

Jan 19th, 2020
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  1. 15:10:35 M: 56778752 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: Starting XBMC4Xbox 3.5.3-r33027 (SVN:33027, compiler 1310). Built on Feb 27 2016
  3. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: Q:\
  4. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: Q:\UserData
  5. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: Q:\
  6. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: Z:\
  7. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: The executable running is: E:\apps\xbmc4xbox\default.xbe
  8. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: Log File is located: Q:\xbmc.log
  9. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: Unmapped drive T
  11. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: Mapping drive T to Harddisk0\Partition1\apps\xbmc4xbox\UserData\
  12. 15:10:35 M: 56758272 NOTICE: Setup DirectX
  13. 15:10:35 M: 56733696 NOTICE: Mapping drive C to Harddisk0\Partition2
  14. 15:10:35 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive E to Harddisk0\Partition1
  15. 15:10:35 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Unmapped drive D
  16. 15:10:35 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive D to Cdrom0
  17. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: map extended drive F:
  18. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive F to Harddisk0\Partition6
  19. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive X to Harddisk0\Partition3
  20. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive Y to Harddisk0\Partition4
  21. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Unmapped drive Z
  22. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive Z to Harddisk0\Partition5
  23. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: load settings...
  24. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: Mapping drive P to Harddisk0\Partition1\apps\xbmc4xbox\UserData\
  25. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
  26. 15:10:37 M: 56729600 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
  27. 15:10:37 M: 56541184 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
  28. 15:10:37 M: 56541184 NOTICE: Checking resolution 10
  29. 15:10:37 M: 56541184 NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 1
  30. 15:10:37 M: 56541184 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
  31. 15:10:37 M: 56541184 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
  32. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
  33. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
  34. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: No advancedsettings.xml to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
  35. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
  36. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
  37. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: Log level changed to 2
  38. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: Enabled debug logging due to GUI setting (2)
  39. 15:10:37 M: 56520704 NOTICE: Per AV pack settings are off
  40. 15:10:37 M: 56676352 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/sources.xml
  41. 15:10:37 M: 56676352 INFO: load language info file:special://xbmc/language/Spanish/langinfo.xml
  42. 15:10:37 M: 56676352 INFO: load keyboard layout configuration info file: Q:\language\Spanish\keyboardmap.xml
  43. 15:10:37 M: 56676352 INFO: unable to load Q:\language\Spanish\keyboardmap.xml: Failed to open file at line 0
  44. 15:10:37 M: 56676352 INFO: load Spanish language file, from path: special://xbmc/language/
  45. 15:10:37 M: 56274944 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 2032 strings from file Q:\language\Spanish\strings.po
  46. 15:10:37 M: 56279040 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 41 strings from file Q:\language\English\strings.po
  47. 15:10:37 M: 56393728 INFO: load keymapping
  48. 15:10:37 M: 56393728 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  49. 15:10:37 M: 56373248 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
  50. 15:10:37 M: 56328192 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
  51. 15:10:37 M: 56311808 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml
  52. 15:10:37 M: 56311808 INFO: Checking skin version of: Confluence Lite
  53. 15:10:37 M: 56311808 INFO: Default 4:3 resolution directory is special://xbmc/skin/Confluence Lite/720p
  54. 15:10:37 M: 56311808 INFO: Default 16:9 resolution directory is special://xbmc/skin/Confluence Lite/720p
  55. 15:10:37 M: 56311808 DEBUG: We set resolution 1
  56. 15:10:37 M: 46047232 INFO: GUI format 1280x720 720p 16:9
  57. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 INFO: install unhandled exception filter
  58. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 INFO: creating subdirectories
  59. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/
  60. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 INFO: recording folder:
  61. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 INFO: screenshots folder: E:\
  62. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 INFO: thumbnails folder: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails
  63. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 DEBUG: CNetwork::SetupNetwork - Setting up network...
  64. 15:10:38 M: 46047232 NOTICE: Network: Using static IP settings
  65. 15:10:38 M: 45727744 NOTICE: Using idle thread with HLT (power saving)
  66. 15:10:38 M: 45715456 NOTICE: Checking the Date!
  67. 15:10:38 M: 45715456 INFO: Current Date is: 19-1-2020
  68. 15:10:38 M: 45715456 NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
  69. 15:10:38 M: 45649920 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
  70. 15:10:38 M: 45649920 DEBUG: Compiled with libcdio Version 0.72
  71. 15:10:38 M: 45649920 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
  72. 15:10:38 M: 45649920 INFO: lcd not used
  73. 15:10:38 M: 45649920 NOTICE: setting fanspeed
  74. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 NOTICE: load default skin:[Confluence Lite]
  75. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 INFO: load skin from:Q:\skin\Confluence Lite
  76. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 INFO: delete old skin...
  77. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ------
  78. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogMuteBug.xml) ------
  79. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 INFO: Default 4:3 resolution directory is Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p
  80. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 INFO: Default 16:9 resolution directory is Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p
  81. 15:10:38 M: 45641728 INFO: Loading skin includes from Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p\includes.xml
  82. 15:10:38 M: 43732992 INFO: load fonts for skin...
  83. 15:10:38 M: 43749376 INFO: Loading fonts from Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p\Font.xml
  84. 15:10:39 M: 42459136 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 148 strings from file Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\language\Spanish\strings.po
  85. 15:10:39 M: 42471424 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 28 strings from file Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\language\English\strings.po
  86. 15:10:39 M: 42459136 INFO: load new skin...
  87. 15:10:39 M: 42459136 INFO: Default 4:3 resolution directory is Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p
  88. 15:10:39 M: 42459136 INFO: Default 16:9 resolution directory is Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p
  89. 15:10:39 M: 42459136 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
  90. 15:10:39 M: 41414656 INFO: Loading user windows, path Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p
  91. 15:10:39 M: 41414656 INFO: Loading skin file: Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p\custom_DiscDialog_1113.xml
  92. 15:10:39 M: 41414656 INFO: Loading skin file: Q:\skin\Confluence Lite\720p\custom_SkinSetting_1111.xml
  93. 15:10:39 M: 41414656 DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 394.64ms
  94. 15:10:39 M: 41414656 INFO: initialize new skin...
  95. 15:10:39 M: 41414656 INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml
  96. 15:10:39 M: 41377792 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml
  97. 15:10:39 M: 41369600 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml
  98. 15:10:39 M: 41353216 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKaiToast.xml
  99. 15:10:39 M: 41353216 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogMuteBug.xml
  100. 15:10:39 M: 40960000 INFO: Loading special://home/skin/Confluence Lite/sounds/sounds.xml
  101. 15:10:39 M: 40960000 INFO: skin loaded...
  102. 15:10:39 M: 40001536 DEBUG: kernel32.dll fake function DisableThreadLibraryCalls called
  103. 15:10:39 M: 40001536 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogBusy.xml
  104. 15:10:39 M: 40525824 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12999
  105. 15:10:39 M: 40525824 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 12999 is locked.
  106. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Startup.xml) ------
  107. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 INFO: Loading skin file: Startup.xml
  108. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 INFO: removing tempfiles
  109. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 NOTICE: initialize done
  110. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 NOTICE: Running the application...
  111. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ReplaceWindow(Home)
  112. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ReplaceWindow(Home)
  113. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
  114. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10000 is locked.
  115. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Startup.xml) ------
  116. 15:10:39 M: 40357888 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  117. 15:10:39 M: 39546880 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  118. 15:10:39 M: 39546880 DEBUG: XBPython::Process - no system (Q:\scripts\ found, skipping
  119. 15:10:40 M: 38887424 DEBUG: JpegIO::Read - Requested minx x miny 1024 x 720 - using minx x miny 1144 x 643
  120. 15:10:40 M: 38875136 DEBUG: JpegIO::Read - Using scale_num of 8, 960 x 540
  121. 15:10:40 M: 36794368 WARNING: old getenv from python.lib called, library check needed
  122. Previous line repeats 3 times.
  123. 15:10:40 M: 36835328 WARNING: GetRecentlyAddedAlbumSongs() query: SELECT songview.* FROM (SELECT idAlbum FROM albumview ORDER BY idAlbum DESC LIMIT 10) AS recentalbums JOIN songview ON songview.idAlbum=recentalbums.idAlbum
  124. 15:10:40 M: 36835328 DEBUG: CMusicDatabase::GetRecentlyAddedAlbums query: select * from albumview order by idAlbum desc limit 10
  125. 15:10:40 M: 36851712 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateVideos() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  126. 15:10:40 M: 36839424 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 2 ms for 0 items query: select * from movieview order by idMovie desc limit 10
  127. 15:10:40 M: 36839424 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::RunQuery took 52 ms for 0 items query: select * from episodeview order by idEpisode desc limit 10
  128. 15:10:40 M: 36839424 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMusicVideosByWhere query = select * from musicvideoview order by idMVideo desc limit 10
  129. 15:10:40 M: 36839424 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMusicVideosByWhere time for actual SQL query = 13
  130. 15:10:40 M: 36851712 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateTotal() - Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
  131. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkUp - Network service is up
  132. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - Link: full duplex
  133. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - Link: 100 mbps
  134. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - State: dns
  135. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - State: static
  136. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - ip:
  137. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - subnet:
  138. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - gateway:
  139. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 INFO: CNetwork::LogState - dns:,
  140. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 DEBUG: CNetwork::NetworkMessage - Starting network services
  141. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 DEBUG: SECTION:Section SNTP loaded count:1 size:7036
  142. 15:10:40 M: 36810752 NOTICE: start timeserver client
  143. 15:10:40 M: 36745216 NOTICE: XBFileZilla: Starting...
  144. 15:10:40 M: 36691968 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
  145. 15:10:40 M: 36155392 DEBUG: CLastfmScrobbler: Clearing session.
  146. 15:10:40 M: 36208640 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
  147. 15:10:40 M: 36196352 DEBUG: CLibrefmScrobbler: Clearing session.
  148. 15:10:40 M: 36122624 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
  149. 15:10:40 M: 36122624 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D011F89C)
  150. 15:10:40 M: 36073472 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  151. 15:10:40 M: 35860480 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  152. 15:10:40 M: 35848192 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  153. 15:10:40 M: 35848192 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  154. 15:10:40 M: 35848192 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  155. 15:10:40 M: 35848192 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  156. 15:10:40 M: 35856384 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  157. 15:10:40 M: 35856384 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  158. 15:10:40 M: 35856384 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  159. 15:10:40 M: 35856384 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  160. 15:10:40 M: 35856384 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  161. 15:10:40 M: 35856384 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  162. 15:10:40 M: 35885056 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  163. 15:10:40 M: 35872768 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  164. 15:10:40 M: 35860480 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  165. 15:10:40 M: 35860480 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  166. 15:10:40 M: 35860480 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  167. 15:10:40 M: 35205120 NOTICE: XBFileZilla: Started
  168. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  169. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  170. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  171. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  172. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  173. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  174. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  175. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  176. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  177. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  178. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  179. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  180. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  181. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  182. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  183. 15:10:40 M: 35254272 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  184. 15:10:41 M: 35266560 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  185. 15:10:41 M: 35266560 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  186. 15:10:41 M: 35266560 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
  187. 15:10:41 M: 35426304 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D011F89C)
  188. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  189. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  190. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  191. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  192. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  193. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  194. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  195. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  196. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  197. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  198. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  199. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  200. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  201. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  202. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  203. 15:10:41 M: 35241984 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  204. 15:10:41 M: 35368960 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  205. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  206. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  207. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  208. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  209. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  210. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  211. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  212. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  213. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  214. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  215. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  216. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  217. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  218. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  219. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  220. 15:10:41 M: 35401728 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  221. 15:10:41 M: 35360768 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  222. 15:10:42 M: 35405824 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  223. 15:10:42 M: 35409920 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  224. 15:10:42 M: 35409920 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
  225. 15:10:42 M: 35573760 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D011F89C)
  226. 15:10:42 M: 35500032 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  227. 15:10:42 M: 35184640 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  228. 15:10:42 M: 35205120 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  229. 15:10:42 M: 35205120 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
  230. 15:10:42 M: 35377152 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D011F89C)
  231. 15:10:42 M: 35254272 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  232. 15:10:42 M: 35037184 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 272 pressed, action is Left
  233. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  234. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  235. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  236. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  237. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  238. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  239. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  240. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  241. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  242. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  243. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  244. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  245. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  246. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  247. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptAcquireContext() called
  248. 15:10:42 M: 34955264 DEBUG: advapi32.dll fake function dllCryptReleaseContext() called
  249. 15:10:43 M: 34914304 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  250. 15:10:43 M: 34893824 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  251. 15:10:43 M: 34893824 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
  252. 15:10:43 M: 34988032 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D011F89C)
  253. 15:10:43 M: 34848768 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  254. 15:10:43 M: 34848768 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  255. 15:10:43 M: 34828288 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
  256. 15:10:43 M: 34967552 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D011F89C)
  257. 15:10:43 M: 34512896 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  258. 15:10:43 M: 34336768 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
  259. 15:10:44 M: 33845248 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
  260. 15:10:44 M: 34488320 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  261. 15:10:44 M: 35012608 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  262. 15:10:44 M: 35000320 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(MusicFiles,Plugins,return)
  263. 15:10:44 M: 35000320 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(MusicFiles,Plugins,return)
  264. 15:10:44 M: 35000320 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10501
  265. 15:10:44 M: 35000320 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10501 is locked.
  266. 15:10:44 M: 35000320 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  267. 15:10:45 M: 35438592 WARNING: CUtil::GetMatchingSource... no matching source found for [Plugins]
  268. 15:10:45 M: 35438592 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyMusicSongs.xml) ------
  269. 15:10:45 M: 35438592 INFO: Loading skin file: MyMusicSongs.xml
  270. 15:10:45 M: 34611200 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://music/)
  271. 15:10:45 M: 34611200 DEBUG: ParentPath = [plugin://music]
  272. 15:10:45 M: 34615296 INFO: Caching image from: special://home/plugins/music/Shoutcast2/default.tbn to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/Programs\d\dd44c1e6.tbn with width 192 and height 192
  273. 15:10:45 M: 34574336 WARNING: JpegIO: Error 55: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
  274. 15:10:45 M: 33968128 DEBUG: Dll MSVCP71.dll was not found in path
  275. 15:10:45 M: 33968128 DEBUG: Unable to load referenced dll MSVCP71.dll - Dll: Q:\system\ImageLib.dll
  276. 15:10:45 M: 34021376 DEBUG: RetrieveMusicInfo() took 0 msec
  277. 15:10:45 M: 34021376 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  278. 15:10:45 M: 32595968 DEBUG: JpegIO::Read - Requested minx x miny 192 x 192 - using minx x miny 192 x 192
  279. 15:10:45 M: 32595968 DEBUG: JpegIO::Read - Using scale_num of 8, 192 x 192
  280. 15:10:50 M: 31645696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 275 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
  281. 15:10:50 M: 31637504 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  282. 15:10:50 M: 31645696 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyMusicSongs.xml) ------
  283. 15:10:50 M: 33935360 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  284. 15:10:50 M: 33935360 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  285. 15:10:50 M: 33935360 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
  286. 15:10:51 M: 33316864 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 272 pressed, action is Left
  287. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  288. 15:10:52 M: 33316864 DEBUG: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00C1A010, multi=00BFADF0)
  289. 15:10:52 M: 33398784 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 272 pressed, action is Left
  290. 15:10:53 M: 33546240 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  291. 15:10:53 M: 33533952 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Weather)
  292. 15:10:53 M: 33533952 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Weather)
  293. 15:10:53 M: 33533952 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12600
  294. 15:10:53 M: 33533952 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 12600 is locked.
  295. 15:10:53 M: 33533952 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  296. 15:10:53 M: 34652160 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyWeather.xml) ------
  297. 15:10:53 M: 34652160 INFO: Loading skin file: MyWeather.xml
  298. 15:10:53 M: 34217984 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
  299. 15:10:53 M: 33366016 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D02CD934)*&unit=m&dayf=7
  300. 15:10:53 M: 32489472 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  301. 15:10:53 M: 32489472 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00DA6010, multi=00D17080)
  302. 15:10:54 M: 32632832 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
  303. 15:10:54 M: 27987968 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00C3A010, multi=00C6AD70)
  304. 15:10:55 M: 28418048 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: Q:\system\ImageLib.dll)
  305. 15:10:57 M: 33308672 DEBUG: POParser: loaded 51 weather tokens
  306. 15:10:57 M: 33427456 ERROR: WEATHER: Unable to get data - invalid XML
  307. 15:11:06 M: 33521664 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 272 pressed, action is Left
  308. 15:11:07 M: 33521664 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  309. 15:11:08 M: 33521664 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00C1A010, multi=00BEDF40)
  310. 15:11:09 M: 33689600 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  311. Previous line repeats 2 times.
  312. 15:11:14 M: 33689600 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 270 pressed, action is Up
  313. Previous line repeats 2 times.
  314. 15:11:15 M: 33689600 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  315. 15:11:15 M: 33677312 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
  316. 15:11:15 M: 33677312 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D02CD934)*&unit=m&dayf=7
  317. 15:11:15 M: 33603584 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  318. 15:11:15 M: 33419264 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
  319. 15:11:15 M: 33419264 ERROR: WEATHER: Unable to get data - invalid XML
  320. 15:11:18 M: 33525760 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  321. 15:11:21 M: 33525760 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 272 pressed, action is Left
  322. 15:11:22 M: 33525760 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  323. 15:11:24 M: 33525760 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 270 pressed, action is Up
  324. 15:11:25 M: 33525760 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00C1A010, multi=00C00290)
  325. 15:11:26 M: 33689600 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  326. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  327. 15:11:27 M: 33689600 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  328. 15:11:27 M: 33677312 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(MyWeatherSettings)
  329. 15:11:27 M: 33677312 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(MyWeatherSettings)
  330. 15:11:27 M: 33677312 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10014
  331. 15:11:27 M: 33677312 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10004 is locked.
  332. 15:11:27 M: 33677312 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyWeather.xml) ------
  333. 15:11:27 M: 35872768 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
  334. 15:11:27 M: 35872768 INFO: Loading skin file: SettingsCategory.xml
  335. 15:11:27 M: 35659776 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting Q:\plugins\weather\
  336. 15:11:27 M: 35659776 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory - Error getting special://home/plugins/weather/
  337. 15:11:30 M: 34676736 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 275 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
  338. 15:11:30 M: 34668544 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  339. 15:11:30 M: 34668544 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (SettingsCategory.xml) ------
  340. 15:11:30 M: 35876864 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  341. 15:11:30 M: 35876864 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyWeather.xml) ------
  342. 15:11:30 M: 35876864 INFO: Loading skin file: MyWeather.xml
  343. 15:11:32 M: 33779712 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 272 pressed, action is Left
  344. 15:11:34 M: 33779712 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  345. 15:11:34 M: 33767424 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
  346. 15:11:34 M: 33767424 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D02CD934)*&unit=m&dayf=7
  347. 15:11:34 M: 33693696 INFO: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::easy_aquire - Created session to
  348. 15:11:34 M: 33517568 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
  349. 15:11:34 M: 33517568 ERROR: WEATHER: Unable to get data - invalid XML
  350. 15:11:37 M: 33619968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  351. 15:11:37 M: 33607680 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
  352. 15:11:37 M: 33607680 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D02CD934)*&unit=m&dayf=7
  353. 15:11:37 M: 33505280 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
  354. 15:11:37 M: 33505280 ERROR: WEATHER: Unable to get data - invalid XML
  355. 15:11:38 M: 33619968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  356. 15:11:41 M: 33619968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  357. 15:11:41 M: 33607680 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
  358. 15:11:41 M: 33607680 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D02CD934)*&unit=m&dayf=7
  359. 15:11:41 M: 33505280 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
  360. 15:11:41 M: 33505280 ERROR: WEATHER: Unable to get data - invalid XML
  361. 15:11:43 M: 33619968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  362. 15:11:43 M: 33607680 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
  363. 15:11:43 M: 33607680 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(D02CD934)*&unit=m&dayf=7
  364. 15:11:43 M: 33505280 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
  365. 15:11:43 M: 33505280 ERROR: WEATHER: Unable to get data - invalid XML
  366. 15:11:45 M: 33619968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 275 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
  367. 15:11:45 M: 33611776 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  368. 15:11:45 M: 33611776 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (MyWeather.xml) ------
  369. 15:11:45 M: 35717120 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
  370. 15:11:45 M: 35717120 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (Home.xml) ------
  371. 15:11:45 M: 35717120 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
  372. 15:11:47 M: 34635776 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 275 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
  373. 15:11:47 M: 34627584 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
  374. 15:11:48 M: 34635776 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  375. Previous line repeats 10 times.
  376. 15:11:54 M: 34635776 DEBUG: XCURL::DllLibCurlGlobal::CheckIdle - Closing session to (easy=00C1A010, multi=00C7EDA0)
  377. 15:11:56 M: 34787328 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  378. 15:11:56 M: 34787328 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  379. 15:11:57 M: 34787328 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  380. 15:11:57 M: 34775040 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(FileManager)
  381. 15:11:57 M: 34775040 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(FileManager)
  382. 15:11:57 M: 34775040 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10003
  383. 15:11:57 M: 34775040 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10003 is locked.
  384. 15:11:57 M: 34775040 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
  385. 15:11:57 M: 35856384 NOTICE: Local Source Drive F:
  386. 15:11:57 M: 35856384 INFO: Attempting to default to:
  387. 15:11:57 M: 35856384 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (FileManager.xml) ------
  388. 15:11:57 M: 35856384 INFO: Loading skin file: FileManager.xml
  389. 15:11:57 M: 35917824 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogProgress.xml
  390. 15:11:57 M: 35917824 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  391. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  392. 15:11:58 M: 34717696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  393. Previous line repeats 4 times.
  394. 15:11:59 M: 34414592 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  395. 15:11:59 M: 34508800 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  396. 15:12:01 M: 34717696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 270 pressed, action is Up
  397. 15:12:03 M: 34717696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 273 pressed, action is Right
  398. 15:12:04 M: 34717696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  399. Previous line repeats 6 times.
  400. 15:12:05 M: 34414592 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 256 pressed, action is Select
  401. 15:12:06 M: 34439168 DEBUG: CFileItemList::Sort, sorting took 0 millis
  402. 15:12:06 M: 34717696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  403. Previous line repeats 14 times.
  404. 15:12:08 M: 34533376 DEBUG: JpegIO: Error 55: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x
  405. 15:12:08 M: 34074624 DEBUG: Dll MSVCP71.dll was not found in path
  406. 15:12:08 M: 34074624 DEBUG: Unable to load referenced dll MSVCP71.dll - Dll: Q:\system\ImageLib.dll
  407. 15:12:09 M: 33927168 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 271 pressed, action is Down
  408. Previous line repeats 5 times.
  409. 15:12:13 M: 34004992 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 270 pressed, action is Up
  410. Previous line repeats 1 times.
  411. 15:12:18 M: 34529280 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDelayed(DLL: Q:\system\ImageLib.dll)
  412. 15:12:21 M: 35135488 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 277 pressed, action is XBMC.ActivateWindow(ShutdownMenu)
  413. 15:12:21 M: 35135488 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10111
  414. 15:12:21 M: 35135488 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10111 is locked.
  415. 15:12:21 M: 35135488 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogButtonMenu.xml) ------
  416. 15:12:21 M: 35135488 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogButtonMenu.xml
  417. 15:12:24 M: 35000320 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 275 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
  418. 15:12:24 M: 34992128 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogButtonMenu.xml) ------
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