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Jul 23rd, 2016
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  1. Kripp's entire defense of G2A is based on strawman and anecdotal basis. He even tried to pretend to say that he cared for the little-man so he doesn't attempt to extort donations from his viewers.
  3. If Kripp cared about the little-man he wouldn't have ever accepted a G2A sponsorship. Kripp either did literally no research on G2A, or willingfully ignored their corrupt business because they pay such a high amount of money. G2a pays a ridiculous amount of money, Kripp is easily making $10,000+ a month from them, I wouldn't be surprised if it was 20k or even more a month.
  5. Whenever G2A is brought up Kripp loves to talk about how he is "transparent" about his sponsorship deals, and how that makes him so much morally superior to everyone else and of course he is practically orgasming when he brings up how he doesn't participate in any donation begging. Kripp is so morally superior to everyone else, just like how he is so superior to everyone else in arena and its NEVER his fault that he loses. His narcissism is beyond help at this point.
  7. G2A is built on scamming small game devs. How many small game devs have to come out and talk about how they have to deal with people buying thousands of keys of their games with stolen credit cards, and then being forced to deal with the chargeback fees afterwards. G2A (and other sites like Kinguin) enable and thrive off of this, it's the core of their business almost. It's worse than pirating. If you buy a key off G2A you are worse than a pirate, at least if you pirate you're not costing the game dev money. If you buy a game off G2A there is a good chance the key was bought with a stolen credit card, and the game dev literally lost money because they were forced to pay a chargeback fee. Nice looking out for the little-guy Kripp. You're a real bastion of moral on Twitch. Really caring about those small guy game devs.
  9. [ There's a few examples, but just google for a few minutes and you'll find countless examples of tiny game devs getting their store robbed. ]
  11. There is literally zero accountability on G2A. I was able to put my steam key of Game Dev Tycoon (a game I bought before it was on steam, and was given a steam key I never used. I of course cancelled the auction after testing) without giving ANY PERSONAL INFORMATIOn about myself. G2A isn't a pawn shop, which are required to log your information so they aren't complacent in fraud. G2A isn't even Ebay, who don't deal with this sort of market because its ripe with so much abuse.
  13. There's also the fact that G2A sells League of Legend Accounts, and even League of Legends PTR Accounts which are highly illegal. In the past they even sold League of Legend boosting and game beta keys on their site. They have absolutely zero moral fiber. How can Kripp support a company like this?
  15. Kripp is a disgusting pile of shit, and he digs his grave deeper every day. He goes on and on about how he's so great and morally sound, and how everyone else is so scummy, but he supports a disgusting undefendable business.
  17. Kripp's disgusting baby speak also deserves a mention. He's always going on about "doggies" and "foodies" and "grillz". Why does he talk to his audience like they're 6 year olds all the time for? He has no respect for his audience, and thinks of them as small children.
  19. On Kripp as a person. He's a complete narcissist. He loves to relish in how he does all of his videos by himself, and how he's always "So tired" because of the "backbreaking work" he does and how little sleep he gets. For absolutely no reason. He's a disgusting zombie. he gets off on being so superior to every other streamer that lives a better life because they actually sleep a proper amount of hours instead of pointlessly spending an absurd amount of time making simple videos. Just go look at the vod of him editing his video live he did awhile back. He's so disgustingly inefficient, but he relishes in how he's so superior to everyone else and does everything himself. He's so tired because he's superior and works harder!!
  21. He also loves to spout complete nonsense about diet. Eating an absurd amount of sugar is not bad for you, yeah clearly not going to fuck up your bloodsugar at all. Because he doesn't eat fat he's not going to get fat, despite the fact that he has man-tits and a fat gut. He would be a complete fat pig if he wasn't so tall, and his body didn't naturally burn so many calories due to his height. Wonder if Kripp could even run a mile, probably would take him over 10 minutes. He fucked up his knee the last time he attempted any physical exertion when he went paintballing. Of course he knows so much about dietary science, being that he's a college computer science dropout that has never studied anything about it other than a couple vegan youtube videos.
  23. There's also the matter of him being the most disgusting example of gambler's fallacy I've ever seen, for some one that took college level math classes he understands absolutely nothing about statistics. It's cringeworthy to see him constantly talk about bad RNG statistics so incorrectly, and also fall into gambler's fallacy constantly.
  25. And finally the G2A Maldives trip. The most disgusting event I have ever seen. A complete money laundering scheme. Random players with zero name recognition, and no actual production. Of course the moral ambassador of twitch Kripp hops on. And to make it even funnier, he gets burgled and literally sits there complaining about hearthstone while Rania has to go and fetch his back from the robber. What kind of man-child is he, he lets his girlfriend deal with the dangerous man that burgled his bag while he complains about a card game.
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