Guest User

Language Config

a guest
Nov 27th, 2023
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  1. #
  2. # This is the main configuration for messages
  3. #
  5. lang:
  6. prefix: '&b&lvSpigot &7ยป &f'
  7. line: '&7&m-------------------------'
  8. usage: '%prefix% Usage: %usage%'
  9. value-not-valid: '%prefix% &cValue %value% is not valid'
  10. player-not-found: '%prefix% &cPlayer %value% is not found'
  11. setting-not-found: '%prefix% &cSetting %value% is not found'
  12. plugman:
  13. plugin-not-found: '%prefix% &cPlugin %value% is not found or valid'
  14. plugin-already: '%prefix% &cPlugin %value% is already %status%'
  15. plugin-has-been: '%prefix% &fPlugin &7%value% &fhas been &a%status%'
  16. all-plugins-have-been: '%prefix% &aAll plugins have been %status%'
  17. explosion-destroyer:
  18. durabilityCheckMessage: This block has &a%durability% &fdurability left.
  19. spigot:
  20. disconnectSpam: disconnect.spam
  21. loggedFromOther: You logged in from another location
  22. noPermission: '&cI''m sorry, but you do not have permission to perform this command.
  23. Please contact the server administrators if you believe that this is in error.'
  24. command:
  25. help:
  26. header:
  27. - '%line%'
  28. - '&b&o%command% Help:'
  29. footer:
  30. - '%line%'
  31. knockback:
  32. profile-not-found: '%prefix% &cProfile %value% does not exist'
  33. exists: '%prefix% &cThis profile already exists'
  34. add: '%prefix% You have created profile: &7%name%&f. Use /kb edit %name%'
  35. remove: '%prefix% You have removed profile: &7%name%'
  36. edit: '%prefix% You have set &7%setting% &fvalue of &7%profile% &fto %color%%value%'
  37. set: '%prefix% You have set profile %name% for &7%player%'
  38. setall: '%prefix% You have set profile %name% for &7all online players'
  39. reload: '%prefix% Reloaded %value% profiles from knockback.yml'
  40. list:
  41. header:
  42. - '%line%'
  43. - '&b&oKnockback Profiles:'
  44. middle: ' &7* &f%name%'
  45. footer:
  46. - '&7&oUse /kb <profile> to view values."'
  47. - '%line%'
  48. info:
  49. header:
  50. - '%line%'
  51. - '&b&o%name% Values:'
  52. middle: ' &7%setting%: &f%value%'
  53. footer:
  54. - '%line%'
  55. chunkunload: '%prefix% Unloaded %amount% chunks'
  56. graceperiod: '%prefix% Grace period now is %value%'
  57. killentities: '%prefix% Cleared %amount% entities'
  58. setslots: '%prefix% You have set max slots to &7%value%'
  59. config:
  60. set: '%prefix% %option% now is &7%value%'
  61. reload: '%prefix% Reloaded all configs'
  62. ping:
  63. your: '%prefix% Your ping: &7%ping%ms'
  64. other: '%prefix% %player%''s ping: &7%ping%ms'
  65. ticks-per-second:
  66. - '%line%'
  67. - '&f&lServer Info:'
  68. - ' &7TPS: %list_tps%'
  69. - ' &7Memory: &f%used_ram%&7/&f%total_ram% MB'
  70. - ' &7Uptime: &f%uptime%'
  71. - ' &7Online: &f%total_player_online%&7/&f%max_slot%'
  72. - ' &7Threads: &f%threads% &8(&fA: &7%alive_threads% &7I: &f%interrupted_threads%
  73. &7D: &f%daemon_threads%&8)'
  74. - ' &7Chunks: &f%total_chunk_loaded% &8(&7T: &f%total_tile% &7E: &f%total_entity%&8)'
  75. - '%line%'
  76. version:
  77. - '%line%'
  78. - This server is running &b&lvSpigot
  79. - '%line%'
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