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Mlot hefa v2

a guest
Jul 9th, 2021
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  1. #Mlot Hefajstosa
  2. on rightclick:
  3. if tool of player is {wvsp.kit::hefajstos}:
  4. set {czas::%player%::hef1} to difference between {uzycie::%player%::hef1} and now
  5. if {czas::%player%::hef1} is less than 15 seconds:
  6. send "&c&lMlota mozesz uzyc ponownie za &b%difference between 15 seconds and {czas::%player%::hef1}%" to player
  7. else:
  8. if player is sneaking:
  9. set {uzycie::%player%::hef1} to now
  10. set {_loc} to location of player
  11. drawDot count 7, particle "flame", XYZ 0.4, 0.2, 0.4, center {_loc}, visibleRange 100, keepFor 1 tick
  12. create safe explosion of force 2 at location 3.5 meters below {_loc}
  13. loop all living entities in radius 6 of player:
  14. name of loop-entity is not "%player%": #{potwor::%loop-entity} is not true
  15. push loop-entity (direction from player to loop-entity) at speed 2.5
  16. push loop-entity upwards at velocity 0.7
  17. if loop-entity has slowness:
  18. apply blindness to loop-entity for 4 seconds
  19. else:
  20. apply slowness 2 to loop-entity for 8 seconds
  21. apply blindness to loop-entity for 4 seconds
  22. set {_radius} to 1
  23. set {_id} to 1
  24. set {_density} to 13
  25. loop 4 times:
  26. drawWarpRings style 4, particle "smoke", XYZ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, center {_loc}, id "%player%.hef.%{_id}%", rainbowMode true, scan false, height 2.5, radius {_radius}, ringCount 1, ringDensity {_density}, visibleRange 100
  27. increase {_radius} by 1
  28. increase {_id} by 1
  29. increase {_density} by 9
  30. wait 2 ticks
  31. drawWarpRings style 4, particle "flame", XYZ 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, center {_loc}, id "%player%.hef.%{_id}%", rainbowMode true, scan false, height 2.5, radius {_radius}, ringCount 1, ringDensity {_density}, visibleRange 100
  32. set {_id} to 1
  33. wait 2 ticks
  34. loop 4 times:
  35. stopEffect id "%player%.hef.%{_id}%"
  36. increase {_id} by 1
  37. wait 2 ticks
  38. wait 3 ticks
  39. stopEffect id "%player%.hef.5"
  40. else:
  41. send "&cAby uzyc Mlota musisz kucnac!" to player
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