
FoE PNP Group 9 Session 28

Apr 1st, 2013
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  1. [18:07] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Good afternoon, ponies of Manetana! It is I, DJ Easy Listening, your ruler! Hear me and obey! Just kidding. Or am I? You'll never know~ Anyway, after failing to make contact with Advance Team C, the Rangers have announced that they will be terminating any attempts to help Montego Heights. Shame too, that place was beautiful in the winter."
  2. [18:09] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Before I send you on your merry way with some music, remember folks: don't be afraid to dream. Here's The Beach Bucks with their newest single, "Don't Worry, Baby." We're KGEZ, and we're here, for you.
  3. [18:10] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> *** PnP Group Number Nine: Session 28***
  4. [18:12] * Strifer has just knocked on the door to Lollygags residense, leaning her head against the door and pressing her ear against it. "Helloooo...?"
  5. [18:13] * Challenger waits beside Strifer. "Maybe she's still asleep."
  6. [18:13] * Wraith is in the van. not like she can do much else. stupid legs. not working and stuff.
  7. [18:15] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> As our heroes stand outside the door to Lollygag's shack, small flakes of snow begin to flutter down from above. It's winter time in Manetana! There's no response from Lolly. She's probably still asleep.
  8. [18:15] * Challenger just summized that. Go fig.
  9. [18:16] * Strifer looks up at the snow falling. "Oh fuck me... Just what we needed. "
  10. [18:17] <Challenger> "Good thing we got the cold weather gear." He knocks on the door again. "Lolly, It's time."
  11. [18:18] * Strifer looks alongside the wall of the building, where there any windows on this building? "Yeah, think I still have mine somwhere... Hard to fight in though, getting stuck in my claws.."
  12. [18:19] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's a small window near the door. The blinds are drawn, though.
  13. [18:19] <Challenger> "Try taking them off before donning the jacket maybe."
  14. [18:20] * Desert_Eagle is back in the van with Wraith, sitting in the passenger seat.
  15. [18:20] * Strifer blinks looking at Challenger with a confused look on her face. "Taking of the claws, are you out of your fucking mind? Thats not how I roll.. Geez, I thought you knew that by now.. Hav eyotu ever seen me take them off?" Shaking her head she moves up to the window, atempting to peek inside, even knocking on them. "Oi! Smallstuff! We're going! Its even snowing so we should hurry!"
  16. [18:21] * Challenger smirks. "First time for everything. Lolly, you know what I can do to doors. Let's go before I kill again."
  17. [18:22] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Strifer finds it very difficult to see through curtains. It seems that the lights are on inside, though.
  18. [18:23] * Strifer makes a :I face at Challenger. "Well... She's in there, the lights are fucking on. Why dosnt she answer.." Slowly the gears in her head turn.. "Oh, fuck! Something must have happened. Chall, get the door open!"
  19. [18:23] * Challenger about faces and bucks said door."
  20. [18:24] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Challenger puts a sizeable hole in the door, about large enough for a small pony to stick their head through.
  21. [18:25] <Challenger> "Gah! Not the effect I wanted..."
  22. [18:26] * Cloudy_Breeze is also in the van with Desert_Eagle, waiting.
  23. [18:27] * Strifer trots up and looks through the hole. "Smallstuff?! You in there?!"
  24. [18:28] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Strifer, unfortunately, can't see the entire room through the hole. She can see bottles of potions and Sparkle Cola, torn pages of books, and other random objects strewn about the floor, though.
  25. [18:29] * Strifer frowns. Looking back at Challenger. "Together this time! Lets get this fucking door open!"
  26. [18:29] * Challenger nods and bucks again in syncronous with Strifer.
  27. [18:30] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The door falls into the room, smashing a few bottles beneath it. Alerted to the commotion, Feldspar rushes over, yelling something, but too far away to make out what it was. Inside the room is a rather grisly scene.
  28. [18:31] <Challenger> "Fuck me..."
  29. [18:32] * Strifer snorts and gets inside the room. "Hey, Smaaaallstuuuuff? You in here?" She looks around franticly, even inside one of the cola bottles, you enver know.
  30. [18:32] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Lying in a heap upon a mountain of garbage is Lollygag. Her forehoof dangles limply, swaying in the air. Drool pools in the corner of her mouth, and her eyes have a souless, lifelessness about them. At a casual glance... well...
  31. [18:34] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> She's dead. Tucked underneath her bowtie is a small scrap of paper.
  32. [18:35] * Strifer blinkblinks.. ".... What the acctually fuck!" She trotts up to the corpse of Lollygag, pulling her down of the pile of garbage and onto the floor. Giving her a light slap across the face. "Hey, wake up! Smallstuff!" She glares at the corpse.
  33. [18:36] <Challenger> "I'll go get a doc!" He runs back out heading for the van, stopping for nothing.
  34. [18:36] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Lollygag's body is like a ragdoll in Strifer's hooves. Her eyes, still open, stare at Strifer with an unnerving fixation. The color seems to have faded from them almost entirely.
  35. [18:36] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar arrives at the cabin just as Challenger leaves. "Hey, wait up! Why did you just kick down that door?"
  36. [18:37] * Challenger has no fucks to give for a response as he powers away.
  37. [18:37] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar blinks. "Ranger?"
  38. [18:37] * Desert_Eagle looks up, seeing Challenger galloping towards the van, hopping out. "Chal! Wha's goin' on?"
  39. [18:38] <Challenger> "Lolly... dead... OD... Wraith... help... FUCK I'm getting old..."
  40. [18:38] <Desert_Eagle> "Oh... oh shit."
  41. [18:38] * Strifer calls out after Chall. "RUN!" She lifts Lollygag, shaking her lightly. Still glaring ."Hey, wake up.. Hah, hahaha, very funny, you can stop now! Smallstuff!" Her ears droop and she looks concerned, suddenly dropping Lollygag she stands up again. Stomping hard. "Fuck! Fuck fucketyfuckfuck!"
  42. [18:39] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The curious stallion pokes his head inside. "Hey, what's going- Oh... hell... what happened in here?"
  43. [18:39] * Wraith perks up and tries to push herself up
  44. [18:39] * Challenger opens the van. "Wraith, hang on tight." Without waiting for an answer he puts her on his back and takes off again.
  45. [18:39] * Desert_Eagle gallops after Challenger.
  46. [18:39] * Wraith squeaks and holds on with ehr good leg
  47. [18:40] * Cloudy_Breeze mutters, "Fuck..." under her breath. They might need some help. She lets the other two bring Wraith, and she heads toward the clinic to get the grumpy doctor.
  48. [18:40] * Strifer looks up at Feldspar. Shooting him a glare. "She's dead!" She say with a stomp on the floor.
  49. [18:42] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The grumpy doctor is reclined in a chair, enjoying a smoke and a book. Feldspar puts a hoof to his mouth. "She... dead... Right, I'll get Doctor Jam." He says, slipping out of the door.
  50. [18:42] * Cloudy_Breeze is flying there pretty fast. She doesn't even knock or anything, she just bursts inside and calls out, "Hey doc! We've got a problem!"
  51. [18:43] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Doctor Jam flails as she almost falls out of her chair. "Sweet Luna, hasn't anypony every heard of... eh... fuck it. What's it this time, that raider friend of yours stick a grenade in her mouth?"
  52. [18:44] * Wraith assumes Challenger gets her to Lollygag in record time "Move Lollygag somewhere where I can examine her. she can't be dead, this is bullshit.
  53. [18:44] * Strifer trotts on the spot, not knowing what to do. She ususaly just shrugged death off as something that just happened in the wasteland, but she felt more clearer today, this was wrong. Someone must have seen something, hell, the last thing she had said to Lollygag was to thank her for the free food she didnt notice anything then..
  54. [18:44] * Challenger gallops into the room. "CLEAR A PATH!"
  55. [18:45] * Strifer points at Lollygag who's on the floor now. Next to a pile of garbage. "She's dead!"
  56. [18:45] * Challenger stands next to the bed so Wraith can do doctory stuff.
  57. [18:46] * Cloudy_Breeze just shakes her head. "Talk on the way! No time!"
  58. [18:46] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Lolly doesn't move much, being dead and all. Doctor Jam nods and quickly collects her things. She was right about that "enough for two doctors" bit.
  59. [18:49] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Just by looking at her, Wraith can tell that Lolly is dead.
  60. [18:49] * Strifer glares around the room. She starts to rummage around. There had to be something around here that could show her why Lollygag had died. Upon spotting the paper she brings that forth and puts it on the floor next to lollygag. Then, continues to rummage around the room.
  61. [18:49] * Cloudy_Breeze lets her grab her things, waiting by the door. "How fast can you run? Might be faster to fly."
  62. [18:49] * Challenger notices the paper and reads it.
  63. [18:50] * Wraith sighs and watches Strifer as she removes the paper...then discards it and picks it up
  64. [18:51] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The note reads, in small, delicate letters:"I'm sorry. Strifer. Wraith. Momma... I'll be waiting."
  65. [18:51] <Challenger> "The fuck..."
  66. [18:51] * Wraith tears up. she doesn't even care that the salt stings her empty eye socket
  67. [18:51] * Wraith reads it out loud
  68. [18:53] * Desert_Eagle rubs his forehead with a hoof, leaning against the wall next to the door. "Shit..."
  69. [18:53] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Doctor Jam and Cloudy_Breeze make it to the cabin fairly quickly. "All right, out of the way, out of the way. Let's see what we... Oh... shit..." She says, skidding to a stop and staring at Lollygag.
  70. [18:54] * Desert_Eagle scratches his ear and neck a bit.
  71. [18:56] * Challenger hangs his head low, ears back.
  72. [18:56] * Strifer sits down next to the pile of garbage on which she had found Lollygag, she glares at the body. "What.. I.. Why?! What the fuck!." She points a hoof at the corpse. "Argh!" She stomps a hoof, moving up towards the closest furniture in the room and starts to wreck it. "What, the acctualy fuck! Why would you!"
  73. [18:57] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Jam joins Wraith at Lolly's side. "Well... let's have a look at her, then."
  74. [18:57] * Wraith sniffs and nods at Jam
  75. [18:57] * Challenger steps out of the way, taking Wraith with him.
  76. [18:57] * Wraith is then pulled away
  77. [18:58] * Desert_Eagle winces. Fucking ear...
  78. [18:58] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cigarette still lit, the doctor closes Lolly's eyes and opens her mouth. Flashlight in her mouth, she starts trying to work on the cause of death. "You all have my deepest condolences."
  79. [18:59] * Cloudy_Breeze frowns as she watches. This kind of thing... isn't pretty.
  80. [19:00] * Strifer stomps on the wrecked chair. Screaming away her frustration. Frowning she looks over first the body, then at everyone else in the room. "Did anypony know?!"
  81. [19:02] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Strifer and Wraith both notice something oddly familiar about some of the bottles on the floor. Trace amounts of a light blue liquid drip from the lids and slosh around in the bottoms. Moondust.
  82. [19:03] * Wraith shakes her head "So many years studying equine psychology...worthless..." She looks over at the bottles "Moondust..."
  83. [19:03] * Wraith looks at Strifer "Exactly how you tried to kill yourself when I purged you."
  84. [19:03] <Challenger> "Moondust?"
  85. [19:04] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Doctor Jam stiffens a little. "Yeah, well... only so much a psych textbook can tell you."
  86. [19:04] <Wraith> "Who said anything about textbooks?"
  87. [19:05] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The doctor shakes her head. "Whatever... what can you guys tell me about this stuff that I don't already know?"
  88. [19:05] * Strifer punches a hoof at the wall. "Moondust! She overdosed is that it?! Fuck... Thats bullshit! She made that shit herself, she knew the limits!"
  89. [19:06] <Wraith> "It's created using pages from books, It causes intense hallucinations, pretty much transporting yourself into those very pages. The ultimate form of escapism."
  90. [19:07] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Jam nods slowly. "Looks like she wanted to escape all right... I don't think there's anything I can do for her. I'm... I'm sorry."
  91. [19:08] * Challenger stomps a hoof in frustration. "Damnit."
  92. [19:09] * Desert_Eagle shakes his head slowly. "Anypony got a shovel?"
  93. [19:09] * Challenger shoots a glare at Deagle.
  94. [19:09] * Strifer groans loudly.. Stomping outside.
  95. [19:10] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar arrives, but stays by the door in silence. Jam slowly nods. "If you want to bury her, we can get you a shovel."
  96. [19:10] * Desert_Eagle raises an eyebrow. "To bury her dude..."
  97. [19:12] * Strifer sits down just outside. Opening her saddlebags, bringing out the last of her Moondust dose. Glaring at it.
  98. [19:13] * Challenger looks away from Deagle to stare out the door.
  99. [19:13] <Wraith> "Could always just...dust her with her rifle. Scatter the ashes..."
  100. [19:14] * Desert_Eagle nods. "That'd work too..."
  101. [19:15] * Cloudy_Breeze doesn't really have much to say... but she's ready to help in whatever arrangements are decided on. She didn't know Lollygag as well as she should have, but she knows respect for a fallen comrade.
  102. [19:16] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Outside, Strifer can hear the radio playing in a nearby cabin. "Don't they know, it's the eeeeeeend of the world? It ended when I lost your love..." Sweetie Belle croons softly.
  103. [19:16] * Wraith considered Lollygag pretty much her best friend in the group
  104. [19:17] * Challenger didn't have an actual relationship with Lolly, but she was part of the squad. That's more than enough.
  105. [19:18] * Strifer 's face goes into a even harder glare. She stands up and moves around the house to take her anger and feelings out on something else other then the closest pony she could find.
  106. [19:19] * Desert_Eagle considered her a friend, as he did with the rest of his companions.
  107. [19:19] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don't they know, it's the end of the world? It ended when you said... goodbye..."
  108. [19:20] * Strifer unleashes her fury on the backwall of the building. She dosnt understand her feelings, she just know she needs to do something other then standing around.
  109. [19:21] * Challenger takes one last look at Lolly, then, "Do it."
  110. [19:21] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Jam takes a step back, and eventually leaves. "Again... my condolences." She says. Feldspar follows, offering his sympathy too. Strifer hacks and slashes at the cabin's backwall, tearing into the wood.
  111. [19:24] * Strifer stops eventually, just leaning at the woodwork. "...goodbye, smallstuff."
  112. [19:28] * Wraith just curls up to cry quietly
  113. [19:31] * Strifer leaves the back of the house, trotting towards the wagon. Staring hard at anypony who might be looking at her.
  114. [19:32] * Cloudy_Breeze quietly beckons Desert_Eagle and Challenger over, and heads outside to wait for them. She has a little something she wants to do.
  115. [19:33] * Desert_Eagle nods, trotting over. He wished he had his trumpet so he could play taps, but that was back in Seaddle.
  116. [19:33] * Challenger follows them out.
  117. [19:35] * Cloudy_Breeze waits a moment for them to gather, and she says quietly, "I want to do something for her. Either of you know how to perform a 21-gun salute?"
  118. [19:37] <Desert_Eagle> "Ayup."
  119. [19:37] <Challenger> "Of course."
  120. [19:40] * Cloudy_Breeze nods. "Then ya know what I want to do. Do ya think you could help see if anypony else would like to join in?"
  121. [19:40] <Challenger> "I'll hit up Feldspar, see if he's willing."
  122. [19:40] * Strifer jumps up into the back of the car.. Leaning back into one of the chairs. CLosing her eyes with a sigh.
  123. [19:41] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's a disturbing silence in the camp. It seems that everypony already knew, and was keeping quiet to pay their respects.
  124. [19:42] * Desert_Eagle nods. "Ah'll go ask Miss Zem."
  125. [19:43] * Cloudy_Breeze gives another nod. "It's settled then. See ya back here to prepare." She takes to the air, deciding to check with some of the guards on duty.
  126. [19:44] * Desert_Eagle heads for the armory.
  127. [19:45] * Challenger looks over his shoulder at Wraith. "Want me to drop you off somewhere?"
  128. [19:46] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There are a few guards in some of the towers, milling about and looking generally bored. There seems to be an arguement going on inside the Armory. "...and -I- am telling you, a chain gun mounted on your hoof is an absurd idea. It would be far too heavy."
  129. [19:47] * Desert_Eagle blinks. "Huh..."
  130. [19:47] * Cloudy_Breeze makes sure to ask as many guards as she can find to join in the salute.
  131. [19:47] * Desert_Eagle shurgs, knocking at the armory door.
  132. [19:48] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's some scrambling inside, and soon, Zemblanity arrives at the door. "Yes?" She asks, opening the door only slightly.
  133. [19:51] * Desert_Eagle takes off his Aviators. "Afternoon Miss Zemblanity. Ah'm here t' ask a favour of yah, actually."
  134. [19:52] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity coughs a little. "A favor? I... suppose... what is it you need?"
  135. [19:53] <Desert_Eagle> "Well, one o' our friends jus' died, an' ah was wondering iffin yah could come do a 21 gun salute."
  136. [19:55] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zem blinky blinks. "She... died? Well... I could... I... suppose." She closes the door, and another hushed conversation insues. The door opens and Zemblanity steps outside with her rifle over her back. "It has a suppressor. I hope that doesn't matter much."
  137. [19:56] * Desert_Eagle nods. "It's fine. Thank yah kindly Miss Zemblanity." He turns and heads back towards the van.
  138. [19:56] * Challenger shrugs n heads off in search of Feldspar.
  139. [19:57] * Strifer taps her clawed hoof at the floor.. Going into her saddlebags once again.. With a groan she pulls out the moondust.
  140. [19:58] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity follows him, pulling her scarf round her muzzle. Feldspar and Jam are having a conversation near the medical tent.
  141. [20:00] * Desert_Eagle leans up against the van, fiddling with his Markspony Carbine a little.
  142. [20:00] * Wraith shakes her head at Challenger "Don't know."
  143. [20:00] * Strifer sighs deeply, witha frown she pours the moondust into a bottle of water. Putting it to her lips and drinking it all down.
  144. [20:02] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity looks over Desert_Eagle's weapon. "It's not a bad piece, I must say."
  145. [20:05] * Desert_Eagle looks up. "Thanks." He taps the front of the gun. "Wanna get a bi-pod fer it sometime though."
  146. [20:06] <Challenger> "Might as well stick with me then."
  147. [20:06] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity smiles behind her scarf. "Well, I'd offer to give you mine, but I don't have any extras."
  148. [20:09] * Desert_Eagle chuckles. "I's fine. Ah'll find one 'ventually, though, d' yah know where we might find a .50 fer this thing?" He taps the van with the stock of his rifle.
  149. [20:09] * Strifer giggles and jumps out of the wagon, she practicaly bounces back towards the buidling where Lollygag was laying. She has a wide smile on her face, humming a happy song. Something about Smile smile smile.
  150. [20:09] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zem opens her mouth to speak, but stops as the bouncing raiderpony passes. "Well... now I have seen everything..."
  151. [20:11] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "I will be in the mess hall. Just drop in when you need me..." She says, slowly trotting off.
  152. [20:12] * Strifer glances inside the building, her face splits into a wider smile, its like she would be able to smile forever. After only a few seconds she jumps inside yelling ."Suuurprise! Happy happy birthday too you too you today! I hope it has been a good one hurray hurray hurr- Hey.. What are you doing on the floor Dinky?" She mooves up teh corpse and gives it a gentle poke.
  153. [20:12] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The corpse doesn't move an inch.
  154. [20:12] * Desert_Eagle nods, sighing.
  155. [20:13] <Desert_Eagle> "Damnit Strifer..."
  156. [20:13] * Challenger continues to search for Feldspar
  157. [20:14] * Strifer oooohhhs~, then giggles. "I see, you must have been up all night eager for your birthday havnt you!" She giggles again. Still smiling wide. "I have a party planned, just for you. I hope you can make it! Everyony will be there!"
  158. [20:15] * Challenger finds him. "Feld. We want to give our friend a special send off."
  159. [20:15] * Desert_Eagle makes a note to ask Zem about the .50 later, when Strifer isn't high as fuck-all on the stuff that her friend just killed herself with.
  160. [20:15] * Cloudy_Breeze is still visiting all the guards, asking them if they'd like to join in the salute.
  161. [20:16] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cloudy is able to rustle up eight ponies for the service.
  162. [20:16] <Desert_Eagle> "Strifer..."
  163. [20:16] * Challenger explains the situation and what we're going to do, and asks if he'll help.
  164. [20:16] * Strifer "Yus! Of course silly!" She wiggles in under Lollygag and puts her on Strifer back. Bouncing out the house again. "Oh its going to be great you'll see, we have balloons, pin tail on the pony, cake and everything. I invited all of ponyville!"
  165. [20:17] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Jam and Feldspar both nod, saying they'll fetch ther guns. Feldspar drags some of the mechanics with him to the armory.
  166. [20:17] * Desert_Eagle shakes his head, and lets Strifer be.
  167. [20:18] * Cloudy_Breeze leads the 8 ponies back with her.
  168. [20:18] <Desert_Eagle> But not before she puts Lollygag's body down.
  169. [20:18] <Desert_Eagle> "Strifer!"
  170. [20:18] * Challenger heads back to the cabin to wait. "... Strifer hit the dust, didn't she?"
  171. [20:19] * Desert_Eagle nods, stalking over towards the mare in question.
  172. [20:19] * Strifer giggles and leans back to nuzzle Lollygag. "To the party silly, everypony will be there. There will be gifts too!" She smiles wide, making her way towards the outskirts of the town.
  173. [20:20] * Strifer looks over at Desert_Eagle. "Oh hey Dashie! I thought you would be at the party. Whatsup?"
  174. [20:20] * Wraith sighs
  175. [20:20] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The guards all stand round, digging holes in the dirt and checking their weapons. One, a young buck, casually asks, "Who was she to you, lady?"
  176. [20:21] * Desert_Eagle grunts. "Put... Dinky down please."
  177. [20:22] * Strifer blinks. "Why....? Oh!" She bounces at that, making Lollygag bounce on her back, landing awkardly. "You want to give her a flight Dashie? Thats such a good plan." She giggles again, smiling wide. "Looking back at Lollygag. "Would you like that, Dinky?"
  178. [20:24] <Strifer> "Alright then! Here you go Dashie, one birthdayfilly, only for you!" She bounces her back upwards, sending Lollygag flying onto Desert Eagles back.
  179. [20:24] <Strifer> "Give her your best fightshow ever. Il lbe wating at the party!" She giggles again and bounces off towards the gate of the town.
  180. [20:25] * Cloudy_Breeze glances over toward the buck. She has to close her eyes to think. "She was... one of us. She's been with us this whole time... when she could have just... done as she pleased." She frowns. "She saved us too, once... nopony else could have done it."
  181. [20:25] * Desert_Eagle catches the corpse, sighing, and looking back to the others. This is one of the very few times he's ever had his Aviators off too. "So... where are we going to do this?"
  182. [20:26] <Challenger> "We'll ask Feldspar where the graveyard is when he gets here."
  183. [20:26] * Strifer is no longer listening, she is on her way to the "party" which aparantly is taking place outsidethe town somewhere.
  184. [20:26] * Desert_Eagle lays her back on the ground gently.
  185. [20:27] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The buck nods slowly, sniffing a little. "I'm... so sorry..." He mutters, returning to the hole in the ground he was digging. The snowfall has picked up a little.
  186. [20:28] * Challenger stands next to the door, staring out.
  187. [20:28] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a slight nod. She checks her own weapons to make sure they're in working order for the salute.
  188. [20:29] * Desert_Eagle stands quietly, snow starting to turn his black mane white.
  189. [20:29] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar arrives with Jam and seven other bucks, each armed, with somber looks on their faces. Feldspar looks at the corpse, and lays a few shovels on the ground next to it. "Well... if anypony wants to say anything..."
  190. [20:30] * Challenger looks around, not really having anything he can say.
  191. [20:31] * Strifer trotts outsidethe gate, sitting down a good 30 yards outside, placing pre-war military rations in a circle. "This will be the best party ever!" She giggles. "Thank you all for comming," she nods and smiles at a nearby bush, a rock and a tumbleweed. "Dinky is going to love it!"
  192. [20:31] * Desert_Eagle makes sure to get Zem from the mess hall too.
  193. [20:32] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The snipermare nods slowly and rises. She looks visibly upset.
  194. [20:33] * Cloudy_Breeze takes a step forward. She'll say something. "There... was not a single pony like her. She's left her mark on all of us. She won't be forgotten."
  195. [20:36] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar grabs a shovel and gives a soft sigh as he breaks the ground for a new grave. Jam and the other guards remove their berets and closes their eyes.
  196. [20:36] * Strifer twiddles her hooves. "Dashie will back with Dinky soon, then we can begin. Oh, oh of course Carrot Top, you can begin with the snacks if you like." She waves a hoof at somepony who isnt there. "Glad you could make it Twilight!"
  197. [20:38] * Challenger also grabs a shovel after putting wraith down.
  198. [20:39] * Strifer nodnods and bites down into one of the MRE's. "I know right, its going to be awe-" She looks back at her tail. It twitches, one of her ears flop and her left forehoof shakes. "Huh.. That's never happened before..."
  199. [20:42] * Strifer frowns. Waving both forehooves at the ponies at the party."Ill be back in just a bit, if Dinky makes it here, just begin without me okay?, Good!" She smiles out at the wasteland for a second before trotting inside the town again. Leaving 6 MRE packets just laying there, in a a circle next to the road.
  200. [20:43] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar and Challenger dig a hole. They are ponies digging a hole. A few dry coughs and sniffs come from the colorful assortment of ponies at the funeral.
  201. [20:43] * Cloudy_Breeze gets everypony lined up and ready for the salute.
  202. [20:45] * Strifer bounces in on the funeral, how did she make it there so fast? Duh, Pinkie Pie. "Hey! Ohhh what are you doing? Is it something fun huh, huh, huh?" Then she spots Lollygag. "Wait... What is Dinky doing here? The party is over at Sugarcube corner sillies!"
  203. [20:46] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The mares and stallions stand in line once the hole is dug. The snow falls, and everypony stands in silence, waiting for Cloudy's signal. That is... until Strifer arrives...
  204. [20:47] * Cloudy_Breeze eyes Strifer. What was the crazy mare doing?
  205. [20:48] * Strifer moves up to one of the mares holding a rifle. "Oh, is that a trumpet?! Is this a parade." She gasps, one of those gasps that only Pinkie Pie can do. "Is there a parade in town that I didnt know about?!"
  206. [20:49] * Wraith facehoofs and sighs more
  207. [20:49] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> None of the guards, nor Feldpsar, nor Jam, dares stop Strifer. The stare at her as she gets up in Zemblanity's face. "Are you feeling well?" The snipermare asks, tipping her head a little.
  208. [20:50] * Wraith looks at Jam "You wanted to know the effects of Moondust? You're looking at it."
  209. [20:50] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Jam's cigarette drops from her open mouth. "That's... fucked up."
  210. [20:50] <Strifer> "Of course I am feeling well, this is like, -the- bestest day ever, there is a birthday party for Dinky!" She points a hoof at Lollygag. "And there is a parade in town, yep, who can top that!"
  211. [20:53] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity is just as dumbstruck as Blackberry. "Dinky... right."
  212. [20:54] * Cloudy_Breeze hasn't actually seen much of Strifer on moondust. She's caught glimpses, but has mostly been absent during her... crazier sessions.
  213. [20:55] * Strifer blinkblinkblinks, then frowns. "Oh! Am I.. Disturbing the parade! Im sorry!" She giggles and bouinces out of the way. Waving a hoof at Dinky. Jumping right up next to her companions. Hugging a hoof around Cloudy_Breeze. "Hey Flutters! Hereto watch teh parade?"
  214. [20:55] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Cloudy_Breeze is certainly getting an eyeful now.
  215. [20:58] * Cloudy_Breeze oofs at the suddenly up-close and personal Strifer. "What..." She looks over to Desert_Eagle in confusion, then back to Strifer. "Ya alright? Maybe ya should go... lie down..."
  216. [20:59] * Desert_Eagle shakes his head ever so slightly, not moving from his position otherwise.
  217. [21:00] * Strifer nuzzles Cloudy_Breeze slightly. "Silly! I'm feeling just fine. Lets just watch the parade shall we." She smiles out at the ponies lined out to give the salute. "See, Dinky is here to watch too, its her birthday. You're coming to her party later, right?"
  218. [21:06] * Cloudy_Breeze is more than a little uncomfortable with this. "This ain't a good time fer these antics..." She continues giving a look around at the ponies. The look says 'can somepony PLEASE get her out of here?'
  219. [21:07] * Strifer is just holding her hoof over Cloudy_Breeze's back, looking at the "parade."
  220. [21:08] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Nopony dares touch the totally batshit insane mare.
  221. [21:08] * Cloudy_Breeze has guns on her back. It's a pretty dangerous thing to be doing.
  222. [21:11] <Strifer> "This is great, we should totaly watch parades more often Flutters."
  223. [21:11] * Wraith finally has enough and picks strifer up with her telekinesis and slamming her into the ground with just enough force to knock her out. and if that doesn't work, she does it again.
  224. [21:12] * Cloudy_Breeze winces as she sees it happen.
  225. [21:14] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Strifer takes about two good thwacks to the noggin before she passes out. Everypony winces a little, but none dares to speak.
  226. [21:15] * Wraith speaks softly "I apologize. Please. Continue."
  227. [21:15] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> By two good thwacks, I meant to say nine.
  228. [21:15] * Strifer flails "What.. Twilight what are you - Oooof!" It takes nine slams to knock her out completely.
  229. [21:16] * Strifer falls into a heap a few yards away from the funeral.
  230. [21:16] * Challenger winces. He'll have to hear about that later...
  231. [21:17] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar mutters, "Let's... just get this over with."
  232. [21:18] * Cloudy_Breeze closes her eyes for a moment or two. After giving a short amount of time for everypony to pull themselves together, she gives the signal for the salute.
  233. [21:20] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Everypony gets in position, and fires three rounds into the midday air.
  234. [21:20] * Challenger fires his rifle into the air along with the others.
  235. [21:20] * Cloudy_Breeze does the same. It's the least she can do for a fallen ally.
  236. [21:20] * Desert_Eagle does as well.
  237. [21:21] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> As the gunsmoke settles among the snow, Feldspar and a few other bucks cover Lollygag's body in sheet and place her in the hole. And that's all she wrote. One by one, the others depart, returning to their normal routines.
  238. [21:23] * Challenger stays behind for a bit.
  239. [21:23] * Cloudy_Breeze stands in silence as Lollygag is lowered into the hole.
  240. [21:25] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> After a while, only Feldspar remains. He takes a deep breath and turns to the group. Giving a crisp salute, he once more offers his sympathy, and trots slowly back to his room.
  241. [21:26] * Desert_Eagle returns the salute.
  242. [21:26] * Strifer_ groans opening one of her eyes. She felt bruised and... wrong.
  243. [21:26] * Challenger nods back to Feld.
  244. [21:28] * Strifer pushes herself up on her hooves, shaking her head. Ow.
  245. [21:28] * Challenger looks around at everypony. "Any last words?"
  246. [21:29] * Cloudy_Breeze stands there, watching over the grave. She's already said her own last words, and now there's only... silence.
  247. [21:30] * Strifer sways and sits down again.
  248. [21:32] * Challenger picks up a shovel and, hearing no objections, begins to cover their companion.
  249. [21:33] * Cloudy_Breeze stands for a little longer before she joins Challenger, taking a shovel as well.
  250. [21:34] * Strifer had already said her goodbye.. She stands up and moves up to the grave.. Wait, how did she, blinking she looks down at Lollygag being covered up. "..."
  251. [21:35] * Challenger looks over at Strifer.
  252. [21:35] * Desert_Eagle stands silently.
  253. [21:36] <Strifer> "I fucked up, didnt I?"
  254. [21:37] <Desert_Eagle> "Yep."
  255. [21:37] <Desert_Eagle> "Really, fucked up."
  256. [21:38] * Challenger says nothing, wondering what Strifer's thinking. "You can still help us bury her."
  257. [21:39] * Strifer nods slightly. She begins to push dirt back into the grave. "Did anypony.. Suspect this?"
  258. [21:39] * Challenger goes back to shoveling. "I knew she was upset. Didn't think she was this upset."
  259. [21:41] * Strifer pushes the dirt with her forehooves. "Yeah.. "
  260. [21:41] <Strifer> "Fuck.."
  261. [21:45] * Cloudy_Breeze just gives a little sigh and shakes her head. She didn't even know she was so upset.
  262. [21:46] * Desert_Eagle sighs. "I'm... going to go find Miss Zemblanity. She might know if there's a place we can get a .50 for the van."
  263. [21:47] * Challenger finishes covering the body, and tamps down the dirt with his shovel. "Alright. Meet back up in an hour at the latest."
  264. [21:48] * Desert_Eagle nods, heading back towards the armory.
  265. [21:50] * Challenger sets the shovel aside, the job finished.
  266. [21:50] * Strifer finishes filling the grave, giving it a final pat.. "See you later Smallstuff..." She looks over the others, shaking her head.. Slowly moving away towards the car.
  267. [21:51] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> A similar arguement to the one before can be heard through the thin armory door. "... Look Zem, it's not hard to slap a minigun on a pony's back! You could do it with duct tape!"
  268. [21:51] * Cloudy_Breeze sets aside her shovel. She feels like... she needs to go flying for a while. She takes to the sky.
  269. [21:53] * Challenger takes one last look at the grave, then walks over to Wraith. "You ready to go?"
  270. [21:53] * Wraith nods slightly
  271. [21:53] * Desert_Eagle sighs, raising a hoof and knocking. He slips his Aviators back on.
  272. [21:54] * Challenger carefully picks up the legless Wraith. "Strifer. Let's go."
  273. [21:54] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity sighs. "Yes, but after the fifth minigun, it starts looking like- Shhhhhh..." She says, trotting over and peering through the narrow opening. "Yes?"
  274. [21:54] * Strifer waits a few steps away from the grave for Chall and Wraith. Looking back at them. "Yeah.. So.. What did I do? And why do I feel like somepony ran me over with a car?"
  275. [21:54] <Challenger> "Well..."
  276. [21:55] <Desert_Eagle> "Hello again Miss Zemblanity. Ah wanted t' ask yah if yah knew anywhere we could find a .50 fer th' van."
  277. [21:57] * Strifer raises a eyebrow. "Well.. Well what?"
  278. [21:57] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The mare pulls her scarf over her face. "I... no. Not one you'd be interested in using, at least."
  279. [21:58] <Desert_Eagle> "Well, why not?"
  280. [21:58] * Challenger looks at Wraith. "We... kinda had to put you down. You thought it was a party."
  281. [22:00] * Strifer sighs. "Fuck me... Did I hurt anypony?"
  282. [22:00] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity closes the door. "I can assure you that. From one weapon enthusiast to another."
  283. [22:01] * Desert_Eagle stomps a hoof. "But now ah'm curious!"
  284. [22:01] <Challenger> "Not really. You were just overly obnoxious."
  285. [22:03] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity opens the door to quickly say, "Curiousity kills more than just cats, you know."
  286. [22:04] <Desert_Eagle> "So does a squad of Steelies, but ah survived 'em well 'nough."
  287. [22:04] <Desert_Eagle> "Look, ah jus' wanna know why we wouldn't be able t' use it. Tha's all."
  288. [22:05] * Strifer jumps up into the car. "Right.."
  289. [22:05] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Desert_Eagle can hear Zemblanity chuckle a little at the mention of the Steel Rangers. But she's already closed the door.
  290. [22:07] * Desert_Eagle sighs. "Miss Zem... nevermind... Sorry." He kicks at the dirt with a hoof. This day just kept getting worse.
  291. [22:08] * Challenger sets Wraith inside the, sits himself on the bumper to wait. He doesn't have anything else to do at the moment.
  292. [22:09] * Wraith curls up wherever Challenger puts her
  293. [22:09] * Challenger made sure to set her on an actual seat as opposed to the floor.
  294. [22:10] * Desert_Eagle sticks around the armory for a few minutes. The conversation about duct taping miniguns to a pony's back was... interesting.
  295. [22:13] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity groans. "Avalanche... if he finds what you're doing, he'll probably just use all these guns to cut you to ribbons!"
  296. [22:14] * Cloudy_Breeze is still flying around. It's a good way to clear your mind.
  297. [22:15] <Strifer> "So... I guess we're still off to Perch then?" She hooks up another bag of Fixer into her system as she's waiting for the others to arive.
  298. [22:16] <Challenger> "Yeah, soon as Deagle and Breezy return. Hope he finds us something for the van."
  299. [22:18] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> A mare's voice, presumabely Avalanche, chuckles. "Zemmy, Zemmy, Zemmy. He won't lay a finger on me. Come on, you know this is too good to pass up."
  300. [22:20] * Cloudy_Breeze probably isn't gonna be back anytime soon.
  301. [22:24] * Desert_Eagle is about to head back, only to catch the mention of fingers... Griffons had fingers, well, talons, didn't they?
  302. [22:27] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity sighs again. "You're impossible."
  303. [22:28] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Avalanche snickers. "Oh come now, you know you love me."
  304. [22:31] * Desert_Eagle frowns. Something seemed... off, perhaps? He flicked his ear.
  305. [22:31] * Strifer loads another shell into her powerhoof, suddenly remmebering that she had used that one in their fight against the changelings. She spends the rest of her time scraping against the floor with a hoofclaw.
  306. [22:32] * Cloudy_Breeze feels good to stretching her wings. It gives her something to keep her mind off things.
  307. [22:33] * Challenger sits and thinks. "So, when you're on that Moondust shit... Do you remember any of it afterward?"
  308. [22:34] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity sighs yet again. She's had a lot of practice sighing. "Look, I must be going. There's important work to be done." She says opening the door and staring right at Desert_Eagle. "Hello..."
  309. [22:34] <Strifer> "Sometimes.. Its mostly a blurr.. Something about a parade and a party, and being happy.. There is always that.. Thats the pull I guess." She shrugs. looking down at hte floor.
  310. [22:34] <Strifer> "...always being happy."
  311. [22:35] <Challenger> "The first time you were on it... you called me Big Mac. Do you remember that at all?"
  312. [22:35] * Desert_Eagle frowns. "Griffon?" He pushes his Aviators up.
  313. [22:36] <Strifer> "Yeah.. Well, I have called you Big Mac more then once havnt I. So I guess its stuck somehow. I have no fucking idea who Big Mac is though. I don't know any of the ponies I see.."
  314. [22:36] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> She looks at Desert_Eagle curiously. "Come again?"
  315. [22:36] <Challenger> "Big Mac was the inspiration for the Steel Rangers armor."
  316. [22:38] * Desert_Eagle tries to see into the armory around her. "There's a griffon in there with you, no?"
  317. [22:38] * Strifer shrugs. "I guess the ponies who I have been know him then, as I said. Never fucking heard of him before.. He looked like you?"
  318. [22:39] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> There's a blue pony in a floral print shirt standing on a table on top of partially disassembled minigun. She looks at Desert_Eagle like he has three heads. Zemblanity looks just as curious. "What is with you ponies? First that Raider and now you? Is there something in the water?"
  319. [22:40] <Challenger> "Not that I'm aware of. But I think we're the same size at least... I'm kind of jealous of you."
  320. [22:40] <Desert_Eagle> "Might be, never know 'round here."
  321. [22:41] <Desert_Eagle> "Ah'll be goin' now. Have a plesant evening Miss Zem."
  322. [22:41] * Strifer looks up at Challenger, confused. "... What the fuck? Why?"
  323. [22:41] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity and the blue pony blink in unison. "That buck... is totally nuts." Avalanche says as Desert_Eagle leaves.
  324. [22:42] * Desert_Eagle takes to the air and heads back to the van.
  325. [22:42] <Challenger> "You got to see him. I've only seen pictures. You had the real thing... or at least, more real."
  326. [22:44] * Strifer stomps a hoof. "What the fuck, it is not real.. Its.. Its all fake, everything is fake in the entire experiance.. Its not Big Mac, its not Dinky or whatever Ive been seeing.. But.. it feels so good, Im happy doing it.. " She sighs.. "But its not real."
  327. [22:44] * Desert_Eagle lands back at the van, hanging his head and sighing.
  328. [22:45] <Challenger> "I know. But still... It was more real than what I had."
  329. [22:46] * Desert_Eagle climbs into the passenger seat, slumping.
  330. [22:46] <Challenger> "Guess you struck out, D?"
  331. [22:47] <Desert_Eagle> "Well... she said there's one we wouldn't be interested in using, and then wouldn't tell me why."
  332. [22:47] * Strifer pokes the fixer dose, halfway done. "If you really want to see some fucked up shit, I guess you just have to get really fucking high then. Smallstuff is dead, no more dust."
  333. [22:47] <Challenger> "Oh really. Isn't that intriguing."
  334. [22:48] <Desert_Eagle> "Yep."
  335. [22:49] <Desert_Eagle> "All I got was 'curiosity kills more than cats'"
  336. [22:49] * Challenger stands and stretches. "This needs more investigation." He begins walking back toward the Armory.
  337. [22:49] * Desert_Eagle sighs, trotting after Challenger.
  338. [22:50] * Strifer shrugs and stays in the car with Wraith. "See if you can find the other featherbrain, I want to get the hell out of here soon!" She calls at the as they leave
  339. [22:50] * Challenger nods and trots on.
  340. [22:50] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity and Avalanche are trotting off towards the Mess Hall.
  341. [22:51] <Challenger> "That them?"
  342. [22:51] <Desert_Eagle> "Yup."
  343. [22:51] * Cloudy_Breeze is still flying. Her old life is bleeding back in small bits, and has been for a while... She doesn't like it, but yet... she misses it. She's no stranger to loss, but this is the first time since she's been on the ground that anything like this has really happened. At least, to someone so close to her.
  344. [22:52] * Challenger gallops to catch up. "Excuse me!"
  345. [22:52] * Desert_Eagle hangs back.
  346. [22:53] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Both mares turn their heads slightly. Zemblanity speaks softly. "Ah, Mr. Challenger. Once again, I'm sorry for your loss. Is there something you needed?"
  347. [22:54] <Challenger> "Yes as a matter of fact. I hear your a pony who's able to supply weapons of a higher quality."
  348. [22:55] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Avalanche frowns a little. "And where'd you hear that?"
  349. [22:55] <Challenger> "In a town of this size, things get passed on quickly."
  350. [22:56] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Zemblanity sighs. "Well, I'm afraid that once things pass through so many different mouths, the... facts become distorted. I don't think either of us could help."
  351. [22:58] <Challenger> "Maybe. mayby not. I hear tell of something slightly larger than the average calibur being in posession of somepony in the area. I'm looking for more information on it."
  352. [22:59] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Both mares turn and mutter a decisive "No." before trotting off. They've pretty much figured out that their eavesdropper is the source of this information.
  353. [22:59] <Desert_Eagle> "Oh come on!"
  354. [23:01] * Challenger follows after. "Hang on now. You've clearly figured me out. You had to have known we'd be more than interested in whatever it is."
  355. [23:02] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Avalanche turns around and frowns at him. "My dear Zemmy here shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place. Please, leave us alone. Thank you."
  356. [23:02] * Desert_Eagle flies up. "Ah'm sorry, okay? Jus' the talk about strapping 6 miniguns to a pony's back was way to interestin'..." He looks at his hooves. "Le's jus' go Chal..."
  357. [23:03] <Challenger> "A mini gun, you say..."
  358. [23:03] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Both mares trot off.
  359. [23:04] <Challenger> "Now that's interesting..."
  360. [23:05] <Desert_Eagle> "Now ah've lost two friends today. Ah'm fuckin' done. Yeah... back at the armory... just... shit."
  361. [23:06] * Desert_Eagle kicks at the ground with his hoof, ears drooping.
  362. [23:06] * Strifer scrathces a forehoof. Looking over at Wraith, whom probebly was sleeping now or whatever. "Ugh..."
  363. [23:06] * Challenger rubs his chin, then, "See if you can find Breezy, would you? We need a talk."
  364. [23:07] <Desert_Eagle> "Yeah..." He takes to the air, muttering something about how Zem had even complimented him on his gun.
  365. [23:07] * Desert_Eagle looks for Cloudy_Breeze.
  366. [23:08] * Challenger heads back to the van.
  367. [23:09] * Cloudy_Breeze is still flying. Probably not too hard to find.
  368. [23:12] <Desert_Eagle> "Hey Breezy!"
  369. [23:16] * Cloudy_Breeze glances toward Desert_Eagle when she hears him call. She slows down so he can catch up, but she keeps going.
  370. [23:17] * Desert_Eagle falls in next to her. "Chal says we all need t' talk."
  371. [23:21] * Cloudy_Breeze gives a sigh. "What's there to talk about?"
  372. [23:24] * Desert_Eagle shrugs. "Ah'm not sure, he jus' wants t' talk."
  373. [23:28] * Cloudy_Breeze silently turns back toward the van. She's flown long enough, she supposes.
  374. [23:28] * Desert_Eagle follows her back.
  375. [23:31] * Strifer is still in the car, her fixer dose is finished. Looking up as the other returns. "So.. We ready to bail out of here yet?"
  376. [23:32] * Cloudy_Breeze lands next to the van unceremoniously.
  377. [23:32] * Challenger returns to the van. "Well fuck.. that won't work."
  378. [23:33] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The back of the van is kind of crowded will all the flour, sugar, and fondant on the floor.
  379. [23:33] * Wraith uncurls long enough to look at Challenger "Why have we not left yet"
  380. [23:33] <Challenger> "We're leaving in a minute."
  381. [23:35] <Strifer> "Fucking finaly. Lets go!"
  382. [23:35] * Challenger looks back toward the armory. "Yeah. Talk cancelled. Let's move on."
  383. [23:36] * Desert_Eagle nods, slipping into the passenger seat.
  384. [23:37] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> Feldspar arrives one last time at the back of the truck. "I hope that your journey to Perch goes smoothly. Give Gabriel my regards." He says, saluting again.
  385. [23:37] * Challenger salutes back. "Wildo."
  386. [23:37] * Strifer leans back into her chair. Grumbling.
  387. [23:37] * Challenger climbs into the van.
  388. [23:38] * Cloudy_Breeze gets in the driver's seat then. Also turns on the radio because she needs more distractions.
  389. [23:38] * Desert_Eagle leans his rifle against the dash. "I fucking hate Mondays."
  390. [23:39] <Challenger> "It's not Monday..."
  391. [23:39] <Desert_Eagle> "Whatever."
  392. [23:41] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> The radio crackles to life. "Good afternoon, wasteland! You're listening to KGEZ, and I'm your host, as always, DJ Easy Listening. You're listening to the Jazz Hour, bringing you some of the finest instrumental tunes from over seas. Up next is "Cosmos" by Chilly Winters, but not before some news~"
  393. [23:44] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Ranger wildlife biologists have identified this mysterious illness floating around, dubbing it "Shimmer Syndrome." Sounds spooky, huh? They say that it's caused by exposure to the highly toxic waters of Shimmer Lake, and as it's been recently observed, does some pretty crazy shit to a pony. If you, or anypony you know has touched, or drunk the water from Shimmer Lake, seek medical help immediately."
  394. [23:44] <Challenger> "None of us, right?"
  395. [23:45] <Desert_Eagle> "Note to self: Don't fuck with the lake."
  396. [23:45] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> "Till next time, this is DJ Easy Listening, and you're listening to KGEZ: quality radio, for the desolate wastes. Here's 'Cosmos'." (( ))
  397. [23:45] <~Lesbian_Timepony|GM> *** Session 28 Ends ***
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