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Sep 26th, 2021
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  1. [25.09.2021 22:21:50] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: Cloak disengage in three, two and one.
  2. [25.09.2021 22:21:51] Hell'Goose: Ducky: some say that brotherhood even helped repair the damaged facility
  3. [25.09.2021 22:22:34] "Agent.41": Cloaking liners, interesting.
  4. [25.09.2021 22:22:35] Hell'Goose: Ducky: Seem like my client wont come for the jump
  5. [25.09.2021 22:22:57] Hell'Goose: Ducky: guess wont have a pay day
  6. [25.09.2021 22:23:01] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: It is the unique in its genre.
  7. [25.09.2021 22:23:24] "Agent.41": Eh... cloaking devices aren't as unique.
  8. [25.09.2021 22:23:36] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: I meant the liner.
  9. [25.09.2021 22:23:48] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: With the cloak.
  10. [25.09.2021 22:23:50] "Agent.41": Every smuggler and his mother uses one.
  11. [25.09.2021 22:24:13] Hell'Goose: Ducky: my ex wife did use a cloak since then most of my cash vanished
  12. [25.09.2021 22:24:26] "Agent.41": Well, your client probably got robbed by those Outcasts.
  13. [25.09.2021 22:25:07] Hell'Goose: Ducky: might be the end of the story
  14. [25.09.2021 22:25:20] Hell'Goose: Ducky: But usually outcasts wont attack you if they dont have a reason to
  15. [25.09.2021 22:25:28] "Agent.41": But why do you need cloaked liner anyway?
  16. [25.09.2021 22:25:51] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: It is classified.
  17. [25.09.2021 22:26:08] Hell'Goose: Ducky: when you venture in deep space... lets say delta, you'd better be able to keep low profile
  18. [25.09.2021 22:26:26] "Agent.41": Yeah, or fly something really fast.
  19. [25.09.2021 22:26:41] Hell'Goose: Ducky: So i bet the liner have one so he can visit "special" places to entertain his clients
  20. [25.09.2021 22:27:09] "Agent.41": Yeah, rich whales like cheap tricks like invisible ships.
  21. [25.09.2021 22:27:24] Hell'Goose: Ducky: alot of people would pay alot of money to be able to visit nomad space and see a hive upclose without getting nuked
  22. [25.09.2021 22:27:26] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: This liner does not welcome visitors.
  23. [25.09.2021 22:28:02] "Agent.41": Why not?
  24. [25.09.2021 22:28:08] Hell'Goose: Ducky: guess its classified
  25. [25.09.2021 22:28:26] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: As the Hell'Goose guessed, it is classified.
  26. [25.09.2021 22:28:39] Hell'Goose: Ducky: corporations are worst than the mob
  27. [25.09.2021 22:28:42] "Agent.41": Let's see what do you carry.
  28. [25.09.2021 22:29:21] "Agent.41": Huh, some strange device... readings are non-human.
  29. [25.09.2021 22:30:33] ''New-Horizon'': Pixis: I.. | Anna: Because this device you are reading, is actually supply the ship in energy.
  30. [25.09.2021 22:30:40] "Agent.41": Some REALLY weird power source for liner.
  31. [25.09.2021 22:30:55] Hell'Goose: Ducky: anyway. Guess ill simply land, give the crew the evening and drink some cold ones while watching holo
  32. [25.09.2021 22:31:14] "Agent.41": Good night.
  33. [25.09.2021 22:31:30] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: As the program Pixis tld you, it is the unique liner from all the others.
  34. [25.09.2021 22:31:34] Hell'Goose: Ducky: Thanks. you too and stay safe
  35. [25.09.2021 22:32:08] "Agent.41": Aside from power cell, it looks rather ordinary.
  36. [25.09.2021 22:32:21] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Mostly equipped for researchs and other things that you don't need to know.
  37. [25.09.2021 22:32:48] "Agent.41": Why not?
  38. [25.09.2021 22:33:01] "Agent.41": How do you know what I need to know and I don't need to know?
  39. [25.09.2021 22:33:50] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Because what I am actually doing in this mobile laboratory, needs to be secret.
  40. [25.09.2021 22:34:19] "Agent.41": If this a secret laboratory - why is it parked at Manhattan's orbit?
  41. [25.09.2021 22:34:39] "Agent.41": And why do you tell random stranger that it is secret laboratory in the first place?
  42. [25.09.2021 22:35:10] "Agent.41": If I would be conducting some secret research aboard liner, I wouldn't be telegraphing that to anyone.
  43. [25.09.2021 22:35:32] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: ... | Pixis: Miss Aurelia, your heart begins to beat faster.
  44. [25.09.2021 22:36:09] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: *Heavy sight* Just forget it.
  45. [25.09.2021 22:36:36] ''New-Horizon'': Anna: Pixis... | Pixis: Understood. Preparing.... Engaging.
  46. [25.09.2021 22:37:27] 2021-09-25 22:37:27 SMT Traffic control alert: "Agent.41" has requested to dock
  47. [25.09.2021 22:37:36] Shutdown
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