
[Super Mario] Peach Has Some Dessert (Peach x Anon, oral vore, unaware)

Aug 4th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. >you can't help but feel like a space alien around these parts
  2. >you work alongside numerous short mushroom people in the kitchen, hearing numerous high-pitched grunts and demands from every angle
  3. >having been unfairly fired from your previous job, you decided to submit your resume to Castle Toadstool, mentioning your culinary experience
  4. >you were looking into other jobs before you found out that, surprise, you have actually been accepted
  5. >guess that culinary arts class HAS paid off after all haha screw you dad
  6. >so once you arrived there from New Donk City, imagine your surprise when you realized that all of your coworkers are these strange small mushroom minions that you easily tower over
  7. >you don't really know too much about this strange new world
  8. >regardless, you pretty much accept any particularly weird phenomenon that you come across in order to feign knowledgeability and experience
  9. >jumping through green pipes as a form of transportation? yeah you can dig that
  10. >anyway, you and a bunch of other mushroom people have been tasked with preparing food for dinner involving Princess Peach and her friends
  11. >with a shrill voice, the head chef tells you to go into the supply room ("down the hall, to the right") and obtain what he referred to as a "super" mushroom
  12. >pretending to know what that is, you proceed to go on your way
  14. >wow, there's a whole lot of weird junk in here
  15. >you observe boxes that contains a bunch of weird penguin suits, red flowers, leaves, and a lot of other bizarre stuff
  16. >however, a certain box manages to catch your eye
  17. >it contains a good amount of blue mushrooms, each one relatively small compared to the other items that are in here
  18. >yep, that's gotta be the stuff
  19. >you pick up one of the mushrooms, observing its bizarre shape
  20. >yeesh, it even has eyes on its weird little face
  21. >should this stuff be considered safe to eat?
  22. >hmm
  23. >you wonder
  24. >curious, you proceed to take a bite of the blue mushroom
  25. >you take a bite, noting its soft and chewy texture
  26. >however, the mushroom disappears in a blip seconds after you have dug your teeth into it
  27. >a strange sensation overwhelms your body as your perspective swiftly changes
  29. >well shit
  30. >you have been shrunken down to what you roughly estimate to be about half an inch tall
  31. >alright alright, calm down
  32. >you've kept your cool for this long, so let's not lose it now
  33. >you're going to need to find a way to somehow reverse this issue
  34. >you spot a bag of powdered sugar right next to a box of larger red mushrooms
  35. >okay, lets assess the situation
  36. >the blue mushroom you ate was small, which renders it undeserving of the "super" title
  37. >that mushroom was small, and therefore you're also small
  38. >the red mushrooms inside the box on the other hand are comparably large, which renders it deserving of the "super" title
  39. >those mushrooms are big, and therefore that would make you...
  40. >bingo
  41. >okay, that logic may not have been entirely sound, but it's still a better goal than walking out the hallway and risk being trampled on
  42. >you start to climb through the stitches of the bag of sugar in an attempt to use it as leverage
  43. >you have your eyes set to the top of the open box, determined to reach it so that you can attain your former height once again
  44. >eventually, you have reached the top of the bag
  45. >before you can jump, however, the sound of the door creaking interrupts your plans
  46. >two of those mushroom minions go and grab both sides of the bag of you're standing on
  47. >to prevent yourself from becoming nothing but a red splatter on the ground, you hold onto the bag as tightly as you can
  48. >you yell out to the walking mushrooms, but they can't seem to hear you at your current size
  50. >your ride finally stops in the kitchen, with the bag being placed right next to a large bowl
  51. >seeing as the bag is now stationary, you let go of the bag and allow yourself to stand back up
  52. >one of the mushroom workers, failing to acknowledge your presence, opens the bag of powdered sugar
  53. >swiftly changing the surface of your ground, you fall backwards into the mountainous amounts of powdered sugar
  54. >you dodge a giant measuring cup that scoops up a bunch of sugar
  55. >you frantically wave your arms as you yell in order to get the mushroom dude's attention
  56. >unfortunately, you were not so lucky on the second scoop
  57. >after being deposited into the bowl, a whole bunch of other ingredients followed
  58. >butter, cream, pink dye, etc
  59. >it wasn't until you were thoroughly mixed with the ingredients that you recognized the goop that you have found yourself inside of
  60. >...cake frosting
  61. >a spatula starts to dig into the mixture, carefully applying it to a two-layer cake
  62. >unfortunately, it doesn't take long for you to get dragged with the frosting
  63. >you are applied to a frosting-barren part of the cake, burying you deep inside of it as additional layers of frosting envelope you
  65. >it's quite difficult to break through a thick layer of icing when you're less than an inch tall
  66. >while it has been about a little less than an hour in here, you feel like you're getting somewhere
  67. >you see cracks of light start to peek through as you push against the pink coating
  68. >perhaps the extra sugar helped give you the energy you needed
  69. >aw c'mon, it's giant frosting
  70. >anyone would have tried a bite at this size, even if the texture is a bit funny
  71. >finally, your upper half has managed to break through the frosting
  72. >...
  73. >your timing is tremendously atrocious holy shit
  74. >you find yourself on a single slice of cake set in front of Princess Peach herself
  75. >she's just getting finished with her entree, taking one last bite of her food as it passes her pretty pink lips before being chewed to mush
  76. >with a soon-to-be digested lump traveling down her throat serving as plenty of motivation for you, you use your arms to try to pull your lower half out of the frosting
  77. >all that did was smush your arms further into it
  78. >as you try to free yourself, you see Peach take off a piece of the cake slice, allowing you to see her fork in terrifying detail
  79. >that was frighteningly close
  80. >you hear a satisfied "mmMMMMmmmm" emanate from Peach as she satisfyingly chews and swishes the dessert within her mouth
  81. >you even see a slight amount of drool escape from her mouth while she enjoys her food
  82. >after she swallows the food down her throat, you hear a happy sigh escape her lips
  83. >damn, Peach really likes her cake
  84. >you realize that you've been mesmerised by her enjoyment for cake for so long that you neglected in freeing your legs from the thick pink frosting
  86. >there's nothing you can do to stop her from taking the portion that you have stuck yourself inside of
  87. >you are raised to her mouth, with her humid minty breath washing over you as you stare at her ginormous maw
  88. >her lips are very pink and beautiful, appearing as if they would be softer than that of an angel's
  89. >her usually pearly white teeth have been dirtied by various foods, with the most prominent being the pink frosting that remains lying inside of her mouth
  90. >but your analysis is brought to a halt, for she wastes no time in passing you and the delightful confectionery past her lips
  91. >as her fork exits her mouth, all light becomes drained from your vision
  92. >your environment becomes a saliva-riddled nightmare
  93. >you feel borderline molested as Peach's muscle eagerly rubs both you and the surrounding flavor of cake against the roof of her mouth
  94. >her tongue feels wet, somewhat smooth, and especially fleshy against your helpless form as she tries to extract you of your sweet flavor
  95. >she now moves onto chewing, prompting you to narrowly dodge her loud teeth turning the sugary food into a wet messy slop
  96. >but she doesn't stop there, as she proceeds to swish around the chewed mixture of cake inside of her cheeks
  97. >"mmMMMMmmmmm..."
  98. >you, of course, are caught in the mixture, resulting in you coughing up large globs of her saliva in the process
  99. >you feel like you could even drown here as she creates a cacophony of swishes and delighted moans, carelessly stirring you around with the contents of her mouth
  100. >as if warning you what's to come, you hear a wet gurgle echo from her awaiting throat
  101. >satisfied, her tongue pushes you and what's left of her cake to the back of her throat
  102. >you try to sink your hands into the soft flesh of Peach's tongue, but the surface proves too slick for you to properly grip onto
  103. >you are pulled down her throat with a loud "squelch", granting you a one-way trip down her esophagus
  105. >plop
  106. >now within the royal prison that is Peach's stomach, you land on a small lump of digesting cake
  107. >the acids quickly do their work, breaking apart the mush of your confectionery refuge
  108. >you plop right into the lethal liquid, immediately feeling searing pains as your body begins to break apart
  109. >you try your best to swim back up, but it doesn't take long before your arms become too decayed to help you anymore
  110. >you lose conscious as you allow yourself to digest away as a mere crumb within Princess Peach's belly, becoming nothing more than a few nutrients to contribute to her generous form
  112. >...
  114. >"WORLD 1-0.5"
  115. >"ANON X 2"
  116. >wait what the fuck
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