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Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. ## mIRC script for the channelhelper tcl script
  2. ## If you found bug or you have some features youre missing or you have any ideas?
  3. ## Contact me or #djoezy (Qaukenet)
  5. menu nicklist {
  6. Channelhelper1
  7. .Adduser
  8. ..Global
  9. ...Voice : { msg %botnick addglobal $1 +v }
  10. ...Operator : { msg %botnick addglobal $1 +o }
  11. ...Channelmaster : { msg %botnick addglobal $1 +m }
  12. ..Channel
  13. ...Voice : { msg %botnick adduser $chan $1 +v }
  14. ...Operator : { msg %botnick adduser $chan $1 +o }
  15. ...Channelmaster : { msg %botnick adduser $chan $1 +m }
  16. ...Channelowner : { msg %botnick adduser $chan $1 +n }
  17. .Deluser
  18. ..Global : { msg %botnick deluser $1 }
  19. ..Channel : { msg %botnick deluser $chan $1 }
  20. .Op:{ msg %botnick op $chan $1 }
  21. .Deop:{ msg %botnick deop $chan $1 }
  22. .Voice:{ msg %botnick voice $chan $1 }
  23. .Devoice:{ msg %botnick devoice $chan $1 }
  24. .Massvoice:{ msg %botnick massvoice $chan }
  25. .MassDevoice:{ msg %botnick massdevoice $chan }
  26. .Ban:{ msg %botnick ban $chan $1 $$?="duration in minutes (0 is permanent )" $$?="banreason (optional)" }
  27. .Kick: { msg %botnick kick $chan $1 $$?="kick reason (optional)" }
  28. .Kickban: { msg %botnick kickban $chan $1 $$?="kick reason (optional)" }
  29. .Whois:{ msg $chan .whois $1 }
  30. .Peak:{ msg $chan .peak }
  31. .Commands:{ msg %botnick commands $chan }
  32. .Login:{ msg %botnick login $$?="Fill in your password here" }
  33. .Logout:{ msg %botnick logout }
  34. }
  36. menu channel {
  37. Channelhelper1
  38. .Login:{ msg %botnick login $$?="Fill in your password here" }
  39. .Logout:{ msg %botnick logout }
  40. .Password
  41. ..Change:{ msg %botnick changepass $$?="Fill in your OLD password" $$?="Fill in your NEW password (1/2)" $$?="Fill in your NEW password again(2/2)" }
  42. ..Set:{ msg %botnick setpass $$?="Fill in your password (1/2)" $$?="Fill in your password again (2/2)" }
  43. .Massvoice:{ msg %botnick massvoice $chan }
  44. .MassDevoice:{ msg %botnick massdevoice $chan }
  45. .Chaninfo:{ msg %botnick chaninfo $chan }
  46. .Deluser
  47. ..Global : { msg %botnick deluser $$?="Fill in the handle off the global user (use global userlist too view the handle)" }
  48. ..Channel : { msg %botnick deluser $chan $$?="Fill in the handle off the channel user (use channel userlist too view the handle)" }
  49. .Userlist
  50. ..Channel:{ msg %botnick userlist $chan }
  51. ..Global:{ msg %botnick userlist global }
  52. .Userlev
  53. ..Channel:{ msg %botnick userlev $chan $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" $$?="Fill in the new chanflags off the user (+n +m +o +v)" }
  54. ..Global:{ msg %botnick userlev $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" $$?="Fill in the new globalflags off the user (+n +m +o +v)" }
  55. .Userhost
  56. ..List
  57. ...Channeluser:{ msg %botnick listhost $chan $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" }
  58. ...Globaluser :{ msg %botnick listhost $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" }
  59. ..Add
  60. ...Channeluser:{ msg %botnick addhost $chan $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" $$?="Fill in the new host off the user (*!" }
  61. ...Globaluser :{ msg %botnick addhost $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" $$?="Fill in the new host off the user (*!" }
  62. ..Del
  63. ...Channeluser:{ msg %botnick delhost $chan $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" $$?="Fill in the host too delete off the user (*!" }
  64. ...Globaluser:{ msg %botnick delhost $$?="Fill in the handle off the user" $$?="Fill in the host too delete off the user (*!" }
  65. .Exception Flags
  66. ..Set:{ msg %botnick exflags $chan $$?="Fill in the exception flags valid entrys 'o' or 'm' or 'n'" }
  67. ..List:{ msg %botnick exflags $chan list }
  68. .Banlist
  69. ..Channel:{ msg %botnick banlist $chan }
  70. ..Global:{ msg %botnick banlist global }
  71. .Bancontrol
  72. ..Add
  73. ...Channel:{ msg %botnick ban $chan $$?="Fill in the host" $$?="Duration in minutes (0 is permanent )" $$?="Banreason (has too be filled in)" }
  74. ...Global:{ msg %botnick globalban $chan $$?="Fill in the host" $$?="Duration in minutes (0 is permanent )" $$?="Banreason (has too be filled in)" }
  75. ..Del
  76. ...Channel:{ msg %botnick delban $chan $$?="Fill in the host or number, you can retreive this by using banlist" }
  77. ...Global:{ msg %botnick delban global $$?="Fill in the host or number, you can retreive this by using banlist" }
  78. .Autovoice
  79. ..On : { msg %botnick autovoice $chan on }
  80. ..Off : { msg %botnick autovoice $chan off }
  81. .Bot
  82. ..Join :{ msg %botnick join $$?="Channelname (example #djoezy)" }
  83. ..Join (with key) :{ msg %botnick join $$?="Channelname (example #djoezy)" $$?="Key too join channel" }
  84. ..Leave :{ msg %botnick leave $$?="Channelname (example #djoezy)" }
  85. ..Rehash :{ msg %botnick rehash }
  86. ..Restart :{ msg %botnick restart }
  87. ..Info :{ msg %botnick info }
  88. .Topic
  89. ..On:{ msg %botnick topic $chan on }
  90. ..Off:{ msg %botnick topic $chan off }
  91. ..Set:{ msg %botnick topic $chan set $$?="Fill in your topic here" }
  92. ..List:{ msg %botnick topic $chan list }
  93. .Chanmodes
  94. ..On:{ msg %botnick chanmodes $chan on }
  95. ..Off:{ msg %botnick chanmodes $chan off }
  96. ..Set:{ msg %botnick chanmodes $chan set $$?="Fill in your Chanmodes, + modes will be protected, - modes will be prevented (example +NnCt-ikm)" }
  97. ..List:{ msg %botnick chanmodes $chan list }
  98. .Welcome
  99. ..On:{ msg %botnick welcome $chan on }
  100. ..Off:{ msg %botnick welcome $chan off }
  101. ..Set:{ msg %botnick welcome $chan set $$?="Fill in your welcomemsg here" }
  102. ..List:{ msg %botnick welcome $chan list }
  103. .Badword
  104. ..Add:{ msg %botnick badword $chan add $$?="Fill in your badword here that you want too add" }
  105. ..Del:{ msg %botnick badword $chan del $$?="Fill in your badword here that you want too delete" }
  106. ..On:{ msg %botnick badword $chan on $$?="Fill in the punishmethod for detecting a badword ( 1=warn 2=warn/kick 3=kick 4=warn/ban 5=warn/kick/ban 6=ban )" }
  107. ..Off:{ msg %botnick badword $chan off }
  108. ..List:{ msg %botnick badword $chan list }
  109. .Badnick
  110. ..Add:{ msg %botnick badnick $chan add $$?="Fill in your badnick here that you want too add" }
  111. ..Del:{ msg %botnick badnick $chan del $$?="Fill in your badnick here that you want too delete" }
  112. ..On:{ msg %botnick badnick $chan on }
  113. ..Off:{ msg %botnick badnick $chan off }
  114. ..List:{ msg %botnick badnick $chan list }
  115. .Badchan
  116. ..Add:{ msg %botnick badchan $chan add $$?="Fill in your bad channel here that you want too add" }
  117. ..Del:{ msg %botnick badchan $chan del $$?="Fill in your bad channel here that you want too delete" }
  118. ..On:{ msg %botnick badchan $chan on }
  119. ..Off:{ msg %botnick badchan $chan off }
  120. ..List:{ msg %botnick badchan $chan list }
  121. .Badident
  122. ..Add:{ msg %botnick badident $chan add $$?="Fill in your bad channel here that you want too add" }
  123. ..Del:{ msg %botnick badident $chan del $$?="Fill in your bad channel here that you want too delete" }
  124. ..On:{ msg %botnick badident $chan on }
  125. ..Off:{ msg %botnick badident $chan off }
  126. ..List:{ msg %botnick badident $chan list }
  127. .Spamscan
  128. ..On:{ msg %botnick spamscan $chan on $$?="Fill in the punishmethod for detecting spam ( 1=warn 2=warn/kick 3=kick 4=warn/ban 5=warn/kick/ban 6=ban )" }
  129. ..Off:{ msg %botnick spamscan $chan off }
  130. ..List:{ msg %botnick spamscan $chan list }
  131. ..Cycle
  132. ...On:{ msg %botnick spamscan $chan cycle on }
  133. ...Off:{ msg %botnick spamscan $chan cycle off }
  134. .Protect
  135. ..On:{ msg %botnick protect $chan on $$?="Fill in the punishmethod when deop/kick known users ( 1=deop 2=channelban 3=globalban )" }
  136. ..Off:{ msg %botnick protect $chan off }
  137. .Limit
  138. ..On:{ msg %botnick limit $chan on $$?="Fill in the slack for the dynamic limit" }
  139. ..Off:{ msg %botnick limit $chan off }
  140. .Flyby
  141. ..On:{ msg %botnick flyby $chan on $$?="Fill in the minimum part/join time in seconds (example : when enter 5 seconds the user must still be on the channnel after 5 seconds or else hes banned" }
  142. ..Off:{ msg %botnick flyby $chan off }
  143. .Anti Idle
  144. ..On:{ msg %botnick noidle $chan on $$?="Fill in the maximum part/join time in minutes (example : when enter 5 minutes the user is warned when half the time has expired, and will be banned after 5 minutes" }
  145. ..Off:{ msg %botnick noidle $chan off }
  146. .Private
  147. ..On:{ msg %botnick private $chan on }
  148. ..Off:{ msg %botnick private $chan off }
  149. .VIPscan
  150. ..Add:{ msg %botnick vipscan $chan add $$?="Fill in your VIP channel here that you want too add" }
  151. ..Del:{ msg %botnick vipscan $chan del $$?="Fill in your VIP channel here that you want too delete" }
  152. ..On:{ msg %botnick vipscan $chan on }
  153. ..Off:{ msg %botnick vipscan $chan off }
  154. ..List:{ msg %botnick vipscan $chan list }
  155. .Bitchmode
  156. ..On:{ msg %botnick bitch $chan on }
  157. ..Off:{ msg %botnick bitch $chan off }
  158. .Commands:{ msg %botnick commands $chan }
  159. .Help:{ msg %botnick help $$?="Fill in the command here you need help with (example : topic)" }
  160. }
  163. on *:LOAD: {
  164. echo -a >>Channelhelper control script by Djoezy - #djoezy (Quakenet) - 
  165. echo -a >>Channelhelper Version 2.0 
  166. if (%botnick) { echo -a >>Current botnick: %botnick. Typ /changebotname to change it!. And type /botnick too check the name" }
  167. else { set %botnick $$?="Enter your botnick (the name off the bot you will use)" }
  168. }
  170. alias changebotname { set %botnick $$?="Enter your new botnick: (the name off the bot you will use)" }
  171. alias botnick { echo -a - Current botnick : %botnick }
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