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Nov 2nd, 2016
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  1. General:
  2. Prefix: "&c&lBan-System &8&l\xbb"
  3. NoPerms: "&cNo perms!"
  4. LayoutNotFound: "&cThere is no layout called %NAME%"
  5. # This will be the replacement for the %DURATION% variable
  6. TimeLayoutD: "%D%day(s) %H%h %M%min and %S%sec"
  7. TimeLayoutH: "%H%hour(s) %M%min and %S%sec"
  8. TimeLayoutM: "%M%min and %S%sec"
  9. TimeLayoutS: "%S% seconds"
  12. Ban:
  13. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/ban [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
  14. Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7wurde erfolgreich gebannt!"
  15. AlreadyDone: "&c&o%NAME% &7wurde bereits gebannt!"
  16. Exempt: "&7Du kannst diesen Spieler nicht bannen &c&o%NAME%"
  17. Layout:
  18. - '%PREFIX% &7Du wurdest für &cIMMER&7 vom Netwerk gebannt!'
  19. - '&7'
  20. - '&7'
  21. - '&cGrund &8\xbb &7%REASON%'
  22. - '&7'
  23. - '&8Entbannunganträge auf unserem TS'
  24. - '&eTS-Ip &8\xbb &c&n91.205.172.252'
  25. Notification:
  26. - "&8&o%NAME% &7würde von &e&o%OPERATOR% für &cIMMER&f wegen %REASON% gebannt
  28. Ipban:
  29. Usage: '&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/banip [Name/IP] [Reason/@Layout]'
  30. Layout:
  31. - '%PREFIX% &7Du wurdest für &cIMMER&7 vom Netwerk gebannt!'
  32. - '&7'
  33. - '&7'
  34. - '&cGrund &8\xbb &7%REASON%'
  35. - '&7'
  36. - '&8Entbannunganträge auf unserem TS'
  37. - '&eTS-Ip &8\xbb &c&n91.205.172.252'
  38. Notification:
  39. - '&c&o%NAME% &7würde von &e&o%OPERATOR% für &cIMMER&f wegen %REASON% gebannt'
  40. IpNotCashed: '&cEs gibt keine gespeicherte IP für %NAME%!'
  42. Tempban:
  43. Usage: '&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempban [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]'
  44. MaxDuration: "&cDu darfst disen User nicht für mehr als %MAX%sec bannen"
  45. Layout:
  46. - '%PREFIX% &7Du wurdest für &c%DURATION%&7 vom Netwerk gebannt!'
  47. - '&7'
  48. - '&7'
  49. - "&cGrund &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  50. - '&7'
  51. - '&8Entbannunganträge auf unserem TS'
  52. - "&eTS-Ip &8\xbb &c&n91.205.172.252"
  53. Notification:
  54. - "&8&o%NAME% &7würde von &e&o%OPERATOR% für &cIMMER&f wegen %REASON% gebannt
  56. Mute:
  57. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/mute [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
  58. Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7wurde erfolgreich gemutet!"
  59. AlreadyDone: "&c&o%NAME% &7has already been muted!"
  60. Exempt: "&7Du kannst den Spieler &c&o%NAME% &7nicht muten"
  61. Layout:
  62. - '%PREFIX% &7Du wurdest für &cIMMER &7gemutet'
  63. - "&cGrund: &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  64. Notification:
  65. - "&8&o%NAME% &7würde von &e&o%OPERATOR% für &cIMMER&f wegen %REASON% gemutet
  67. Tempmute:
  68. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempmute [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]"
  69. MaxDuration: "&cDu darfst disen User nicht für mehr als %MAX%sec muten"
  70. Layout:
  71. - '%PREFIX% &7Du wurdest für &c%DURATION% &7gemutet'
  72. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  73. Notification:
  74. - "&8&o%NAME% &7würde von &e&o%OPERATOR% für &cIMMER&f wegen %REASON% gemutet
  76. Warn:
  77. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/warn [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
  78. Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully warned!"
  79. Exempt: "&7You are not able to warn &c&o%NAME%"
  80. Layout:
  81. - '%PREFIX% &cYou resived a warning'
  82. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  83. - '&7You have now &c&o%COUNT% &7warns in total!'
  84. Notification:
  85. - "&c&o%NAME% &7got warned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
  86. - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
  88. Tempwarn:
  89. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/tempwarn [Name] [Xmo/Xd/Xh/Xm/Xs/#TimeLayout] [Reason/@Layout]"
  90. MaxDuration: "&cYou are not able to warn more than %MAX%sec"
  91. Layout:
  92. - '%PREFIX% &cYou resived a temp-warning'
  93. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  94. - "&cIt will pass in &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
  95. - '&7You have now &c&o%COUNT% &7warns in total!'
  96. Notification:
  97. - "&c&o%NAME% &7got temp-warned by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
  98. - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
  99. - "&7This warn will pass in &o%DURATION%"
  101. Kick:
  102. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/kick [Name] [Reason/@Layout]"
  103. Done: "&c&o%NAME% &7was successfully kicked!"
  104. NotOnline: "&c&o%NAME% &7is not online!"
  105. Exempt: "&7You are not able to kick &c&o%NAME%"
  106. Layout:
  107. - '%PREFIX% &7You got kicked'
  108. - '&7'
  109. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  110. - '&7'
  111. Notification:
  112. - "&c&o%NAME% &7got kicked by &e&o%OPERATOR%"
  113. - "&7For the reason &o%REASON%"
  116. UnBan:
  117. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unban [Name/IP]"
  118. NotPunished: "&c&o%NAME% is not banned!"
  119. Done: "&a&o%NAME% &7was successfully unbanned!"
  121. UnMute:
  122. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unmute [Name]"
  123. NotPunished: "&c&o%NAME% is not muted!"
  124. Done: "&a&o%NAME% &7was successfully unmuted!"
  126. UnWarn:
  127. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/unwarn [ID]"
  128. NotFound: "&cCoud not find warning #%ID%"
  129. Done: "&7Warn &a&o#%ID% &7was successfully deleted!"
  132. Banlist:
  133. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/banlist <Page>"
  134. OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no %PAGE%th page!"
  135. NoEntries: "&c&oThere are no entries yet :("
  136. Header:
  137. - "%PREFIX% &7Banlist:"
  138. - "&c&oPlayer/IP &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oBanned by"
  139. - "&c&oType &8> &7&oReason"
  140. - "&7"
  141. Entry:
  142. - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]"
  143. - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%"
  144. - "&c%TYPE% &8> &7&o%REASON%"
  145. - "&7"
  146. Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Active bans: &e&o%COUNT%"
  147. PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/banlist %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page"
  149. History:
  150. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/history [Name/IP] <Page>"
  151. OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no %PAGE%th page!"
  152. NoEntries: "&c&oCould not find history of %NAME% :("
  153. Header:
  154. - "%PREFIX% &7History for %NAME%:"
  155. - "&c&oName &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oOperator"
  156. - "&c&oType &8> &7&oReason"
  157. - "&7"
  158. Entry:
  159. - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]"
  160. - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%"
  161. - "&c%TYPE% &8> &7&o%REASON%"
  162. - "&7"
  163. Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Total entries: &e&o%COUNT%"
  164. PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/history %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page"
  166. Warns:
  167. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/warns [Name] <Page>"
  168. OutOfIndex: "&cThere is no %PAGE%th page!"
  169. NoEntries: "&c&o%NAME% has no warns yet"
  170. Header:
  171. - "%PREFIX% &7Warns for %NAME%:"
  172. - "&c&oName &8| &e&oDuration &8| &7&oWarned by"
  173. - "&c&o#ID &8> &7&oReason"
  174. - "&7"
  175. Entry:
  176. - "&8[&e%DATE%&8]"
  177. - "&c%NAME% &8| &e%DURATION% &8| &7%OPERATOR%"
  178. - "&c&l#%ID% &8> &7&o%REASON%"
  179. - "&7"
  180. Footer: "&7Page &e&o%CURRENT_PAGE% &7of &e&o%TOTAL_PAGES% &8| &7Active warns: &e&o%COUNT%"
  181. PageFooter: "&7Use &e&o/warns %NAME% %NEXT_PAGE% &7to see the next page"
  184. Check:
  185. Usage: "&cUsage &8\xbb &7&o/check [Name]"
  186. Header: "&7Checking &e&o%NAME%"
  187. UUID: "&cUUID &8\xbb &7%UUID%"
  188. IP: "&cIP &8\xbb &7%IP%"
  189. Geo: "&cCountry &8\xbb &7%LOCATION%"
  190. Mute: "&cMuted &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
  191. Ban: "&cBanned &8\xbb &7%DURATION%"
  192. Warn: "&cWarns &8\xbb &7%COUNT%"
  193. NotFound: "&cSorry we have not been able to find %NAME%"
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