
Malware Report for WordPress.org spoof email

Jan 5th, 2024 (edited)
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text 2.12 KB | Cybersecurity | 0 0
  1. ChatGPT Generated Analysis via any.run
  3. The task involved the execution of Internet Explorer, with the command line argument being a shortened URL. The process tree shows that Internet Explorer was launched with a parent process ID of 1164 and a child process ID of 2036. The child process then spawned another child process with the ID 2068. The modified files section indicates that multiple files were modified by the process with the ID 2036, and the duplicate files were modified again by the process with the ID 2068. The registry write section shows that various registry keys were modified by the process with the ID 2036.
  5. The most interesting event in this task is the execution of Internet Explorer with a shortened URL as a command line argument. This suggests that the task involved accessing a potentially malicious website. The modification of multiple files and registry keys by the process with the ID 2036 is also noteworthy, as it indicates potential changes made by the executed code. The fact that the same files were modified again by the process with the ID 2068 suggests a continuation or further manipulation of the executed code.
  7. In conclusion, this task involved the execution of Internet Explorer with a shortened URL as a command line argument. The task resulted in modifying multiple files and registry keys, indicating potential malicious activity. The process tree and modified files sections provide valuable information for a malware analyst to investigate the behaviour and impact of the executed code.
  9. any.run analysis-->
  10. https://app.any.run/tasks/2a36f055-d2b2-4a4c-b12f-b8616c72c6e0
  11. MD5: 1500afc32bfe7631dba963311e69c04a
  12. SHA1: d925bd4d2896d91dcb69673060635bdbb965f514
  13. SHA256: 086ba199433549458a56165aa48abbf6e0e6791acd077201044b9c6424d396fd
  15. VirusTotal for bit.ly-->
  16. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/086ba199433549458a56165aa48abbf6e0e6791acd077201044b9c6424d396fd?nocache=1
  18. VirusTotal for URL endpoint-->
  19. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url-analysis/u-750dcaf43e9289d1415411f1d597bdf766afc4199e35150e1634c3a68319d0c4-1704475667
  21. More details -->
  22. https://twitter.com/wprepublic/status/1743324457798705492
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