "Well, when you collect enough, come tell Eyrie. Eyrie wait here for you hedgehogs."
  203. As Amy was about to comfort Eyrie, there was a sudden gust from the north, causing Amy to be blown away. Shadow and Silver watched as Amy screamed, being blown high into the red sky as she was unable to do anything.
  205. "Amy…!" Silver exclaimed as he placed his hands on his head, with Shadow pounding the branch with his right fist as he cursed loudly.
  207. Eyrie watched in amazement as he noticed that Amy disappeared completely, being blown right out of the autumn section of the Click Clock Wood. He glanced back at Silver and Shadow, who were both still devastated.
  208. -
  209. "...and so, ends my tale." Arceus finished as he nodded his head, opening his eyes. "The moral of these five tales? Always do what you need to do, regardless of any distractions."
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