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Sep 22nd, 2019
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  1. dto@monad ~/emacs-config $ /usr/local/bin/snd -b /usr/local/share/snd/lint.scm -e "(lint \"/home/dto/mosaic/mosaic.scm\")"
  2. Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
  3. Cannot connect to server request channel
  4. jack server is not running or cannot be started
  5. JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
  6. JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr - Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
  7. loading lint.scm
  8. ;/home/dto/mosaic/mosaic.scm
  9. emit-org-entries (line 109): perhaps (format #f "~A" a) -> (object->string a #f)
  10. emit-org-entries (line 110): perhaps (format #f "~A" b) -> (object->string b #f)
  11. emit-org-entries (line 111): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (key) (display (org-docstring key) p)) keys)
  12. emit-org-entries (line 115): perhaps
  13. (let ((keys (map car *documentation*))) (set! keys (sort! keys (lambda (a... ->
  14. (let ((keys (sort! (map car *documentation*)
  15. (lambda (a b)
  16. (string<=? (format #f "~A" a) (format #f "~A" b))))))
  17. (let ((p (open-output-file (project-file ""))))
  18. (map (lambda (key) (display (org-docstring key) p)) keys)
  19. (close-output-port p)))
  21. set! (line 126): perhaps
  22. (set! (list-ref *mosaic-resources* index) value) ->
  23. (list-set! *mosaic-resources* index value)
  25. find-resource-file (line 134): misspelled 'null? in (null resource)?
  26. initialize-mosaic (line 147): perhaps
  27. (... (display "SchemeMosaic is Copyright (c) 2006-2007, 2019
  28. ") (display... ->
  29. (format () "SchemeMosaic is Copyright (c) 2006-2007, 2019
  30. by David O'Toole...
  32. disable-snap-mark-to-beat (line 191): can't set! (set! mark-hook *old-mark-hook*) (it is a constant)
  33. set! (line 265): setter function should take 2 arguments: (set! (setter mosaic-output-file) (lambda (value) (set!...
  34. set! (line 276): setter function should take 2 arguments: (set! (setter mosaic-project-directory) (lambda (value) (set!...
  36. set! (line 287): setter function should take 2 arguments: (set! (setter mosaic-session-directory) (lambda (value) (set!...
  38. define^ (line 285): trailing-slash?'s parameter string is called (string (- (length string) 1)): find a less confusing parameter name!
  40. trailing-slash? (line 291): eq? should be eqv? in (eq? #\/ (string (- (length string) 1)))
  41. trailing-slash? (line 291): perhaps (eq? #\/ (string (- (length string) 1))) -> #f
  42. make-instance^ (line 336): perhaps restrict cls which is not used in the let* body
  43. (let* ((cls (if (symbol? class) (symbol->value class) class)) (make... ->
  44. (let ((make (let ((cls (if (symbol? class)
  45. (symbol->value class)
  46. class)))
  47. (symbol->value
  48. (symbol "make-" (symbol->string (cls 'class-name)))))))
  49. ...)
  51. make-instance^ (line 336): perhaps
  52. (let* ((cls (if (symbol? class) (symbol->value class) class)) (make... ->
  53. (let* ((cls (if (symbol? class)
  54. (symbol->value class)
  55. class))
  56. (make (symbol->value (symbol "make-" (symbol->string (cls 'class-name)))))
  57. (object (apply make args)))
  58. (initialize-instance object)
  59. ...)
  61. make-instance^ (line 336): perhaps substitute cls into make:
  62. (let* ((cls (if (symbol? class) (symbol->value class) class)) (make... ->
  63. (let ((make (symbol->value (symbol "make-"
  64. (symbol->string
  65. ((if (symbol? class) (symbol->value class) class) 'class-name))))))
  66. ...)
  68. show-progress (line 417): perhaps use case instead of cond:
  69. (cond ((eq? *show-progress-style* 'terse) (format () ".")) ((eq?... ->
  70. (case *show-progress-style*
  71. ((terse) (format () "."))
  72. ((verbose) (format () "~A " s)))
  74. close-other-sounds (line 440): perhaps
  75. (when (not (= (sound->integer s) (sound->integer sound))) (close-sound sound)) ->
  76. (unless (= (sound->integer s) (sound->integer sound)) (close-sound sound))
  78. make-graphable (line 491): perhaps (set! output (cons i output)) (set! output (cons (car seq) output)) -> (set! output (cons (car seq) (cons i output)))
  80. make-graphable (line 494): perhaps
  81. (let ((output ())) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? seq)) (set! output (cons i... ->
  82. (do ((output ())
  83. (i 0 (+ i 1)))
  84. ((null? seq) (reverse output))
  85. ...)
  87. del-assoc (line 500): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (l) (when (list? l) (when (not (eq? key (car l))) (set!...
  89. del-assoc (line 501): perhaps
  90. (when (not (null? lst)) (map (lambda (l) (when (list? l) (when (not (eq?... ->
  91. (unless (null? lst) (map (lambda (l) (when (list? l) (when (not (eq? key...
  93. del-assoc (line 503): perhaps
  94. (when (list? l) (when (not (eq? key (car l))) (set! entries (cons l entries)))) ->
  95. (when (and (list? l) (not (eq? key (car l))))
  96. (set! entries (cons l entries)))
  98. del-assoc (line 504): perhaps
  99. (when (not (eq? key (car l))) (set! entries (cons l entries))) ->
  100. (unless (eq? key (car l)) (set! entries (cons l entries)))
  102. del-assoc (line 505): "l" is a really bad variable name
  103. flatten (line 510): quote is not needed here: '()
  104. remove-duplicates* (line 513): strange parameter for define^: (eq-func? equal?)
  105. remove-duplicates** (line 523): strange parameter for define^: (eq-func? equal?)
  106. remove-duplicates** (line 528): perhaps (format #f "~A" a) -> (object->string a #f)
  107. remove-duplicates** (line 529): perhaps (format #f "~A" b) -> (object->string b #f)
  108. log-2 (line 549): perhaps (/ (log x) (log 2)) -> (log x 2)
  109. region-property (line 576): perhaps
  110. (if (not (pair? properties)) #f (let ((entry (assoc property properties)))... ->
  111. (and (pair? properties)
  112. (let ((entry (assoc property properties)))
  113. (if (pair? entry) (cdr entry) #f)))
  115. region-property (line 578): perhaps
  116. (let ((entry (assoc property properties))) (if (pair? entry) (cdr entry) #f)) ->
  117. (cond ((assoc property properties) => cdr) (else #f))
  119. region-property (line 579): perhaps (if (pair? entry) (cdr entry) #f) -> (and (pair? entry) (cdr entry))
  120. set-region-property! (line 597): perhaps (eq? #f entries) -> (not entries)
  121. define-region-property (line 616): value not used, initially: (gensym) from let
  122. define-region-property (line 622): the name @pitch will be problematic in quasiquote
  123. define-region-property (line 622): the name @pitches will be problematic in quasiquote
  124. define-region-property (line 622): the name @pitch-class will be problematic in quasiquote
  125. define-region-property (line 622): the name @interval will be problematic in quasiquote
  126. define-region-property (line 622): the name @amplitude will be problematic in quasiquote
  127. define-region-property (line 622): the name @note will be problematic in quasiquote
  128. define-region-property (line 622): the name @notes will be problematic in quasiquote
  129. define-region-property (line 622): the name @spectrum will be problematic in quasiquote
  130. define-region-property (line 622): the name @probability will be problematic in quasiquote
  131. define-region-property (line 622): the name @down? will be problematic in quasiquote
  132. define-region-property (line 622): the name @up? will be problematic in quasiquote
  133. define-region-property (line 622): the name @on? will be problematic in quasiquote
  134. define-region-property (line 622): the name @off? will be problematic in quasiquote
  135. define-region-property (line 622): the name @strong? will be problematic in quasiquote
  136. define-region-property (line 622): the name @weak? will be problematic in quasiquote
  137. define-region-property (line 622): the name @syncopated? will be problematic in quasiquote
  138. define-region-property (line 622): the name @position will be problematic in quasiquote
  139. define-region-property (line 622): the name @percussivity will be problematic in quasiquote
  140. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @pitch will be problematic in quasiquote
  141. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @pitches will be problematic in quasiquote
  142. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @pitch-class will be problematic in quasiquote
  143. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @interval will be problematic in quasiquote
  144. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @amplitude will be problematic in quasiquote
  145. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @note will be problematic in quasiquote
  146. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @notes will be problematic in quasiquote
  147. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @spectrum will be problematic in quasiquote
  148. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @probability will be problematic in quasiquote
  149. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @down? will be problematic in quasiquote
  150. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @up? will be problematic in quasiquote
  151. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @on? will be problematic in quasiquote
  152. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @off? will be problematic in quasiquote
  153. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @strong? will be problematic in quasiquote
  154. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @weak? will be problematic in quasiquote
  155. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @syncopated? will be problematic in quasiquote
  156. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @position will be problematic in quasiquote
  157. define-region-property-setter (line 622): the name @percussivity will be problematic in quasiquote
  158. annotate (line 622): strange parameter for define^: (value #t)
  159. terminal? (line 714): perhaps
  160. (and (not (member symbol *alphabet*)) (not (gensym? symbol))) ->
  161. (not (or (member symbol *alphabet*) (gensym? symbol)))
  163. append-symbol (line 718): strange parameter for define^: (seq *sequence*)
  164. last-symbol (line 721): strange parameter for define^: (seq *sequence*)
  165. last-symbol (line 724): perhaps
  166. (when (not (null? seq)) (list-ref seq (- (length seq) 1))) ->
  167. (unless (null? seq) (list-ref seq (- (length seq) 1)))
  169. second-last-symbol (line 725): strange parameter for define^: (seq *sequence*)
  170. find-pair (line 745): perhaps
  171. (cond ((null? seq) #f) ((null? (cdr seq)) #f) ((and (equal? a (car seq))... ->
  172. (cond ((or (null? seq) (null? (cdr seq))) #f)
  173. ((and (equal? a (car seq))
  174. (equal? b (cadr seq)))
  175. seq)
  176. (#t (find-pair (cdr seq) a b)))
  178. in (when cell (set! (car cell) c) (set! (cdr cell) (cdr (cdr cell)))) (line 749),
  179. perhaps change cell to (pair? cell)
  180. replace-pair! (line 751): perhaps (cdr (cdr cell)) -> (cddr cell)
  181. record-pair! (line 774): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (let ((var (car entry)) (expansion (cdr entry)))...
  183. record-pair! (line 782): perhaps
  184. (when (and (list? expansion) (not (equal? var c))) (when (find-pair... ->
  185. (when (and (list? expansion)
  186. (not (equal? var c))
  187. (find-pair expansion a b))
  188. (set! (*symbols* var) (replace-pair! expansion a b c)))
  190. delete-rule! (line 805): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (let ((sym (car entry)) (exp (cdr entry))) (when...
  192. count-uses (line 817): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (let ((sym (car entry)) (expansion (cdr entry)))...
  194. count-uses (line 822): sym not used, initially: (car entry) from let
  195. count-uses (line 825): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (s) (when (equal? s search-symbol) (set! n (+ 1 n))))...
  197. variables (line 836): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (when (symbol? (car entry)) (set! keys (cons...
  198. enforce-utility! (line 849): perhaps
  199. (when (not (useful-rule? k)) (delete-rule! k)) ->
  200. (unless (useful-rule? k) (delete-rule! k))
  202. prefixes (line 861): perhaps
  203. (let ((ps ()) (last #f)) (do ((s seq (cdr s))) ((null? s)... ->
  204. (do ((ps ()) (last #f) (s seq (cdr s))) ...)
  206. suffixes (line 872): perhaps
  207. (let ((ss ())) (do ((s seq (cdr s))) ((null? s) (remove-duplicates** (cons... ->
  208. (do ((ss ()) (s seq (cdr s))) ...)
  210. all-suffixes (line 879): perhaps
  211. (append (list (suffixes symbol *sequence*)) (map (lambda (entry) (if... ->
  212. (cons (suffixes symbol *sequence*)
  213. (map (lambda (entry) (if (terminal? entry) () (suffixes symbol (cdr entry)))) *symbols*))
  215. reparse! (line 895): strange parameter for define^: (seq *sequence*)
  216. show-structure (line 903): strange parameter for define^: (grammar *symbols*)
  217. show-structure (line 903): perhaps use () with format since the string value is discarded:
  218. (format () "
  219. ::Sequitur output::
  220. ")
  222. show-structure (line 908): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (when (symbol? (car entry)) (format #t "~S -> ~S...
  224. find-structure (line 911): strange parameter for define^: (reparse? #f)
  225. find-structure (line 911): strange parameter for define^: (show? #f)
  226. find-structure (line 959): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (when (not (symbol? (car entry))) (set!...
  227. find-structure (line 962): perhaps
  228. (when (not (symbol? (car entry))) (set! (*symbols* (car entry)) #f)) ->
  229. (unless (symbol? (car entry)) (set! (*symbols* (car entry)) #f))
  231. structure-rules (line 968): perhaps (map (lambda (entry) entry) structure) -> structure
  232. note-lists-only (line 989): (assoc 'notes p): perhaps assoc -> assq
  233. find-sound-structure (line 989): strange parameter for define^: (show? #f)
  234. find-sound-structure (line 989): strange parameter for define^: (properties-fn descriptor-properties-only)
  235. convert-rule (line 1001): strange parameter for define^: (params-fn (lambda (s) (list s)))
  236. rule-expansions (line 1030): perhaps (if (pair? g) (cdr g) #f) -> (and (pair? g) (cdr g))
  237. define^ (line 1031): descriptor? looks boolean, but it can return (member (car (car x)) *region-property-names*)
  238. in (and (pair? x) (pair? (car x)) (symbol? (car (car x))) (member (car (car... (line 1039),
  239. perhaps change (member (car (car x)) *region-property-names*) to (memq ...)
  240. descriptor? (line 1041): perhaps (car (car x)) -> (caar x)
  241. descriptor? (line 1042): perhaps (car (car x)) -> (caar x)
  242. show-grammar (line 1042): perhaps use () with format since the string value is discarded:
  243. (format () "
  244. SchemeMosaic: Sequitur grammar output
  245. ")
  247. show-grammar (line 1046): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (when (and (symbol? (car entry)) (not (eq?...
  249. show-grammar (line 1050): perhaps use () with format since the string value is discarded:
  250. (format () "~W" (cdr (assoc +axiom-symbol+ grammar)))
  252. show-grammar (line 1052): in (cdr (assoc +axiom-symbol+ grammar)),
  253. cdr's argument should be a pair, but (assoc +axiom-symbol+ grammar) might also be a boolean?
  255. show-grammar (line 1052): perhaps use () with format since the string value is discarded:
  256. (format () "---------------------------------------
  257. ")
  259. show-structure (line 1053): show-structure definition repeated: (define^ (show-structure (grammar *symbols*)) (format #t "
  260. ::Sequitur...
  262. show-structure (line 1053): strange parameter for define^: (grammar *symbols*)
  263. show-structure (line 1053): perhaps use () with format since the string value is discarded:
  264. (format () "
  265. ::Sequitur output::
  266. ")
  268. show-structure (line 1057): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (entry) (when (symbol? (car entry)) (format #t "~S -> ~S...
  270. define-method^ (line 1161): perhaps (eq? #f (s 'output-regions)) -> (not (s 'output-regions))
  271. in (when target-regions (set! descriptors (map params-fn target-regions))) (line 1182),
  272. perhaps change target-regions to (sequence? target-regions)
  273. define-method^ (line 1183): perhaps
  274. (... (when target-regions (set! descriptors (map params-fn... ->
  275. (when target-regions
  276. (set! descriptors (map params-fn target-regions))
  277. (set! grammar (or grammar (find-grammar target-regions)))
  278. (set! axiom (cdr (assoc +axiom-symbol+ grammar)))
  279. (assert (not (null? grammar)))
  280. (assert (not (null? axiom))))
  282. define-method^ (line 1187): perhaps
  283. (set! grammar (or grammar (find-grammar target-regions))) ->
  284. (if (not grammar) (set! grammar (find-grammar target-regions)))
  286. define-method^ (line 1188): in (cdr (assoc +axiom-symbol+ grammar)),
  287. cdr's argument should be a pair, but (assoc +axiom-symbol+ grammar) might also be a boolean?
  289. set! (line 1196): setter function should take 2 arguments: (set! (setter current-synth) (lambda (value) (set! *synth* value)))
  291. with-synth (line 1195): perhaps
  292. (list-values 'begin (list 'set! '(current-synth) expression) (apply-values... ->
  293. (cons 'begin (cons (list 'set! '(current-synth) expression) body))
  295. define-method^ (line 1204): perhaps (eq? #f phrase) -> (not phrase)
  296. match-properties (line 1207): strange parameter for define^: (match-fn equal?)
  297. match-properties (line 1225): perhaps
  298. (when (pair? properties) (when (descriptor? (car properties)) (set!... ->
  299. (when (and (pair? properties)
  300. (descriptor? (car properties)))
  301. (set! properties (car properties)))
  303. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1237): strange parameter for define^: (match-fn equal?)
  304. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1243): perhaps
  305. (when (pair? descriptor-1) (when (descriptor? (car properties)) (set!... ->
  306. (when (and (pair? descriptor-1)
  307. (descriptor? (car properties)))
  308. (set! descriptor-1 (car descriptor-1)))
  310. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1246): perhaps
  311. (when (pair? descriptor-2) (when (descriptor? (car properties)) (set!... ->
  312. (when (and (pair? descriptor-2)
  313. (descriptor? (car properties)))
  314. (set! descriptor-2 (car descriptor-2)))
  316. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1254): perhaps (car (car properties-1)) -> (caar properties-1)
  317. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1255): perhaps (cadr (car properties-1)) -> (cadar properties-1)
  318. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1262): perhaps restrict property-name, property-entry-2 which are not used in the let* body
  319. (let* ((property-name (car (car properties-1))) (property-value-1 (cadr... ->
  320. (let* ((property-value-1 (cadr (car properties-1)))
  321. (property-value-2 (let ((property-entry-2 (let ((property-name (car (car properties-1))))
  322. (assoc property-name descriptor-2))))
  323. (if (pair? property-entry-2)
  324. (cadr property-entry-2)
  325. no-value))))
  326. ...)
  328. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1262): perhaps split this let*:
  329. (let* ((property-name (car (car properties-1))) (property-value-1 (cadr... ->
  330. (let* ((property-name (car (car properties-1)))
  331. (property-entry-2 (assoc property-name descriptor-2)))
  332. (let ((property-value-1 (cadr (car properties-1)))
  333. (property-value-2 (if (pair? property-entry-2)
  334. (cadr property-entry-2)
  335. no-value)))
  336. ...))
  338. fuzzy-match-descriptors (line 1262): perhaps
  339. (let ((match? #f) (no-value (gensym))) (do ((properties-1 descriptor-1... ->
  340. (do ((match? #f) (no-value (gensym)) (properties-1 descriptor-1 (cdr...
  342. fuzzy-match-properties (line 1262): strange parameter for define^: (match-fn equal?)
  343. define-method^ (line 1285): perhaps (eq? #f (s 'grammar)) -> (not (s 'grammar))
  344. define-method^ (line 1294): perhaps
  345. (if (pair? candidates) (set! regions (cons (if (not (s 'random-match?))... ->
  346. (set! regions (cons (if (pair? candidates)
  347. (if (not (s 'random-match?))
  348. (car candidates)
  349. (random-choose candidates))
  350. the-silent-region)
  351. regions))
  353. define-method^ (line 1296): perhaps
  354. (if (not (s 'random-match?)) (car candidates) (random-choose candidates)) ->
  355. ((if (not (s 'random-match?)) car random-choose) candidates)
  357. define-method^ (line 1304): perhaps restrict extra-region which is not used in the let* body
  358. (let* ((extra-region (car (s 'target-regions))) (the-silent-region... ->
  359. (let ((the-silent-region (let ((extra-region (car (s 'target-regions))))...
  361. define-method^ (line 1304): perhaps substitute extra-region into the-silent-region:
  362. (let* ((extra-region (car (s 'target-regions))) (the-silent-region... ->
  363. (let ((the-silent-region (silent-region (car (s 'target-regions))))) ...)
  365. violin-region (line 1326): strange parameter for define^: (start-time 0)
  366. define-method^ (line 1342): perhaps
  367. (or (not (list? descriptor)) (not (pair? (assoc 'notes descriptor)))) ->
  368. (not (and (list? descriptor) (pair? (assoc 'notes descriptor))))
  370. define-method^ (line 1344): assoc returns either #f or a pair, so (pair? (assoc 'notes descriptor)) -> (assoc 'notes descriptor)
  372. define-method^ (line 1344): (assoc 'notes descriptor): perhaps assoc -> assq
  373. define-method^ (line 1346): in (cdr (assoc 'notes descriptor)),
  374. cdr's argument should be a pair, but (assoc 'notes descriptor) might also be a boolean?
  376. define-method^ (line 1346): (assoc 'notes descriptor): perhaps assoc -> assq
  377. define-method^ (line 1348): perhaps (if (pair? (cdr notes)) (cdr notes) #f) -> (and (pair? (cdr notes)) (cdr notes))
  378. define-method^ (line 1357): perhaps (* 1 0.6000000000000001) -> 0.6000000000000001
  379. define-method^ (line 1365): perhaps (* 0.5 (/ 1 (* 1.5 j))) -> (* 0.5 (/ (* 1.5 j)))
  380. define-method^ (line 1365): amps not used, initially: (find-highest-amplitudes (car (match-properties descriptor (v... from let*
  382. define-method^ (line 1365): perhaps split this let*:
  383. (let* ((notes (cdr (assoc 'notes descriptor))) (note-1 (car notes)) (note+... ->
  384. (let* ((notes (cdr (assoc 'notes descriptor)))
  385. (amps (find-highest-amplitudes (car (match-properties descriptor (v 'target-regions))))))
  386. (let ((note-1 (car notes))
  387. (note+ (if (pair? (cdr notes)) (cdr notes) #f))
  388. (output-region #f))
  389. ...))
  391. define-method^ (line 1365): mnv not used, initially: (v 'max-note-value) from let*
  392. file->synth (line 1408): strange parameter for define^: (slice-size (mosaic-slice-size))
  393. file->synth-verbatim (line 1417): strange parameter for define^: (slice-size (mosaic-slice-size))
  394. shift-match-synths (line 1489): strange parameter for define^: (tolerance 5.0)
  395. morph-match-synths (line 1504): strange parameter for define^: (tolerance 5.0)
  396. morph-match-synths (line 1511): let* could be let: (let* ((shifter (shift-match-synths target-synth source-synth tolerance)))...
  398. morph-match-synths (line 1512): perhaps
  399. (let* ((shifter (shift-match-synths target-synth source-synth tolerance)))... ->
  400. (let () (stretch-match-synths target-synth (shift-match-synths...
  402. mosaic-slice-size (line 1512): strange parameter for define^: (tempo *mosaic-beats-per-minute*)
  403. mosaic-slice-size (line 1512): strange parameter for define^: (divisor *mosaic-beats-per-measure*)
  404. scan-sound^ (line 1539): strange parameter for define^: (save-position? #t)
  405. scan-sound^ (line 1561): the name @position will be problematic in quasiquote
  406. scan-sound^ (line 1561): the name @position will be problematic in quasiquote
  407. scan-sound^ (line 1562): perhaps restrict num-blocks which is not used in the let* body
  408. (let* ((len (framples snd chn)) (num-blocks (floor (/ len (srate snd)... ->
  409. (let* ((len (framples snd chn))
  410. (actual-block-len (let ((num-blocks (floor (/ len (srate snd) block-len))))
  411. (ceiling (/ len num-blocks))))
  412. (results ()))
  413. ...)
  415. scan-sound^ (line 1562): perhaps split this let*:
  416. (let* ((len (framples snd chn)) (num-blocks (floor (/ len (srate snd)... ->
  417. (let* ((len (framples snd chn))
  418. (num-blocks (floor (/ len (srate snd) block-len))))
  419. (let ((actual-block-len (ceiling (/ len num-blocks)))
  420. (results ()))
  421. ...))
  423. scan-sound^ (line 1562): perhaps
  424. (let* ((len (framples snd chn)) (num-blocks (floor (/ len (srate snd)... ->
  425. (let* ((len (framples snd chn))
  426. (num-blocks (floor (/ len (srate snd) block-len)))
  427. (actual-block-len (ceiling (/ len num-blocks))))
  428. (do ((results ())
  429. (beg 0 (+ beg actual-block-len))
  430. (pos 0 (+ pos 1)))
  431. ...))
  433. split-sound-to-regions (line 1562): strange parameter for define^: (chn 0)
  434. split-sound-to-vectors (line 1569): strange parameter for define^: (chn 0)
  435. define^ (line 1580): mixdown parameter can't be a keyword: (mixdown :rest spec)
  436. define^ (line 1598): mixdown-synths parameter can't be a keyword: (mixdown-synths :rest spec)
  437. mixdown-synths (line 1603): perhaps
  438. (if (not (number? s)) (merge-sound (new-sound :channels 2) (find-regions s)) s) ->
  439. (if (number? s) s (merge-sound (new-sound :channels 2) (find-regions s)))
  441. perhaps (merge-sound (new-sound :channels 2) (find-regions s)) -> (synth-sound s)
  442. scale-region (line 1605): strange parameter for define^: (amp 1.0)
  443. merge-sound-insert^ (line 1622): strange parameter for define^: (chn 0)
  444. merge-sound-insert^ (line 1633): perhaps
  445. (when (not (null? fn)) (fn pos (framples r) snd chn)) ->
  446. (unless (null? fn) (fn pos (framples r) snd chn))
  448. merge-sound-insert (line 1635): strange parameter for define^: (chn 0)
  449. merge-sound-insert-raw (line 1640): strange parameter for define^: (chn 0)
  450. shuffle (line 1654): strange parameter for define^: (amount 1.0)
  451. shuffle (line 1665): perhaps
  452. (if (null? regions) () (if (<= (random 1.0) amount) (if (> (length... ->
  453. (cond ((null? regions) ())
  454. ((> (random 1.0) amount)
  455. (cons (car regions) (shuffle (cdr regions) pattern amount)))
  456. ((<= (length regions) 3) regions)
  457. (else
  458. (let ((a (car regions))
  459. (b (car (cdr regions)))
  460. (c (car (cdr (cdr regions))))
  461. (d (car (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))))
  462. (append (eval (list-values 'list (apply-values pattern)))
  463. (shuffle (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))) pattern amount)))))
  465. shuffle (line 1668): perhaps place the much shorter branch first:
  466. (if (> (length regions) 3) (let ((a (car regions)) (b (car (cdr regions)))... ->
  467. (if (<= (length regions) 3) regions (let ((a (car regions)) (b (car (cdr...
  469. shuffle (line 1670): perhaps (car (cdr regions)) -> (cadr regions)
  470. shuffle (line 1671): perhaps (car (cdr (cdr regions))) -> (caddr regions)
  471. shuffle (line 1672): perhaps (car (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))) -> (cadddr regions)
  472. shuffle (line 1675): perhaps (list-values 'list (apply-values pattern)) -> (cons 'list pattern)
  473. shuffle (line 1676): perhaps (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))) -> (cddddr regions)
  474. shuffle (line 1676): d not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))) from let
  475. shuffle (line 1676): c not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr regions))) from let
  476. shuffle (line 1676): b not used, initially: (car (cdr regions)) from let
  477. shuffle (line 1676): a not used, initially: (car regions) from let
  478. shuffle-8 (line 1681): strange parameter for define^: (amount 1.0)
  479. shuffle-8 (line 1686): perhaps
  480. (if (null? regions) () (if (<= (random 1.0) amount) (if (> (length... ->
  481. (cond ((null? regions) ())
  482. ((> (random 1.0) amount)
  483. (cons (car regions) (shuffle-8 (cdr regions) pattern amount)))
  484. ((<= (length regions) 7) regions)
  485. (else
  486. (let ((a (car regions))
  487. (b (car (cdr regions)))
  488. (c (car (cdr (cdr regions))))
  489. (d (car (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))
  490. (e (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))))
  491. (f (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))))
  492. (g (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))))))
  493. (h (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))))))))
  494. (append (eval (list-values 'list (apply-values pattern)))
  495. (shuffle-8 (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))))) pattern amount)))))
  497. shuffle-8 (line 1689): perhaps place the much shorter branch first:
  498. (if (> (length regions) 7) (let ((a (car regions)) (b (car (cdr regions)))... ->
  499. (if (<= (length regions) 7) regions (let ((a (car regions)) (b (car (cdr...
  501. shuffle-8 (line 1692): perhaps (car (cdr regions)) -> (cadr regions)
  502. shuffle-8 (line 1693): perhaps (car (cdr (cdr regions))) -> (caddr regions)
  503. shuffle-8 (line 1694): perhaps (car (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))) -> (cadddr regions)
  504. shuffle-8 (line 1695): perhaps (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))) -> (cadddr (cdr regions))
  505. shuffle-8 (line 1696): perhaps (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))) -> (cadddr (cdr (cdr regions)))
  506. shuffle-8 (line 1697): perhaps
  507. (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))))) ->
  508. (cadddr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))
  510. shuffle-8 (line 1698): perhaps
  511. (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))))) ->
  512. (cadddr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))
  514. shuffle-8 (line 1699): perhaps (list-values 'list (apply-values pattern)) -> (cons 'list pattern)
  515. shuffle-8 (line 1700): perhaps
  516. (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))))) ->
  517. (cddddr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))
  519. shuffle-8 (line 1700): h not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))))) from let
  520. shuffle-8 (line 1700): g not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))))) from let
  521. shuffle-8 (line 1700): f not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))))) from let
  522. shuffle-8 (line 1700): e not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr regions))))) from let
  523. shuffle-8 (line 1700): d not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr (cdr regions)))) from let
  524. shuffle-8 (line 1700): c not used, initially: (car (cdr (cdr regions))) from let
  525. shuffle-8 (line 1700): b not used, initially: (car (cdr regions)) from let
  526. shuffle-8 (line 1700): a not used, initially: (car regions) from let
  527. vaporwave (line 1712): strange parameter for define^: (pattern vapor-8)
  528. echo-sound (line 1731): strange parameter for define^: (time 0.25)
  529. echo-sound (line 1731): strange parameter for define^: (scaler 0.4)
  530. warp (line 1907): strange parameter for define^: (shift 1.0)
  531. warp (line 1907): strange parameter for define^: (stretch 1.0)
  532. warp (line 1907): strange parameter for define^: (seglen 0.15)
  533. warp (line 1907): strange parameter for define^: (hop 0.05)
  534. warp (line 1907): strange parameter for define^: (ramp 0.01)
  535. warp (line 1950): perhaps restrict output-file which is not used in the let* body
  536. (let* ((file-0 (snd-tempnam)) (file-1 (snd-tempnam)) (input-sound... ->
  537. (let* ((file-0 (snd-tempnam))
  538. (file-1 (snd-tempnam))
  539. (input-sound (new-sound :channels 2))
  540. (output-sound (let ((output-file (snd-tempnam)))
  541. (new-sound :channels 2 :srate 44100 :file output-file)))
  542. (new-region ()))
  543. ...)
  545. warp (line 1950): perhaps substitute output-file into output-sound:
  546. (let* ((file-0 (snd-tempnam)) (file-1 (snd-tempnam)) (input-sound... ->
  547. (let* ((file-0 (snd-tempnam))
  548. (file-1 (snd-tempnam))
  549. (input-sound (new-sound :channels 2))
  550. (output-sound (new-sound :channels 2 :srate 44100 :file (snd-tempnam)))
  551. (new-region ()))
  552. ...)
  554. warp (line 1950): new-region is only used in expression 4 (of 4),
  555. (let ((sound-1 (find-sound (with-sound (:channels 1) (exp-snd file-0 :beg... of
  556. (let* ((file-0 (snd-tempnam)) (file-1 (snd-tempnam)) (input-sound...
  558. find-spectrum (line 1980): perhaps (* 1 8192) -> 8192
  559. find-spectrum (line 1981): perhaps (* 1 4096) -> 4096
  560. find-spectrum (line 2106): closestamp not used, initially: 10.0 from let
  561. find-spectrum (line 2106): closestp not used, initially: -1 from let
  562. find-spectrum (line 2110): obank not used, initially: #f from let
  563. find-spectrum (line 2110): ramped-attack not used, initially: (make-float-vector attack-size) from let
  564. find-spectrum (line 2110): splice-attack not used, initially: (number? attack) from let
  565. find-spectrum (line 2110): cur-oscils not used, initially: max-oscils from let
  566. find-spectrum (line 2031): furthest-away-accepted not used, initially: 0.1 from let
  567. find-spectrum (line 2026): ihifreq not used, initially: (hz->radians ifreq) from let
  568. find-spectrum (line 2026): sweeps not used, initially: (make-float-vector max-oscils) from let
  569. find-spectrum (line 2026): freqs not used, initially: (make-float-vector max-oscils) from let
  570. find-spectrum (line 2026): rates not used, initially: (make-float-vector max-oscils) from let
  571. find-spectrum (line 2026): amps not used, initially: (make-float-vector max-oscils) from let
  572. find-spectrum (line 2110): assuming we see all set!s, the binding (cur-oscils max-oscils) is pointless: perhaps
  573. (let ((end (+ start (framples region))) (fil (make-readin file)) (fdr... ->
  574. (let ((end (+ start (framples region)))
  575. (fil (make-readin file))
  576. (fdr (make-float-vector fftsize-1))
  577. (fdi (make-float-vector fftsize-1))
  578. (window (make-fft-window blackman2-window fftsize-1))
  579. (current-peak-freqs (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  580. (last-peak-freqs (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  581. (current-peak-amps (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  582. (last-peak-amps (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  583. (peak-amps (make-float-vector max-peaks-1))
  584. (peak-freqs (make-float-vector max-peaks-1))
  585. (amps (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  586. (rates (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  587. (freqs (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  588. (sweeps (make-float-vector max-oscils))
  589. (ihifreq (hz->radians ifreq))
  590. (fftscale (/ 1.0 fftsize-1 0.42323000000000005))
  591. (fft-mag (/ *clm-srate* fftsize-1))
  592. (furthest-away-accepted 0.1000)
  593. (filptr 0)
  594. (filend 0)
  595. (splice-attack (number? attack))
  596. (ramped-attack (make-float-vector attack-size)))
  597. (let ...))
  599. find-spectrum (line 2110): perhaps move 'attack-size into the inner let (line 1996):
  600. (let ((max-peaks-1 max-peaks) (output ()) (current-freq** 60.0) (file... ->
  601. (let ((attack-size 1) (ifreq (/ 1.0 outhop)) (max-oscils (* 2...
  603. find-spectrum (line 2022): perhaps move 'attack into the inner let (line 1996):
  604. (let ((max-peaks-1 max-peaks) (output ()) (current-freq** 60.0) (file... ->
  605. (let ((attack #f) (ifreq (/ 1.0 outhop)) (max-oscils (* 2 max-peaks-1)))...
  607. find-spectrum (line 2110): attack-size can be moved to find-spectrum's closure
  608. find-spectrum (line 2110): attack can be moved to find-spectrum's closure
  609. find-spectrum (line 2110): time-scaler can be moved to find-spectrum's closure
  610. find-spectrum (line 2110): start can probably be moved to find-spectrum's closure
  611. region-spectrum* (line 2121): the name @spectrum will be problematic in quasiquote
  612. region-spectrum* (line 2122): the name @spectrum will be problematic in quasiquote
  613. region-spectrum* (line 2122): the name @spectrum will be problematic in quasiquote
  614. region-pitch* (line 2133): the name @pitch will be problematic in quasiquote
  615. region-pitch* (line 2134): the name @pitch will be problematic in quasiquote
  616. region-pitch* (line 2134): the name @pitch will be problematic in quasiquote
  617. region-pitches* (line 2140): the name @pitches will be problematic in quasiquote
  618. region-pitches* (line 2141): the name @pitches will be problematic in quasiquote
  619. region-pitches* (line 2141): the name @pitches will be problematic in quasiquote
  620. region-note* (line 2152): the name @note will be problematic in quasiquote
  621. region-note* (line 2153): the name @note will be problematic in quasiquote
  622. region-note* (line 2153): the name @note will be problematic in quasiquote
  623. sort-frequencies (line 2170): perhaps
  624. (let ((pairs ()) (len (length amps))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i len))... ->
  625. (do ((pairs ())
  626. (len (length amps))
  627. (i 0 (+ i 1)))
  628. ((= i len) (sort! pairs (lambda (a b) (>= (cadr a) (cadr b)))))
  629. ...)
  631. loudest-freqs (line 2170): strange parameter for define^: (n 2)
  632. loudest-notes (line 2173): strange parameter for define^: (n 2)
  633. define (line 2176): *maximum-notes* is used before it is defined: (define *maximum-notes* 5)
  634. region-notes* (line 2181): the name @notes will be problematic in quasiquote
  635. region-notes* (line 2182): the name @notes will be problematic in quasiquote
  636. region-notes* (line 2182): the name @notes will be problematic in quasiquote
  637. find-highest-amplitudes (line 2202): perhaps (cadr (car p)) -> (cadar p)
  638. find-highest-amplitudes (line 2202): let* variable amps is declared twice
  639. find-highest-amplitudes (line 2202): pair not used, initially: #f from let*
  640. find-highest-amplitudes (line 2195): notes not used, initially: (region-notes* region) from let*
  641. find-highest-amplitudes (line 2202): perhaps
  642. (let* ((notes (region-notes* region)) (spec (region-spectrum* region))... ->
  643. (let* ((notes (region-notes* region))
  644. (spec (region-spectrum* region))
  645. (freqs (spectrum-freqs spec))
  646. (amps (spectrum-amps spec))
  647. (pairs (sort-frequencies amps freqs))
  648. (pair #f))
  649. (do ((amps 0.0)
  650. (p pairs (cdr p)))
  651. ...))
  653. try-match (line 2244): perhaps
  654. (do ((s source (cdr s))) ((null? s)) (let ((score (score-function t (car... ->
  655. (for-each (lambda ([s])
  656. (let ((score (score-function t [s])))
  657. (when (<= score best-score)
  658. (set! best [s])
  659. (set! best-score score))))
  660. source)
  662. shift-match-regions (line 2256): strange parameter for define^: (tolerance 5.0)
  663. stretch-match-regions (line 2271): strange parameter for define^: (stretch-fn stretch-region)
  664. stretch-match-regions (line 2290): perhaps
  665. (let ((length-ratio (/ target-length (framples source)))) (stretch-fn... ->
  666. (stretch-fn source (/ 1 (/ target-length (framples source))))
  668. stretch-match-regions (line 2291): perhaps (/ 1 length-ratio) -> (/ length-ratio)
  669. mix-pairwise (line 2304): this looks suspicious: (r1 regions1 (cdr regions1))
  670. mix-pairwise (line 2306): perhaps
  671. (if (not (null? r2)) (begin (push! (mix-regions (car r1) (car r2))... ->
  672. (if (null? r2)
  673. (push! (car r1) output-regions)
  674. (begin
  675. (push! (mix-regions (car r1) (car r2)) output-regions)
  676. (set! r2 (cdr r2))))
  678. mix-pairwise (line 2310): perhaps
  679. (let ((r2 regions2)) (do ((r1 regions1 (cdr regions1))) ((null? r1)... ->
  680. (do ((r2 regions2) (r1 regions1 (cdr regions1))) ...)
  682. mix-pairwise (line 2307): pos not used, initially: 0 from let
  683. mix-pairwise (line 2310): perhaps
  684. (let ((pos 0) (output-regions ())) (let ((r2 regions2)) (do ((r1 regions1... ->
  685. (let ((pos 0)
  686. (output-regions ())
  687. (r2 regions2))
  688. (do ((r1 regions1 (cdr regions1)))
  689. ((null? r1) output-regions)
  690. (if (not (null? r2))
  691. (begin
  692. (push! (mix-regions (car r1) (car r2)) output-regions)
  693. (set! r2 (cdr r2)))
  694. (push! (car r1) output-regions))))
  696. merge-pairwise (line 2319): this looks suspicious: (r1 regions1 (cdr regions1))
  697. merge-pairwise (line 2322): perhaps
  698. (when (not (null? r2)) (mix-region (car r2) pos snd chn) (set! r2 (cdr r2))) ->
  699. (unless (null? r2) (mix-region (car r2) pos snd chn) (set! r2 (cdr r2)))
  701. merge-pairwise (line 2326): perhaps
  702. (let ((r2 regions2)) (do ((r1 regions1 (cdr regions1))) ((null? r1))... ->
  703. (do ((r2 regions2) (r1 regions1 (cdr regions1))) ...)
  705. find-tempo (line 2345): in (command-to-string (bpm-command-string file)),
  706. command-to-string's argument should be a string, but (bpm-command-string file) might also be #f
  708. process-sound^ (line 2369): perhaps
  709. (let ((beg (* n actual-block-len))) (let ((reg (make-region beg (+ beg... ->
  710. (let* ((beg (* n actual-block-len))
  711. (reg (make-region beg (+ beg actual-block-len -1) snd chn)))
  712. (func reg beg actual-block-len new chn)
  713. ...)
  715. process-sound^ (line 2369): perhaps
  716. (let ((actual-block-len (ceiling (/ len num-blocks)))) (do ((n 0 (+ n 1)))... ->
  717. (do ((actual-block-len (ceiling (/ len num-blocks)))
  718. (n 0 (+ n 1)))
  719. ((= n num-blocks) (save-sound new) new)
  720. ...)
  722. define-method^ (line 2438): perhaps (eq? #f slice-size) -> (not slice-size)
  723. sequitur-test-1 (line 2503): strange parameter for define^: (reparse? #f)
  724. sequitur-test-1 (line 2503): strange parameter for define^: (show? #f)
  725. sequitur-test-2 (line 2508): strange parameter for define^: (reparse? #f)
  726. sequitur-test-2 (line 2508): strange parameter for define^: (show? #f)
  727. leading-voice (line 2531): (assoc 'notes entries): perhaps assoc -> assq
  728. leading-voice (line 2532): (assoc 'notes entries): perhaps assoc -> assq
  729. leading-voice (line 2536): perhaps (if (< n1 n2) n1 n2) -> (min n1 n2)
  730. leading-voice (line 2536): perhaps restrict entry which is not used in the let* body
  731. (let* ((entry (assoc 'notes entries)) (ns (cdr entry)) (n1 (car ns)) (n2... ->
  732. (let* ((ns (let ((entry (assoc 'notes entries)))
  733. (cdr entry)))
  734. (n1 (car ns))
  735. (n2 (cadr ns)))
  736. ...)
  738. leading-voice (line 2536): perhaps split this let*:
  739. (let* ((entry (assoc 'notes entries)) (ns (cdr entry)) (n1 (car ns)) (n2... ->
  740. (let* ((entry (assoc 'notes entries))
  741. (ns (cdr entry)))
  742. (let ((n1 (car ns))
  743. (n2 (cadr ns)))
  744. ...))
  746. leading-voice (line 2536): perhaps substitute entry into ns:
  747. (let* ((entry (assoc 'notes entries)) (ns (cdr entry)) (n1 (car ns)) (n2... ->
  748. (let* ((ns (cdr (assoc 'notes entries)))
  749. (n1 (car ns))
  750. (n2 (cadr ns)))
  751. ...)
  753. kodaly-regions (line 2571): strange parameter for define^: (slice-size *kodaly-slice-size*)
  754. takes2-regions (line 2579): strange parameter for define^: (slice-size *kodaly-slice-size*)
  755. whitney-regions (line 2584): strange parameter for define^: (slice-size *kodaly-slice-size*)
  756. resynthesis-test-1 (line 2593): let* could be let: (let* ((regions (kodaly-regions))) (let ((syn (make-instance^ 'synth...
  758. resynthesis-test-1 (line 2594): perhaps, assuming generate-sound is not a macro,
  759. (let ((syn (make-instance^ 'synth :target-regions regions)))... ->
  760. (generate-sound (make-instance^ 'synth :target-regions regions))
  762. resynthesis-test-1 (line 2595): perhaps
  763. (let* ((regions (kodaly-regions))) (let ((syn (make-instance^ 'synth... ->
  764. (let* ((regions (kodaly-regions)) (syn (make-instance^ 'synth...
  766. resynthesis-test-1a (line 2598): let* could be let: (let* ((regions (kodaly-regions))) (let ((s (make-instance^ 'synth...
  768. resynthesis-test-1a (line 2603): perhaps
  769. (let ((s (make-instance^ 'synth :target-regions regions))) (let ((sound... ->
  770. (let* ((s (make-instance^ 'synth :target-regions regions))
  771. (sound (merge-sound (new-sound :channels 2) (find-regions s *kodaly-resynth-pattern*))))
  772. (show-grammar (s 'grammar))
  773. ...)
  775. resynthesis-test-1a (line 2603): perhaps
  776. (let* ((regions (kodaly-regions))) (let ((s (make-instance^ 'synth... ->
  777. (let* ((regions (kodaly-regions))
  778. (s (make-instance^ 'synth :target-regions regions)))
  779. (let ((sound (merge-sound (new-sound :channels 2) (find-regions s *kodaly-resynth-pattern*))))
  780. (show-grammar (s 'grammar))
  781. sound))
  783. resynthesis-test-3 (line 2653): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (r) (remember-region-properties '(notes) r)) krs)
  785. resynthesis-test-4 (line 2662): map could be for-each: (for-each (lambda (r) (remember-region-properties '(notes) r)) wrs)
  787. resynthesis-test-4 (line 2666): perhaps, assuming generate-sound is not a macro,
  788. (let ((whitney-violin (make-instance^ 'violin-synth :target-regions wrs)))... ->
  789. (generate-sound (make-instance^ 'violin-synth :target-regions wrs))
  791. resynthesis-test-5 (line 2672): let* could be let: (let* ((kodaly-regions (split-sound-to-regions (* *kodaly-slice-size* 0.4)...
  793. resynthesis-test-5 (line 2672): map could be for-each: (for-each region-notes* kodaly-regions)
  794. resynthesis-test-5 (line 2674): perhaps, assuming generate-sound is not a macro,
  795. (let ((kodaly-violin (make-violin-synth kodaly-regions))) (generate-sound... ->
  796. (generate-sound (make-violin-synth kodaly-regions))
  798. resynthesis-test-6 (line 2680): let* could be let: (let* ((kodaly-regions (split-sound-to-regions (* *kodaly-slice-size* 0.4)...
  800. resynthesis-test-6 (line 2680): map could be for-each: (for-each region-notes* kodaly-regions)
  801. resynthesis-test-6 (line 2682): perhaps
  802. (let ((kodaly-violin (make-violin-synth kodaly-regions))) (generate-sound... ->
  803. (generate-sound (make-violin-synth kodaly-regions) *kodaly-resynth-pattern*)
  805. shift-match-test-1 (line 2689): perhaps, assuming generate-sound is not a macro,
  806. (let ((synth (make-shift-match-synth :source-regions (whitney-regions)... ->
  807. (generate-sound (make-shift-match-synth :source-regions (whitney-regions)...
  809. new-stretch-test (line 2696): perhaps (/ 1 0.5) -> 2.0
  810. new-stretch-test (line 2699): perhaps, assuming generate-sound is not a macro,
  811. (let ((mosaic (make-mosaic-synth :processor (lambda (regions) (map (lambda... ->
  812. (generate-sound (make-mosaic-synth
  813. :processor (lambda (regions)
  814. (map (lambda (r) (stretch-region* r (/ 1 0.5))) regions))
  815. :input-file (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav")
  816. :tempo (find-tempo (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav"))
  817. :slice-size eighth-note))
  819. new-speed-test (line 2710): perhaps, assuming generate-sound is not a macro,
  820. (let ((mosaic (make-mosaic-synth :processor (lambda (regions) (map (lambda... ->
  821. (generate-sound (make-mosaic-synth
  822. :processor (lambda (regions)
  823. (map (lambda (r) (speed-region r 0.741)) regions))
  824. :input-file (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav")
  825. :tempo (find-tempo (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav"))
  826. :slice-size eighth-note))
  828. mix-synth (line 2729): perhaps (eq? #f name) -> (not name)
  829. when (line 2789): perhaps (eq? #f *mosaic-menu*) -> (not *mosaic-menu*)
  830. vocal-test (line 2825): perhaps (/ 1 0.7000000000000001) -> 1.4285714285714284
  831. vocal-test (line 2835): give-bpm not used, initially: bpm from let*
  832. vocal-test (line 2874): perhaps restrict vocal-file which is not used in the let* body
  833. (let* ((give-file (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav")) (vocal-file... ->
  834. (let* ((give-file (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav"))
  835. (vocal (let ((vocal-file (project-file "whitney.wav")))
  836. (open-sound vocal-file)))
  837. (bpm (find-tempo give-file))
  838. (give-mosaic (make-instance^
  839. 'mosaic-synth
  840. :processor (lambda (regions)
  841. (map (lambda (r)
  842. (stretch-region* (shift-region r 0.741) (/ 1 0.7000000000000001)))
  843. regions))
  844. :input-file give-file
  845. :output-file (project-file "mosaic/backing-track.wav")
  846. :tempo bpm
  847. :slice-size (/ bpm 60 4)))
  848. (give-regions (give-mosaic 'output-regions))
  849. (give-bpm bpm)
  850. (give-slice-size (give-mosaic 'slice-size))
  851. (vocal-regions (split-sound-to-regions give-slice-size vocal 0))
  852. (side-regions (split-sound-to-regions give-slice-size
  853. (open-sound (project-file "unchained-clip.wav")) 0))
  854. (vocal-match-regions (shift-match-regions give-regions vocal-regions))
  855. (vocal-mosaic (merge-sound (new-sound) vocal-match-regions))
  856. (side-mosaic (merge-sound (new-sound) (shift-match-regions vocal-match-regions side-regions)))
  857. (extra-mosaic (merge-sound (new-sound)
  858. (shift-match-regions side-regions
  859. (split-sound-to-regions give-slice-size (open-sound *extra-file*) 0)))))
  860. ...)
  862. vocal-test (line 2874): perhaps substitute vocal-file into vocal:
  863. (let* ((give-file (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav")) (vocal-file... ->
  864. (let* ((give-file (project-file "it-takes-2-clip.wav"))
  865. (vocal (open-sound (project-file "whitney.wav")))
  866. (bpm (find-tempo give-file))
  867. (give-mosaic (make-instance^
  868. 'mosaic-synth
  869. :processor (lambda (regions)
  870. (map (lambda (r)
  871. (stretch-region* (shift-region r 0.741) (/ 1 0.7000000000000001)))
  872. regions))
  873. :input-file give-file
  874. :output-file (project-file "mosaic/backing-track.wav")
  875. :tempo bpm
  876. :slice-size (/ bpm 60 4)))
  877. (give-regions (give-mosaic 'output-regions))
  878. (give-bpm bpm)
  879. (give-slice-size (give-mosaic 'slice-size))
  880. (vocal-regions (split-sound-to-regions give-slice-size vocal 0))
  881. (side-regions (split-sound-to-regions give-slice-size
  882. (open-sound (project-file "unchained-clip.wav")) 0))
  883. (vocal-match-regions (shift-match-regions give-regions vocal-regions))
  884. (vocal-mosaic (merge-sound (new-sound) vocal-match-regions))
  885. (side-mosaic (merge-sound (new-sound) (shift-match-regions vocal-match-regions side-regions)))
  886. (extra-mosaic (merge-sound (new-sound)
  887. (shift-match-regions side-regions
  888. (split-sound-to-regions give-slice-size (open-sound *extra-file*) 0)))))
  889. ...)
  891. vaporwave-synth (line 2874): strange parameter for define^: (pattern vapor-8)
  892. vaporwave-match (line 2887): strange parameter for define^: (pattern vapor-8)
  893. vaporwave-match (line 2895): in (mix (file-name (synth-sound (match-synths v m))) :in-chan #t :snd...,
  894. mix's argument 2 should be an integer, but :in-chan is a keyword?
  896. vaporwave-match (line 2895): in (mix (file-name (synth-sound (match-synths v m))) :in-chan #t :snd...,
  897. mix's argument 6 should be a boolean, but :with-mix-tags is a keyword?
  899. top-level: (line 2899): variable show-structure is declared twice
  900. #<unspecified>
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