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Oct 23rd, 2018
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  1. Hey I wanted to talk with you about something. I've been thinking about stepping away from the mythic progression scene for a bit and just playing more casually. I wanted to talk with you first though just to make sure it isn't going to really screw the raid group up. I think with Scaff and Yamsy you guys should be ok. I feel like taking a break from progression because I'm not really enjoying tanking right now. Tanks in BFA basically are just taunting meat dummies who try to do high DPS with a one button rotation. Blizzard pretty much lowered the skill ceiling on tanks so much (except warriors) that for the most part it almost doesn't matter what we do in a fight or how well we play. Tank swap on X stacks. Same as it's always been, but with no real tank mechanics outside of that. They also nerfed my favorite tank into the ground (bear druid) and while I enjoy DK tanking to an extent it's just no where near as enjoyable as Antorus was on my druid. But druid tanks suck now which means my favorite class and spec is literally only useful for farming island expeditions at 110 with exp off. I would like to actually transition to playing a different class as DPS since DK DPS isn't really my thing, I'd probably go back to Hunter, that was my main from Burning Crusade until Mists and I loved it. But yeah my DPS on Dak is nothing special so I wouldn't be needed in raids until I got better at it, but I would also just rather play a different DPS class. I think the other part is that this is the fastest I've ever gone to only logging in for raid nights in an expansion. Usually it happens at the end but BFA hasn't really grabbed me with anything and if it wasn't for this guild and all you wonderful people I would have stopped playing after the first month until the game improves. That being said I don't want to stop playing with you guys though even if I make this temporary transition. I'd still like to do heroic some nights if there's a spot, participate in events in and out of game (achievement runs, trivia, cards against humanity, etc) because I love all of you to death and if I'm not raiding I still want to be able to spend time with you all. I really appreciate you taking me on as an officer and I understand if me not being part of the mythic progression group means I'm no longer needed as an officer. That's ok. I really am happy that I had the opportunity to help you with making the right (and sometimes really hard) decisions with leading a huge community like this. Even with all the craziness that happened I know that you are just trying to help the most people you can reach their goals in game. I think merging both teams was the absolute best thing we could do and I'm really happy with how it turned out. We are actually progressing at a good rate! I'm so proud of us!! I just want you to know that my decision has nothing to do with any of that and it's purely the direction the game and my classes/specs have gone in this expac. I actually fully expect blizzard to fix the majority of my issues with the game at some point, and I'll definitely be playing more often when the next patch hits since it looks like it will fix some of the issues I have and I've heard good things about the raid that's coming. But I may be a hunter or a rogue or something, DUNNO YET, MAYBE ILL STAY DK. Depends on what they do with tanks and tank mechanics in general. Also seriously I want to reiterate that I'm not leaving the game or unsubbing I just want to temporarily bench myself from mythic progression and when I do end up coming back I will fight for a spot just like everyone else does.
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