
Vinyl's Boon

Apr 3rd, 2017
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  1. This story has: Accidental Pred, unwilling prey, oral vore, soft vore, soft digestion
  4. Lights of all colors flashed and bathed the screaming crowds, their cheering just barely competing with the climax of the song as pyrotechnics provided entertainment for the eyes just as the music did for the ears. Clad in glowing neon circlets, four around each hoof and four more hanging around her neck, the DJ on deck, Vinyl Scratch, grinned from ear to ear. Her ears were protected,muffling the blaring music, but the beat of the bass could still be felt in her chest; each hit making Vinyl Scratch swing her hips and rock her head.
  6. The song was ending and with it Vinyl’s time in the spotlight. A hoof tapped her on the shoulder and with a smile and nod the switch from one DJ to the next happened; Vinyl stepped down off the stage and made her way backstage. Stepping into a short vestibule Vinyl was greeted with a bottle of chilled water and a soft towel from two staffers before passing through a set of double doors and entering the hallways leading to her personal green room. Vinyl had one more set to do tonight before she would go home and she intended to use the 4 hour interlude till then.
  8. Popping the top on her bottle of water and drinking half the bottle in one go, Vinyl practically skipped to her private green room excited for what she knew was waiting for her; before dumping the other half of the water on her head. Rounding a corner Vinyl stopped in front of a door, a sign next to it emblazoned with her stage name “DJ-P0n3”. Vinyl touched the handle before pausing and looking around. Her personal employee, her roadie, was nowhere to be found. Vinyl huffed, and looked at the door handle before smiling again. Attached to the door handle was a door sign “Do not Disturb”, assuring her that her employee had done his job. With the call sign hanging on the handle, the best part of Vinyl’s night was about to begin as she opened the door and walked in.
  10. The room was inviting, warm and fairly retro. A jukebox sat against the wall next to the door, lights on and flashing creatively for attention. The walls were plastered with grass green wallpaper, one wall had all manner of guitars of different models and makes hanging from it; on either side of a vanity mirror and desk combo. Two potted plants sat to the sides of a full body mirror against the wall, opposite the vanity desk, a set of lights hanging above it. Last of course was the couch, long, blue and with a curve that gave the piece of furniture a question mark shape but most importantly was the little stallion pegasus was perched on the couch a broad smile and stars in his eyes as he looked at Vinyl.
  12. “Ah! It’s you! It’s really, really you!” The little stallion exclaimed
  14. The exclamation was muted to Vinyl, her special guest leapt through the air with excitement; his wings buzzing and mouth moving. Vinyl liked the enthusiasm, it was always nice to know how willing these crazy ponies were. Looking the at him though, it became quickly apparent from baby fat rounding his features that he was no stallion, but a colt, an older colt but a colt nonetheless. Vinyl did a double check, maybe it wasn’t baby fat after all; His belly had a sizeable paunch that hung underneath his neck had the beginnings of a double chin confirming for Vinyl that he it wasn’t baby fat on the colt he was just fat.
  16. Vinyl nodded and walked over to the full body mirror her ear plugs drowning out everything the pegasus was saying. Looking at her own figure, a bit wide at the ass, but that was fine with her; her mare-friend, was an ass mare and Vinyl aimed to please and this kid was gonna help her please..Looking at the colt still running his mouth and taking a seat on the couch, Vinyl grimaced, asking herself if he was really the one. Of course the kid wouldn’t be the first Vinyl had done, reaching back and rubbing her plump ass Vinyl recalled those three little fillies who were insistent about finding their cutie marks. Vinyl briefly considered sending the kid home, he could be acting out during a rough patch in his life and not really thinking straight.
  18. Vinyl opened her mouth and pointed a hoof to it. The older colt stopped his gushing and stared for a few moment before nodding with a smile.
  20. “Yeah! I can sing really well! It’s my special talent after all” The fanboy stated patting his cutie marked flank.
  22. Vinyl smiled and nodded lighting up her horn and picking the kid up with her magical grip. Lifting him high over head Vinyl sat back, opened her mouth wide and with a practiced aim dropped the kid, rear first, into her gullet. The force of him spreading her jaws, filling out her cheeks and swelling her throat so quickly the first neon glow necklace snapped and shot off Vinyl’s throat, landing somewhere across the room. The colt was shocked, his entire lower half was stuffed in his idols maw, and a thick swallowing sound told him she wasn’t stopping what she was doing.
  24. “Wha-what are you doing Miss Vinyl?” He said, feeling her tongue swiping back and forth across his gut
  26. Vinyl sighed as his taste and wide belly filled her mouth. Thinner ponies were easy to swallow down, but fat ones like this were a delight all their own, swirling her tongue on his stomach and gnawing playfully at his fat Vinyl realized he wasn’t moving, no matter how many times she swallowed.
  28. “It’s a funny joke but I’d like to be spit out now, please Miss Scratch?” the boy asked trying to wiggle free.
  30. Vinyl’s horn lit up again, and grabbed a roll of his flab and timing it with her throat muscles pushed the kid into her throat. It was inch after inch, but progress was made as the chubby pegasus pulled into his idol’s warm throat. The kid felt himself being stuffed into Vinyls jaws, it was only then that he realized that she wasn’t playing around. The kid panicked and began flapping his wings to get away. His efforts were a partial success, the sudden beats of his wings launching him forward and pulling some of his drool laden body from Vinyls gullet.
  32. The sudden act of defiance pulled Vinyl from the couch, and if it hadn’t been for her reflexes biting down on the colts meaty backside he would have slipped from her throats grip. Both ponies hit the floor, colt using his still free fore hooves in tandem with his wings to free himself. Vinyl was quick, using all four of her hooves and bit of magic to fling her head and meal skyward and jumping to reclaim the little bit of her meal that she lost, and landing stiff legged on her hind legs to claim an additional bit of the colt before dropping down to her forelegs; Vinyls lips now wrapped around his fatty hips. The colt felt Vinyls teeth now nibbling at his love handles and panic set it, his wings beating hard to escape.
  34. “No no no! Please I just wanted to meet my hero!” The colt cried, his eyes welling with tears.
  36. Heart racing, the colts fear driven flight dragged the voracious Vinyl around the room. Vinyl made a sound resembling a scream of excitement, all the ponies she had eaten were simply willing, she had never had one play the unwilling angle before; she had to admit, she was gonna miss him when he was gone. Pulled along for the ride, Vinyl could hear a faint muffled yell coming from the colt through her ear plugs but hopping over the stool in front of the vanity desk and quickly bounding off the face of the jukebox distracted her from hearing anything he might be saying. Vinyl used her magic to fold some more of his belly fat into her mouth, inching her way up the colt as he flew in circles around the room, knocking over one of the plants near the mirror.
  38. “I-I can’t, I don’t wanna, I’ll be a good colt and never breath a word of this! I promise Miss Scratch! P-please!” The colt wailed, tears streaming down his face.
  40. The colt looked back Vinyl and that moment of distraction was all it took. The colt flew full speed into the door of the room, the force of which did the majority of Vinyl’s work for her and jammed all of himself into her mouth and down her now distended throat; snapping two more of the neon glow necklaces around Vinyls neck and sending them flying. The sudden swell of her throat being filled so forcefully by such a large meal made tears form at the corner of her eyes. Firmly in Vinyls throat, the chubby colt moaned in pain and saw the door he hit briefly before Vinyl closed her mouth, leaving just his muzzle and fore-hooves outside.
  42. “I-I want my mom,” the colt weakly cried
  44. A few more thick, heavy swallows and Vinyl had packed her meal into her stomach; the last neon glow necklace giving up and snapping as the bulk of the colt slid down her strong throat. Vinyl’s gut now hung underneath her, filled and squirming, letting out a victorious belch she walked over to her sofa and sat down. Stretching her fore hooves across the back of the couch, Vinyl watched the soothing motions of her belly shifting as the little guy inside struggled. Vinyl stroked and patted her belly, chuckling. Settling back and yawning, Vinyl took her shades off and removed her ear plugs, setting them to the side, before catching some sleep before her next set..
  46. Sleep was peaceful for Vynil, her filled gut shaking for a little while after she fell asleep before falling silent and still. The colt succumbed quickly and Vinyls stomach had no trouble treating him like the meal he was. His body was churned away and digested, each hour Vinyls belly softened and shrank leaving just a pot belly where there was once a young colt.
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