
Aeron: Krausite versus Yokai

Apr 15th, 2017
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  1. [12:26:27] With time to survey the general region, the Kaor grew more curious to see the long, since forgotten world he left so long ago. Though, much of it felt untouched-- Some new instances drew his attention, allowing him to marvel at what he sought to enforce in his return. Unfortunately, it was not all going according to plan-- thus, the trek south to find what he remembered to be Byson commenced.
  3. Each step shuddered at the earth underfoot, long preluding his arrival. Trees were torn from their roots with his callous passage through them, knocking them over and passively siphoning them of their lifeforce. Smaller rodents and fauna felt the wave of surmounting fatigue withering their figures, as though, drawn to the sudden urge to sleep.
  5. Others, of magus stature would feel the chill of the shadows looming closer: The Umbral Kaor Lord was on the approach.
  6. He could feel many nearby, though he couldn't pick up on anything in particular-- Not until he heard voices. It earned the turn of his head, towering over the undergrowth... Albeit, he saw no one, yet.
  8. The quizzical hum rattled with bass however, was enough to imply that he grew suspicious of other sentient entities lying outside his immediate gaze.
  9. (Aeron)
  10. [12:42:40] Owen wished that he could have focused on helping the young girl with her troubles, but one thing lead to another and a Kaor Yokai happened to arrive at their doorstep. It was a breed that he hadn't seen before, a towering umbral figure with an overwhelming dark presence. His very existence conflicted with the light magic that pulsed through Owen's brain, his head throbbing in pain. He was alerted to the beast's presence before he even turned to look at the towering figure.
  12. A feeling of dread washed over him, but he did his best to keep his face neutral. He needed to stay fearless in the face of the enemy. The exorcist stood up, and Aeron would definitely feel the conflict between their bodies. Adorned with the red crosses of the Krausite faith, he shifted his body to face the monster. It was one of the only individuals that he initially felt obligated to reach for his weapon.
  14. "What business do you have here, yokai?"
  15. (Owen Sharp)
  16. [12:58:01] A mysterious and strong dark presence suddenly appeared from nowhere. One that seemed to be the exact opposite of the one that was emitted from the man standing beside her. As unwanted as the presence was it was indeed a familiar one that she had recently experienced and had left a stain on her psyche that would never be removed. The presence of evil had began to loom over the entire area as if everything wicked and vile in the world had gathered around them in an attempt to swarm the two of them.
  18. Seryu's eyes would widen in sheer terror at the thought of that same evil coming back to violate her just as it had done previously, but this time she wouldn't be able to defend herself like last time. She couldn't even muster enough energy up to speak yet alone defend herself and what about the man? Would he leave there to die or would he do his best to assist her? Time seemed to freeze for the moment as if nothing existed but her and the strong unshakable feeling that had now came over her. Eyes still widened she would remain in her current position unable to do a single thing about the current predicament she was now in.
  20. (Seryu)
  21. [13:04:51] It closed in on the sound of the voices, finally taking to a freeze when it heard a phrase it had grown too familiar with,
  23. 'What business do you have here, yokai?'
  25. How timeless: As though nothing had changed since the day he fell to slumber; it aggravated him before he even set his eyes on the speaker. The next tree standing in his way was swatted aside, torn from its rooted place to briefly soar through the undergrowth in an earth quaking display of dust and debris.
  27. Alas, the culprit had aided Aeron with his notable alabaster apparel, all too common and stereotypical amongst those of the past: The antagonists of his time. To which, upon sight, he acknowledged with the only title he had been forced to brand them with:
  29. "My business is of my own, murderer."
  31. The next step forth, tremored the earth in his wake, setting himself up for confrontation as he had come to expect it, so wearily often.
  32. "You stand amongst Vytherinean State grounds... Why have you not retreated back to Byson." He said unto the two.
  33. (Aeron)
  34. [13:12:32] Owen saw no reason to be cautious around this yokai. He wouldn't play by the rules of a beast. These creatures were evil and couldn't be redeemed, something that he wouldn't feel bad smiting off of the face of Valmasia. The two conflicted with eachother just by their appearances. A man clad in Krausite armor as if he was a time capsule, and a towering yokai beast. It was a rivalry as old as time.
  36. When Aeron referred to Byson, Owen figured that he was talking about New Alteros. "I'm not permitted to enter that place, so I wander the wilderness. That is strange, though. I have never heard of something called the Vytherinean State." he said. An animal shouldn't meddle in the affairs of humans. They were not fit to lead. "This is the Bygonegrove forest. It is not owned by your people."
  37. (Owen Sharp)
  38. [14:00:19] The excuse Aeron got back from the Krausite felt odd... Contradicting in some aspect. How could something as vile to yokai kind not be allowed to reside amongst their fellow ilk? He wanted to percieve it as a lie-- Though, considering how much time must've passed, it was likely that people had begun to convert to his matter of thinking.
  40. Though, such was irrelvant from the scene at-hand. The man hadn't heard of the once prominent faction, nor did he attest to ownership of the region. It was bothersome, albeit something that merely required the shift in mindset-- Amongst, not only one but the many. It was their perception that saw borders where I did not-- and he was willing to see the moment that he changed such.
  42. "That, is where you're wrong." He answered, taking another step towards the Krausite with a stern glare. "This, was all given to me by the Lich King Ryan Kyros. You, simply stand upon it now because I lacked enforcement of my boundaries... That, and mercy allows you to persist amongst my numbers here." It was, interesting, coming from a yokai to a krausite.
  43. (Aeron)
  44. [14:00:19] An unfamiliar voice would be heard coming from behind Seryu. One that she knew wasn't the same as the men who had violated her, but felt as if the being that it belonged to was just as if even not more wicked then they were. The dialogue between the man and the creature was heard, but Seryu couldn't understand what was happening, or at least she didn't want too. It seemed like though as once more her fragile little life was in danger. What drew this of stuff around her?
  46. In her mere fourteen years of being alive he had seen more than most adults had and if this is was all she had to look forward to in life what was the point in living? Certainly there had to more to life than this and she would serve some positive purpose in life right? At least one would hope so, but for now she would continue to lie there motionless not being able to help herself in any shape form, or fashion currently.
  48. (Seryu)
  49. [14:07:08] He was granted this land by the Lich King Ryan Kyros? He wouldn't safe wandering around in the Bygonegrove forest anymore, then. Queen Veronica wasn't kidding when she told him to go west, because the Oscuri had their hands on every stretch of land from New Alteros to Nostvale. To see such a repulsive and evil creature act like the law of this land..
  51. It didn't settle well with him, not one bit. Yokai truly became the most dangerous when they started to act like humans. The animalistic hunger was still there, but they desired conquest and possessions. Power and glory. It pained him to admit that a beast like this could have a real influence on the world. And it wasn't something that he was just willing to conform to either.
  53. "If you possessed any kind of mercy, you wouldn't have obtained that form you have right now."
  54. (Owen Sharp)
  55. [14:07:08] Owen Sharp: (*he wouldn't be)
  56. [14:19:05] The sound of grass rustling would be heard from behind Seryu, but being unable to see what was going on she could only sit there and continue to think about how her day couldn't get any worse. This could very well be her last day alive, and here she was lying on the ground defenseless not able to do a thing about it.
  58. No..It couldn't end like this...It wouldn't end like this if it killed her doing so she would do something to help her situation a little. No one would ever be able to say Seryu just sat there and died without making an effort. Seryu would begin to open her mouth, and initially only saliva would escape, but after a few more moments she would begin to motion her mouth and her tongue as well allowing only one word to escape "Help " the word was so faint, but seeing as the man was only a feet steps away certainly he would hear her.
  60. Seryu would begin to move her arms, and then her legs and before she knew it she would be crawling! Yes she was now able to move and she was now positioned towards the creature whose shadow loomed over the two of them. Every bit of strength she had mustered up at that moment immediately left her and she was once more left in a shocked and trancelike state as she gazed at the yokai who glared down at the two of them.
  62. (Seryu)
  63. [14:29:20] The claim made by Owen had some truth to it, something that he couldn't help but chuckle at. It was almost off-putting on how casual he was capable of switching over, in such situations of evident hostility. He took to his next few steps without regard nor heed for caution.
  65. "You fail to realize how idiotically genocidal your kind was, during my time. Killing and torturing for sport, and attempt to justify your heinous acts in the name of 'Kraus'. You're all deluded liars, fools, striving so viciously to kill more of, even your own kind and keep your land divided."
  66. Every word the Umbral spoke, was complemented with the underlying percussion of his encroachment: The steps looming closer to bestow upon them both, the accursed kiss of the night.
  68. The radiance of such bleak essence drew the warmth from one's breath, even clutching at the vitality that spanned their vessels. Its touch tugged at their heartbeat, siphoned away at what breath was held too lose. As though, a moment of weakness could bring upon surrender to the antipodal of their being.
  69. "I've reached this form, because I defended myself. From those of your kind, and the mindless, immature and tainted breed of my own." It stopped, at which would've been merely staff's length assuming the exorcist didn't back away.
  71. "Even as a mere elemental-class, I was cornered by three Kaors... The world was far less tolerable to those whom rolled over and died. Fortunately for me... From humanity, I was birthed to become..." He brought rise to his right hand, marveling in it as he rolled it around to behold what he had become.
  73. "--an 'ultimate lifeform', as your kind put it." His hand tightened into that of a fist, symbollic for something, lowered to his side once more to shift attention back unto the duo.
  74. "Now then, the foremost stands..." He expected such to be enough to continue onward with what he originally started with.
  75. (Aeron)
  76. [14:40:25] Owen had never viewed the killing of Yokai from their perspective, but why should he? They are creatures that are condemned in the Book of Kraus, the teachings warning not to give them mercy under any circumstances. It may have seemed like double standards, but they existed for a reason. When a yokai was allowed to grow for this wrong, it would shift into something as sickening as the one who stood before him.
  78. And after that, there would be very few who would be able to stop him. Owen wasn't foolish enough to listen to the beast's reasoning. "Krausites are taught to not give Yokai mercy. You are not capable of learning. If left unattended, a yokai could possess the power to cause country wide disasters. This remains true in the Imperfect that resides in Loranthis, Dumuzid."
  80. "Now that you have reached that form, I'm unsure if I could lay a finger on you. Not preventing the Yokai from growing is giving them free reign to do with this country as they please."
  81. (Owen Sharp)
  82. [15:00:54] What stood before her now was a behemoth of creature. One that looked like it was birthed from the very womb of evil, and served no other purpose in life but to inflict pain and suffering upon others. Despite it's horrendous appearance the creature had a sense of couth about it, and more importantly it spoke very eloquently as if it was more then just another mindless killing machine known as a yokai.
  84. Seryu could feel the darkness and tainted energy being emitted from the creature and it felt as if the very air around her had become unbreathable. She would begin to cough as she turned her head towards Owen who didn't appear to be intimidated in the least bit. Was he capable of standing up to this creature alone?
  85. (Seryu)
  86. [15:19:40] Aeron heard Owen's words: a clear demonstration that he was entirely capable of listening... Unfortunately, not a single word that came from the man's mouth was something he wanted to hear. In fact, it only made him hate the Krausite, that much more. There were many that agitated him despite the clear insinuation of pending demise should his patience be tried, albeit very few had been able to get away with it.
  88. "You base all of your beliefs and character on a book written by a vindictive man claiming to abide to Kraus' Word, when in reality, you don't even know what Kraus is..." He stated bluntly, taking another step forth. This time, he was threateningly close.
  90. "--But I do." He claimed, "I've met angels before, unlike you, human. Those whom once stood under Kraus... Betrayed by him... Just like he betrayed you. Those before you however, didn't want to admit such a truth, for it'd break the will of your fragile race." He begun to kneal, as though to try leveling off with the magi, belittling him with boastful manner.
  92. "Had you known the truth behind the name you stand for, you'd realize he had forsaken you hundreds of years ago."
  94. "Those, such as the Imperfect, are only examples of the immature, lacking development that should come in their years. I will pay him a visit later."
  95. Such facade implied greatness following through with his former implicated claims.
  96. (Aeron)
  97. [15:29:55] He walked the Bygone with his now undead beetle flying around him. He was happy to have a little creature like that flying around him. He'd hold his finger out and the beetle would land on his hand. He walked throught the Bygone carefully when he began to feel a great sense in depravity and occultic power...
  99. He'd look around and see the monster that he had fought in the citadel...this wasn't something he was prepared to see...It had only been coming up on two years since he had seen it. He'd walk carefully before deciding best to turn himself invisible with his father's watch after the touch of a button and would calmly walk upon the scene watching things carefully. His little beetle would be invisible but he would send it flying over to land in the tree to act like a beetle does. But he himself would have to stay out of it...
  100. (Sterben Stavros)
  101. [15:46:08] "I know that all of this isn't for nothing."
  103. He stood proud in the face of the beast as he drew closer, conflicting with the dark energies that he gave off until the very end. He knew that what he stood for was right. Holding that ideal closer than anything else, he knew that his light would shine through eventually. Even in the face of a monster several times taller than him. He would stand tall, without fear for his life. For Avalon awaited him in death.
  105. "I heed the calls of the lifestream. The one created by the very angel you despise. It has been abused and twisted, and Valmasia is suffering the effects." he said. Even without Kraus as his witness, he would still be able to stand proud for his cause. Because he knew without a doubt that the enemy was not just. He felt it in the waves of depravity that permeated throughout the major cities.
  107. He felt it in the corruption in the throne rooms, that he bared witness to with his own two eyes. "Even you are defying the laws of Eternia. The ground you step on is withered, the trees dead and sucked of their life. Do you think that your presence does well for the people of Valmasia? The people struggle to have a good harvest, they are starving. People are dying under this rule, and I'm seeing the effects of a plague."
  109. "Even if you told me that Kraus had been killed, I'd still fight for his cause. The alternative is not right. If you are truly against the genocide of your race, you can't honestly believe that there are great things in store for it."
  110. (Owen Sharp)
  111. [16:19:24] The beast glared down upon the human, their speech in defense supporting the reason why the still refused to back down. Did they not fear death? Or did they long for it somehow?
  112. "You speak as though I haven't any reason... As you know a thing of what boasts above you. As though there is a higher calling to your person when you haven't even bothered to dig beyond your tomes."
  114. The beast stood upright again, height scathing the sunlight's gleam upon the Krausite to overshadow them. "Kraus created my kind to balance your world. To protect it from the imbalances your kind forces upon yourselves.. The immature of my kind are still an anamoly to be dealt with, proving to become a majority merely out of the misunderstanding of mankind." He claimed, "You abide by text that claims I can not learn..."
  116. "--but I have come to understand more than you could ever in several lifetimes, human." A serpentine tail curled about, around his legs to arch before the man, aimed to callously poke at Owen's face in a harmless and condescending gesture. "The rule of Dumuzid, is one I shall correct... But the plague, is only out of the foolish endeavors of mankind upon itself... You don't fight for Kraus... You fight for a man, that wrote the book under the claim of 'Kraus'." The poke was meant to force one off their balance, drop them if they didn't hold up-- Whether they'd take to aggression from such an act was very little of Aeron's concern.
  118. What was needed to be said, was said.
  119. (Aeron)
  120. [16:32:12] Despite the strong presence being emitted from the creature and the difficulty she had breathing Seryu still managed to regain the strength to bring herself to her knees. Using her arms to pull herself up she would grip the base of the tree and begin using it to pull herself up until she was standing up on her two feet gazing over at the man who stood undaunted by the yokai's.
  122. Surprisingly it took this for Seryu to snap out of her state of shock and come back to her formal self the innocent looking, but ever so clever teenager that she was. A quick glance was shot over towards the individual who appeared from nowhere. "What is he doing here? Is that even a he? And those two?" her attention now shifted back to where it began. The sight of what seemed like an inevitable clash.
  124. It would seem momentarily the thoughts and feelings that came from her being raped had subsided, but a new problem began to surface. Was this yokai intending to do harm to them, or was it just trying to prove a point?
  126. (Seryu)
  127. [16:41:36] This was starting to become a problem. Sterben would send his little undead beetle in closer to fly around the girl older than him who had just stood up. Then it would begin to fly around the man dressed in white. He'd have it avoid the kaor at all costs.
  129. While the beetle flew around he took the oppurtunity to get closer while invisible. He was now standing maybe not even ten feet away from the girl. He looked at her for a second. She wasn't even strong enough to stand up without forcing every muscle in her body let alone fight the Kaor. He'd stand there for a moment trying to think of what to do.
  131. The person that followed Kraus was a dead man walking. But the girl if the Kaor was convinced to let her leave then she might have a chance...Or maybe if she just asked.
  133. He'd walk up to her from behind and begin to whipser to her so lightly that even the kaor couldn't hear him. Atleast that's what he hoped. Hopefully if the girl was smart enough with listening to him she could get away...
  135. While it was true he shouldn't even do this he couldn't let some dumb teenage girl just die because of her own incompetence...after all he was an evil assassin but he was still human damn it. Besides the girl he found kinda cute...
  136. (Sterben Stavros)
  137. [16:57:48] The Krausite was surrounded in shadow, but he still seemed to shimmer with a certain light. Alone in the darkness, his own beacon to stand righteously as he the Kaor attempted to mask his brilliance. Owen knew that he was right, he had to be. Everything that he stood for conflicted with this beast, yet.. As much as Owen tried his best to be deaf to the words that the Kaor spoke, there was a lingering voice in the back of his head that begged the question.
  139. 'Do I know Kraus?'
  141. The conflict turned internal, and that much was visible in his eyes. A feeling of despair was present, even if it was barely noticable. He couldn't symphasize with the words of a monster. The Yokai's tail poked at Owen's face, causing him to recoil and stumble a few steps back. Was he fighting for nothing? Were the words that he lived his life by fake?
  143. He tried his best to mask these thoughts, reaching back to take hold of his grand staff. Owen couldn't fight like this, not when he was doubting himself. He knew that he was right. He knew that these people were torturing the lifestream, and bringing plague to the land. These teachings were true, and the people could be redeemed.
  145. "You're wrong. You, the man who granted you this land.. the city that he leads.. They're all evil. Even if Kraus wasn't gazing upon me, I'd do everything I could to make a change."
  147. The man hid his face, holding his staff in front of him. The gold orb shimmered brightly, lighting up the shadow that the yokai had cast. He was getting ready for battle!
  148. (Owen Sharp)
  149. [17:06:20] "Hm"
  151. "I stand as the balance of mankind, empowered by divinity to bring union to a once-divided and violent land... I, will give you and your kind everything that they've dreamed to be, regardless if you'd allow such voluntarily or not." The wielded staff was another signal to imply pending battle, a grin-earning response to one's questioned belief.
  153. "Oh?" He cocked his head some, as though truly surprised by one's audacity, "Mustering up the courage to fight? How defiant." The Umbral rose his right hand in response-- All of a weapon he felt he'd ever need against a single opponent. At least, it'd be a first... It had been over a century since the last exorcist he met faced him, head-on.
  155. As to the results, it was entirely up to one's tenacity and cunning-- Assuming raw power didn't amount to the other.
  156. "Well then, if you truly insist on fighting..." Aeron went on, almost as though bored of the attempt already, "I suppose I have no choice but to oblige."
  158. "Just know, that I don't take kindly to those whom pick a weapon up to me... You'll suffer for that."
  159. (Aeron)
  160. [17:18:17] What was once thought to be a pending slaughter had transformed into a clash of the titans; fulmination of the light amassed into an animated halved sphere, contested against with a mirroring pseudo-light of its own. At their opposing ends, streams of spouting energies...
  161. Aeron vs Owen Sharp;
  163. From Aeron's right hand, was the projection of manifested malice, shredding at the terrain in the form of a roaring pillar of mauve. Its tremoring course was incremented only by an opposing force of equal magnitude, albeit of the opposing arcane: A power struggle of beams, both users waging their powers against the other.
  165. "Impressive! I've never faced a human able to keep up with me like this... All aside from the Lich King and the spider queen of Nostvale, you seem..." He paused some bit, before leaning forth with his projected beam. "--to be quite the warrior." With energies being pushed to an epitome, the clash would succumb to eruption, flashing all to white for an explosion worthy of its mushroom cloud aftermatch.
  167. The Umbral stood upright, arms crossed to gaze back at the Exorcist whom had done more than stand up to his expectations... He surpassed them in every regard: A super-magi, perhaps?
  168. "I must say... I wasn't expecting much out of you... Just all talk. Perhaps, I may even have a chance to show you, just how far into the shadows one can descend..."
  170. Upon such claim, it had become obvious, this monster was holding a lot back... And only now, was he starting to let some of it aloose. From the seems of its platelets, the shadows manifested into ebonic miasma; a pyre of the purest night cackled from his vessel, brimming with all of his agonizing fury.
  171. "Now then, I suppose it is your turn to reveal what you've been holding back. I'm certain you have as well... No individual would go on so brazenly without a trump card."
  172. (Aeron)
  173. [17:27:40] It was almost like an adrenaline rush that she had received, but for some reason fear wasn't the driving factor in this equation. It was curiosity, and it was beginning to get the better of her every second. Where did this creature come from, and what did it do to acquire such strength? A battle quickly broke out between the man and the yokai with the latter gaining the upper hand in the battle.
  175. "If he can't beat that monster then what could I possibly do against it?" She would continue to hear the voice of the invisible entity telling her to leave but a part of her couldn't bring her to do it. "Maybe I should just leave." The young lass was indecisive, but how would the man feel if he knew she left him to fend for himself against the creature? Certainly such a thing wouldn't sit well in his eyes.
  177. (Seryu)
  178. [17:28:32] The destruction that came as a result of this battle was earth shattering. The combination of light and dark wrought chaos that no one element could have accomplished alone. The conflicting elements tore apart anything in the crossfire as the two fighters trailed across the battlefield. To any onlookers, it was like a lightshow. Two opposing forces clashing together with all of their might.
  180. Though as the fight progressed, it was obvious who was taking the majority of the blows. His screams filled the forest through gritted teeth, writhing in pain as the darkness tore him apart. Blood dripped to the soil below, staining the grass as his holywater sped to lighten the load of his wounds. In his vast mana reserves, there was still a lot left! Even if his body was screaming in pain, he'd find a way to push through!
  182. His blessed water closed his injuries, stopping the bleeding for now. The magic that he possessed was as good as an anesthetic as any, so he used it to ignore the pain and reduce it significantly. He still had a little fight left in him. Clutching his staff, a shadow was cast over his face. He steeled his resolve, shining brightly in the forest like a beacon. His righteous presence alone warded off any lesser yokai, leaving the two to fight alone.
  184. "For Kraus, I am strong! As long as I still have my faith, I will find a way! Do your worst!"
  185. (Owen Sharp)
  186. [17:36:12] It would seem a fight would break out between the Kraus follower and the Kaor Lord of Darkness. Sterben would use this chance to take her away from the scene. He'd beckon the undead bug back to him and grab the girl's hand and begin to run as he slowly faded back into non-invisiblity.
  188. He'd turn to see how far they had gotten if the girl was still following. Hopefully she would be. They would be a good distance away now. He could only hear the noises from their clash. He looked at the girl and then had the beetle fly up onto his hand. They weren't far from New Alteros by now. Only about a mile walk left so he would sit down and look at the girl.
  190. "Just...what were you doing messing with him..."
  192. He'd ask as he was breathing heavily as he tried calming himself down. Truth be told he should've just let the girl stay there to die...but he could help himself...The boy had developed a crush on her by looks alone.
  193. (Sterben Stavros)
  194. [17:41:20] The blasts of the exorcist smited the creature unlike most powers he had come to realize. It was... Unlike what he was used to-- Something, he could never truly adapt to. It was the antipodal of his existence in all respects, and thus the sizzle of every flashing light...
  195. Every splash of water to singe the flesh...
  196. The crushing ankle weights that clung him still...
  197. It all burned, and through his anguish he couldn't help but glare for the perpetrator that forced him through such agony.
  199. He was allowing them, too much leadway for his own good...
  200. In an explosion of divine unveilment, dust rose... Shrouding a prone beast, taking a breather from the brawl. Never before had someone proven so... Resilient... So...
  201. Something clicked...
  203. The battle... The... Pillars... Something about them wasn't right...
  204. Why was it that -this- human was so resistent to his powers, when others would fall so quickly? So easily... There was a connection, and Umbral Kaor Lord was on to it. Perhaps, his physical make-up didn't adapt to the scuffle, but his mind did...
  206. "You're not strong for Kraus..." He dared to claim from beyond the dust cloud, his silhuoette rising from the depths. "You're strong in a belief that your killing is justified. You don't know Kraus... You never will... Without my aid." He started on the approach once again, throug the shadows... Far too slow to stop one from attacking him prematurely.
  208. Albeit, the radiance the beast put out was only growing more... Pungent, as though every scuffle between them provided him with more excuse to hold less back. Those that loomed in the distance were enraptured by such intoxicating darkness, circling overhead as daemonic distortions of the avian variety-- Their gander honed upon Owen Sharp exclusively.
  210. "You'll come to understand, that despite the fact that your actions have consequences... I'm willing to forgive and forget, just this once... So that I can allow you to see through the light you blind yourself with." From above, one of the many spawnlings dove, striking the exorcist from his blind spot, to throw him off-guard. A stumble, was all Aeron needed to abruptly surface before him;
  211. Such speed... Demonstrated only now...
  212. Caught within one's outreached hand, digits curled around his figure to launch him off-wards into a nearby tree.
  214. Recovery was allowed, Aeron, more interested in seeing what the man had left in his system.
  215. "Now then... You have more in you... Your kind is always tenacious in that aspect."
  216. (Aeron)
  217. [17:55:50] The will of one human may have been strong enough to contest with the Kaor yokai, but it wasn't proving to be enough to overcome him. Panting raggedly, the youth held onto his staff for support. His light began to flicker as he was running dry on mana, unable to keep up with the wounds that he had sustained. The nature of his injuries became apparent as the blessed water was no longer able to come in quickly to reverse the damage.
  219. The will of one, clashing against a colossus. The one that he stood up against very well may have been worth hundreds of magi in his sheer strength, and to oppose him could be considered suicide. But there was something that he still held onto, closer than anything else. His dream, his ambition to right the depravity that had been plaguing the lifestream. Owen's will to change the world allowed him to cling onto life a little bit longer.
  221. "You're wrong.." he sputtered out, turning his head up to give Aeron a determined gaze. His face was covered in his own blood, enough to make him nauseated from the amount he had lost. Yet, he still stood proud. If wasn't courageous until the very end, then he didn't deserve to bear this armor. The insignia on his shield may as well have been defunct, and his faith dead! He needed to keep fighting, if it was the last thing that he would do!
  223. His mind swam for answers, but he couldn't quite think of a reason why Aeron was wrong on the spot. How was it that he could doubt the very code he lived his life by in his most crucial moment?! He took in a pained breath, leaning on his staff as a third leg. The water that surrounded him hung on very weakly, barely rising into the air. His wounds wouldn't heal fast enough for him to fight at peak performance at this rate.
  225. But that didn't matter. It didn't matter if he was beaten down and stripped of all of his possessions. It didn't matter if he was to be hospitalized and disabled for the rest of his life. It didn't matter if he was the only one preaching the word of Kraus, and he had to fight against the combined might of the world itself! He heard it, he heard the lifestream cry out in pain! That was how he knew what he remembered what he was fighting for!
  227. "My shield is ready. It will not be broken. I will not falter! This shield is unbreakable, and it'll take a lot more than that!"
  228. (Owen Sharp)
  229. [18:06:56] Was the exorcist truly pushing the Kaor back? After the beast had exerted his full power, called forth the will of three lesser beings to stand by his side, this was when Owen was at his strongest. Running on fumes, he was fueled by his will alone. He lost that cold and calculated demeanor that he fought with in fights prior. Everything that he did was reckless. The way that he fought was entirely too honest, clashing against his colossus of an opponent.
  231. There was more where that came from. An outpour of yellow light surrounded his hands, culminating at the end of his staff. The golden orb at the end of his rod was almost blinding in it's sheer brilliance, enveloping his opponent in a beam of light. When he was pushed back into a corner and forced to believe with all of his heart, that was when he was at his strongest. But he knew that it wouldn't be that easy.
  233. His resolve was stronger than ever. By the end of that round, his holywater had caught up to reverse the damage done to him. He was ready for the next clash.
  235. "Get up. There's more where that came from."
  236. (Owen Sharp)
  237. [18:20:35] Down to a knee... The Kaor was forced to rest, pushed back by the exorcist? A mere human? Such wasn't merely an inconvenience, it was an insult. The fact that they even had the audacity to mar his form in the first place was agitating, but to follow it up with a taunt? Did they, believe that they had even the slightest chance of winning? It brought a cringe to his brow, and from the depths of the earth and furthest shadow the realm itself seemed to warp upon him.
  239. What once was percieved to be an epitome was about to be unforgivingly dwarfed. The pyre that burned of one's malign intent had grown choked, transcending into tendrils of a gaseous stature. Light's spectrum was forced to bleed out in the face of the ultimate occult prying it through its spectrum.
  241. A monochrome facade was bestowed upon all perception, tainted with a lavender coat. The mass transmogrification of matter throughout the atmosphere into substance of micro-obsidian wrought the air of all sense of warmth. To inhale, meant to embrace the occultic sting however dimunitive it may've proven in this state; though, such was only the prelude for what was yet to come.
  243. From all angles, it collapsed, revealing a refracting sight of the world around this encapsulating spheroid of oblivion, focusing its encircling clutch around Aeron alone. The intensity of the build up taunted the properties of natural and supernatural aspects in the environment, from foliage within the immediate proximity being withered to lifeless ash, to mana-induced static cackling from the dome of the occult, for an intricate dance about the scene. A halo of dust curled up from what soon levitated off the ground.
  245. This 'seed' of the transmundane housed the Umbral Kaor, gleaming bright of its collective mauve to finally combust in a maelstrom of malefic might. The gales paid his reverence by encircling him at the mercy of the shadows. He did not have to command them, to have them bow at his ebonic taint.
  246. From the soils below him, to the skies above: A pillar of pseudo-light enraptured him, encircling him to pierce the heavens above.
  248. "I was going to save this for Dumuzid..." Its voice spoke unto Owen's mind, "Though, I suppose you'll be the first to realize true power through your damnation." The vertical stream of such vile essence subsided to leave him hovering before the exorcist...
  250. Every bit of his awakening, was to enforce the solemn truth to kill one's faith:
  251. Kraus, was not here...
  252. (Aeron)
  253. [18:40:12] Explosions dotted the bygonegrove... As a battle came towards it climax. The ancient Umbral Kaor, finally tested enough to unveil what it had left hidden beneath the surface, and a Krausite fighting even now to uphold the faith he had grown up so long to believe.
  254. What was once seen as simple sprints and dives across corners had been rendered to near blurs and materializations of the beast from open-sight, to blind spot.
  256. Aeron's form rapidly closed in on Owen from his right side, denied of their staff's expulsions of his holy arcane by a full hand capturing the man. "How foolish you make yourselves out to be..." He commented, turning his entire body into a throw through the forest. Owen's figure was allowed to toil, skimming off the sides of trees in his wake to leave clouds of splinters scattered about-- Until. he finally bounced off a solid surface...
  258. Aeron's chest.
  259. But how? It seemed as though the creature had made it a practice enhancing its speed, alongside boastful power to match.
  260. "Believing you have any remote comprehension--" He spoke as he brought rise to his left hand, and just before gravity could have its way with the Exorcist, he'd swat away, to send him hurdling offways in another direction.
  262. "--of what true power is!" Through a reality rendered to an encircling blur, the crimson gleam of the Kaor's gaze shown soaring parallel to Owen's side, complementing brief speed segment and appearance with a vertical swipe that caught the man in his flight to crash against the soils with a thunderous boom. The force of the impact denied planting, allowing him to bounce enough for a malicious juggle.
  264. "Of what divinity is!"
  265. From below, a leg took its ascension for a kick through the base of several trees, shattering them into a wooden rain, skinning the back of his armor, alongside the many dents and punctures it would've suffered already. Into the side of a much grander product of nature, the exorcist would be planted in-- alas, a moment of rest, before a blink would reveal the Umbral Kaor Lord making his casual stroll up to him.
  267. "Kraus was never your savior... He did not make mankind for any greater purpose than he created mine. He simply wanted a world of unity... Until he lost faith in you... Until he lost faith in his followers... Until he lost faith in all of us..." He had closed in upon what he saw to be, a broken man.
  268. "I would know..." He claimed, "I met one, years back..."
  269. It reached out to pierce its digits through the bark of the tree the krausite was sunken into, scraping through it to peel the body off, and raise him before his head: Face-to-face.
  271. "And thus, I invite you on the opportunity... To see, what it all is, for what it truly is... Or perish, as one whom would seek to fight for a divided land, a genocidal land... That hide, blinded by the light."
  272. (Aeron)
  273. [18:55:34] His armor had been brought to shambles, his body was covered in his own blood. His light had dimmed before fading out completely, his will not strong enough to take him any further. The holy water that previously worked as an anesthetic had since worn off, causing his nerves to scream in aching pain. He winced, grinding his teeth together. He had never suffered such a loss before in his life. If he had stood up to fight once more, it might have meant his life.
  275. Owen's shield had broken. Penetrated by an unstoppable force. The fight that he won had given him false hope, and now he truly knew the extent of the Kaor yokai's power. The will of one man wasn't strong enough to overcome him, not for now at least. He laid there, suspended against the tree. His eyes had become lifeless, lacking that spark that they once had.
  277. The grip on his staff fell limp. Was this the end of the road? Was his will just not strong enough to bring his light to the far corners of Valmasia? Somehow he knew it, but he refused and paid the price he thought he had to pay. He was snatched up in Aeron's grasp, hanging limply and staring back at the Yokai. "I would never.. f-.. follow you. So.. do your worst."
  278. (Owen Sharp)
  279. [19:16:03] "Defiance, even now? Even when given the chance to rise and fight another day? How foolish your kind are, even on the brink of death." The ensnaring hand had begun to slowly tighten its grip against one's withered form. It was not bustling with vitality like those before it... But rather, a limp cadaverous shell of its former self-- soon to be rendered to the oblivion that taunted him to such stature.
  281. "You could've at least badgered to see the world as it truly is... To be, a Seer of reality, rather than blinded by shadow nor light." Bone was soon tested by his grip, as though to enforce a slow and agonizing end, as every crackle and snap of the skeletal structure was forced to entice the one's threshold.
  283. "I must say... I did not invoke this upon you, human." He stated, "You invoked this upon yourself." The shattering of one's shoulderblades, and pelvis were audible to them both, felt by the Umbral Kaor whom had grown used to this matter of execution. In fact, he could only now remember the pleasure of relishing in it...
  285. So many years ago.. When he could feel human bones crumble beneath his feet, within his palms-- Between his teeth...
  286. Though Owen would get none of that... He wanted this to overshadow every wandering memory one could've tried to force to mind, to distract them, to push them through their final moments... To...
  287. He stopped to think on the matter...
  289. What use was there on killing him -here-? Now? He recieved no true benefit aside from sating his fury. This human -did- put up a fight after all, and how long it had been since he had faced someone capable of keeping up for so long? No, he had something better planned for this one.
  290. The crushing, stopped, and one's lungs were able to save what air they still held dear.
  292. " . . . Then again." He opened his palm to allow a bloodied pulp to slide off to falter upon the ground with a sickening squish. "That would be... Less than entertaining in the long run." His hand lightly swatted the man's body over to lay, back-against the ground to face the Kaor. Instead of an execution, one would see a different fate: In the form of a presented finger, lit agleam with the ebonic essence he weilded so masterfully.
  294. "You, will be another messenger of my return." He claimed, bringing his finge down to sear the flesh, filling the gap of pierced skin with the occultic taint of his being. The inscriptions were... Carefully drawn out, clearly practiced and without any resistance, carried out flawlessly. Perhaps, it would've been easier to do it telekinetically, but where was the sadistic glory in such?
  296. Upon one's flesh, was his own occultic marking-- A Death Rune scribed by an Umbral Kaor.
  297. (Mark:
  298. The effects hit immediately, addling at the mind and burning the overall vessel, courtesy of the contradicting arcane antagonizing what warped at the body. It, was in every right, a curse rune. If the broken bones did not provide enough trouble with physical complications, the flickering images of Aeron haunting one's thoughts sought to, on a mental level.
  300. For every night that'd follow with the mark's presence, would come nightmares of Aeron's return. Every moment of solace that held too long, would be interupted by the malicious laughter of the demonic foe-- The screams of his former victims, tormented and consumed in his past. All of it, coming at once in its prelude... Only to return in sessions afterwards.
  302. To continue the trek for recognition under Kraus, would take persistence despite such troubling hiccup in their endeavors.
  304. "You, will know the name: Aeron: Descendent of Mordred, The Final Umbral." The Kaor hadn't any need to finish the man off... To him... He was already as good, as dead...
  305. From there, he'd turn, and start on his departure-- Another Krausite, fixed.
  306. (Aeron)
  307. 19:38:14] It seemed that Owen had a little strength left in him, and it was used to scream in searing pain. His shoulderblades cracked under the force of Aeron's grasp, the scrawny mage finally gotten a hold of. During their fight he was quick on his feet, but it went to show just how fragile the human body was whenever they were isolated. He had lost just too much blood.
  309. His skeletal structure was ruined after repeated abuse from the Kaor yokai, and his mana reserves had run too dry for his blessed water to heal the damage. The final blow was when he was dropped to the ground, his lungs having been saved just for him to wheeze in pain. The drop had caused the bone fragments to dig deeper into his body. Most of his bones had been broken to the point where he needed several weeks to cure them, even with his magic.
  311. Was this it? With the final shattering pain, his blood left him. He felt cold, and the pain subsided into a dull nuisance. The only thing he saw was the front of the beast's boot as he laid there defeated, the red crosses that adorned his attire dented and faded from the previous battle. The dark magic that Aeron wielded ate away at the insignia he wore, leaving him without a purpose.
  313. Would Kraus be gazing upon him now? In this final act of defiance, would he reach Avalon? He wasn't sure. There were many questions left unanswered, and conflicts left unresolved. The will of one man couldn't fight against the world itself, and the dark age that Eternia had dug itself into was going to take more than that. In the end, he felt overwhelmingly useless. Like everything that he did, the relationships that he forged, the following that he gained..
  315. That it didn't matter at all. But there was one thing that could sit well with him, one thing that no one could take away. He followed his ideals until the very end. He didn't lie to a single soul, he stayed honest even when it screwed him over. Owen exhibited mercy, not killing a single person on his journey. He knew for sure that his soul would reach Avalon, but he regretted not being able to save Valmasia.
  317. A rune was carved on his skin, giving him visions of Aeron as he took his final sleep. The yokai tormented his mind, leaving him with a nefarious laugh as he drifted off and took his last breath. The final moments in this world were spent looking at the very man who put an end to his journey. His light faded, having been burned out before reaching it's true potential. The lifestream weeped, having lost a righteous soul in Valmasia's time of need.
  319. His last words, ones of defiance towards Aeron. A man killed by his own honesty.
  320. (Owen Sharp)
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