
Pokey Grylls

Jun 23rd, 2024
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  1. Little fish came to nibble at Pokey's fingers as he spread them out in the water.
  2. Surely, the fish had mistaken them for sausages. A larger fish began to approach,
  3. hunting the smaller ones. Pokey held still and waited. He waited so patiently...
  4. Finally, the large fish came right up beside him, and...
  5. KER-SPLASH! He lunged for the fish and caught it. The fish struggled and splashed.
  6. Holding it by its tail, he whacked it with a thud! against one of the hut's
  7. support beams to knock it out, and then Pokey began to eat it immediately. While he
  8. knew it would have tasted better cooked, he felt too impatient to start a fire. He was so
  9. hungry...
  11. - Mother 2, Chapter 8 pg. 187
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