
One piece adventure Other char sheets

Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. One piece Adventure quest. Other char sheets
  3. Ochamu
  4. Sex: Female
  5. Age: 17
  7. Strength:14
  8. Hardiness:10
  9. Dexterity:2
  10. Speed: 3
  11. Perception: 0
  12. Smarts:0
  13. Willpower: 2
  14. *
  15. Devil's luck: 1
  16. *
  18. Current appearance : Standing in at 7ft 2in, her skin is somewhat pale and very soft. Her hair is a messy mane of brownish red locks, that often sticks out of her marine cap at odd angles, curling up. Her hair reaches well down her back. Her face looks stern and serious, often grim, like she's constantly glaring or leering at something, It is also very vaguely resembles a gorilla's in someways. Her eyes are light green and are usually filled with either joy or worry. Her arms are slightly over-sized compared to the rest of her, and she tends to let them hang lazily at her side, giving her a slouching and almost gorilla look when she walks along. She tries to wear her marine uniform as fancily as possible, but its hard to do when her cap is too small for her and her sleeves only go halfway down her arms.
  20. She wields no weapon...but herself
  22. Laugh:Fufufufufufufufu
  23. .
  24. Weapon training: Herself, Halberd
  25. Current weapon: Ochamu
  26. .
  27. Skills: Cooking?, Dancing!?
  28. .
  29. Feats/normal abilities: Cower *Hide behind something to avoid damage*, Wild swing *Swing at something as hard as you can*, emotional rampage *While emotional, gain extra attacks and damage*, Gorilla hug *Pick someone up and crush them with a back breaking hug*, Back breaking tackle *Charge and leap at someone, probably breaking a few things*, Helping toss *throw a friend onto an enemy, without hurting the former!*, Bite your lip *Ignores pain debuffs for a few rounds*
  31. Inventory: marine uniform, hairbrush, torn and stained cook books, Halberd
  32. Special inventory: The book of a proper lady, perfume collection
  33. real useful items: Picture of home, family funds
  35. .
  36. Yotshi
  37. Sex: male
  38. Age:16
  40. Strength:2
  41. Hardiness:1
  42. Dexterity:4
  43. Speed: 4
  44. Perception: 4
  45. Smarts:11
  46. Willpower: 1
  49. Current appearance: Standing in at 5ft 2in, Yotshi is a really short fellow. His skin is pale, like he didn't see the sun much before joining the marines. His hair is white and tied into a small pony tail. His face is somewhat childish looking but it looks very mature when he's serious or thinking about something, however it becomes very childish looking when he's afraid or nervous. His eyes are a cold blue and hidden behind a pair of plain glasses. He often gives off the same air as a beaten puppy, but when he doesn't he tends to give off an annoying and rude one. He's skinny, and looks easy to push around, because he is. One thinks he's used to it by how easy it is to rope him into doing other's work. He usually looks like he's expecting to get hit or hide. He's wearing a slightly too big marine uniform
  51. He is wielding a standard issue Saber, with a recently sharpened blade
  53. Laugh:Kekekekekekekekek
  54. .
  55. Weapon training: Blades
  56. Current weapon:Standard issue Saber
  57. .
  58. Skills: Science, Mathematics, Medical
  59. .
  60. Feats/normal abilities. Calculated slice *Calculate your next swing, to make sure you hit where it hurts*, HIDE *Hide under something bigger than yourself to avoid getting noticed or hit*, All according to plan *Everything action has an equal and opposite reaction, and you know how to make it work in your favor*, Pinpoint stabs *Slowly bring your foes down by stabbing vital locations, or trying to at least*, Ham string *aim to cut the muscles allowing your foes to move*, Called strike *hit a particular part of your enemy, announcing it for flair*
  62. Inventory. Swordcare kit,
  63. Special inventory. Textbooks, a whole lot of text books
  64. real useful items. Glasses
  66. Pretty Jack
  67. Epithet:Broken Beauty
  68. Sex: ???
  69. Age: 22
  71. Strength:5
  72. Hardiness:2
  73. Dexterity:9
  74. Speed: 5
  75. Perception: 2
  76. Smarts:5
  77. Willpower: 5
  79. Devil's luck: 1
  81. Devil fruit: Han Han no mi, reflect reflect fruit (Allows the user to reflect things, including attacks away from himself, as well as the ability to "Mirror"/"reflect" things, in many strange ways, a very..peculiar fruit sometimes, depending on who's using it, though it can be quite dangerous in the right hands, very dangerous)
  82. Type: Paramecia
  84. Current appearance: Exactly like Adela's, except without the effect of the Akumu Akumu no mi, and two bridges of iron over his/her/???'s nose
  85. Laugh: Kakakaka
  87. Weapon training: Pistols, Kicks, anything thrown/swung/shot/launched at him
  88. Current weapon: Plain Flintlock pistol, nice shoes, His/her/??? enemies
  90. Skills: Singing, painting, referencing bad romance novels, Acting
  92. Feats/ Normal abilities: Falling kick, dancing combat, Breaking speech, Tripping kick, Scaring shot, sliding shot, Serene dodge
  93. Devil fruit abilities: Han Han no Mi, devil fruit weaknesses, Reflection *launch, blast, feedback, Redirect*, Reversal, Doppelganger *Stop hitting yourself* , Mimic
  95. Inventory: N/A
  96. Special Inventory: Several romance novels
  97. really useful Items:N/A
  98. .
  99. Bellary lass
  100. Epithet: Little princess
  101. Sex: female
  102. Age: 18
  104. Strength:1
  105. Hardiness:1
  106. Dexterity:4
  107. Speed:3
  108. Perception:1
  109. Smarts: 5
  110. Willpower: -2
  112. Devil's luck: 1
  114. Devil fruit: Seishin Seishin no mi: Model Sylph/ Spirit Spirit fruit, model: Sylph *A Strange fruit that gives the user power over the winds, and the ability to turn into a fairy/Spirit of the winds, also known as a sylph, as well as many other strange and often fanciful abilities that require a bit of dreaming and imagination to truly learn how to use effectively, it also gives the user pointed ears, and a more elvish look, even in their base form*
  116. Type: Mythical zoan
  118. Current Appearance: standing 4ft 10 ins in her base form, she looks several years younger than she actually is, and is very easily mistaken for a child. She's slightly tanned from years at the sea and under the sun, though it isn't very noticeable, and her fruit has lightened her skin much more noticeably. Her hair is golden blonde, and has streaks of green through it, as well as a green hue just in general. She keeps it tied up in very bouncy twin tails, and has two pointed, elf looking ears. Her eyes are pale blue and often sparkle. In her fully Slyph form she's barely noticeable, being able to be held in one's hand or kept in a pocket, her clothes tend to look a little like clouds and seem to shift around her. Her hair grows long and wild, and her ears grow longer in proportion to the rest of her body. Her nose gets a little more pointy and her face turns even more childish as her pupils vanish, leaving her eyes looking like reflections of the sky, that get a bit bigger in proportion to her face. She also becomes even fairer skinned, and her voice softens to the sound of the breeze. She also grows a pair of dainty green wings that flutter behind her and change appearance based on the winds
  120. Her hybrid form is shorter than her base, and is easily picked up, though she doesn't like it. It's appearance is a merging of her other two, and looks rather eerie as a result, like a changeling or a little girl possessed by a wind spirit, she is also lighter, and can fly with her wings, and thus can still fight or preform tasks that require a human size, and doesn't blow away on the winds as easily
  122. She's currently wearing a standard marine uniform
  123. -
  124. Laugh: fuuuuhuuuhuuhu
  125. Weapon training: pistols
  126. Current weapons: Standard issue flintlock, Blunderpistol
  127. Skills: Speeches, Ship wright
  129. Feats/ Normal abilities: Small and unnoticeable *less likely to be seen during sneaking, especially in forms besides your base*, Dual Wielding, Demeaning taunt *lower foes will to fight*, Ghost ship *able to sail ships that really shouldn't still be on top of the water*
  130. _
  131. Devil fruit abilites: Devil fruit weakness, Forms *Base, Sylph, Hybrid*, Wind control *Damaging*
  133. Inventory:Wallet with water ruined photo of the lass family, key to her old room *necklass*, the bandages from her broken nose
  134. Special inventory: Book on ships, filled with various diagrams *including the abomination fortress*
  135. Very useful items: N/A
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