
A Rare Breed - (AiE) (AnonXBoxPone) (Chapter 3) by S_Noble

Aug 18th, 2014
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  1. >"Duh! You don't remember last night? You seemed reallysleepyandyouwouldn'tlistentome! So I left you alone, and slept on the couch."
  2. >The bubbly pink pony bounced about on the floor, giggling and smiling at you.
  3. "What happened last night?..."
  4. >"Applejack dropped me off, don't you remember silly? But you wouldn't get out of bed, you kept mumbling in your sleep, even when she tossed me on top of you!"
  5. >Pinkie Pie smiled like it was an every day thing, as you looked at the clock.
  6. >9:30 AM.
  7. >You really did sleep all night. But what really happened?
  8. >You remember Morning Glory talking to you, how she was so close.
  9. >Maybe it was all part of the dream?
  10. >"Anyway Nonny, I made breakfast!"
  11. >Breakfast sounded good right now. It was Saturday. The shop was closed today, besides whatever projects you decided to work on.
  12. >"Please tell me you didn't burn down the kitchen."
  13. >"Of course not, Nonny! I read a whole cook book at Twilight's castle the other day for three whole hours, not only that, but I've been baking and cooking at Sugar Cube Corner for years!" She giggled matter of factly, grabbing your hoof with a hoof and tugging. "C'mon, silly! Twilight is waiting for us in the living room!"
  14. >How did all of this happen? Twilight would obviously know. She's probably here to talk to you.
  15. >You stand up and Pinkie bounces out the door, idle chatter filling the living room.
  16. >Sounds like you have guests.
  17. >But how much of your dream, WAS a dream?
  18. >Morning wasn't in your bed, that was for sure.
  19. >Slipping on new clothes from yesterday, you enter the living room.
  20. >Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Morning, and Pinkie Pie were sitting at your coffee table, talking quietly over breakfast.
  21. >"Heeeey Anon! How's it going?" Rainbow Dash said, waving at you.
  22. >"Pinkie Pie made us some chow, c'mon, we've been waiting all morning!" Rainbow said, hugging her empty belly.
  23. >You grab your chair from the kitchen, stretching as Pinkie sets out forks, napkins, plates, and a large tray of cinnamon rolls out in the center of the table, along with a large platter of scrambled eggs. She moved the spare chair over to the coffee table, as Twilight began to dish out the food to everypony present.
  24. "Please tell me exactly why Pinkie Pie is at my house." You ask Twilight dully, as she places a fresh cinnamon roll onto your plate.
  25. >"That's what I'm here to talk about, Anon. Yesterday was hectic. We were having... problems, controlling Pinkie Pie. We moved her around town, to each of our houses... mine, Rarity's, Fluttershy's, Applejack's... but uh... well, Pinkie Pie happened."
  26. >"Yuppy-dumpy!" Pinkie Pie bounced up into the chair, slamming her face into the plate of eggs and sweets with a serious of chomps.
  27. >"Woah there Pinkie Pie, you're gonna break the plate!" Rainbow Dash said, as egg got in her eye from the pink pony. Morning quietly ate her food, sitting comfortably on the couch.
  28. >Rainbow Dash wasn't afraid to share a similar style of eating to Pinkie Pie, tossing the cinnamon roll into the air with a hoof and catching it in her mouth.
  29. >"But today, we're going to move her up to Rainbow Dash's house. I studied the cloud walking spell, and found a longer version of it at the Castle of the Two Sisters. She won't be here for more than a few more hours, right, Pinkie?"
  30. >"Well I 'unno Twi, Anon has a LOT of neat stuff in his workshop below!"
  31. "Better not have broken anything..." You say bitterly. You didn't like Pinkie Pie, regardless of what she did to apologize.
  32. >"Well, I tried not to break anything, but there was a lot of neat stuff down there like this super cool rocking chair!...">Oh no.
  33. >"And it was really comfy, I couldn't stop rocking in it! But then I found out that it RECLINED, TOO! SoIreclineditandrockedevenharder!"
  34. "Twiliiiight..." You say, the anger rising in your voice.
  35. >"Well, I didn't know why, but I must have rocked too hard, because it slammed forward onto ground and it cracked, and I fell off and hurt my knee!" Pinkie said, raising her hurt leg.
  36. >This fucking pink horse is going to be the death of you.
  37. "Twilight, that was a finished product for a customer. If I go down there, and it's broken, you're going to have to arrest me for murder."
  38. >Twilight's eyes widened as she looked to Pinkie Pie, then you.
  39. >"Er... broken? I don't know what you're talking about! It looked like a perfectly fine uh... pile of... wood, to me...?"
  40. >You stand up.
  41. >Twilight stands up faster.
  42. >"Oh I uh! Forgot something down stairs, just give me one moment!"
  43. >Her horn illuminated with magic as she teleported away, the sound of curses following as you sat back down.
  44. >Dash laughed as she took Twilight's unfinished, unguarded plate of eggs, stuffing more of the golden food into her mouth.
  45. >"Anon, we need to hang out more often. You're a pretty cool alien thing."
  46. >Morning giggles, finishing her food quietly.
  47. >"I think Anon said he's a pony, Miss Rainbow Dash."
  48. >"Yeah, buf when you call himf an alienf, it soundsh shoooo much cooler!" Rainbow says through a mouth through of eggs.
  49. >You begin to eat yours, as well. It's actually pretty good. Pinkie added a bunch of cheese to the eggs, along with some silantro and salt, making them a pretty good meal.
  50. "You know Pinkie, I don't like you too much, but you know how to cook, I'll give you that. Think you can leave the recipe for me?"
  51. >"Okie dokie lokie!" She said, leaning back in Row's chair with her hindlegs.
  52. >You place your hoof in the spindles along the bottom of the chair, and push it back down to the ground.
  53. "Break that one, I break you."
  54. >"Sorry Nonny!"
  55. >Twilight walks back up the stairs with an exasperated sigh.
  56. >"There, now I can..."
  57. >She sits back down on the couch, looking at her now empty plate of eggs.
  58. >You could swear you could see a tear as she groaned.
  59. >"Now I can sit here, hungry. Thanks, Anon."
  60. "You're welcome, Twi." You say, pushing half of your eggs to her. Her eyes lit up in delight as she picked them off your plate with her magic, setting them on her own as she grabbed her fork.
  61. >"So Morning Glow, was it?" Dash asked, somehow finding a toothpick to pick at her teeth with, resting her hind hooves on the good coffee table.
  62. "Hooves off the wood. Row's teacher made that."
  63. >She sighs, slipping them off at your request. A lot of this stuff was older than a hundred years, and you didn't like it mistreated.
  64. >"Morning Glory." Glory corrects, finishing her sweet roll with a smile.
  65. >"Alright, so Morning, what did you do before you came to Ponyville? I haven't heard more about you than your name!" She said cheerily, smiling.
  66. >"I... uhm... I..."
  67. "Dash... let's just say she had a long road behind her, and doesn't want to talk about it. Not with you, me, or anypony. Alright?" You say quickly, saving Morning.
  68. >"Well jeez, no need to get your mane in a knot. I was just a little curious, that's all."
  69. >Morning gives you a silent nod of thanks, her smile soon returning.
  70. >"Oh! Morning, if you want, I can try to find your birth parents!" Twilight smiled, finishing her breakfast
  71. >Pinkie Pie picked up the plates, bringing them to the kitchen. She seemed much calmer than others had described her being the other day.
  72. >Morning frowned.
  73. >"I already know who my mom was. She didn't want to take care of me, and left me a long time ago."
  74. >Well this is new.
  75. >"Oh... well then. Forget I asked."
  76. "Well, we could find your father..." You chip in. "If it would help you, Morning."
  77. >"No. It wouldn't."
  78. >Well you tried.
  79. >Twilight yawns once she finishes her chocolate milk, sighing as she leans back on the couch.
  80. >"Anon, you don't understand how comfortable your furniture is until you've sat on the Crystal Throne. It's not fun."
  81. "I would imagine so. Speaking of crystals, did Spike ever stop eating your house?"
  82. >"Yep! He gets really sleepy during Winter, so he's not up for much eating right now. That, and after twelve friendship reports, he doesn't want to give it another go."
  83. >You laugh. Twelve? You're surprised they didn't cut off his claw after that.
  84. >"Anyway, I think it's time for Pinkie to go. She's been here long enough, wouldn't you agree?" Twilight said, as Pinkie Pie bounced back into the room. There were suds from the recent scrub she gave the dishes in her mane.
  85. >It could only mean bad news.
  86. >"Awww, am I going already Twilight? I just gone done doing the laundry and all of the dishes though!"
  87. >Wait what.
  88. >"I'm afraid so, Pinkie. We don't want you to... er... wear out your welcome so quickly!... Again..." Twilight said, and Rainbow Dash gave a small gulp.
  89. >"Uh... why did you say that Pinkie has to stay at my house again, Twilight?"
  90. >"Oh, you know... personal reasons. And... other things."
  91. >The alicorn sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, giving a big, fake smile.
  92. >Dash wasn't the brightest pony to begin with, so she shrugged it off.
  93. >"Eh, I trust Pinkie Pie. What could go wrong?" She throws her toothpick lazily on the table, before standing up. "Pinkie, you ready?"
  94. >"Sure am, Dashie! Twilight cast the spell on me earlier, while I was cooking breakfast. OOOOH! Do you think our food can walk on clouds, too?"
  95. >That's about as likely as Rainbow Dash enjoying Pinkie's stay.
  96. >Twilight shrugged. Let Pinkie think what she will.
  97. >The duo began to bounce out the door, and as the shop door closed, Twilight gave a baited sigh.
  98. "Oh thank Celestia..."
  99. "So... what should we do this weekend?" You contemplate. You hadn't heard from Vinyl in a while, you should get in contact to see when she needs that wagon done.
  100. >Probably once Pinkie Pie can host parties again. But you had other things to do, and it's not a workday, and you have guests...
  101. >"Well, I know I'm not reading this weekend. And I can't create any new potions, either, until everything has been sanitized... Spike is nearly dormant."
  102. >"I have nothing, sooo... my weekends are always empty."
  103. >She's got a point.
  104. >"So empty weekend, nothing to do, no party at Pinkie's... maybe we could go to Canterlot?... Oh, that's right, Morning doesn't want to be seen."
  105. >"Rarity fixed that! She made me a beautiful dress to wear, when I go outside. Not only that, but it's cold, so it's the perfect time of year to wear clothing."
  106. >Wear clothing. Something you do every day.
  107. >It was frowned upon when you didn't, unfortunately.
  108. "I haven't been to Canterlot in about a year. We could probably see a show, stay at the inn... I still have a couple hundred bits left. It would be fun."
  109. >"Well, wherever I go, it's usually free... so there's that." Twilight said, smiling.
  110. >Lucky.
  111. >"Oh hay, if I didn't know any better, I think it's free for me, too!" Morning teased, giggling at your reaction.
  112. >Because you pay for everything.
  113. >If she wants to think about it like that, she can be your maid. You'll gladly pay her to not be so smug on these rare chances she can.
  114. "Hush, you, before I make a wooden spoon to slap your hoof."
  115. >"But we used wooden spoons in the kitchen last night!"
  116. "So you're saying you want to be hit with a spoon sooner? That can EASILY be arranged!"
  117. >You pretend to stand up, and she immediately changes her mind.
  118. >"I-I was kidding! I don't like being hit at all..."
  119. >She whimpered a little, wincing at bad memories.
  120. >Well shit. Now you feel bad.
  121. >Thanks, comedy.
  122. "Hay Twilight, you're a Princess, why don't you get us rooms at the Castle? I'd love to be treated like a king again, if only for a few days." You chirp, reminiscing on your first few days in Equestria.
  123. >You were allowed to stay at the Castle, which was awesome. They poked you with sticks, which wasn't as awesome.
  124. >"That's not a bad idea, actually. I'll take that into consideration. I haven't been in Canterlot Palace in about a year. It would be nice to talk with the Princesses again."
  125. >Twilight has a far away look about her, as if remembering her last visit.
  126. >"Toast."
  127. "Huh?"
  128. >"The last conversation I had with Princess Luna was about toast. Oh my Gosh. We really didn't have anything to talk about last time."
  129. >That was random.
  130. "So just tell her about all of the charades happening here in Ponyville. Something must have happened in the last year that's worth noting."
  131. >"Well, I still do WRITE Celestia, Anon. It's only common that Luna hears about it, too. It really does ruin any future conversations. 'Oh hay Twilight, anything interesting happen that I didn't already hear about?' 'Why yes, Luna! I bought a new comb! It's a brilliant comb, it combs my mane really well'..."
  132. >Morning gives a short giggle, scooting closer to Twilight.
  133. >"Oh but Princess Sparkle! You must try my comb, it is the most luxurious comb across all of Equestria!" Morning said in a mock royal accent. Surprisingly, it was kind of close to Luna's voice.
  134. "No! My comb is the most brilliant, because it is also a multitool! It can smear butter on toast, and keep me looking fabulous!"
  135. >Mocking Princess Celestia isn't something you should do. But seeing as she's a hundred or whatever miles away in Canterlot, it was all in good fun.
  136. >"But Celestia, my comb is made of... SOLID. FRIENDSHIP!"
  137. >Twilight raises her hoof into the air, her horn glowing as she forms an illusion of a diamond and crystal comb.
  138. "Woah... haven't seen that kind of spell before. Cool."
  139. >"Yep! I've been practicing it, but I'm afraid Pinkie Pie stopped that in its tracks."
  140. >Morning's face was stuck in awe.
  141. >"I haven't seen magic like that before... I mean, I've seen Unicorns levitating stuff, which is creepy at night, but that's new..."
  142. >"Well, it's an old age magic. I wouldn't be surprised if only the Princesses knew of it. I got it from a book at the Castle of the Two Sisters."
  143. >"Where's that?..." Morning asked, genuinely curious.
  144. "In the middle of nowhere, next to nothing and just south of Timbucktoo."
  145. >"But... isn't Timbucktoo in the Highlands, far Northeast?..." Twilight said, rubbing the back of her head, thinking over Equestrian geography.
  146. "Er... it's a saying in my old world..."
  147. >"Oh. Right. Still from a different world. Got it."
  148. >It's amazing how Twilight forgets you're not from Equestria. She can remember facts and figures without a second thought, but the moment you don't recall something every"pony" should know, she looks at you funny.
  149. >"Anyway, Morning, it's deep in the Everfree Forest. An old, abandoned castle without a single occupant. Lots of old books and tombs were left there after the attack of Nightmare Moon, a thousand years ago."
  150. >"Oh. Okay then. Just wanted to know, that's all..."
  151. "Should we even bring anypony else, Twi? I'd really like to relax for a change. Last time we brought along the whole group, everypony wanted to do their own thing, and it led to a big argument. And a diary entry, too."
  152. >"Oh Anon, why wouldn't I invite the whole group? A vacation wouldn't be the same without friends!"
  153. "I'm your friend... can't I just like, hug a rabbit, speak in a country accent, force you to look at dresses, and race you to a party at the end of the day? C'mon Twi, we all know what happens when you're all together. You could make a TV show out of this. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually happened on my world... the simplistic lessons and morals really do add up. Makes me feel like I'm in a cartoon at times."
  154. >"That's silly, Anon. Who would even watch that?"
  155. "Not me. Seems like a show for little fillies. But you are an interesting bunch, don't take me the wrong way."
  156. >Twilight rolled her eyes, the magical comb disappearing without a second thought.
  157. >"I guess I should write Celestia a letter, and see if I can wake up my hungry dragon long enough to send it. Besides, it's not often we go out and do things on our own. But I should at LEAST offer them it, Anon. It wouldn't be fair, otherwise."
  158. "Says you. After the havoc recently, we deserve a vacation. Isn't that right, Morning?"
  159. >"Well uh... Anon... I haven't done anything the past two days. I've just been in bed, getting well."
  160. >Oh yeah, she's still sick.
  161. "Did you take your medicine this morning?"
  162. >"Pinkie Pie shoved it into my mouth, saying 'The only way to get well is with a smile, and LOTS of TPC... Tender Pinkie Care'...""
  163. >Yep. That's Pinkie Pie for you. You were surprised she didn't bake cupcakes to shove into her orifice as well.
  164. >God that sounded filthy.
  165. "You know, I'm good friends with the judge. I made his gavel. If you want, I can help you file a restraining order..."
  166. >"Thank you Anon, but I like Pinkie. She makes really good food." Morning said with a little smile, curling up a little on the couch as Twilight began to kick her hooves in the air, before slowing down.
  167. >"I just don't feel like moving. I had a long night last night, Anon. Like you wouldn't believe." Twilight said tiredly, rubbing her eyes. "I spent forever trying to fix my books. Right now, they're all in a pile in my room, letting the magic do its work."
  168. >She's telling you? Funny, you had a long night, too. The dream still lay present on your mind as you leaned back in your chair.
  169. >"I only got a few hours of sleep before Applejack woke me up, telling me what happened. When she woke me up, I honestly thought she was just dumping her on me again, because it was close to four AM. I've been up since, scouring the castle for a better version of the cloud walking spell. I'm exhausted."
  170. "I didn't get much sleep last night, either, if that helps. Felt like ponies were opening my door all night."
  171. >Morning went a little stiff, cracking an eye open at you.
  172. >"Well, I slept soundly... mostly. The banging woke me up, but that was it."
  173. >You had the impression she was lieing, though it was very hard to tell. She kept a straight face, closing her eyes again as she simply enjoyed the company around her.
  174. >"...A vacation sounds good right now. I could see my family again." Twilight tiredly sat up, looking at the clock.
  175. "I have some work to do before we can go, but other than that... I'm mostly ready. Just need to pack some things up, of course."
  176. >You were preparing yourself the way Twilight taught you through hours of Friendship reports. A checklist.
  177. >First you needed to drop off that rocking chair and receive your payment. If it wasn't destroyed.
  178. >Then you needed to finish measuring Vinyl's equipment and speak with her on it.
  179. >After that, you just needed to pack up and head out.
  180. >But one more thing.
  181. "Would you like to go to Canterlot, Morning?..." You ask.
  182. >She nodded eagerly, her eyes lighting with images of the imposing city upon the mountain.
  183. >"Are you foaling me? I would love to go! I always dreamed of visiting Canterlot, but it was just always out of reach, not only that, but everything is more expensive there... it would make it even harder to live for a pony like me."
  184. >You could tell, she was lost in her imagination. The spiraling towers, the clean, beautiful cobblestone roads. Thousands of shops and their owners harking their wares to the public.
  185. >It really was one of the most beautiful Cities in all of Equestria. The view from the castle could make an ambitious pony faint in delight. You can see almost to the ends of the world from there, and all of the land's potential before you.
  186. >Just the thought of the hours you've spent gazing out at the world from Canterlot made you shiver with excitement. It always gave you the urge to drop everything and explore.
  187. >But you quickly learned that the world doesn't work like that, as exploration costs bits, and you have to make bits somehow. Maybe one day, you could take a long vacation with a coinsack filled with platinum bits, and just start walking.
  188. >Hopefully with Morning Glory at your side, too. You can see she probably won't be going anywhere, not until she gets her Cutie Mark.
  189. >"I guess I should get going then. I'll handle the train tickets, you two focus on getting ready. It's a four hour trip, so we'll probably leave at eleven."
  190. >You nod, as Twilight stands up, stretching her wings wide with a little yawn.
  191. >"Also Anon, I really need to order some more furniture from you, when you have the time. My dining room table is too small, when I have Royalty over."
  192. "Oh don't worry Twi, I'll craft you a massive round table. Then you can Knight everypony else in your Court of Friendship and make them sit at your table. We'll take a picture and name it 'The Knights and Snooty Princess of the Round Table', and write a book about it."
  193. >"Hay! I'm not snooty!"
  194. "Pfft, coming from a Princess on a power trip with her Friendship Reports? Yeah, right."
  195. >She groans, rolling her eyes as she trots by.
  196. >"At least I'm not a Monkey. I don't know what I would do if I had to sit around like you, scratch myself and throw... ahem, 'shitty' insults around."
  197. >Oooooh, Twilight said a swear.
  198. "Wow Twilight, that was a good one. That sounds like something I would say."
  199. >"Hay, I did learn it from the best." She giggles, reaching up and rubbing your hair with a hoof, further messing up your bed head. "Anyway, see you in a bit, YMBFF."
  200. >She leaves through the door, and you sigh, standing up just to sit back down on the couch, right next to Morning Glory.
  201. "So, think you can fit EVERYTHING you want to bring in a nice, big, suitcase?..."
  202. >"I uhm... dunno about everything, I don't think you'll fit."
  203. >2cute4me.
  204. "I'll buy you a bigger suitcase then. But only if you promise to stuff the complimentary travel peanuts in through a zipper."
  205. >She giggles once more, turning about to rest her head on your leg.
  206. >"I'll put on my dress while you go do... whatever it is you have to do today, before we can leave."
  207. >You pet her mane before standing up, stretching with a pop of your neck.
  208. >Heading into your room, you make sure everything is order (for example: are you wearing pants? Solution to this problem: put on pants you idiot), before heading downstairs, examining your workshop.
  209. >Party streamers hung curiously from the ceiling, dangling an inch above your head as you tear them down.
  210. >At least it's only streamers. Pinkie could have done much worse.
  211. >Turning the corner, you're delighted to find the chair you've worked so hard on still intact, brand new in appearance. You sit in it gently to be sure, the tight confines of it digging into you a little as you give it a small rock, reclining it back.
  212. >Twilight's good at repairing things, you figure.
  213. >You quickly gander at the rest of your workshop, finding it mostly in order. Everything seems to be in the right place.
  214. >You check your storage room, finding a few large suitcases and a party canon in the corner.
  215. >Pinkie Pie's junk, no less. But when they put it in, you're not sure. Maybe she stuffed it in through the outside entrance? It's hard to tell.
  216. >You grab your measuring tape and a clipboard, setting to work to figure the prices on Vinyl's new cart.
  217. >Within ten minutes, you had the exact measurements all figured out, and gave a decent estimate on what it could cost.
  218. >A grand total of four hundred bits. Not bad, for the type of wagon she'll need. That, and she could probably afford ten of them.
  219. >Well, she was a musician. Ponies liked their wubs.
  220. >You rip out the new page and fold it up, stuffing it into your pocket.
  221. >You then grab your travel cart, and put the chair on top.
  222. >Vinyl lived near Twilight's old home, before it was destroyed. At least, you're pretty sure it was her old home. Looked like a massive, burnt stump to you.
  223. >You had arrived about two months after it happened, so you never really knew what it looked like. All you know now is, that they're trying to grow a new one.
  224. >Growing a library. That is honestly the first time you've ever heard that, even in this world.
  225. >But from what you can tell, it was working. A large tree was already standing in the center of the old one, the old stump vanishing under the roots.
  226. >Stepping to the door, you walk outside into the crisp, winter air.
  227. >It was still snowing from the early morning, and from the look of it, it was going to be doing this for a while.
  228. >Your cart leaves a trail in the freshly fallen snow as you pass by the lively buildings of Ponyville.
  229. >Smoke rises from each chimney as a cool breeze makes you shiver.
  230. >You forgot your coat again. Your mother would chide you for it, if she were here.
  231. >You find yourself in Ponyville Town Square, the large circular structure of the town hall springing up into the chilly air as you take in the view.
  232. >Ponyville really was a beautiful place this time of the year. If only it were powdered sugar falling from the sky, not bitter flakes of cold, you muse.
  233. >Muse? When the fuck did you use that word?
  234. >You blame Twilight.
  235. >Twelve tents surrounded the outer perimeter of the Town Hall, the usual gathering spot for traders and the like. These were the usual "rent" tents, which any traveling salesman could rent for a day or week, to sell there wares.
  236. >Like usual, several of the tents were open for business, a couple of window shoppers looking at the foreign goods curiously.
  237. >It was different from the trade plaza, down the way. Quieter, and offered a unique selection of arrayed goods, different than the small shops that focused entirely on one thing and one thing alone.
  238. >You soon passed the familiar square (though it was more of a circle) behind, reaching the DJ's house.
  239. >You had decided to visit Vinyl instead of the customer with their finished product, because old ponies smelled too much like old ponies from your world.
  240. >You didn't like the elderly scent that seemed to travel through time and space to bother you. It smelled of lint rollers and moth balls.
  241. >And occasionally home cooking.
  242. >The home cooking was acceptable.
  243. >You eventually take a rather well trodden path to her house, the sound of loud music filling your ears as you eventually arrived at your destination.
  244. >Now, if you didn't know, most homes in Ponyville had a strict building code to it. Meaning they all had to keep a rather simplistic appearance unless if it fell under certain conditions.
  245. >For instance, shops among other things were an exception to the appearance standards of the building code. This is was "amended years ago to offset the lack of color and originality in the town's city limits," as Twilight told you.
  246. >Basically, if you had a shop or something similar, you had the right to build it as you please.
  247. >But to build a shop differently, you had to pay higher prices on the building materials. Some were willing to do this, others simply stuck with the cheap lumber and hay roofs you see on nearly every other building.
  248. >And others just chose to erect tents in the trade plaza. Or build stalls.
  249. >Now, when it comes to Vinyl's house... it was made of the same hay and wood. That's all you can really say about it.
  250. >The rest of the house had something wrong with it in nearly every corner.
  251. >The bushes on one side of her front door were perfectly fine, while the other side contained Monster cans and other garbage.
  252. >The roof had a thorough layer of frisbees, balls, and other physics toys on top.
  253. >The front yard had general party trash in it. Anything from cake and streamers to cans of cider and popped inflatable pools.
  254. >It was like this on Saturdays and Sundays you've learned.
  255. >Though amazingly, the one who always cleaned up the mess was Vinyl. She took care of her house, though you never learned why.
  256. >It was probably because of Octavia. If anypony could make Vinyl act responsibly, it was Octavia.
  257. >You step along the winding path to Vinyl's door, giving it a few good loud bangs before it swung open.
  258. >"HEEEY! Monkey! Come to listen to some wubs, or did you finish the cart yet?" Vinyl said, standing at the front door.
  259. >A wave of loud base hit you hard as you stagger at the sound, holding your ears in pain.
  260. >Its been a while. You're not used to her music anymore.
  261. >You used to hang out with the DJ Pony herself on your weekends. At least, during the first few months.
  262. >Your friendship had lasted, even during your absence.
  263. >Yes, it was true. You used to be the closest friends with the DJ before Row die.
  264. >You would come here every weekend just to relax and listen to whatever music she was playing. If she wasn't here, you'd talk to Octavia all day.
  265. >They were an interesting pair. And you were confused as to why they lived together.
  266. >You never really asked, or cared. It's up to them what they do together.
  267. >"What's up, stallion? Come in! Your usual spot on the couch has been cold for like... forever!"
  268. >She leads the way back into her house, as you leave the cart behind. You immediately step into the amazingly clean living room, as the DJ pony herself kills the power to her "work" booth so she can speak.
  269. >When she wasn't out doing whatever it is she does in Ponyville during her free time, she was working on a new set. At least she took her job seriously.
  270. >"Now what's up?"
  271. "Nothing much, Vinyl. Just here to drop by my invoice before heading out."
  272. >"Oh c'mon, you don't have to go already! You just got here. Here, I got some energy drinks in the fridge, you can stay and chill. I haven't seen you since that party!"
  273. >You shrug.
  274. >"Alright, a few minutes. But don't you dare lock the front door again. That's only funny the first time."
  275. >"Nah, but you shouldn't leave while I'm trying to show you how to make wubs...* She coughs, before taking off her glasses and slightly closing her left eye.
  276. >"Now Anon, ya gotta work the dubs like ya would a fine piece o' wood... firm, yet gen'le, soft, yet sturdy."
  277. >You groan. Not another Woodrow impression. Amazingly, she was pretty good at it, waving her hoof about like the Scottish stallion.
  278. "Vinyl..." You say, raising your hooves to your eyes. "Another word and I'll shove my fist so far up you, I'll twitch my hoof to work your mouth like a puppet."
  279. >"Chill out stallion, it's all in good fun."
  280. >She heads into the kitchen, coming back with two energy drinks in her magic.
  281. >You pull out your clipboard, sitting down on the couch.
  282. "Alright Vinyl, I'm going to write up a customer copy of your order for you, since you didn't stick around the first day."
  283. >You slip the original order form you wrote out of your pocket and place it on the armrest on the couch, taking out your pen and clicking it.
  284. >Yes, they had pens in Equestria.
  285. >No, Twilight didn't use them.
  286. >They were too convenient, apparently.
  287. >You begin to copy down the original form, as Vinyl sighs, her smile turning into a bitter frown.
  288. >"C'mon, Anon. You're being a bit of a hardass. I get it dude, Row left us. Doesn't mean he had to take you with him."
  289. >You frown, putting down the pen.
  290. >This mare didn't.
  291. >"Look Anon..." She drops the anger she had, her expressions turning to that of compassion. "I know it probably hurt, but you gotta let it go. You can't keep it in like this. I can see it in your eyes, dude. He's not dead to you."
  292. >She's right you know.
  293. >Fuck you inner monologue.
  294. >She places a hoof on your shoulder, and you finally tear your gaze away from the most interesting clipboard in the world and turn to face her.
  295. >"Anon... we've known each other for a long time. You're the coolest Monkey thing I know, and you always have something fucking hilarious to say. But the way you're acting now... you're thinking of him. He was your make-shift dad, I know. And I'm pretty sure everything here reminds you of him."
  296. >It's true. All the times Row dragged your plot back to work after passing out here on Sunday really left a mark on this place. The times you had to come over and fix shit with Row's help.
  297. >Fuck this town is full of sad memories. You can't escape them.
  298. >She gently slaps your cheek, getting your attention again.
  299. >"Don't think about that. My house, my rules. You're not allowed to think about sad shit anymore."
  300. >She gives you that trademark Vinyl smile, the one that seemed so infectious.
  301. >And it worked, if only partly.
  302. "Thanks Vinyl..." You say, nodding a bit as you pick up your pen and set back to work. She looks like she's just the one who's been slapped.
  303. >"What? That's it? 'Thanks Vinyl'? Are you serious?"
  304. >wut.png.
  305. "What?" You ask, a bit dazed from the returning anger.
  306. >What was Vinyl going on about now? You had too much shit to deal with at the moment.
  307. >"No no no, you're supposed to 'swoon' at the 'beautiful mare' giving you hope, and lean in for a kiss. Not fucking say 'thanks' like a clueless idiot. You're supposed to do THIS..."
  308. >She wraps her hooves around your neck, nearly breaking it as she slams her lips against your own, your eyes widening in shock.
  309. >Your neck cracks from the sheer pressure of her hold, her tongue forcing its way into your mouth for a few short, brief moments before she pulls back from the kiss.
  310. >She tastes like the drink she just slammed earlier. And a bit like pop rocks.
  311. >What in the actual fuck just happened.
  312. >You were just kissed by Vinyl fucking Scratch.
  313. In a Morning Glory thread.
  314. >She gives a short laugh, both of her horse shoes resting on your cheeks as she looks you in the eyes.
  315. >"What? Haven't been kissed by a mare before?"
  316. >You shake your head, and she can only ruffle your short hair with a hoof.
  317. >"You should see your face. It's like you've seen a ghost, dude."
  318. "Uh... I uh..."
  319. >"Shh... quiet Monkey colt. Consider this your Hearth's Warming Eve gift."
  320. >You are okay with this.
  321. >She presses her hoof into your chest, pushing you onto your back as her horn glows with a peculiar violet light, setting her shades off to the side as you feel your zipper give way.
  322. >Vinyl dug her hoof into the couch, pulling out a remote to her set up as she clicked the power button.
  323. >The booming sound of her own music flooded your ears as your pants slipped down, followed shortly by your boxers. Your member stood partly at attention as you pinched your arm hard, making sure you weren't dreaming.
  324. >Painful? Yes. Dream? No.
  325. >She reached up with her hoof, cupping your cheek as she gave you another gentle peck on your lips, smiling.
  326. >"Y'know Anon, I'm only going to do this once. After this, I never want to see you sad again, got it?" Vinyl smirked, talking loud enough for you to hear over her music as she pressed her snout into your neck, her hindhoof grinding right against your member as she gives it some attention.
  327. >She bites down softly on your exposed neck, a small groan of lust coming from your lips as you wrapped your arms around her chest silently.
  328. >You had the feeling that for once, you weren't going to be cockblocked.
  329. >Vinyl slipped out of your arms as her soft fur trailed against your lower body, making you bite your lip as you looked down at the white mare in lust.
  330. >You can feel her stop just above the tip of your throbbing cock, her warm breath teasing you as she hovered a mere centimeter away.
  331. >Her tongue gently pressed into the smooth tip of your cock, as you give a small moan in return. You were sensitive after all this time of disuse, and it felt good to have any attention at all.
  332. >She likes your reaction.
  333. >"Been a while, huh?" She asks teasingly, both hooves grabbing the base of your shaft. As you open your mouth to give a reaction, she presses her tongue to the base of your shaft, giving it a long, slow lick like a lollipop.
  334. >Fuck that felt good. You reach down with your hoof and give her mane a slow caress, urging her onwards.
  335. >She responds with a soft kiss to the tip of your member, before she works on slowly engulfing you into her maw.
  336. >Her wet heat of her mouth presses into your throbbing length, sending a shiver up your spine as she works her way to the base of your cock, giving you a long hard drawl with her tight mouth.
  337. >It's like she's trying to suck the life out of you through your cock. Your hips give a very gentle thrust, as you close your eyes and rub her mane softly, enjoying the budding heat of her warm embrace.
  338. >Her tongue flicks across the tip of your cock before she finally pulls free, smiling as she stands up once more, stepping over you.
  339. "V-Vinyl..." You moan, as she repositions herself above you, licking your sensitive neck.
  340. >You had the urge to resist this. It didn't feel right, but your dick didn't care. It wanted more.
  341. >In the fight between the little head and the big head, the little head always wins.
  342. >She gently lowers her tight slit onto your large head, another gasp taking you as the warm heat of her depths assault your senses, causing you to press upwards with your hips.
  343. >She rested both hooves on your chest, that smirk of hers never fading as she shushed you again with her magic.
  344. >She gently edged your cock into her tight depths as you gave a soft groan, feeling the warm ridges of her walls constrict around your length, pulling you in as her hips met your own.
  345. >She held herself down onto you, her cheeks noticeably red with lust and effort as she licked her lips.
  346. >Fuck you wanted to cum inside this marshmallow pony right now.
  347. >She raised her hips up, before slamming back down onto you with need, working her hips around your length as the song faded out, soon flipping to a new record as she worked your cock.
  348. >Vinyl really was putting effort into working your cock, her hindlegs managing to slightly hook around your hips, slamming into you with greater pace as you moaned, grabbing a hold of her flanks roughly with your hooves.
  349. >Fuck it. If you were going to have sex, you were at least going to be on top.
  350. >In one swift motion, you spun Vinyl around until her back was pressed against the cushiony couch, your throbbing rod standing at attention as you spread her hindlegs wide, Vinyl losing it as she moaned in response.
  351. >"Fuck me, Anon." She whined, as you picked up her hindlegs.
  352. >That's what you're working on you fucking talking horse.
  353. >You grabbed a hold of your thoroughly coated shaft and directed yourself against her slit, giving it a few teasing rubs with your head before spearing yourself in once again. You were rewarded with more of that tight, delectable heat.
  354. >You grab her flank with one hoof, and her cheek with the other, pulling her into a deep kiss for more of that authentic Vinyl flavor.
  355. >Pistoning yourself into the wet mare wildly, your tongues fought for dominance in her maw as the music took you away, pounding the beat into your head as you took up a quick tempo.
  356. >You can feel both your breath coming quicker with each hard thrust as you found yourself on the edge of climax, waiting for Vinyl to give in to it first. The mare was tough, but damn it, you weren't going to finish first.
  357. >You could feel her moans rising in volume as you slammed your open palm against her flank, her breath catching in her throat as she slams back against your heavy cock, a flood of marecum coating your length as you finally gave in.
  358. >Sweet release.
  359. >Your cock exploded in pleasure as you released your full load into the mare below, hugging her body close as you shared in ecstasy.
  360. >For a few long moments, you sat there and enjoyed the sensation of your essence escaping into the mare below you, warm moans following as you simply let the pleasure wash over you.
  361. >That felt a million times better than you thought it would. Probably because it wasn't brought on by your hooves for a change.
  362. >Vinyl tiredly laid her head back before patting you on the shoulder.
  363. >"Alright, that's enough... out, out. I'm covered in sweat." She said with a short laugh, as you tiredly rolled over to your right hoof side, sitting next to her on the couch.
  364. >She lowered the volume on the music with her remote as you slipped your pants up a bit, finding yourself chilly from the winter weather.
  365. "So... uh... was this just a one time thing?" You ask, unsure.
  366. >"Pretty much, yeah."
  367. >You feel a little hurt at that. But then again, it was Vinyl. You didn't want that fame around you. "Rising star in love with a Moneky?!" You can almost read the headlines before you.
  368. "I'm okay with this. Though uh... it still was a bit sudden." You say awkwardly, not really sure where to go from here.
  369. >That was amazing, but damn was it unexpected.
  370. >"Well, if you want to return the favor Anon, how about cutting me a discount on that cart, huh? 400 bits is a bit high." She says, looking at your clipboard.
  371. "Alright, fine... I'm gonna need about... three fifty."
  372. >"That's more like it."
  373. >Vinyl laughs aloud, resting her hooves around you in a gentle hug.
  374. >"Don't think that was just for a discount. I did it to help cheer you up a bit, stallion. My house isn't a place to be sad at."
  375. >You nod at her consideration. It was actually very thoughtful. It's more than just a rumor that you're a very lonely guy, and haven't tried too hard to find somepony "special" to you.
  376. >You consider asking Vinyl, but the newspaper article pops up in your head again. Vinyl was too famous to be nothing more than a friend, with a very rare benefit.
  377. >But you like that benefit. Maybe you can get more of it in the future.
  378. "Think we can do this again some time?"
  379. >"Eh, I'm not much into the whole sleeping around thing, Stallion. I've got too many wubs to mess around with, and clubs to play at for that kind of image to follow me. Y'know, key and lock thing. If a key opens a bunch of locks, it's an awesome key. But if a lock is opened by a bunch of keys, it's a shitty lock, get it? Double standards everywhere."
  380. "Not all locks are shitty... even if they're opened by a lot of keys." You say, frowning. "It's all about how hard you force the key in the first place. You can break an unwilling lock."
  381. >"You're talking about that one mare living with you, right?" She asks, looking up at you. Curse those violet eyes.
  382. "It's just a thought."
  383. >"Anon, I think it's awesome you could take somepony in like that. Just don't use her, 'kay? If you get the urge to fuck, and can't get rid of it, I'd rather you come to me. Don't make it an every day thing. I like ya, but I'm not gonna share a bed with you. Octavia would think it's weird."
  384. >You may just take her up on that offer.
  385. "Thanks Vinyl. I did have some bad thoughts, too. Everypony has them. I could have used her if I wanted to, but she's just too gentle to break like that. It's just... I have some feelings for her, and I don't think she's ready for a relationship yet."
  386. >"I get it, dude. Life can be cruel to some ponies. Next time you start thinking like that, just head over. I'll talk some sense into ya. I know what it's like to be pent up all the time. Mares go through estrus, stallions go through rut. But I think you described being a pony male as being in a... like, weaker rut, all the time. Randomly stiff and all of that. It can be hard... and I've seen a few stallions, not to mention mares, lose it. Must be hell for you."
  387. "It's something all ponies have to control at times. Lust fucks up the mind just like any drug. But I still find it weird how most ponies don't even touch themselves all year, except for a month. It's an odd thing."
  388. >"Hay, it's a thing here. Part of living in this world, I guess. Anyway, come visit more often. I missed you, 'Non. You're a cool guy."
  389. >She gave you a brohoof, handing you your energy drink with magic.
  390. >"You may want this after that. And a shower." She noses your lower belly, sniffing. "You smell like sex and candy. A great combo, but I don't think you'd want to hear about it."
  391. "Ha, that's actually a song where I come from. Speaking of location, I'm heading to Canterlot this weekend to stay at the Castle with Twilight. Wanna come with?"
  392. >"Nah, I've gotta clean up tomorrow. Octavia wants the house clean on the weekdays when she has her uppity company over. That means less wub time for me."
  393. >Oh, that's why her house was filthy on the weekends.
  394. "At least you have that dishwasher of yours."
  395. >"HA! She hates that thing with a passion. But your right. Anyway, when should I stop by for the cart?"
  396. "I'd say about Friday, I should be putting on the last touches. But if I finish earlier, I'll be sure to drop by with it all ready to go."
  397. >"Thanks dude. See you then."
  398. >You finish off the receipt and pass it to Vinyl, who drops it on her wubstation without a second thought.
  399. >She stands on her hindlegs and gives your lips another kiss before you go.
  400. >"And I'm serious about it, Anon. That mares been through a lot. If you need help, I'm here for you, dude."
  401. >You ruffle her mane with a smile, nodding.
  402. "Hopefully I won't need help. I can usually take care of my own needs, but that really meant a lot."
  403. >"You're welcome, 'Non. Bring her by some time. I'd love to show her some of my newer stuff, even pass her an album or two. She seems pretty cool."
  404. >You pat her on the head as she steps down, taking a quick trot upstairs to the bathroom.
  405. >Vinyl isn't the loving type, but she sure as hay cares about her friends.
  406. >You step outside into the cool morning air, checking the time on your old wristwatch.
  407. >10:13.
  408. >Twilight would be at your house soon. You better hurry.
  409. >You take up a nice trot with the cart towing behind.
  410. >Wait, trot? When did you use the word trot? You're not a pony.
  411. >Curse those ponies, they're rubbing off on you.
  412. >Following the path through Town Square, you arrive at the other customer's house with a firm rasp at the door.
  413. >"Coming! Coming... just need to..."
  414. >The door creaks open as an elderly stallion with a light blue coat, dark blue mane with a fringe of grey thrown in answers the door. His pale grey eyes blink at you, as he stretches his tired wings.
  415. >"Oh! Anon! You're a day early. Is the chair ready?" He asked, flexing his wings tiredly.
  416. "Yes sir, Thunderclap. Got it right here. Want me to bring it in, or is it a bit too early?"
  417. >"Well, this year we're having to Celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve early y'know... my grand daughter lives off in Canterlot, working as a Weather pony to help bring in Winter this year. Tomorrow is one of her last few days off, so she's packing up to spend a few nights here."
  418. "Well that's good to hear! Is the misses home?" You ask, turning to the cart and picking it up in your arms. He smiled at the finely crafted wooden structure.
  419. >"Not right now. We can put it in the closet for tomorrow, she'll love it, I know she will. I'll get my wallet, it's around here somewhere... now, was it two whole bits?"
  420. "Well, two bits sounds VERY reasonable, but I think you're forgetting a few zeros." You chuckle, and he smiles as you step inside.
  421. >The house had a more rustic feel on the outside, antiques of the old west hanging from the walls as you looked about.
  422. >"Y'see Anon, I used to be one of those regular cowponies. I'd use the Thunder from clouds to herd cattle like it wasn't nopony's business!" He said. You haven't been in his house until now, and you were happy to say it didn't smell like old ponies.
  423. >He opened a nearby closet door, several old coats hanging from a rack above with a pile of presents in the back.
  424. >You gently set the chair inside, being sure not to crush any of the gifts below.
  425. >That reminded you to buy Morning Glory something more than just a wood carving for Hearth's Warming Eve. Like more dresses. Or socks.
  426. >Long socks. Cute ones. She would like those, right? Mares like socks?
  427. >You didn't even know. But Rarity would, right?
  428. >Rarity is a mare, with mare bits and a mare face. She should know what mares like.
  429. >As you close the door to the closet, Thunderclap reappears with two diamond bits and an extra 10-bit in his mouth.
  430. >"Here ya go, Anon. Thanks for the help. I know she'll love it more than what I got her last year!"
  431. "What'd you get her last year?" You're inclined to ask.
  432. >"Two cookbooks. She took it the wrong way."
  433. >Oh.
  434. >Ooooh.
  435. >You laugh a bit, restraining yourself.
  436. "Did she... chew, you up for that?"
  437. >He laughs in return, nodding.
  438. >"They say that my half of the family loses their plot all time. Usually from all the chewing."
  439. >With a pat on the back, he sees you out the door and shakes your hoof with his hoof.
  440. >"Don't want her to see you here. She'll get an idea, then!" He says, putting his hoof to his mouth with a shush.
  441. "Alright, alright. I get you. I'll be on my way. And thanks for the tip, Thunder!"
  442. >"No problem, Anon! See you sometime soon!"
  443. >You wave to the stallion as you pull your cart home through the cold snow, your hooves crunching with every step.
  444. >10:33.
  445. >You might just clear it in time. The train usually leaves at 12:00 PM sharp.
  446. >Pulling your cart back into your shop area, you set it off into the corner with a sigh, stretching.
  447. >You felt good. Great, even. The pent up stress you've had was finally gone, thanks to Vinyl's careful help.
  448. >Heading upstairs, you close the living room door behind you as you step to the bathroom, shedding your clothes and hopping into the shower.
  449. >You take up a nice trot with the cart towing behind.
  450. >Wait, trot? When did you use the word trot? You're not a pony.
  451. >Curse those ponies, they're rubbing off on you.
  452. >Following the path through Town Square, you arrive at the other customer's house with a firm rasp at the door.
  453. >"Coming! Coming... just need to..."
  454. >The door creaks open as an elderly stallion with a light blue coat, dark blue mane with a fringe of grey thrown in answers the door. His pale grey eyes blink at you, as he stretches his tired wings.
  455. >"Oh! Anon! You're a day early. Is the chair ready?" He asked, flexing his wings tiredly.
  456. "Yes sir, Thunderclap. Got it right here. Want me to bring it in, or is it a bit too early?"
  457. >"Well, this year we're having to Celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve early y'know... my grand daughter lives off in Canterlot, working as a Weather pony to help bring in Winter this year. Tomorrow is one of her last few days off, so she's packing up to spend a few nights here."
  458. "Well that's good to hear! Is the misses home?" You ask, turning to the cart and picking it up in your arms. He smiled at the finely crafted wooden structure.
  459. >"Not right now. We can put it in the closet for tomorrow, she'll love it, I know she will. I'll get my wallet, it's around here somewhere... now, was it two whole bits?"
  460. "Well, two bits sounds VERY reasonable, but I think you're forgetting a few zeros." You chuckle, and he smiles as you step inside.
  461. >The house had a more rustic feel on the outside, antiques of the old west hanging from the walls as you looked about.
  462. >"Y'see Anon, I used to be one of those regular cowponies. I'd use the Thunder from clouds to herd cattle like it wasn't nopony's business!" He said. You haven't been in his house until now, and you were happy to say it didn't smell like old ponies.
  463. >He opened a nearby closet door, several old coats hanging from a rack above with a pile of presents in the back.
  464. >You gently set the chair inside, being sure not to crush any of the gifts below.
  465. >That reminded you to buy Morning Glory something more than just a wood carving for Hearth's Warming Eve. Like more dresses. Or socks.
  466. >Long socks. Cute ones. She would like those, right? Mares like socks?
  467. >You didn't even know. But Rarity would, right?
  468. >Rarity is a mare, with mare bits and a mare face. She should know what mares like.
  469. >As you close the door to the closet, Thunderclap reappears with two diamond bits and an extra 10-bit in his mouth.
  470. >"Here ya go, Anon. Thanks for the help. I know she'll love it more than what I got her last year!"
  471. "What'd you get her last year?" You're inclined to ask.
  472. >"Two cookbooks. She took it the wrong way."
  473. >Oh.
  474. >Ooooh.
  475. >You laugh a bit, restraining yourself.
  476. "Did she... chew, you up for that?"
  477. >He laughs in return, nodding.
  478. >"They say that my half of the family loses their plot all time. Usually from all the chewing."
  479. >With a pat on the back, he sees you out the door and shakes your hoof with his hoof.
  480. >"Don't want her to see you here. She'll get an idea, then!" He says, putting his hoof to his mouth with a shush.
  481. "Alright, alright. I get you. I'll be on my way. And thanks for the tip, Thunder!"
  482. >"No problem, Anon! See you sometime soon!"
  483. >You wave to the stallion as you pull your cart home through the cold snow, your hooves crunching with every step.
  484. >10:33.
  485. >You might just clear it in time. The train usually leaves at 12:00 PM sharp.
  486. >Pulling your cart back into your shop area, you set it off into the corner with a sigh, stretching.
  487. >You felt good. Great, even. The pent up stress you've had was finally gone, thanks to Vinyl's careful help.
  488. >Heading upstairs, you close the living room door behind you as you step to the bathroom, shedding your clothes and hopping into the shower.
  489. >You finish toweling off as you toss the now dirty laundry into the hamper, pulling out your final outfit from your closet.
  490. >You should probably check on the laundry. Pinkie Pie DID say she did it for you.
  491. >Hopefully she didn't ruin anything in your kitchen.
  492. >But first, something more important.
  493. >You turn to the guest bedroom, giving it a soft knock.
  494. "Morning? Can I come in?" You ask, turning the door handle.
  495. >It's locked.
  496. >You never had any locked doors in your house before. Not even when you were just a guest, did this happen.
  497. >The most you've ever locked was the shop door, which was just a habit at this point.
  498. >You reach for your keyring, pulling it out of your pocket.
  499. "Morning, I'm coming in."
  500. >But before you can even locate the right key, the lock turns over as Morning opens the door.
  501. >She looks like she just woke up.
  502. >"Hi Anon..." She says meekly, her face pale.
  503. >What happened to her?
  504. "Are you alright there, Morning?" You ask, placing your hand against her cheek, kneeling down to eye level.
  505. >She adverts her gaze, which makes you scratch behind her ear to get her attention.
  506. >Morning squeaks.
  507. >2cute4me
  508. >"I-I... h-had a nightmare again..."
  509. >She said, rubbing the back of her head, trying to smooth her frizzled mane.
  510. "Again? This is the first time I've heard of any nightmares..."
  511. >"Oh."
  512. >She recollects her thoughts, letting you stroke her mane and calm her down.
  513. >"Wanna talk about it? We still have a few minutes before we have to go... if you want to."
  514. >She nods quickly, nuzzling into your chest as she wraps her hooves around your waist.
  515. >Heart Status: Melted.
  516. "Here, let's sit on the couch and talk, okay? It's better than the floor..."
  517. >She doesn't say a word. Or move. Instead, you opt to scoop her up into your arms and move her there.
  518. >For a few minutes, you two can only sit there as she collects her thoughts. Soon, she pulls her head away from your stomach to gaze up into your eyes.
  519. >She still has some innocence left.
  520. >Everything she's done, everything she's been through, and she still has hope for this world.
  521. >She's tougher than you could fathom. Others would have simply killed themselves from the pain shes been through.
  522. >At least, you can assume shes been through.
  523. >You run your hand along her sides, feeling her ribs again.
  524. >She's looking better by the hour. If you keep feeding her, she may look healthy again in two weeks.
  525. >You're going to order the most fattening food you can find for her in Canterlot, and make her eat it. She needs it.
  526. >"I was back in Manehatten again..." She said, propped up in your lap to hold you closer, her gentle heartbeat fluttering against your chest. "And I had e-enough bits to afford a train ticket out of there... w-when they came."
  527. "They?..." You ask, simply opting to rest both arms around her in a warming embrace, gently running your fingers through her mane.
  528. >"O-Other homeless ponies... t-they tore open my box... and took what little I had..."
  529. >You frown. Could ponies even be that cruel?
  530. "Has that happened before?..." You think aloud, your embrace tightening around the defenseless mare.
  531. >You don't want to push her, but that one slipped.
  532. >She nods, regardless.
  533. >What in the actual fuck.
  534. >You didn't want to believe that one. Never.
  535. >But you can see the truth in her eyes. She couldn't lie about this.
  536. >You pull her closer, listening to her every word.
  537. "Well, it won't happen again. Not anymore... okay, Morning?..." You say, soothing her, your hand positioned right behind the back of her head as your thumb presses against her cheek.
  538. "I'm here."
  539. >Her eyes settle on your own, slowly closing as she finally relaxes, her breathing slowly as she finally gets some well deserved sleep.
  540. >Now you're a teddy bear again. Great.
  541. >But this time, you didn't mind so much. It made you happy.
  542. >A few minutes pass as Twilight knocks gently on your living room door, stepping inside.
  543. >"Alright! I've got the train tickets, Celestia has organized us our own rooms at the Castle, and looks like nopony else could go. Rarity and Applejack are having family, Rainbow Dash has work, Pinkie Pie is busy bouncing around the clouds (if you hear screaming coming closer Anon, look up and dodge appropriately), and Fluttershy is managing non-hibernating animals. And Morning Glory is asleep in your lap. O-Kaaay."
  544. >Twilight tiptoes closer, looking at the sleeping pony as you pet her brown mane.
  545. >"Are you all packed and ready to go?" She asks quietly, not wanting to disturb her.
  546. "Almost Twi. Need to grab my bag and stuff some clothes in."
  547. >"I'll help you."
  548. >Wait no.
  549. >Nooooo. What are you doing Twilight.
  550. >Twilight, stop.
  551. >Before you can say anything, she disappeared into your room, digging around in your drawers.
  552. >You don't want your only clothing choices to be a Hawaiian Shirt, a pair of shorts, seven pairs of mismatching socks, and a baseball cap. Without any boxers.
  553. >She reappears a moment later, dropping the bag right in front of you.
  554. >"Done! Let's go."
  555. >You sigh. You better get used to this shirt, it's the only thing you'll have for tomorrow.
  556. >Twilight levitates the sleeping Glory into the air, just high enough for you to scoot out and grab her small form. Hugging her close, you're happy to see she hasn't stirred.
  557. >But then you forgot she isn't wearing her dress, so it was all for naught.
  558. "Morning?" You say softly, shaking her a little. "Can you get dressed? We're about to leave."
  559. >She stirs in your embrace, her eyes opening once more, eye to eye with you.
  560. >She blushes. You feel like throwing a rock around in order to restore your masculinity from the cute mare's actions.
  561. >"Oh! S-Sorry..."
  562. >You set her down as she trots into her room, quickly slipping the beautiful dress on once again, which perfectly hides her bruised and malnourished coat.
  563. >You can't wait to see her well.
  564. >You've taken notice now that from a short distance, she looks perfectly well. Like none of her past ever happened.
  565. >And that can only make you smile, as you pick up your bag.
  566. >What you'll come to the realization later is that you forgot to inspect your bag, that Twilight neatly packed for you.
  567. >She was very neat at packing. Not so neat at choosing matching colors.
  568. >Twilight leads the way out of your home, talking idly about her adventures in Canterlot years prior.
  569. >You find it hard to add anything to her conversation, as she rambles about politics and other princessy things.
  570. >"So the noble said, and I will quote him on this; 'but what if we abolished this tax?', and everypony lost their minds! Oh, you should have been there Anon. Even Celestia found it amusing.
  571. >Wanna know what else would find that amusing?
  572. >Another politician.
  573. >A brick wall.
  574. >A scroll.
  575. >The scroll would find it the most entertaining. Trust me, I'm a carpenter.
  576. >As you turn to lock the shop door, you can't help but notice that the little brown mare is nowhere to be found.
  577. >Looking back into the workshop, you see her shakily making her way down the stairs, weakened hooves having trouble keeping her balanced.
  578. >That's not good.
  579. >Entering your home once more, you scoop her up once again.
  580. >You briefly reconsider your vacation. Maybe you should stay, and let Twilight go alone... you don't think she would survive a day of exploration. Not unless if you carried her.
  581. >And you fondly recalled that Canterlot Castle was 90% stairs.
  582. "Are you going to make it, Morning?" You ask, unsure.
  583. >If she wants to go, you won't stop her.
  584. >She nods quickly, locking her hooves around you.
  585. >"I-I'll be fine. Just a little weak, that's all... that, and I like it when you carry me."
  586. >You smile. Well, if she likes it, why stop?
  587. "Well then, I'll carry you everywhere, now wont I?" You laugh in return, kneeling a bit to close the workshop door.
  588. >Turning the lock, you look back at Twilight, who's eying you curiously.
  589. >"I don't think you've met Princess Cadence, have you, Anon?"
  590. >Twilight asks, smiling at you curiously. "I'm sure she'd be happy to meet you and Morning. She's visiting Canterlot this week, from the response I received from Princess Celestia."
  591. >Sometimes, you didn't understand Twilight.
  592. >Like right now, for example. Who cared? She was some pink horse who lived in a castle a thousand miles or something away.
  593. >You didn't really care about Equestria's geography that much.
  594. >"Anyway, the train will be leaving soon. We better hurry. I don't want to lose this weekend!"
  595. >You give the best shrug you can, holding Morning as she only giggles.
  596. >Twilight takes up a quick trot, making you have to jog while clutching Morning tight.
  597. >The train station wasn't that far. Why run?
  598. "Why don't you slow down a bit, Twi? I'm a bit er..." You searched your mind, looking for a word to use here. Preferably one Twilight taught you. "Encumbered. That's it."
  599. >"Oh! Sorry... just a bit excited. You'll love Cadence! I want you to meet her, the very first thing."
  600. >Eager as she is, she does listen. Probably because big words make her pay attention.
  601. >You arrive at the train station at exactly 11:38, early enough to have some choice in seating.
  602. >But being as you're with Twilight, regardless of what you do, you're stuck in first class.
  603. >One of the many benefits of being friends with a crazy Alicorn Princess.
  604. >Setting your "carry on mare" in a seat next to your own, you toss your bag onto the rack above.
  605. >You sit down in the lavish seat, that's just barely big enough to accommodate you. At least you had your own little room... thing. Made you feel like you were in Harry Potter, going to Hogwarts.
  606. >Except it was much brighter, different than the darker wood tones you saw in the movies.
  607. >Thinking of home always made you a little sad. There were SOME things you missed.
  608. >Like buying meat in a grocery store.
  609. >Okay, maybe just one or two things. Life was better here.
  610. >You leaned back in the seat, as you felt your arm rest raise by magic.
  611. "Twilight, what are you doing?" You ask, as she only smirks.
  612. >"Oh, nothing. I wasn't paying attention, and I must have done that by accident." She said, closing her eyes as she adjusted herself, getting comfortable.
  613. >"I think I'll find the Canterlot spa when we get there. I haven't had a massage since Rarity forced me to go to the one in Ponyville months ago."
  614. "I think I won't be joining you on that one. I'll be looking over Morning... I'm probably going to bring her out to eat. Would you like that? We can have something special, or-"
  615. >"Anon, you're going to be meeting Cadence first. I want you to."
  616. "Uh... I have a choice in this, remember? Diary entry? We can-"
  617. >"Yes, but I think it's important."
  618. >Uh... okay.
  619. "...Alright, my snooty Princess."
  620. >"Quit calling me that!" She groans, her hoof meeting her face at mach speeds.
  621. >A few more like those and she'll have a horse shoe there by three o'clock.
  622. >That's what you're aiming for.
  623. >"ALL ABOARD!" You hear the train conductor yell, as the engines kick on.
  624. "So... Morning, have you ever been on a train before?" You ask, as the tired mare snaps to attention.
  625. >"Once... to come here."
  626. >"I bet first class is better than the first time, huh?"
  627. >"W-Well... first class is definitely better than the bag cart..."
  628. >"Oh. Sorry..." Twilight says, before quickly changing the subject.
  629. >"I was born in Canterlot, you know..." Twilight begins, and you lay back.
  630. >Here we go.
  631. >For the next two hours, you're assaulted verbally with history lessons.
  632. >Luckily, they're not as boring as other lessons, but still, boring.
  633. >You had trouble staying awake during it all, but surprisingly, Morning didn't.
  634. >She seemed interested in Twilight's past, not to mention Canterlot's.
  635. >As Twilight concluded, you snapped out of it with a knock on the cabin door.
  636. >Twilight slid it open with her magic, surprised to find it is none other than Pinkie Pie.
  637. >Wearing a Chef's hat and pushing a big cart of candies and other goods.
  638. >"OH MY GOSH! Twilight! I didn't know you would be on this train!" Pinkie Pie chirped, bouncing up and down with the biggest smile you've seen to date.
  639. >"Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?" Twilight said, shocked at the sudden entrance of the pink mare.
  640. >"Well, after Mr. and Mrs. Cake said I had to leave for a while, I had to find a temporary job to buy more cake mix for a super duper party! So while I was bouncing up and down on the clouds, I fell off, and landed on the chef who was supposed to be working on this train! Well, he hurt his back, so I offered to take his place for the next few weeks until he got better. AND HE ACCEPTED! So now I get to make all the yummy food stuffs in the kitchenandserveittoeveryponyonthetrain! ISN'T THAT AMAZING?!" She said, bouncing up and down.
  641. >"And look! I got this neat hat, to boot!" She says with even more vigor.
  642. >"Oh! Right, I'm on the clock. Would you like anything off the trolley? We've got cake to candy to fizzy pop and coffee! Ooooh, we even have a lunch trolly if you're really hungry!"
  643. >You can't escape Pinkie Pie no matter where you go, it seems.
  644. >For example, your own home.
  645. "Would you like anything, Morning?" You ask her quietly, and she responds with a vigorous nod.
  646. >"I would love something sweet... Pinkie makes really good cinnamon rolls, Anon."
  647. "I don't think they have cinnamon roll-"
  648. >Pinkie shoves one into your mouth, smiling broadly.
  649. >"Yep! I do."
  650. >You groan. Your teeth hurt.
  651. >You facepalm and swallow the amazingly delicious cinnamonroll with a sigh.
  652. "Pinkie Pie... do that again, and I'm going to turn you into a pink quiver for my arrows."
  653. >"But if I DON'T do that to you, Nonny, who will buy my amazing cinnamon buns? NOPONY! Well, I already sold seven, but still!"
  654. >You pull out your wallet and dig around.
  655. "I'd like one for Morning and Twilight, if she wants one, too."
  656. >"Actually, Pinkie Pie, did you make all of that?"
  657. >"Yep! Everything except the hard candy and fizzy pop, and the bagged chips. Those were already on the cart. But the cake and chocolate candies I did myself! It's super duper yummy!"
  658. >"I'll take some chocolate cake then... without the hoof, thank you."
  659. >"Okie dokie lokie! Your total is 15 bits, will Nonny pay for it all?"
  660. >My name is Anon you stupid pink horse.
  661. "Well, I guess I am." You say, digging around your coins and pulling out exactly...
  662. >A 10 bit, a diamond bit, seven one bits, and two more 10 bits.
  663. >Just to bother her.
  664. >"And here you go, Nonny!" She said, giving you back exact change.
  665. >Fuck it was hard to get on her nerves.
  666. >"If you need anything else, like, ever, tug on the rope. I can hear it in the kitchen!" She said, dropping the bits into a small lock box.
  667. >"Does Rainbow Dash know you have a job?"
  668. >"Yep! I told her right as I was about to leave. She's having company over, anyway, so I didn't want to be a bother. Scootaloo is a great dancer, and Dash is proud to have her over. You know, family moments! I should probably visit my sister this coming Hearth's Warming Eve-OH GOSH! I've gotta go! I'll visit on my break, right before Canterlot! I'll see you then!"
  669. >The cheery Pink pony bounced away, with the delicious smelling cart in tow, leaving behind a slice of cake and Morning's cinnamon roll without a second thought.
  670. >"Well it's good to see her back on her feet so quickly."
  671. "...Even if she has to knock someone off of theirs to do it."
  672. >You all laugh as the train whizzes by the landscape, heading up.
  673. >You awake with a start.
  674. >You don't know when you fell asleep on the train ride up the mountain, but you were pretty sure it was recent.
  675. >You stretch a little, feeling the stiffness leave your muscles as you realize you're not alone.
  676. >Morning Glory's head is resting in your lap, her chest rising and falling soothingly.
  677. >You reach out with your open hand, soothingly stroking her mane as she gets some well deserved rest.
  678. >She must have been up all night fighting night terrors to be this tired.
  679. >You look at your trusty watch, checking the Window to see the train approaching Canterlot.
  680. >Almost there. Soon, you and Morning could relax, without another pony to disturb you. You could also probably bring her to the Castle Doctor for a checkup.
  681. >Heck, they might even know healing magic, one of the rarest and most difficult magics to master. Though you were doubtful. There hasn't been healing magic in Equestria for quite a while. There hasn't been a need of it, since most ponies live healthy, non-violent lives.
  682. >Most ponies. Some were just violent and cruel to begin with. But that didn't happen in Ponyville. That was more of a "Detrot" thing, though it has happened in other large cities.
  683. >You solely blame all of the crime on horse puns.
  684. >They train begins to lose momentum as you near the station, your attention soon returning to the ponies in the cab.
  685. >Twilight was asleep, a large book in her lap and the plate of chocolate cake empty in the opposite seat. The fork was resting on top.
  686. >Morning Glory seemed to have left her plate on the ground, which you kicked in your sleep. The armrest was back where Twilight moved it the first time, even though there were two other seats for Morning to stretch out to.
  687. >We must kill the pillows.
  688. >But Anon, you ARE the pillows.
  689. >Then your leg was Morning's pillow.
  690. >The end.
  691. >Scratching right behind Morning's ear again, she stirs before waking up.
  692. >"Hmm?... Five more minutes..."
  693. "Rise and shine Mr. Freeman." You say, gently shaking the boney mare with a smile. "Rise and shine."
  694. >"B-But my name is M-Morning Glory..." She says tiredly, mewling.
  695. "Yes, but you will never get the reference, so I'm making the reference for no other reason than to... 'sate my own desires'. I think that's what Twilight would say. Isn't that right, Twi?"
  696. >Twilight snores loudly, the book slipping from her lap as it clatters to the floor. She yelps loudly, eyes popping open.
  697. >"BUT I DON'T WANT TO EAT ALL THE EGGS!" She yelled, looking around the small cabin in panic.
  698. "Had a uh... good dream, Twilight?"
  699. >"Huh?... It was just a dream?" She said, sliding down her chair a bit as the panic left her voice. "Oh thank Celestia. I couldn't eat all of those eggs."
  700. >Well okay then.
  701. >"Are you okay, Princess?" Morning asks, shaking the sleepiness from her as she slowly becomes more alert, crossing her forehooves over your lap.
  702. >"Yes I'm uh... fine. Had a bad dream. Anon took me out of my box fort and force fed me eggs until I was about to burst, saying I had to eat them all."
  703. >You laugh aloud at the thought, Twilight shaking her head as you hold a fork full of eggs to her lips in your mind.
  704. >Oh God, you know how to wake her up tomorrow.
  705. >Stretching your arms, you arch your back before suddenly diving down and scooping the little mare next to you up into your arms.
  706. "I think I know why whoever named you Morning Glory did so. It's GLORIOUS to wake up to you in the MORNING! Eh? Get it?" You say, poking her on the pony nose as she rests both of her forehooves on your shoulders, sitting in your lap.
  707. >"Oh that's no fair, Anon! You have a strange, 'human' name that makes no sense. What does Anon even mean? I can't make a joke out of that strange thing..."
  708. >"Well, Anon means 'unknown' where I come from. I'm a shady guy, I guess." You reply to Morning's question, as Twilight picks up her book.
  709. >She closes the old book before slipping it back into her saddlebag, yawning as she turned to the window.
  710. >"I think I overslept... we're less than ten minutes away from the station."
  711. >"If you don't want that extra sleep, I'll take it..." Morning says, snuggling up with you close, her chest leaning against your own. "It gives me another reason to use the best pillow ever."
  712. "B-But..."
  713. >"Shh. Pillows don't talk." Morning places her hoof on your lips, and you roll your eyes, resting your hands on her back as she slowly gets more comfortable. "Pillows only make me smile."
  714. >And in turn, that made you smile. Making her happy really did feel good. Natural, even.
  715. >And you liked to feel good.
  716. >And just when all was calm and quiet in the world, the Queen of Parties bounced into the room, her hat now laying neatly on her back. She slid the cabin door shut with a thunk, before bouncing up and down.
  717. >"BACK! Did you miss me?"
  718. "With every arrow so far..." You say quietly, resting your head in Morning's soft mane.
  719. >Why was she so soft.
  720. >She should be the pillow, not you. She's too cuddly and warm.
  721. >The brakes on the train begin to screech loudly as you swiftly approach Canterlot Station, right up the mountain.
  722. >"Heya Pinkie Pie, how was your shift?" Twilight asked, giving her wings a little stretch.
  723. >"OH MY GOSH IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! Not as fun as working at Sugar Cube CornerwhereIgettoseeallmyfriends but I DID see Miss Harshwhinny again which was SUPER COOL!" Pinkie Pie jumped up, landing in the open seat next to Twilight. "She didn't really feel like talking though, which made me a little sad, but it was probably because she was busy with other things or tiredandjustwantedtorest BUT SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO SLAM THE CABIN DOOR ON ME!"
  724. "Have you tried not eating two bags of sugar before you talk to someone?"
  725. >"Silly Nonny, I only eat six cups."
  726. >You what.
  727. >"Anyway, I wish I could come with you guys to Canterlot! But we have another four hour train ride bringing ponies back today, so I don't think I can unless if I could be in two places at once (which I tried once; it didn't work so well). So instead, I made some cupcakes f-"
  728. "Don't you even dare shove one in my mouth again."
  729. >"Silly Nonny, that joke is getting old. Besides, Morning is in the way. I don't want to get cupcake in her mane! It's so. PRETTY!"
  730. >"Could you please stop yelling Miss... uh... Pinkie? It hurts my ears." Morning said, turning her head to press her ear to your chest. "And you're disturbing my pillow."
  731. >"Oh!... Oooh. Sorry Nonny!" She lowers the volume as she begins to talk to Twilight about her day.
  732. >At least Twilight could hold a conversation with her without yelling.
  733. >You opt to instead stroke along Morning's back, gazing out the window as the train began to slow to a halt, ponies buzzling about ready for their commutes up and down the mountain. The platform sat full with a group ready to return to Ponyville as you place Morning in the chair next to you, being sure not to wrinkle her dress too much.
  734. >"Aww... but I was just getting comfortable."
  735. >You smile at her as you grab your bag, slinging it over your shoulder as Pinkie Pie bounces back out of the cabin door, returning with a box of what you assume are cupcakes.
  736. >Pinkie could be nice at times, even if she was insane.
  737. >"Anyway Twilight, I'll see you tomorrow at 4 o'clock, and I'll be sure to bake something else just for you, Nonny, and Morning!"
  738. >"Thanks Pinkie, but won't you get in trouble for giving away free food?"
  739. >"Nah! I'm the only cook on the train. I get to keep most of the bits from selling food, but I have to buy back supplies and give a little to the conductor for using his kitchen. I've already earned more today than I did in one day at Sugarcube Corner!" She chirped, giving Twilight a hug.
  740. >"I'll see you all later! I've gotta go and clean the kitchen."
  741. >Yes, that's right Pinkie Pie. Get back in the kitchen.
  742. >You don't care if she made you cupcakes.
  743. >You were immune to her charm.
  744. >Mostly, at least. There were times when even she could make you smile.
  745. "Need any help there, Morning?" You ask, as she steps out of her seat.
  746. >"I think I've got it, Anon. But thanks." She manages to reach the floor, standing up with determination.
  747. >The train doors gave way as you slid open the cabin door, Twilight taking the initiative as she slips out first.
  748. >"Why thank you so much Anon for holding the door for me! It really means a lot."
  749. >Oh no she didn't.
  750. "Whoa whoa whoa, Twilight, I can see you're leading us, but I must say, you're going the entirely wrong direction! Mind if I take the lead?"
  751. >You pick her up with both hands, spinning around and setting the quite upset Princess back on her hooves.
  752. >"No no, I insist. I will find us the way out."
  753. >She teleports in front of you with her magic, and you groan.
  754. >Today was going to be a long day.
  755. "Please, I will be the gentlemen here and guide us to our destination. Step aside, ma'am!"
  756. >You leap frog over her, and it soon becomes a shoving contest filled with lots of polite comments.
  757. >Morning could only laugh, as she followed close behind, before Twilight finally picks you up with her magic and steps underneath you, dragging you along.
  758. >"As a Princess, it would be my honor to show you the right way!"
  759. "I hope you don't set me down. The moment you do, I'm going to kick you, Purple Smart."
  760. >"Whatever you say, Monkey Butt."
  761. >"Can I have a lift too, Twilight?" Morning whines, as you spin around slowly.
  762. >At this rate you'll start to feel sick in no time.
  763. >Twilight drags you out of the train doors as a flood of other passengers surround you, most gazing up at you confused.
  764. >Being shrouded in Twilight's magical grasp felt... ethereal. That sounds like a word she would say to describe it, as you honestly forgot what it truly meant.
  765. >Like it mattered. It's not like anyone was reading your thoughts. You could think whatever you wanted.
  766. >For example; given the chance, you would have already tackled and fucked the shit out of that cute box pony accompanying you.
  767. >But life doesn't work like that. You want to earn her trust, not rape her if she lives with you.
  768. >Rape is >kinda< illegal here, and your bed sounds much better than a dungeon cell.
  769. >That, and you wanted to have more than just a one night stand or two. You wanted something that lasted longer.
  770. >Maybe in a few weeks you'll ask her, if she looks as cute as she acts when she's all healed up.
  771. >As Twilight stepped into the evening sun, you found yourself falling to the ground.
  772. >"Cadence!" Twilight yelled in delight, galloping forward as she gave the pink princess a hug.
  773. >And here you lay, in a crumpled heap of "you fucking dropped me" and "I hit my head please help".
  774. >But before you could act on the first thought (ie: kicking the shit out of Twilight for dropping you), Morning pressed her snout into your neck, pushing forward to help you up.
  775. >Amazingly, when she did this, she put all of what little strength she had into it, putting you on your feet in a flash.
  776. >"Are you okay, Anon?" She asks, the small mare looking you over worriedly, dusting off your pants with a hoof.
  777. "Fine, just bumped my... fucking head, that's all."
  778. >You look over to Twi, chattering excitedly with that pink alicorn horse thing, who seemed overly happy to see her.
  779. >You never saw this mare until now, but you have to say, she seemed like something Toys R Us would sell to little girls. Overly pink and with a diamond heart thing as her cutie mark.
  780. >Cadence looks between you and Morning Glory, nodding to Twilight as if agreeing to something.
  781. >And look, the mystery mare approaches, the two Princesses parting the crowd slightly as some of the closer by ponies notice their Alicorn status.
  782. >A thing to note was that unlike Celestia and Luna, both Cadence and Twilight stood at nearly average height for a mare. Unless if you saw both the horn and wings, they honestly gave no real indication of being royalty.
  783. >So at a distance, or in a crowd, you wouldn't really pick them out as being anything special. Not unless you looked them over.
  784. >Now that the Pink Princess of Childs Toys stepped close, you could inspect her more clearly.
  785. >Nothing too special. A little flare in her wings, unlike normal pegasus wings, of course. A crown on her head. Not entirely uncommon; fancier mares sported them on rare occasions. She did have a slight size difference, which was noticeable now when she actually approached. Maybe a few inches? Golden necklace, golden horseshoes, kinda stealing from Celestia's style but whatever.
  786. >She didn't impress you, really. But she did fit the "Pretty Pink Princess" role, and you're hoping her personality didn't match the colors.
  787. >"Hello, you must be Anon. I've heard quite a bit about you from Twilight's letters. And you must be Morning Glory."
  788. >She nodded to the shy brown mare, who seemed to shrink a little bit from the sight of even more royalty. She bowed, before hiding her body partly behind your legs.
  789. >Maybe if you convinced Cadence to spoon feed her, she wouldn't be so shy.
  790. "Hey there, Cadence. I don't think Twilight told me so much about you... well, she did, but it was a few years ago, so it's hard to recall. I DO remember that you were her baby sitter, and that your wedding turned out to be an invasion in disguise."
  791. >"Well, when the Princess of Love finds a husband, it tends to attract changelings, apparently."
  792. >Oh yeah. That's what she was.
  793. >"So Morning..."
  794. >Cadence turns her attention to Glory behind you, smiling warmly down at her.
  795. >"Can you tell me a little about yourself? What's your special talent, if I may know?"
  796. >Twilight turns her head to Cadence quickly, tapping her on the shoulder and shaking her head.
  797. >"I-I uh... d-don't have one, Princess." She says timidly, her long brown tail curving upwards to hide her blank flank.
  798. >Cadence's royal smile seems to dim, though it quickly returns.
  799. >"Well there's nothing wrong with that! It just takes some time. I guess your parents haven't had the time to teach you a skill."
  800. >Another sour note. Cadence was good at hitting those as Twilight's hoof met her face once more.
  801. >Cadence took notice and dropped the royal act, looking away awkwardly.
  802. >"I uh... well. I'm sorry. I didn't know..."
  803. >"It's okay. I know who my mother was, and that's all that matters. I can assume she was just like my dad."
  804. >Cadence really walked unprepared into that whole conversation.
  805. >She wouldn't have that problem with you, though. She's had plenty of time to read Twilight's beautiful handwriting for days on end about you, unlike the five seconds she had to hear about Morning.
  806. >This whole conversation has been nothing but awkward.
  807. >You better kill it.
  808. "I'm sorry Princess, but if you don't mind, me and Morning are going to go out and explore Canterlot before the day is out. Night is coming around five thirty, and I heard that Canterlot is lit up with seasonal lights this time of the year. It's going to be beautiful. You'll welcome to join us, if you want."
  809. >"No no no, Anon, me and Cadence have some... catching up to do! Just remember to be at the Royal Dining Hall at 7 PM, and we'll see you then."
  810. >Twilight is acting like Twilight.
  811. >Weird and socially awkward.
  812. >But there's too much weird and not enough socially awkward.
  813. >An imbalance in the force. She's up to something.
  814. "Sometimes even I can't read her. And I'm like... her little brother, kinda."
  815. >You watch them vanish into the crowd, Cadence turning back to look over the strange creature shes only heard about, and never truly seen.
  816. >That went well.png
  817. >You shrug it off, instead choosing to turn around to the little brown mare behind you, as she sadly kicks her hooves at the dirt.
  818. "Are you alright, Morning?"
  819. >"Do you think I'm... worthless, Anon?" She asks, looking up at you with those big, sad eyes of hers.
  820. >You shake your head.
  821. >This feels like an "Does this make my flank look big?" question. Better tread carefully, you don't want her running off and getting lost.
  822. >You take the few moments you have to gather a thought, something inspiring. Something romantic, or at least close to it.
  823. >You kneel down next to her, in front of everyone to see as you wrap your arms around her neck.
  824. >Hugging seems to be more common with her now more than ever.
  825. "What value does a diamond ring hold to a dog? A dog can't use the ring. It could eat the ring, of course, but it has no purpose other than existing to the dog. It's nothing but an item in a dog's world. You, Morning, are a diamond ring in a world full of dogs. They chew you up, spit you out, and call you worthless. Even if you're a shiny and rare thing, they do not care. But not me. I don't see a piece of garbage. I see you for what you truly are; something precious. And when you're with me, I want you to shine so brightly it blinds everyone."
  826. >You can't help but puff your chest out a bit, like you just proved something.
  827. >"Anon?" Morning says, tears welling in her eyes.
  828. >"You're absolutely terrible at analogies."
  829. >You facepalm. You thought that was brilliant on so many levels.
  830. >"But that doesn't mean that wasn't beautiful."
  831. >She smiled, wiping away the tears as she pulls you back into a tight, loving hug, determined to shine like the gem she is. You hug back, sighing.
  832. "But that leaves one question. Now what do we do?"
  833. >"Well, how about we get something to eat?... I'm starving."
  834. "You're always starving." You tease, poking her in her body ribs through the dress. She winced at the poke, a little too hard in a sensitive spot.
  835. >"Coming from the giant with the appetite of two? I think I'm doing well." She replied, sticking her tongue out at you.
  836. >Good to see her opening up a bit.
  837. "Well, we're going to be eating in three hours or so, just so you know... I think we should do something else. Canterlot has an amazing cinema, if you want to check it out."
  838. >"Oh! I've only seen one movie before, it was about some ice princess from a far away land, who had frost magic even though she was an earth pony... But she couldn't control it."
  839. "That... sounds eerily familiar. When did you see that?"
  840. >"A long time ago, back when I lived in the orphanage... I saved up enough from doing chores, I could just barely see it. I used to love Winter back then."
  841. >You can assume why she would grow less fond of it, having lived in a box for four years.
  842. "Tell you what, we'll explore the city and find a movie theater, before heading to the Castle and having dinner with royalty! Tonight will be the best night of your life."
  843. >Her smile grows back to its radiant glory, the last few days of rest bleeding through her features, giving her a much healthier look. Her face wasn't nearly as gaunt as it was before.
  844. >Seeing life return to that walking skeleton of a mare made you feel pride, deep down inside.
  845. >You did this.
  846. >And you will keep doing this.
  847. "I know exactly where to start, too. Follow me."
  848. >You sling your bag over your shoulder, heading to the nearby exit, Morning Glory following close behind.
  849. >As you step out the entryway, you feel the temperature drop as a cool, gentle breeze hits you, carrying snow which nips at your nose.
  850. >Luckily you were wearing a long sleeve shirt today, thick and built for winter. It was the last shirt in the bathroom that you thankfully didn't take before.
  851. >Snow falls slowly from the skies, covering the wintery world in another layer of white, large decorative candy canes sprouting from the ground.
  852. >Lights hung from each post, swinging from each sugary sweet to the next, the actual candy canes holding lanterns to illuminate the dimming world.
  853. >That's right; the nights were long, and the sun was slowly retreating behind the clouds, soon to leave you in darkness.
  854. >All about, ponies bustled about their day, returning home to their families, coats and scarves common among the populace along with chatter of idle talk.
  855. >The ornate white buildings found it hard to stand out from the snow, their colors blending neatly with the fresh powder. Every so often, a large evergreen would dot the path, breaking the trend of white with a splash of green. Ornaments hung clearly from each one, a star resting firmly at the tip.
  856. >Lights of warmth flooded from each household, also filling the streets with the sound of laughter and fire from the open windows that occasionally dotted the way.
  857. >When Canterlot decorated, it meant it. Bells and wreaths hung jolly on each home, red tassel tied in elegant bows that housed even more lights.
  858. >In two hours time, the world would be beautiful with light, shining through the dark.
  859. >You could feel a rush of excitement hit you. It's just like Christmas!
  860. >If only Ponyville were this decorated.
  861. >Maybe when you returned, the decoration committee would have set themselves to work again, bringing holiday cheer to Ponyville. They were always a little late compared to other towns, from what you've heard.
  862. >Well the rumors were true; they were very behind.
  863. >You find what you're looking for, though, right at the front door, in fact.
  864. >Pamphlets. Maps of Canterlot.
  865. >They were free, to, so you snatched up two and handed the spare to Morning.
  866. "Alright Morning, pick where you want to go for the next few hours."
  867. >She set down the map on the ground, flipping it open with her hoof as she scanned it, your own eyes traveling to the one in your hand.
  868. >Flipping the cover, you look over the map of the area.
  869. >Compared to Ponyville, it was massive. Three, maybe four times the size? Though the streets were a little organized, a lot of the land went through twists and turns, so without a map you could probably get lost within the hour.
  870. >You notice several spots of interest that garner your attention.
  871. >Museums, Art Galleries, Theaters, Colleges, the Castle itself, Canterlot Gardens... and Canterlot Central.
  872. >Morning eventually taps the map, with a wide smile.
  873. >"Here. I want to go here."
  874. "Canterlot Gardens?... But most of the animals will be hibernating. Wouldn't you like to go somewhere more interesting?"
  875. >That, and you'd like to get out of this draft.
  876. >Morning shakes her head no, smiling up at you.
  877. >"It's perfect." She said, picking up the map with her teeth, folding it neatly as she tucked it into her dress.
  878. >You stuff your own into your pocket, shrugging.
  879. >Well, it's better than a college, at least. In fact, anything is better than school, really.
  880. >It reminds you too much of Twilight and Friendship Reports.
  881. "Alright. Lead the way."
  882. -~Chapter Three End~-
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