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Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. The atmosphere before the Industrial Revolution was crystal clear and you could see every star in the sky, but now you can barely see any. The atmosphere of the Earth has been polluted which is very bad. The world saw a major increase of population so demands for items increased. And it created a better middle class. These are the main effects that the Industrial Revolution has had on the world today and I am going to show you why these are the most important effects of the Industrial Revolution.
  2. One effect of the Industrial Revolution was the air pollution. People didn’t know then that they were polluting the atmosphere, but over the course of hundreds of years it has impacted us a lot. The smoke coming out of the factories spread out across the atmosphere polluting it horribly in some areas of the world. In some places of the world people need to wear masks because of how badly polluted it is and some may even die. The sad part is that we are unable to fix the atmosphere now because the people of the world are very greedy and don’t care. This is one of the most important effects of the Industrial Revolution.
  3. Another effect of the Industrial Revolution was the sudden increase in population. In the years 1700 to 1800 the population of the world grew by 57 percent, It reached over 1 billion people. The population increased this much because there was increased food production, advances in medicine, better sanitation and an increased birth rate. Over the course of 1800 to 2018 the population has gone up to 9 billion. Due to the sudden population growth the price raised due to demands increasing. Some people fear that the world will become overpopulated and we would not have enough food to supply anymore. This is another major effect of the Industrial Revolution.
  4. One of the biggest effects of the Industrial Revolution was that it created a better middle class. Before the Industrial Revolution there was mostly only Upper and Lower class. The Upper class lived in mansions and were very wealthy and the Lower class lived in run down places barely making enough money to survive. The industrial Revolution opened up many jobs and opportunities for people to get wealthy. When the Industrial Revolution happened it created a Middle class which was a great middle point for people. They lived in a nice place and we’re making enough money to get food and other things that they needed. This was one of the biggest effects of the Industrial Revolution.
  5. The Industrial Revolution was quite a revolutionary part in our history, if it never happened the world would not be the same. The three biggest effects of the Industrial Revolution is that the population increased, the atmosphere got polluted making some spots in the world have air that that you aren’t able to breathe normally, and it created a middle class which allowed people to get jobs and make enough money to survive and do other things. The Industrial Revolution has some good and bad things about it but it was one of the biggest technological advance in all of human history.
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