

Dec 13th, 2017
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  1. You just entered room [*Anonymouse]. Type /room RoomName to create or join an existing room.
  2. [22:39] [Ladynasty] rubber with steel core thing i believe
  3. [22:40] [Stuckerrs] oi
  4. No cheese for you! ^_^
  5. [22:40] [Szeraton] did it broke or it just slid off?
  6. [22:40] [Nackynick] Stuckerrs who are u
  7. [22:40] [Ladynasty] hi Stuckerrs
  8. [22:40] [Szeraton] deadmau5
  9. [22:40] [Stuckerrs] idk i was invited by 3-4 people
  10. [22:40] [Nackynick] lol
  11. [22:40] [Ladynasty] everymous this is Stuckerrs, he old mous, he also pro bootcamp maker
  12. Sangriaman has disconnected.
  13. [22:40] [Ladynasty] Stuckerrs im ambassador to this hous, we work out peace treaties and i take it back to my tribu
  14. Money1039 just connected.
  15. [22:40] [Nackynick] female?
  16. [22:41] [Ladynasty] Stuckerrs is about as female as auro
  17. [22:41] [Szeraton] wew
  18. Luis0sta has disconnected.
  19. [22:41] [Nackynick] so he use female hormons injections?
  20. [22:41] [Nackynick] wow
  21. [22:41] [Ladynasty] no
  22. [22:41] [Pawvy] okay finally finished reading that paper
  23. [22:41] [Ladynasty] pls
  24. [22:41] [Ladynasty] stuckers is male
  25. [22:41] [Pawvy] i could have just read the last page and been okay'
  26. [22:41] [Pawvy] 8
  27. [22:41] [Stuckerrs] .
  28. [22:41] [Nackynick] pawy i bet some of the filler will be on the test
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